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Everything posted by PequenoGenio

  1. Thank you. And thank you in the name of the FM community. You are a value help for all of us.
  2. Hi. I've this odd red dividers. how to change them?
  3. Congratulations to all the skin creators/makers for all of the amazing works you put outhere year after year. But one thing that for me is missing is colours. The clubs/competition colours. On player profile like old school FM have or even TCS skins have in is 19 version . Sidebar with colours. Stuff like that (or this or even this).
  4. Hello. Any of you knows what is the font name of the default one used in FM? I´m not asking about the file name on the font folders but the "real" name of it Thanks in advance :)
  5. And one final thing that are messing with my head: It´s possible the sidebar "start" at the same height that the titlebar?
  6. Did you have any problem with teams with white or black colours?
  7. non player profile have a error in the wages (white text). already check the right panel and it says secondary but this is still like this
  8. For FM23 there gonna be a very nice team to try this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catania_S.S.D.
  9. Hello everybody. As usual... New FM, new thread Have you found a gem of a regen from an obscure country that you have never heard of, got him capped and feel proud? Want to get your regen rated as you feel that he is the best regen ever? Maybe you want some advice on your regen, how to play him, what should you train him on? There is no specific format to follow, just post up a screenshot of your regen! If you need to, also along with your screenshot you could have a bit of background information about him, like where you got him, how much you paid or anything similiar. If you don't know what a newgen is, then here is a short explanation: A randomly generated player that the game throws out to compensate for retirements etc... This is so you don't end up with no players in the game after you have played for a long enough time for all real players to retire from the game. These can normally be identified by the 'Newgen face' which looks like a computer generated face, although these can be turned off, so don't dismiss someone's player due to the lack of face. Please, only post newgens in here. Feel free to tell us about how good they are, how you found them, what you paid, their goalscoring records etc. Also, feel free to comment on other peoples newgens! Although, don't be the dick that goes 'OMG U EDITED HIM', because at the end of the day, it's just a game, people shouldn't post edited players, but if they do it's not a massive deal. Examples (from the video reveal):
  10. No it's not that I don't know how to explain this better in english but there is a diference. One looks like an HD picture and the other looks like something from the olds CRT monitors.
  11. Hello everybody. Using the base skin with the default font does anyone know a way to have the font without the faded/blurred effect, other than zooming in on the font? Example: what i want: What i have:
  12. Hi. Is there a way, in these menus, for the option we have chosen to be more visible? I don't know if I explain myself well. It's just that when passing the cursor over each of the lines it is not very visible to know which one is selected. For example in the image above is the training I have selected and it is not noticeable.
  13. One more question: the @Daveincid files. It's ok to use them or not?
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