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Everything posted by wazzaflow10

  1. I almost never use asymmetric formations anymore because it can be considered an exploit. It'd be nice if the AI would adapt to these or even use them. I do think it'd be beneficial to have a Wib-Wob visualizer only (rather than tactic creator) so you can see how your team will attack and defend. That would go a long way I think to helping understand the nuance behind player roles. I know SI probably doesn't want to make it to easy to unlock the secrets of a good tactic and dominate but for the non experts it would be much easier to understand why there's a gaping hole in your formation.
  2. The current format provides some limiting structure so that you at least have to pick a formation that is within reality. In some of the CM days you had total freedom of player positions. Some of these freedoms meant you could find game-breaking tactics that the computer would never consider and that SI could never possibly test. People still find ways to overpower the engine on occasion but they are much easier to root out and eliminate. So the current engine will always be behind "modern" tactics until the player movement can be hard coded and tested.
  3. While 7 games isn't enough to call it a trend or expect it to "balance out" in that short window generating 2 or 3 expected goals is still generating 2 or 3 expected goals. It is a little misleading statistically to say "check where you're shooting from". It would be much more beneficial to say if you're shooting from a lot from long range there's likely going to be more variance in your actual goals compared to your expected goals. Thus, you're going to have more games where you get "FM'd". This is similar to NBA teams who's strategy is to shoot 3 pointers repeatedly. An off night means you might only score 85 while an on night you might score 130+ while generating 110 points for both games. What the "xG can very quickly become inflated with getting tonnes of shots off" line of thinking proposes (unintentionally) is that there is an inequality present in the distribution of goals from the ME based on if you're a high shot/low quality team vs a low shot/high quality team given xG is equal. If you ran a trial of multiple seasons half of whom are high shot teams and the other half are low shot teams but generate equal xG they should, as a group, end up with no statistically significant difference in the number of actual goals scored. However the high shot team might have a wider distribution of actual goals scored on a game by game basis than the low shot team hence unequal variance and therefore possibly more inconsistency in results. in the long run there should be no fundamental difference in actual goals whether you employ a high shot or low shot strategy if xG is equal.
  4. I have often debated whether to quit the game entirely. I put it down for long stretches. But it scratches an itch that no other game can replicate so every so often I boot it back up and get sucked in again. tbh it's not the lack of control that gets me, it's the "one game you're putting 5 past your opponent to the next game you're questioning if all your players are colorblind" dynamic. I think the lack of feedback in terms of tactically this system is sound and players x,y,z just had off-days or yeah you need a total overhaul contributes to the general frustration on top of the receptiveness/predictability of the match engine for highlights.
  5. Its definitely not decisions. I am playing with Premier League teams and cross more often is on for the players that should be crossing. They should know when to cross. Just refuse to do it when it is on. I've not seen a free kick goal scored in a long time either. Plenty of spectacular saves though.
  6. What a small world lol. I just randomly got hired by them in a LLM journeyman save in FM18. So if I picked to start in summer of 2017 its possible they stayed up that year since its only halfway through the season. I probably still have the same on my desktop. Think I left it off getting slaughtered in OBOS-ligaen. That was back when I had time to play and deal with LLM stuff. Now I just go to bigger clubs because I want the meat of game for transfers and newer features you don't always get managing semi-pro or smaller teams.
  7. No worries. League One is the third division in England but Ligue 1 is the top division in France! Clearly there needs to be a UEFA league naming convention mandate. I had to check if I added that league as a separate file but I was certain I had real players in there. I remember my main forward being an 17/18 year old guy named Dalseth. Doesn't seem like he had the career in real life like he did in my game.
  8. I did a Norway save with Follo FK in 2018 so its definitely been in the game at least since then.
  9. You'll make up for it with throw-ins that occur between 6 and 20 yards from the byline (if it's between the corner flag and 6 yards you'll get called for offsides). If you want to win a game, play for set pieces and get as many throw ins as possible. Free kicks used to present some danger now they're just one of the many unplayable features of this version. I thought the release version was quite good and its gotten worse with every update. I went back to FM18 just to see what a cross looks like. Can only watch a player ignore 10 yards of space with three attackers waiting in the box and wait until he can clatter it off a defender's shins so many times. Sure some of the finishing in 2018 is bad and the shots look wayward at times but at least I'm not watching the same throw in routine or my right back run across the pitch to deal with a ball my left back is standing next to.
  10. This already happens in the game though. Young players who perform well in high reputation leagues than they previously played in can grow very quickly. Ones who struggle or play in lower tiers or with poor facilities grow slower usually. But there are always more than a few players in every game who have the potential to be leading PL/La Liga/Serie A players but never do because they either never got the chance, had too low a CA to be considered, or injury. Your scouts just don't tell you the players who have low CA have high potential when they're 21+ or 24+ because the probability that they're actually capable of growing that much is miniscule. Ironically you say this. A player's maximum potential is something that is unknown without an editor. So for all intents and purposes every player on your team is capable its only until you lift the lid off that you see who is and who isn't. There's loads of "bad players" who are capable of playing in higher leagues in the game but have low star ratings so people dismiss them. I don't know how you would control this. Simply put you're saying everyone on a big club should and will turn into a player capable of playing at that level. More young players wash out of top level teams because they're simply not good enough. If everyone was capable why doesn't Man City buy every young player and let them train with the first team? They'd never have to spend more than a few million on transfers and then could turn around and sell everyone at massive profits! Additionally, the game at its core (maybe not the past couple due to weird development bugs) is perfectly capable of producing a Jamie Vardy style of player. The problem is Jamie Vardy himself is such an outlier you can't expect to get one every year with every save. How many Jamie Vardy's are there in the world currently (besides himself obviously).
