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Everything posted by Holzi

  1. You were right I had zoom 110%, but the german translation is still overlapping with 100% zoom so I changed that text. For showing the country flags in player overview I added the code from tato skin. One more question: I wanted to change things on the national team overview screen (attached screenshot). Could you point me to that file too? Thanks!
  2. Hello again, can you tell me in which xml and which part the marked translation is made? (it is overlapping the logo) Also is it possible to show the national flag instead of the confederation logo? Thank you very much!
  3. Thanks very much! I tested them and they are working great! Can you tell me what piece of code you added? It is also shown the number of away viewers! Meanwhile I tried the Rensie skin with some modifications (I added stadium city and capacity to the match screen). Here I have a question: Is it possible to display the capacity number also with a semicolon like the actual viewers number? Is there a different variable for it? (It is shown with a semicolon in the "sold tickets" pre match tactics panel) Thanks for all the help!
  4. Have you tried to play around in game/intro panel.xml? (Line 44) <!-- Overlay over the top of manager BG --> (Taken from TATO24 skin) <widget class="picture" id="bkg1" file="main menu/main menu24" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="false" keep_aspect_ratio="false"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" /> </widget>
  5. I have the same problem. Additionally I wanted to know if it is possible to move the whole menu or ist it hardcoded?
  6. I really like the look of your skin but I have two (personal) improvement suggestions. I wanted to add the audience number to the match stats in the match full time review panel, match in between highlights panel and match mid match review panel as well as changing the statistics display to the default one (atm it is feedback). I tried it by myself but without luck. Screenshots can be found in this post for better explanation: Thank you very much for your help. I am new to all this.
  7. Thank you for your reply. Tbh I am a little bit lost here.. I attached the xmls you mentioned maybe you can point me in the right direction? Or do you think its better to ask in the Tato24 thread? match full time review panel.xml match in between highlights panel.xml match mid match review panel.xml
  8. Hello! I am using Tato24 skin and wanted to add the viewers number to the half time match stats screen, full time match stats screen as well as to the already played games match stats screen. In addition I wanted to switch the feedback display (default shown atm) with the statistics display (I want this to be default) in all those screens as well. See screenshots. It would be very nice if someone can explain me how and where to add this changes if possible! Thank you very much!
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