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Everything posted by mikcheck

  1. When you say the blue defence and blue attack, are those from the match practice or general ones?
  2. Sorry, miss this post. So you create based on your playing style? What do you normally do the day before and after a match? Match preview before and both recovery and match review after for example?
  3. Couldn't agree more with this. Even I have all the best facilities/coaches/personalities, I wouldn't want that. I love that fact that once in a very while I have that wonderkid and mold him. That brings me joy to play the game,
  4. @crusadertsar thanks for the update. Any transfer targets? So will you return to the original 4411 with a PF?
  5. While Silva is technically better, I think Sadiq fit so much better in this style of play. He is faster and can jump higher, and that is essential, in my opinion. Can't have someone slow there. I wonder how that much higher defensive line coupled with a mid block is working? Defensively you're really compact with that choice, but are you finding balls behind the defence a problem? And about the TF role, how is it working? I'd though that a PF would be a better choice, just because playing a TF as a lone striker, there's situations when the ball is played direct to him, in times where he can be too isolated for that. But of course, that's just theory
  6. Didn't play FM24 yet but does defending or mid/low blocks still weak and gengenpress systems overpowered? @crusadertsar I'm looking forward to this one, not only because I sympathize with Real Sociedade, but also 4411/442 are two of my favourite formations. One thing you mentioned and it's important for me playing a medium/low block, is to have midfielders with good jumpin reach. I go even far and I try to have ALL of my players with that capacity. It's hard to find, but I try my best to have it like that. It's really important too in those long goal kicks, to start counter attacks.
  7. Do you create your own? Do you keep it the same every week or you change it every week?
  8. Do you guys create your own training based on your playing style or leave it to the assistant? I always leave it to him, but I'd like to start to create my own to take the most of my playing style, but it's an area that I definitely lack knowledge.
  9. Everyone plays the game as they want, obviously. But I'm a bit tired to constantly see tactics with maximized lines and pressing, that it's kinda refreshing when I see subjects discussed in threads like this. That's also because I try to play like that.
  10. Do you still use Ricardo Horta there? He's right footed, isn't he? Btw still having a good run with the tactic?
  11. @crusadertsar I was going to ask about the width on the left side, since you have a IFB and a IW, but then I noticed that you instruct the IW to stay wider. Even though he has the inclination to cut inside, he still keep the width without the ball, so that make sense to me.
  12. Good results there and I think both tactics are nicely structured and logical. Did you finished the season yet? Do you still play the same way against teams who play cautious against you or because you're Cadiz most of the teams were more adventurous, leaving space behind?
  13. You were playing with Bayern, right? Will you keep that save in FM24 or will start fresh? Btw just curiosity, but how do you keep motivated to keep playing and enjoying a save where you're already established as the best team?
  14. Thanks. That looks like a nice and balanced setup. Did you have nice results and counter attacks with t? Regarding AF, you think changing it to PF(a) would be ok?
  15. So you'd say that 2 strikers formation are easier than other formations that use 1 striker? I'm using a flat 442 with 2 attack duties upfront (DLF and AF), but that's because I want to play a quick counter attacking game and if there's something I hate and takes away the joy to play tha game is to use something that's kind of cheating and that's also the reason why I use a low/medium block and not those crazy maxed out pressing tactics.
  16. Hi. Would you guys consider this a good key passes/ number of games average ? - 68 key passes in 32 games (he is a DLF(a) but more of a creator too. He also has "comes deep" trait) - 130 key passes in 49 games (he plays in MR position, not a playmaker role, but he is instructed to play like one)
  17. @Johnny Ace433 and 4231 are the formations you use the most? I'd like to see your take in a 442 too!
  18. @Johnny Ace being a top team is "Be More Expressive" something you normally use? Another question related to that TI is, does it still make sense to use it if your playing style is a medium block?
  19. I understand, but I like to keep things a bit harder and more realistic. That's why I do that.
  20. Thanks. The only problem I see is the lack of width, but if you have a capable and smart player playing there (CWB), maybe that wont be a big problem. And btw, you did include a CWB on attack in your Complete Forward system
  21. @Johnny Ace what's your thoughs on using a CWB(s) and a WP(s) on the same flank, protected by a DM(d) or a more cautious role on their side? Too much roaming?
  22. Thanks for your reply. I'm not the best club in the world (far from it) but all my scouts are good and I have a highest package. It very rare to get any player whenever I go for a short-term focus.
  23. How do you guys normally use your crosses? Mixed? For example if you have a striker good in the air and also fast, it's a good option to leave it on mixed? But if he's weak at jumping but fast, low crosses maybe? Thanks
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