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Everything posted by wazzaflow10

  1. Totally fair then. I don't expect it to be an A+ grade. There should be some let down of letting that kind of player go that caps the fan reaction. Not knowing your club's finances but if that turned the club a huge profit I would expect a B there. Especially considering you got a 50% next sale clause too! (I'd hope the board gave you an A+ on that). I've seen grades change over time as results of the team go up and down. I'd hope that if your team went on a nice little run or the funds were reinvested into the squad the grade would improve after the initial sting wore off. And yeah its never really causes enough problems that I think I need to report anything immediately. Always just kind of whatever as long as I win that grade doesn't matter. The match grades are much more annoying when you win 2-0 or 3-0 and get a C because the fans expected 4+ goals or something. Just little things. But when I get back to playing 24 (took a hiatus while the scouting is bugged) I'll see if I can compile some reports for the dev team.
  2. Not game breaking but it is annoying that if you sell anyone who "isn't expected to make the first team" by the fans its basically impossible to get anything other than a C or F/E when you sell a player. I could see a grade like that for when Manchester United sold Ronaldo or Barca sold Neymar as they aren't selling clubs. Fans aren't happy a star was sold but recognize the team got good value. For smaller clubs there should be much more weight on if you sold the player far above value.
  3. I played 13 and thought the ball physics were way, way off. You'd have crazy banana ball effects or marble in a bathtub.
  4. I'd suspect when FM signed a license to use the Unity engine payments to Unity were specified in the contract. I doubt very much this affected them within this contract cycle. Unity can't just change the terms of the contract because their CEO made up some dumb pay to play idea.
  5. Great so now we know its your tactics. I overheard your star striker thinks you're not fit to manage a paper route let alone a football team. (I don't think he was being sarcastic)
  6. probably has low pressure/important matches attribute and/or poor consistency.
  7. Just for a comparison, I went back to fm23 (albeit demo version) to compare recruitment focuses to 24. Here's the focus details for 23 and the results after a month. 1 Recommendation and 33 near matches with reasons why they weren't recommended. This definitely does not occur in 24. @SI team if you want the save I can send it.
  8. Are you running a small number of leagues with lots of players loaded?
  9. Theoretically speaking... if penalties are expected to score about 80% of the time then about 1.5% of them will be tied after 5 shooters. After that we basically flip a weighted coin. Getting 34 successes in a row (shots 6 to 22 for each team) has a probability of .0005 or .05% chance. So .015 * .0005 = 0.0000075 or a .00075% chance of happening. Something like 1 in 133,333 shootouts.
  10. Even if they don't have the cuts inside from wing do players on their weak side cut in naturally? I think I remember reading something like playing a Mez on their strong side will cause them to bring the ball wide vs on their weaker side they'll bring the ball inside. Do wingers follow this same logic?
  11. Are you declaring them as a transfer target or top target or asking players to speak to the media about the transfer or scouting their games? Putting a single bid in and doing nothing after won't really affect things. If you time it right you can get players to threaten to run the contract down which is most effective with 2-3 years remaining depending on how far out you plan. Ideally you're buying players with 18 months or less left on their contract anyway. You can whittle the value down it just takes some time to truly unsettle someone. Its not always going to work though.
  12. This is a good reminder. I don't remember building that focus but that makes sense logically and wouldn't concern me if it came back as no first team players. I would still expect to see who they scouted in the players scouted tab even if the grade is an E or F. Any feedback on why zero players show up as scouted when looking for U18 with a CA of 1/2 silver star and PA of 1/2 silver star? That should be providing tons of reports and players scouted but frequently comes back with nothing and virtually zero players scouted. Also regularly see Belgium and Holland come back with nothing in either recommendations or scouted players despite lowering the CA and PA requirements (which I'm thinking is the threshold for "first team"). Most of the players I see from that league are from scouting UEFA comps.
  13. It seems more like the human's player valuation is just a guide for market valuation - i.e. selling significantly less than this amount will anger fans and the board. Only the player knows what they'd sell their players for so its impossible for the game to provide that number without a player input. If you get an offer I'd reckon the high valuation for AI players is the cost of impatience to accept right now. Its encouraging you to use the tools you have at your disposal. Make a bid for a low amount to get the team to reject and have the player get upset. Declare them as your top target, watch their matches etc. The number will come down. It might be a bit of a premium if you're a big club with a lot of cash. But that's how it is in real life. If you're impatient it'll cost you more and the AI can be impatient too. Plenty of people here have shown AI making 150, 200, 250M+ bids for players.
  14. Your wage budget might be too high. You're spending 15M on wages per year. That's basically your entire current balance. Could have one of the Glazer's spawns as the owners who likes to make a profit.
