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Everything posted by mikcheck

  1. I signed a striker who can perfectly fit my team, problem is that he likes to comes deep, but I still decided to buy him. Fingers crossed so he can unlearn that
  2. Isn't always been that easy to sign young promosing players? Or is that any FM version more balanced than others where for example big clubs are more aggressive signing them?
  3. When you guys find a player that perfectly suits your style by the attributes and personality he has, but with 1 unwanted trait, do you still sign him, perhaps hoping that he can unlearn it?
  4. @crusadertsar did you try to play with "invite crosses" selected? I guess that's the same as narrow defensive width? I think it's logical for that type of football.
  5. How conflicting is it to tell the keeper to distribute to centre backs and also throw it long?
  6. What does poor heading really means? That the player don't know how to head the ball? A poor technique when doing it?
  7. A central defender with high jumping reach but poor heading, does that put you off or would you still consider that player?
  8. Sorry if people already posted about this, but does someone has, at this point, opinions about the long term AI squad development? Is it better than before and as they promised? What about the AI managers, are they smarter and harder to play against? Thanks.
  9. I don't go as far as attributeles, but I play with stars instead of attributes and also no CA/PA stars, just scout reports. Also no player search and I leave scouting to scout chief. I try to make it more challenging by playing that way.
  10. Playing in a lower block with a 442, how importat is in your opinion for the 2 midfielders to have good positioning, bravery and tackling (even more in this case, as there's only 2 midfielders in the middle) ?
  11. I play 2 upfront. The creative one has the instruction to stay wider and roam, while the finisher one plays as a PF with no instructions. He's playing on the side of his natural foot. Almost reaching the end of the season and he scored 32 so far, so cant really be mad about it.
  12. I leave scouting to the chief scout, that makes the game more realistic for me.
  13. @Cleoncould you answer this? Do you think that the low/mid block tactics work just fine despite many people complain that it doesnt work and is broken in FM?
  14. Using a 2 striker system, the one you want to be the main scorer, will you use him on the wrong side of his preferred foot? A left footed striker on the right side for example. Is that something you pay attention to? Thanks
  15. Thanks, that make sense. And do you think that the low block needs to be worked, like they say they're doing it in FM23?
  16. I don't know if it's the same case with FM22, but are long throws overpowered in FM21 (the version I'm playing) or in general, in your opinion? I just noticed that I have a player with good attribute and I've scored 2 goals from long throws in just 1 match.
  17. I thought you'd have even lower. I just enjoy it when I win and have low possession 😃
  18. @Cleondo you still playing with that same team? If so, how advanced are you? I'm asking this because that system relies a a lot on the attacking WB's, they really need to be good and excel. But it's known that the game does not produce many quality WB newgens, with good attacking attributes. Finding one with good dribbling and crossing it's like finding gold, let alone good off the ball too. So how are you solving or how would you solve that? Training wingers to be WB's?
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