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Everything posted by mikcheck

  1. I wonder what you guys, the ones using or that used a flat 442 do regarding this?
  2. How do you guys deal with formations that use more bodies in the middle like against a 4231 or 433? Do you ask one of your strikers to mark the most defensive midfielder for instance? The problem is if you do that, you may also lose some attacking capacity, especially those quick counters.
  3. That's interesting. So you use a SS and a Poacher? I guess you'll need a smart and creative player playing the SS, so he knows where to be and also feed the Pocher. Against teams that sit back, don't you find the Poacher a bit useless there? Do you change his role in those situations? Also, regarding your 4411, could you mention the other roles you use in your setup?
  4. I'm using a DLF(a) and a AF as strikers. I also set the DLF(a) to roam and stay wide because on his side he has a BBM and a IW who comes inside. I also find that the Poacher is too static for my liking.
  5. And for example for a low/mid block maybe better positioning and concentration for example?
  6. Would you consider one of the key attributes for a defender or you'd put other attributes like positioning and concentration above?
  7. Hi. Do you find marking essential for a defender? Does marking comes into play only when you instruct your player to mark a specific player?
  8. Even playing in a winger role on the opposite side of his strong foot, will he still do it without the cut inside trait?
  9. Yeah I find that it can be useful for this playing style. Not only that but also a keeper with good vision and kicking. That's why I don't select nothing else but counter "in transition". Sometimes his kicks are really stupid and it makes me pull my hair , but I guess I have do deal with it
  10. I'm sorry for the images, they're too big and the post is not very well presented and somewhat confusing because of that. I hope it doesn't bother you much. I'd just wanted to show you some info about the season with this tactic. Just another 2, average possession and headers won. I see that the strategy to only buy players that have good jumping reach for the kind of football I want to play (amongst other attributes of course, depending on their position) somehow resulted, as we stand 1st, with 55% ratio. I found that curious
  11. Here's some details for this last season, including the tactic and instructions I used for the most, sometimes I change the width (I never really know which setting to use here) and much more urgent pressing sometimes too. Results have been meh, considering that I have some good players. I don't know if it's because the ME doesn't favour lower lines (remember this is FM21), but I don't want to believe that
  12. Hello peeps, I wonder if you're one of those who spend many years at the same club? What's your record? Thanks
  13. @crusadertsarsince a flat 442 requires players with good defensive attributes in the middle, in which unit do you put your BBM in? Defensive?
  14. Yeah I went for a defend duty because of both BBM and WM(a) and also to try to form a kind of back 3 with the FB(d) and CD's
  15. What about the defending duty FB? Would you use support duty with hold position PI instead?
  16. I know lots of people like to use 2 support duties in a 2 man midfield, but I don't like it, because I always miss someone to stay deeper to be a passing outlet when there's no other passing options.
  17. Out of curiosity, which roles you'd use in a flat 442 if you had the players? I use a BBM but is one of my best players and I think he fits the role there, he's good at both positioning and off the ball, work rate and passing.
  18. @Cleon thanks! @Johnny Ace and what if it's a team that is not on the lower/weaker leagues? I mean, isn't a viable playing style? I'm playing in Eredivisie and even tho I'm not the best team, I have a good squad for that level. One thing that I find, is that I always have to ask my DLF to man mark the opposition DM or the more defensive MC, otherwise there is always a man free if they play with a 3 man midfield and it open up gaps in my team. Other thing that I never know what to use is attacking width because I think it makes sense to go a bit narrower with a 442, but with a balanced mentality, that might be too narrow, resulting in some congestion.
  19. Hi, This is not FM23, but I think the principles remain the same. Is this defensive strategy too passive for you? Do you see something wrong that you'd change? I have the players for this playing style, most of my attacking players are fast and good jumping reach too. Both of my wingers have at least 15 for jumping reach (I don't know exactly the attribute number because I play with stars, not attributes) . That is also why I don't "play out of defence", I leave the distribution to be decided by the keeper. If he decides to play long, we can always have a good chance to win it in the air. Thank you.
  20. Thanks for the content you post here @Cleon. Even though I still play FM21, I always learn something and it's a time well spent reading it.
  21. @crusadertsarit's always entertaining and interesting to read your tactical thoughts, so thank you. I also wonder how many saves you already started, since you already opened a quite few tactical threads (not complaining!) Regarding the poacher role, did you already play against teams who park the bus and sit deep? I always had in my mind that a poacher can be really effective against teams who leave space behind, but not so much against defensive teams, since it's not a mobil role.
  22. Since I like to spend many years in the same club, I normally put tactical and scouting restrictions. In terms of tactics, I don't use those that can take advantage of AI, like full pressing and all out attacking. It's actually the opposite, I user low/mid block tactics. In terms of scouting, I don't use player search, I just scout/buy players that my scouts recommend. CA/PA starts are also removed. I also play with starts instead of player attributes
  23. I'm just saying that maybe it's not the best option to play wider when you use a flat 442 or any other formations with just 2 bodies in the middle of the pitch
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