  15. I would assume that players on international duty don't get any benefits from training during international breaks. But I'm not 100% sure if that's true. Do you guys put a recovery or full day off for players coming back from international breaks or just roll with the weekly training?
  16. I do wish players would players would be a bit more direct at times. Feels like there's multiple occasions when a pacy striker would have a nice run in behind a high line but the player on the ball chooses to spray it wide or play a much safer pass even when you're asking to play more direct/take more risks. I think its much harder for smaller pacy strikers to get good ratings in a game (at least in the EPL) because they'll never win headers. Probably says more about the weighting of stats for the rating than the engine itself. For me it seems like the best way to play in the EPL is to get someone like DCL and bang cross after cross in. He's an absolute monster in the one save I have. Even got them into the Champions League Quarter final one year and they're kicking around CL spots consistently with Rooney as manager!
  17. The system is rigged for humans. You can do anything. The AI can only do what has been programmed.
  18. on a breakaway. no one near him. Yeah this is a common corner kick outcome. Dribbling players weirdly just lose the ball sometimes. Completely uncontested. Sterling was about 40 yards from goal and cleanly behind the defense for about 20 yards then as he got into the penalty area all of a sudden he gets caught by 1 then two others and the shot gets blocked. I'm not saying he should have scored b/c obviously he couldn't score on a 5 on 0 lol. This game was very much the typical sentiment of "game is scripted against me" of posts we get here. Think it was about 2-.5 xG and the score was 0-2 before they put in a third. I just turned it off an uninstalled afterwards. Been playing solidly since Beta. Just time for a break.
  19. just had the pleasure of watching Raheem Sterling get caught by a player with pace of 10 while on a breakaway. dope. meanwhile some no name right winger is turning chillwell inside out every highlight. time to take a break from this game. catch you all in march after the last patch.
  20. Yes there are walking animations but they might not be triggered when a player decides they don't feel like pressing. The ME might show an animation that is just ineffective pressing or a player doing something like not staying with their mark. Its often not worth trying to code a single instance of a single player doing a single thing in a game like this. Isn't this kind of your role as manager though? If you were playing as PSG or Barca with Messi you'd set him up so that pressing isn't expected. That's kind of the point of the Treq/Raum role. Putting Messi in a pressing tactic with a pressing role would set you up for failure. And I disagree with the premise that you generally want more pressing. Its one philosophy on how to play, its a popular one but its not the only way. If you're counter attacking you might want to wait so there's more space in behind the defense. Or you might be trying to play more positional defense. France did this quite well in 2018 to create space for Mbappe to run into once they recovered the ball. Its semantics at this point we're arguing they weren't good enough. If you put that front line on team with a competent midfield and defense its not an issue. You said it yourself the only technical midfielder they had was Veratti.
  21. If that's what you meant before then I agree that you need willing runners. But what you said (and if english isn't your first languange then I really understand) is more akin to Barcelona lost because they lost a single player who ran. The real issue with PSG is that you had two aging stars who most likely went there for the money. Likely didn't care about winning at PSG as much as they did at Barca. Probably the most telling quote you posted was this one That's really it. PSG aren't/weren't good enough to beat the big teams in Europe consistently. They did almost win one year v Bayern in the final and I'm sure that would have changed the narrative slightly but overall the squad simply wasn't good enough. Getting Neymar Mbappe and Messi to work together would be much easier if the rest of the squad was good enough. We know this because they couldn't even win Ligue 1 at a cantor like Bayern does sometimes. I think what you're seeing is more a failure of the animations than the ME itself. They probably haven't programmed a player to walk back like Messi when out of possession for a variety of reasons. Its more likely you see someone "press" but their pressing is never effective according to the ME. I don't think you could be successful and win matches consistently by pressing with players who have 1 work rate. Work rate isn't be all end all though. Aggression, bravery, determination, positioning also play a part of how effective a player presses. It also goes down to your tactic and role as you mentioned. If you've got gegenpressing active with a high LOE etc then messi is going to press not be very effective at it. There are times in real life where he'll press but he's also probably told to save his energy for attack. If you play something less intensive like a mid block or turn the TI to press down and use PI's to adjust who is pressing you can probably achieve a non pressing messi tactic by using a Treq or Raum role on the wing.
  22. Probably two fold if top players cost 1.5-2x of what they'd normally cost (assuming no other AI is interested) it prevents you from spending that money on other players while giving the AI two bites of the cherry to replace a player. I don't think its how it's done really but for a shortcut to AI Transfer logic I could see it. Crazier things have happened from games in the 90s lol.
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