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Everything posted by mikcheck

  1. I like to play with normal defensive line and a mid/low block. In that case I don't care too much about pace and acceleration, except for the ones I want to attack the space. Positioning, antecipation and concentration are really important for for defenders tho. However if I played with a higher line, I'd definitely want my defenders to have pace and accelaration.
  2. Really nice job but man, that's a lot of TI's for my liking
  3. @Rashidido you agree that formations with 2 up top, like 442 are easier to make it to work well also because of the fact that its easier to get the main striker to score?
  4. That info is there There's a variety in the type of goals he scores, but mostly with a pass/cross from the IW(s) and passing combinations with the BBM and DLF(a). He has very good jumping reach and heading too, which help him to score more.
  5. Thesea are the numbers my WM(a) had last season and I think these are not bad at all, considering that he plays in MC strata. 27 goals and 7 assists in 36 games. PI: Stay wider
  6. When you guys create your training schedules, do you create multiple ones? For example, one for weeks with no games, another one for weeks with 1 game and another for those weeks with 2 games
  7. And what about both players with the same JR but different heights? I guess the taller one will jump higher?
  8. @crusadertsarhow many times do you change your tactic during a season? Nice one tho. I've never had much success with wingerless tactics but the closest I've been to that was using a narrow 4-3-1-2. Curious about the distribute to centre-backs and throw it long. Is that to also give the keeper an option to launch counter attacks?
  9. @herne79I've asked in another thread but since you've mentioned the BWM, I'll ask it to you too. Would you use a player with less tackling capacity to tackle in BWM role or would you change it to a DM for example? This is the BWM I've had in a flat 442 low/medium block and that I sold to Real Madrid. I don't use attributes but you can see that he excels in all the physicals, tackling and positioning, among other important ones for the role. This is the guy I have to replace him. He's nowhere near as good and I'm afraid we won't perform that well there: The only thing they have in common is that both suck in determination
  10. @Rashidi would you still apply the BWM role to a player with not so good tackling? Or would you change it to a simple CM(D) instead?
  11. That normally happens in long term injuries, right? And does it normally goes back to the previous number?
  12. When you guys use a counter attacking strategy, would you prefer a AF over a PF? Or they're both similar when the team has the ball?
  13. If bravery and/or aggression are part of your DNA, then your players should already have them high, because they wont increase much, if anything
  14. Would you consider exploitative to use 2 strikers on attack duty? What results are you having?
  15. You mean like this one that Rashidi used in one of his videos
  16. In terems of exploiting tactics, what would be the ones that would do that? For example 3 strikers? Asymmetrical formations? Even with 2 strikers, should we consider an exploit if they both have attacking duties?
  17. When you see a (probably) wonderkid in a big European team but the only way to have it is on loan (since the club is asking for a big price), would you still go for the loan and play him, even though you're not sure if you'll be able to keep him in the future?
  18. It's the very first time I've created training schedules instead of leaving them to the assistant. My plan is to alternate between these 2 every month. More defence training 1 week and attacking the next one. Direct and quick counter attacking is my team playing style, so having quick players is also important for me.
  19. When you guys create a training schedule for the whole month, how do you normally do? Keep the same every week or every week of the month is different? And do you mix things up or for example 1 week focused on defence, next week more on attack, etc?
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