  11. You'd be a better shooter up to your natural limit, yes after 1000s of years you would probably hit that limit. But what makes you think those 1000s of hours would make you the best in the world at that skill when others with more natural aptitude have not been able to achieve it? Ignoring your technique rating at the very least would have to be high enough to allow you to pull it off. Here's a real world example using Messi. Do you think with infinite time Messi would be able to achieve the same Jumping Reach rating as Cristiano Ronaldo or is he naturally limited by the fact that he's 1.7m tall?
  12. Respectfully disagree. Mozart allegedly could copy full symphonies by heart as a 5 year old. What makes the best players the best is something you can't teach, only refine through guided intentional practice. I think you vastly underestimate how great someone like Messi or Mozart are with respect to their peers. I'd give anyone to the end of time to become leo messi and if they couldn't do in the normal career years then they wouldn't be able to do it no matter how long you gave them. There are limits to human physiology. Every person has their own limit. The reason players aren't as good as messi isn't because Messi had some crazy growth rate and they didn't or that messi was training with barcelona and they weren't. Iniesta and Xavi and Pique and Fabregas all went through the same process. Do you think they weren't messi because they didn't have enough time? They were missing whatever it is that makes Messi Messi.
  13. I like the PG but not in place of PA. Over the past 10 years we've seen editions of newgens growing too fast and too slow. It should be a "fairly simple" task to figure out the appropriate distribution of PG based on how CA has increased over time for real players and give them a growth rating. you can even give the aged 27-32 guys a negative score that changes the PG value for decline based on each save like they do for wonderkids PA. But PA should be static and only ever go down due to injury. No amount of training is going to make everyone world beaters. Its unrealistic to assume that just because you're in a world class facility with world class coaches you should eventually become Leo Messi. How many kids went through La Masia? thousands? There's only one Leo Messi. Not every kid there should have the potential to do that.
  14. The game gets too easy because scouting is perfect. I like OOTP's implementation of scouting. Current and Potential are based on your scouts opinions not the actual value. I know people would cheese this and only get the best scouts but could be countered with scouting roles where the best scouts (i.e. 18+ for JPA, JPP) want to be chief scout or continental/regional scout while your league based/nation based scouts would be more ordinary (with few exceptions for new scouts with little experience who eventually want a promotion or leave for a club offering them a better role). Even the best scouts should have built in errors too.
  15. We used to be able to holiday during a match. I know it's not "realistic" but sometimes I cannot or don't want to sit through the entirety of a match. I don't want to leave my machine stuck in a state where the game is actively running. I've sped the match up to get to the end but i'm still responsible for making subs or whatever and then have to change the match view settings back. Be easier to just let assman take the wheel.
  16. I had my last straw with this year's version after an absolutely ridiculous sequence of events. Even went so far to delete the save. Anyway in the event I return to the series with FM24, what are some things you've utilized to convince yourself to not alt-f4 the game mid match?
  17. One of the most annoying things in this game is when your team forgets how to play and look like sunday leaguers overnight. And every opponent you face turns into 2010 Barcelona and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Of course if you try to have a team meeting about it they all get pissy too.
  18. for next year? fix well known match engine issues i.e. throw ins, player silliness/ME representation, removal of away team nerf. Long term fixes/features would be less reliance on reputation for the match engine. More dynamic player attributes (not just growth but decline due to age/poor form). Less certainty for scouting.
  19. You can see Camavigna close down and not recover or do much of anything in the way of cutting off passing lanes and lose track of a runner here. Sometimes you just get lost in defence.
  20. Got it. I'll keep this in mind for the next time I come up against it. Thank you.
  21. For sure there's issues with how many situations get represented or at least described in the match text. It would be incredibly helpful in a situation like this to say "team A has broken the offside trap/press!" or "CB was caught pressing too high up the pitch" or "his CB partner and RB played everyone onside". I know it's a limited space and kind of an hold over from the CM days but its also an opportunity to tell us what's happening under the hood sometimes. I often boot up fm 2010 and I find that to be much more believable in most situations. Yes there's the odd "why are you heading the ball?" moment and corner kicks are probably too overpowered but I can't think of a time where my right back run across the pitch to deal with a ball my left center back or left back can simply collect. Here I think everyone has experienced that at least once FM23. I can't imagine the monumental task to debug this match engine for something like that. I do wish they'd focus on cleaning up some of the more annoying ME habits instead of creating secondary features.
  22. Think it has more to do with you were outnumbered and your defense didn't handle it well. Part of the game. I don't disagree that there are many instances where defense looks shambolic. I had an instance where my left back dribbled into my own net! I don't think this was anything more than a momentary defensive lapse. edit: Your other examples are definitely more compelling evidence of an issue. Your centerback stepped up initially to pressure the eventual goal scorer. He was playing in the channel between your midfield and defensive line. Got the ball and ran wide and dragged your players with him. Your centerback got caught out after the initial press there. It's easy to see he should have dropped off from an overhead view because the right side of your defense ran with their marks in behind. But your centerback probably has his back to them so he doesn't see that he needs to drop off. Especially since your left side seemed to be pressing or engaging an offside trap. That's the inherent risk of pressing higher up the pitch, you're going to leave space in behind if you do not win the ball or get dragged out of position. The only issue I see is if you're playing here on defensive or lower with low LOE and low pressing intensity and close down never on that particular player.
  23. This one you got overloaded and caught in no man's land on the right hand side after a few of your attacking players lost focus. I don't see much wrong here from a match engine perspective. Definitely frustrating but you can't expect perfection in defense.
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