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Everything posted by wazzaflow10

  1. Akshually its a very rarely used chess position while playing as black. You move your rook pawns to the fifth rank then your knight pawns up to the sixth rank. The key idea here is to funnel the white pieces towards your king while pinning your own queen. Its a very, very sharp position even for grandmasters like Magnus.
  2. Same here. Can put up some big results at home but away has become a bit of a struggle. The discrepancy is a bit odd where that is often the only difference theoretically. It makes me thing that if teams are too passive against me at home and a higher mentality would halt my home form as well. Still thoroughly enjoying this years engine much more than last year with the improvements as well. Its nice to see players move into space as you'd expect given roles and duties.
  3. I think they could go the route of making attributes values based on your scout/coaches JPA/player form etc and hide the actual values. So a 140 CA player might look like a 180 CA player or vice versa. Think it would at least remove some of the "easiness" of buying players you know are good and then brute forcing your way to the top. To me that's the "easy" part of the game that you can definitively know player X is better than player Y. I think it makes scouting and transfer policies much easier to deal with rather than having to decide if your top striker is really replaceable or not when a mega offer comes in. I don't think there's any risk in transfers right now. But as far as the ME goes, manipulating that to view the human team differently than the AI team for "difficulty reasons" is terrible. There'd be 1000 posts a day of ME is cheating even though the player selected the option. This is a wishlist item but it'd fun to see the ME evolve randomly over time - moving between positional and relationalism. AI managers could learn how to exploit different functions or have tactics playing styles that the ME favors. We're a long way off anything like that being implemented but in terms of difficulty you'd have to evolve your tactic as the ME favors different movements and patterns of play and theres no one "meta" tactic you can use.
  4. The reason was it was a game the AI manager expected to win handily. The question shouldn't be this should never happen but rather has it happened too frequently. Its not as black and white as SI saying if(first game of season = True) {don't rotate players} else {rotate}. Only the devs know if this was the extreme end of an extreme event or if its the norm which is why the OP should raise it as a bug with the save game attached so they can look at the conditions in which it happened.
  5. First match of the year is just an arbitrary game though. Game 1 counts the same as game 20. Could it be tweaked? Sure, I won't argue with it if we can find evidence that it has never happened or that more people have evidence of it happening frequently. But just because something has never happened doesn't mean it shouldn't be possible. That would mean a team like Luton would never be able to win the Premier League or San Marino win the World Cup simply because it's never happened. Finally and this is always the suggested path, if someone is convinced they found a bug (and not just a result they're unhappy with) then raise it in the forums. Calling the game the "worst FM ever" over such a minor incident is childish at best.
  6. I have to admit I don't think any of these make sense as a screenshot as examples for not playing through balls. The first one is marginal but hard to deny a player the choice to dribble on his own there. The rest appear to be very, very low percentage passes. There's not really much opportunity for through balls when you're on just outside of the penalty area. Do you have any examples of counter attacks or something closer to the halfway line where it'd be a clearer break? In my save at least I don't really see much of an issue playing these kind of passes. Counter attacks could maybe be more direct at times but I haven't seen much to make me think there's an issue. I attached my pkm this event is 45+1 fernandes goal. Man Utd v QPR.pkm
  7. 82 min goal is scored on what looks to be a poor pass/backpass from McTominay. Error is attributed to De Gea for coming out incorrectly. At least I wouldn't fault the GK for trying to play the ball here. I'd blame the poor pass first. Defenders in the area could also do with observation as to why they didn't react either. The lack of reaction makes me think its a poor pass they weren't expecting the ball there. IMO, either McTominay didn't pass the ball (animation and text error) and the defenders/GK were all caught napping on a cross. Or McTominay indeed played a poor pass and should be the one given the error. I can post this in animation if needed but seems to me like its a ME error first.
  8. Edit: it needed fixing. Glad to see its not extreme the other way.
  9. Its maybe a bug or something that could potentially be looked at if they raised it as a bug with what they think the issue is in the bug forum. They would have gotten a completely different response and a message from someone at SI if 95% of the post wasn't a childish tirade. But calling the game "the worst ever" and a bunch of hard work "********" is a poor way to get meaningful attention. But who's to say a manager would never ever do that if they had youth prospect they wanted to play? I've done it when I've been strong favorites on the first match of a season. And it seems the only issue is really that the AI rotated and lost a game. If they won would OP have cared? The AI gambled and it didn't work out. Its amazing how many people think that the game has to follow real life 1:1 at every moment in time or do exactly what the player would do. Rare events still need to happen otherwise we'd all be playing the same save.
