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Everything posted by gunner86

  1. I would think it would be fine. It’s essentially just making a DB change
  2. Interesting. I mean, it’s by no means a deal breaker, but I’ve always found it adds immersion. Particularly when managing in non licensed leagues. Like I said, I will wait and see.
  3. I do share some of the concerns around save games moving from one version to another, having had a save ruined inexplicably by an ME update - although I think I inadvertently stumbled on an exploit that was allowing me to overperform my teams ability, and was basically closed off. In terms of edited databases though I would expect those to carry over, because the leagues, clubs, players etc become part of the save, and as someone else has mentioned, you can transfer between users and PCs without having the edt files on the new device. big question from me for FM25 outside of what the game will look like and the features is how is this going to affect graphics and things like face packs and logos. I strongly suspect though, this will be a “wait til it’s out” discovery. Excited for the future though. Looks like good things are coming.
  4. For me, I’d say find a tactic that’s gonna work for you and the players that are there, and maximise what your staff can give you. There’s always massive gains that can be made in staffing.
  5. It used to be that newgens could get other offences, not sure if that’s still the case. Way back on a turn of the century CM (either 00/01 or 01/02) I had Rivaldo get a 6 month ban for striking an official at Barcelona.
  6. Yeah, 100% agree. But I, for one was praising the match engine at release this time round. I was also a fan of FM22’s ME where I had 0 issues with my tactic when updates rolled out (at least nothing that couldn’t be quickly fixed). I’ve also been around long enough to have seen these threads myself, but the mere fact it looked like no one else had made one was the reason that I started one, because I was a little surprised that I was the only one with these issues. For what it’s worth, because I primarily used a 4-2-3-1 on 22, this had to be a whole new tactic because 23 uses the 2 MCs as DMs and I couldn’t replicate the style of play I wanted like that. I could make something usable, something that would win games, but it wasn’t visually right, and fundamentally, because I wanted to use an IWB, that role doesn’t perform in the same way when you have 2 players in the DM strata because the space isn’t available for them to move into. I don’t think it is this to be honest. My main save now is with Bournemouth, where admittedly, yes, I had been overachieving, but there is such a big contrast between how the team was playing last week to how they play now. It’s not even that I’m losing games that previously I was winning, the whole way the game plays out has changed, pass completion has dropped, I’m losing out on possession, I’m creating less chances, and the way my team does attack when it gets the ball forward is completely different. This is also true when I load up my Arsenal save where the quality of players is vastly better. Now, it may be that my tactic should never have worked as well as it did and that I’ve stumbled across some sort of exploit. Or it’s that the latest ME changes have done something that makes it far less effective. And looking at the change list, they list the AI having new midfield pairings to choose from and more effective use of players in counters. So it could be that my role and duty combos are now out powered by these new pairings, or that I’m now more vulnerable to counters, or both, or something else. But it sure feels tactical more than anything else.
  7. I don’t think it’s this, it’s definitely something I’ve experienced. I’m playing as Bournemouth and have gone through this already with them, but was a relatively easy fix. I’m also experiencing the same issues in my multi-title winning Arsenal save where I use a very similar tactic which is also now seemingly obsolete. I think I may well be at the opposite end to where you are. For me the last version was great. And that’s gonna come down to personal tastes. I think it’s annoyed me most that it’s happened during a season, so I don’t have a preseason to try and fix anything. And with the amount of time I’ve put into this save, I’m loathe to start again.
  8. It’s not that it’s not effective, it’s just completely useless, what was crisp fluid attacking movement, is now clunky, plodding, laboured play that ultimately culminates in 8 of my players clogging the opposition box before passing back to the half way line. Perhaps it is just me, but having spent 5 months honing a tactic, only to have it all undone is a bit of a gut punch.
  9. Like the title says, the winter update for me has taken a tactic that has brought me relative success to one that just does not work. My midfield, previously the most effective area of the team, is now pointless. They wait to be tackled, they pass off target, they press with the intensity off a wet sock - stopping 2 metres away from any opposition. And the AI with its new combinations and more effective countering just cuts through or around me. Nothing I try works, I force the opposition inside, they pass their way through, I show them outside, they score from crosses. it’s completely ruined my save, and I feel maybe FM23 for me. It feels like it’s gone from one of the very best MEs to one of the very worst. Or is it just me?
  10. The best in league only looks at cumulative totals of each attribute. So having more average coaches will rank higher than having less good coaches. I’ve not managed in the MLS in a while, but 16 coaching staff feels like a lot, I’ve had EPL teams with a smaller staff.
  11. I’ve always taken it to mean as good as that person is now. So by the time they get to that level of ability, or even potentially their peak, the player they’re being compared to could be even better still.
  12. There are 2 language settings now. One for main text, the other for certain terms. Make sure you’ve changed them both to English.
  13. Andrey Santos… that name is dangerously triggering…
  14. If you can’t get a recruitment analyst in, that normally means you have too many scouts. Or no space.
  15. While it feels very unlikely, it could mean reaching the Europa League via the cups. What were the expectations for the FA Cup?
  16. Your statement said it’s unheard of to go from League 2 to mid table prem in 6 years. Bournemouth were in League 2 in 2010 and finished 9th in their second season in the Prem in 2016/7 so 7 years. Fulham went from what is now league 2 in 1997 to finishing 13th in the prem in 2002 so 5 years. So it’s not unheard of is all. Back on topic though. What attributes are you giving your manager?
  17. Better than what he achieved against similar level opposition for me.
  18. Read my mind. Let me know how it goes. I can’t get on til the kids are in bed so have several hours to wait.
  19. I’m wondering whether, with the AM strata playing so high in relation to the ST strata this year, that having Ødegaard as an AP is taking too much of the ball away. Will experiment later with an AM(s). Failing that might have to a 4-3-3. Last year I had so many issues getting a striker to score. I’ve tried CF(a), PF(a), PF(s) and DLF(s). Just not clicking. Seems to be specific to Jesus, as Martinelli played one game up front in preseason and scored a hat trick.
  20. What role are you using for Jesus? I can’t get him scoring in pre-season.
  21. Mine is silky smooth. Someone else had a similar issue, advise was to update drivers, or if they’ve been updated recently to roll back to the previous version.
  22. I’m impressed with the ME from my first usage. Few more mistakes from players under pressure, bit more variety in build up play. Player models and animations look better than 22. Not gonna say anything about the environments. So far so good.
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