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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passes away. 21st April 1926 - 8th September 2022.

Confused Clarity

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23 minutes ago, VP. said:

Well I'm mourning the football being cancelled if that counts?

I've been walking around the kitchen sulking all morning. Should be on a train to Liverpool, instead stuck here in with the misses wanting to go Lakeside. :mad:

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3 hours ago, Ackter said:

Kevin Bridges currently being gammon-cancelled for saying "she's not the only old woman that's going to die this winter" at his gig last night.

Remember it's not cancel culture if it's the gammon going after you it's just that liberals aren't allowed opinions. You don't see me trying to get Spurs to sack Lucas Moura for being a fascist.

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7 hours ago, EnterUsernameHere said:

I would love to say I'm not anti-monarchy but it's probably both untrue and a complicated matter at the same time.

I don't care care if the UK continues to have a monarchy or not. I know some people who know their history better than I do dislike certain elements of it, but I can't speak to that.

My position boils down to this - firstly, if the monarchy was disbanded today, what impact would it have on me? I'm going with next to none. Secondly, while I have no problem with people wanting to mourn the Queen's death, it makes me angry when people try to force their grievances onto others.

If people feel need to grieve, then grieve. I'm not patriotic, why should I care?

(These are probably the ramblings of a drunkard, but anyway)

Well, the thing about the bit bolded is that you don't really know. 

Now, I know forward planning on how to implement huge decisions isn't necessarily seen a a requirement in the UK now, but you would like to think there would be some sort of plan for what replaces it. 

The only real advantage of monarchy is that it largely takes away any political element to it. I'd like to think we'd go for some form of nominally non-political symbolic/figurehead head of state instead, but there's a real risk it turns into another political position with an the friction that brings. 

Edited by bermybhoy
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17 minutes ago, Confused Clarity said:

We've got the succession events today and the proclamation by parliament and all the MPs individually swearing allegiance to him today too.

Thing is I'm moaning about it yet still have it on ffs. Some of it is interesting and I'll watch the proclamation at 10am but its when they keep telling the same stories or showing the same clips over and over, there's only so many times a person can take seeing her put a sandwich in her handbag ffs.

Also something that I only realised a little while ago is that there is no James Martin on ITV this morning and that is a step too far, fuming.

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35 minutes ago, VP. said:

It's actually ****ing on all day again, though we are rescued by Ninja Warrior and Masked Dancer this evening.

At least according to my EPG it's only on BBC One and ITV now. The other BBC channels and Channel 4 and 5 are 'normal' programming again. I've been watching Freeview channels since Thursday that continued on just as normal, maybe they cut adverts but I zone out when they are on so haven't noticed a difference. Though I don't normally watch TV on Saturday mornings and I'm only up right now as the builder is round trying to fix the final (fingers crossed) leak in the roof.

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3 minutes ago, bermybhoy said:

Well, the thing about the bit bolded is that you don't really know. 

Now, I know forward planning on how to implement huge decisions isn't necessarily seen a a requirement in the UK now, but you would like to think there would be some sort of plan for what replaces it. 

The only real advantage of monarchy is that it largely takes away any political element to it. I'd like to think we'd go for some form of nominally non-political symbolic/figurehead head of state instead, but there's a real risk it turns into another political position with an the friction that brings. 

True about the bold. I'll ask the question then, what powers do they hold that local governments can't install? 

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14 minutes ago, blueglobefootball123 said:

Absolute drama for Wills and Camilla trying to navigate around the ink well which Charles left open.

Imagine if one of them had knocked it over!

Enjoyed the drama of that. Camilla's first signature must be a state the way she was holding it. 

Bet they were practicing their new signatures with the R last night. 

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9 hours ago, mrw072 said:

What is it you don't like about the Monarchy?  I wouldn't say I was pro them particularly but i'd much rather than have them than not.  One of the reasons for that is that they're not aligned to a political party.  My bug bear is the hangers on, i'm not really a fan of all the entourage as there's a lot of superficial people there I think.  

That the Head of State that holds power over all of us and our elected government is chosen by a religious belief that those born into one family are to rule. Your only hope of reaching the heights they can is by marrying one.

That the Head of State is then with all the power expected to shut up and not have any influence over anything the country does, yet when they pass away, we get told The Queen was the reason why Britain changed to the better, yet she's not culpable for when things go tits up.  How have they managed and allowed this without saying anything?

The family can use power and money sourced from the taxpayer to protect Paedophiles from extradition that would not be provided to anyone else. This power and influence extend to former friends like Jimmy Saville who used his connections to evade his crimes and could threaten withdrawal of support should anyone make a complaint.

The vast amount of land and buildings that they occupy that even very minor members of the family occupy. Remember how people worshipped William and Kate for being sympathetic to the victims of Grenfell? Heading down from there massive palace with room for a few hundred offered nothing but a handshake and a sorry. Nobody dared mention this it's not as if they haven't got a few other properties to move into should sharing with the oiks get too much.

The cost? apparently, we many times more than what it costs to run all the Palaces, Castles, the staff, the security and paying off abused children many times over from tourism and selling Union Jack hats.

The overblown grief we have to endure for weeks when the Queen and Phillip die who didn't give two ***** when their Grandsons mother died, and both needed to be dragged into showing a bit of compassion publicly. But dare anyone say we shouldn't cancel football so we can have a break from the mourning.

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3 hours ago, Lermon said:

hope there's a quiz after this many hours of Queen Elizabeth's death on TV.

HIGNFY was supposed to be on Friday, it would have made an interesting one, but apparently political and topical comedy isn't allowed in a country with free speech.

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2 hours ago, bermybhoy said:

Well, the thing about the bit bolded is that you don't really know. 

Now, I know forward planning on how to implement huge decisions isn't necessarily seen a a requirement in the UK now, but you would like to think there would be some sort of plan for what replaces it. 

The only real advantage of monarchy is that it largely takes away any political element to it. I'd like to think we'd go for some form of nominally non-political symbolic/figurehead head of state instead, but there's a real risk it turns into another political position with an the friction that brings. 

What about the Council Palaces and Castles that would become available in London? Liz Truss would probably want one of them though

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