  10. This is a feedback thread for the game but thank you for the kind review. I'm sure you'll inevitably change your mind when you discover I, like the game, have a few bugs and don't always make the optimal choice. I hope you don't consider me to be the worst person in the world after that.
  11. You went from "First of all I must tell you that this is by far the best Beta version that you have released, congrats to all team." to "Worst FM of all time". I gave you the attention you sought by mistake, apologies.
  12. What part of this is a computer game and the AI isn't going to make the same decisions as a human 100% of the time did you not understand when you bought the game? It's following a set instructions to rotate players when certain criteria is met. If you think there's a bug, instead of calling it "the worst game ever" and having a temper tatrum, log the bug in the bug forums with details of the problem and what you think it should be. For the past however long one of the major criticism of the game has been the AI doesn't use youth players or rotate the squad. AI rotates squad and less than 24 hours later someone complains the AI did what it was instructed and advertised to do.
  13. I wonder how much of this has to do with players at lower levels maybe having attributes that are too close to top level players rather than a ME problem, particularly attackers. It'd be an interesting experiment to turn down every 2nd division player's technical attributes by 1 and run it again.
  14. You're upset because the AI used youth players in a game they were expected to beat a team handily? That's literally the definition of rotating their squad. They gambled they could give their youth some experience and it didn't pay off results wise.
  15. Anyone who says they're good at regex is either lying or doesn't know they're lying . Just fear someone looking for a solution will do that over a few 100k lines and further break the game without understanding what happened.
  16. should just make sure there's no 200 inside that numeric sequence. Might be worth adding either regex to say only at the start of a string or search for "CHANGE_PLAYER_NAME" [however many spaces that is] 200 and then do "CHANGE_PLAYER_NAME" [however many spaces that is] r-200 just to be safe...
  17. Can't play for another couple hours (or I'd check it myself) but is Premier league U21 still bugged with no unregistered foreign players allowed in competitive matches? This was a save ported from 23 for comparison.
  18. Some SI statistician is probably in heaven with that amount of data generated. I'm sure it's amusingly frustrating when some small change takes it off the rails. Thanks for all your team's work. I'm looking forward to booting it up in a couple hours.
  19. Got it. Thanks for the explanation. Find it really fascinating it's trained on itself - that's got to take for ever to determine if its "right".
  20. Is this saying it takes time for the xG model in your game to adjust to the latest model? Or that matches played prior to the update do not reflect the current xG model (i.e. the game doesn't adjust those values post hoc)?
  21. My guess is so that more computers can run the game and you're not sitting for 15 minutes waiting for a day to process (i.e. deadline days or update days). Not many machines can handle loading every playable nation and league with added league mods and 200k-300k players for a perfectly balanced world that mimics real life and keep the game playable. I agree it would be incredibly helpful if SI gave more instructions on how to set up a world based on your objective or provide presets like they do for tactics. But the main idea I think is so that more people can play the game even if its just a single nation as to why there's no single default world.
  22. There's numerous posts about when you set up the database it affects where newgens get produced and the balance of the save. Simming 30-40 years with a bad set up with net you bad results. Is SI infalliable? Absolutely not. There's been plenty of mistakes regarding development and attribute distribution. However, there's also a large number of players who simply don't load the game correctly (either by choice or unknowingly) or do things SI never intended to be done or just simply purposely edit the game with something unrealistic and complain when the game gives them something unrealistic back. Manchester City has had 15 years of pouring unlimited money into the team they have one player that is making an large impact on their team in Phil Foden. Cole Palmer is maybe someone you could argue but they sold him because Halaand is better (also pretending like they're FFP compliant too). But thats it. People on here are expecting to get Messi every year because they upgraded. Guess what there's 19 other PL teams and 24 Championship team trying to find the best youth players too! Jude Bellingham came up through Birmingham when they were in the Championship. Facilities just increase your chances of getting a wonderkid but its not a guarantee.
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