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Everything posted by mikcheck

  1. @crusadertsar thank you for another cracking thread. Out of possession wise and since the 442 only uses 2 bodies in the middle, would you agree to use a narrower width when defending or do you change it depending on what's happening in the game/opposition?
  2. Thanks for the answer. That makes perfect sense. This is his team status below, I don't think it's too high for him to have none in that mentoring group
  3. Hello, I recently bought this player, named Jon Garcia. However, as you can see, his estimated effect from group is none. What could be the reason for this? He has potential but low determination and I was looking to increase it with mentoring. But I guess that mentoring wont have any effect on him
  4. What if you have strikers who are both fast and good in the air? Would you use hit early crosses? What about the type of crosses, would you leave it mixed?
  5. Hi, Are those instructions something you normally use to define your style of play or instead you use him depending on how a match is going? If it's the latter, are both instructions best used for example when the other team is pressing you high and with a strong attacking intent? Is early crosses also good against teams defending deep? Thanks
  6. Do you guys sign players with low determination attribute? Or is it a red flag for you?
  7. Yeah I did think about the WB(D), but the thing is that the role has "run wide with the ball" hardcoded. And since I want that player to be a kind of IWB, but not really being one, I don't know if that would suit what I want. Basically I want the player to be narrower than a usual FB is and being a deep passing option (so he needs to also have decent passing) , but I don't want him to act like a IWB
  8. Hi all, I want the the left FB to be more conservative and stay deep, not only to be a passing outlet but also because he has 2 aggressive roles in front of him, IW(a) and BBM that also has gets forward trait. Do you think that the defend duty is too conservative (even more when playing a balanced mentality) or would you use him as a FB(s) instead? Regarding width on that side, I instruct the IW(a) to stay wider. Thank you!
  9. @themadsheep2001hi sorry but could you please post your setup? Also, about going with a narrower defensive width, is it something you normally change depending on the opponent and their formation? You go narrow against strong teams? Thanks!
  10. Thanks a lot for the amazing reply @OJ Its makes sense for you to play wide then. Being one of the top teams in the game, I'm sure most of the teams park the bus against you.
  11. Ah yes, that's the one I'm using and I forgot that I was talking to that skin's creator . Thank you for the skin btw. It really make thins more realistic.
  12. @OJthanks for sharing this. Can I ask you why do you play wide with a possession system and already with a positive mentality? Is it because of the underlap instruction? Also could you please share the traits you said your players have and if do you think their detrimental to your playing styl? I'd also like to know your average ball possession please. Thanks!
  13. Can I ask which skin you use? Even tho I'm still playing FM21, I also put some restrictions in my game. For example I use a skin that shows starts instead of attributes and no CA/PA stars. I also don't use player search and I leave all the scouting to my scouts and only sign players those players they scout. What about transfers? Do you impose some restrictions?
  14. Thank you. Yes I've understood it better now. Sorry, English it's not my native language and sometimes I miss a few things. Of course its always better to have full bars, but training attributes that I don't want them to train, either because I think they aren't necessary for my playing style or because they're already too good at them (or too weak that it's a waste to spend CA there), just to fit to the role they play its something that I admit I never did, because I didn't know, until recently, that the only way to get that full bar was to train the same role they play.
  15. Sorry, I didn't quite get your words. You're saying that I should train them within the same role and it's important for that bar to be full?
  16. Hi, Do you guys care about position/role/duty familiarity? If so, I guess you train your players in the role you want them to play? How negative is to have an awkard familiarity there? Because for example I have someone who plays as a CF(s) but I train him as a DLF(s) instead, because he's already too good at heading and I don't want him to waste attributes in long shots for example.
  17. Thank you. Oh maybe he doesn't have it, but I'm still playing FM21 version, and both FB(A) and WB(A) have cross more often.
  18. Hi. If you want a player in FB position to be aggressive but avoid crossing too much like and attacking duty does, how would you solve this? Using him as a WB(s) and teach him "get forward" trait for example?
  19. @Cleon question not exactly related with this topic subject, but more with the strikers. I know you play attributeless, but let's assume you'd play with attributes and you'd find 2 strikers that would fit your system. Would you still sign them if the one playing for the support role had "gets forward trait" and the attacking one "comes deep" traits?
  20. I'm still playing FM21, but I also find it very hard to change some personalities. Sometimes it changes, but other times it doesn't. I guess you also need to have a bit of luck. It is what it is. Unfortunately I had to say no to young talents who could potentially fit the way I want to play because they had personalities like fickle or mercenary, which I find incredibly hard to change. I'm even a bit skeptical when they have a balanced personality, because I hate that one too lol.
  21. Hi, When you have this option, so the player wears protective equipment (arm injury for example), do you choose it over a specialist?
  22. Thanks for another article @Cleon Which style you prefer between those you've presented us? A lower block or a possession playing style?
  23. Do you always train your players with the same role you play them?
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