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Everything posted by gunner86

  1. If one of you finishes first, don’t share the results. Otherwise the person finishing second might sacrifice league play to ensure they get further in cups.
  2. Nuts right? I’m managing England and can still call up a 22yo Nigerian striker with 12 caps, some of which are qualifiers, but might be less than 3 cos I don’t have all the match details.
  3. Wasn’t there something about qualifiers not counting now? Maybe that’s for U21s… It was talked about here:
  4. It only counts games in major tournaments now I believe.
  5. So I guess today is the day we learn about intermediaries…?
  6. Beta around two weeks before though. Or use the time to sort out graphics etc.
  7. I’ve done it in the past with Leno / Ramsdale and Leno / Cech at Arsenal. And at Atletico in a save when they had 2 good keepers. I also always have a keeper on the bench, and wouldn’t be against subbing him if he decides to go full Onana.
  8. I think it’s theoretically possible though. The function to add leagues exists, and the clubs are in the game. You’d end up with a league full of newgens, but it would be active. I’d place this firmly in the “Don’t rule it out” column.
  9. While I’m all for this, the more casual player might find this off putting. Hopefully has the game grows after the big changes in 25 they can start adding options like this in, but with squad building the way it is now it would be a nightmare anyway
  10. I think you may have missed the point a little here, it’s overspending on transfer budget that will trigger the board to step in. So if you’re not overspending on wages, and don’t use up your transfer budget you’ll be fine. Just having a negative cash balance won’t trigger that kind of message.
  11. If it works as intended, this is exactly the way I’ve wanted development to work. It’s not about adding variable PA for me, it’s all about adding variety to developmental progression of players. It’s the part of todays blog I’m actually excited about
  12. My assumption is Tuesday (today), Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday for the 5 feature blogs. I’m not sure how I feel about todays stuff, all the improved transfer and squad building bits feels like stuff we’ve been promised before. My whelm is currently a little under - I’m hopeful, but also apprehensive about it. Oh, maybe I do know how I feel.
  13. Generally, it should, yeah. It’s a pretty core element
  14. No, I get that. But I think it adds more justification for making it work, particularly with the rise of people gaming in that way. It’s possibly tipped the scales in the cost benefit analysis.
  15. Technically. It says this week. Still hoping for today, even if it’s just 1 of the two, but wouldn’t be surprised by a Tuesday/Thursday drop
  16. Actually they kind of did. Or at least list it as a benefit:
  17. That area of the game needs a change IMO. Since they brought in the ability to offer players to other clubs, how many times has an AI run club offered you a player? We’ll find out in a few days how it’s going to work in more detail, but Miles made it sound (to me at least) that this was a different way to operate, and not all transfers would be done in this way.
  18. *Roughly* 2 weeks before the 6th November. So any day now
  19. Read the 3 posts immediately before yours
  20. Yeah, this is my assumption too. Can’t see why it wouldn’t work.
  21. At this point J-League still isn’t confirmed. People have (reasonably) made the assumption it’s coming, but the post only mentions being sold in Japan and supporting Japanese. Not sure what the state of Konami’s exclusivity is.
  22. Given that they’ll already pre pretty far down the development road for FM25, a change away from unity. Theres already a discussion for that topic here
  23. Because of the way it works though, being labelled a wonder kid, doesn’t necessarily mean he’s the best option. It is possible that other players in the same age bracket are not labelled that way but have a higher CA, PA, attribute spread and personality. TL;DR Francis Jeffers
  24. Yeah, that’s what I ended up doing last year after ShopTo lost the Beta
  25. In the past, they have had 2 versions, one with and one without. Still a bit dicey though if they’re not on the list.
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