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Joe Lycett goes full KLF against David Beckham


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I like Joe Lycett, but he comes across as a bit naive here.

David Beckham will have signed a deal with the Qataris months ago, and he has already fulfilled some of his obligations here with pre-tournament videos and tourism stuff.  There is literally zero chance of him tearing this contract up and walking away with less than a week to go.  Lycett would be a lot better off asking him to donate some money to charity, maybe doubling/tripling/quadrupling what Lycett is putting in himself.  Rather than "end your relationship with Qatar!" which is an utterly ridiculous ask at this point.

I wouldn't say it's deliberate self promotion on Lycett's part, but he is asking for something he must know he will never ever ever ever get, just to create a 'shock' story that goes viral.  He's in the busines himself, he clearly understands how commercial contracts and advertising gigs work and the likelihood of anyone being able to exit a deal that's already signed.

And that's not defending Beckham working for them btw, just being pragmatic about what's a good/bad outcome when he is already so far down the road.  Actually ask the guy for something realistic that might lead to a positive outcome from a ****** situation.

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I like the message behind it (even if it's something that will obviously never happen) but the consequence he's planning seems like he's backed himself into a corner.  Do it, and it's a really bad look in a time where a lot of people are struggling.  Don't do it, and a lot will probably question what the point of it all was.  It's too sensationalist for something that didn't need to.

Should've done something like starting out saying he's going to donate to the sort of causes that would really anger the sort of people he's railing against, but if Beckham would withdraw (which he won't/can't) then he'd double it.  Of course that likely wouldn't have gained as much traction as threatening to destroy money.

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You’d like to think that the reveal is going to be that he’s actually going to donate the £10k to LGBT charities and urge Beckham to do the same, because burning the 10k is utterly pointless and was always going to be.

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He's probably going to do what I did for Elf on the Shelf - print out some fake 20s and shred them. It took the kids about 5 seconds to work out.

To be fair, even if he shreds real money, the internet will spend hours trying to prove it was fake.

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1 hour ago, InigoPatinkin said:

Charity is a failure of government and all that. 10 grand isn't going to fix any problems, it just ameliorates symptoms for a while. Even if Beckham caves he should burn it anyway, if enough people are mad he didn't give money to an LGBT charity maybe they might start looking at why they're necessary. 

Yeah, I'm sure the individual cases that money could help would be happy to forego it given they should never have been in that position to start with. 

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On 18/11/2022 at 14:08, InigoPatinkin said:

Charity is a failure of government and all that. 10 grand isn't going to fix any problems, it just ameliorates symptoms for a while. Even if Beckham caves he should burn it anyway, if enough people are mad he didn't give money to an LGBT charity maybe they might start looking at why they're necessary. 

He's got more publicity doing this than he would spending £10k on an ad campaign or something. Money well spent.

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56 minutes ago, InigoPatinkin said:

Think you're underestimating shock value a bit there

Think you’re underestimating the attention span of the average Twitter user and general public tbh. Once it’s done the rounds on social media and people have finished farming it for karma it will be forgotten about in days . It won’t make any difference in the grand scheme of things. Whereas that 10k could have made an actual difference, even if that difference is just as brief as the impact of a skit on a Tweet.

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Don’t mind him shredding the money as it’s not like he’d already named a charity who are now missing out.

Always find it a bit weird when game shows do this. You’ll have 2 contestants name their charity and then the loser misses out or sometimes even both depending on the type of game show. I’m sorry but the centre for blind orphans isn’t going to get that £30k because Geoff didn’t know what the capital of Peru was. 

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55 minutes ago, Weezer said:

Think you’re underestimating the attention span of the average Twitter user and general public tbh. Once it’s done the rounds on social media and people have finished farming it for karma it will be forgotten about in days . It won’t make any difference in the grand scheme of things. Whereas that 10k could have made an actual difference, even if that difference is just as brief as the impact of a skit on a Tweet.

This is what I'm getting at. I don't think it's going to carry beyond this. So the money viewing would have been the end point at which he then gives the money to charity. A feeling reinforced for me by people like Martin Butler pointing out alternative ways that could have been used. A lot of LGBTQ charities run on razor thing budgets, that could have done a lot of direct good. 

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9 minutes ago, Bigwig said:

Don’t mind him shredding the money as it’s not like he’d already named a charity who are now missing out.

Always find it a bit weird when game shows do this. You’ll have 2 contestants name their charity and then the loser misses out or sometimes even both depending on the type of game show. I’m sorry but the centre for blind orphans isn’t going to get that £30k because Geoff didn’t know what the capital of Peru was. 

Yeah, The Chasers are paid to stop money going to charity.

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The Chase has never made sense in that way, how much they are offered has no logic and reasoning 

I always found those sprinting at the start of marathons for charity the best, saying they'll donate for how many seconds they lead for etc. Anyone running past them is essentially keeping kids in poverty 

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People are saying the £10k could’ve gone somewhere else to help but… I don’t think that was ever on the table as an offer? If he wasn’t doing this he’d have just spent the £10k on himself and nobody would’ve known or cared, right?

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34 minutes ago, Smallen said:

People are saying the £10k could’ve gone somewhere else to help but… I don’t think that was ever on the table as an offer? If he wasn’t doing this he’d have just spent the £10k on himself and nobody would’ve known or cared, right?

He said if Beckham stepped down before the tournament he'd give the 10k to charity. So it was on offer 

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8 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

He said if Beckham stepped down before the tournament he'd give the 10k to charity. So it was on offer 

Fair enough!

I guess the point still kind of stands either way. If he wasn’t doing this stunt he wouldn’t have been giving the money to charity and nobody would be talking about it.

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1 hour ago, Smallen said:

Fair enough!

I guess the point still kind of stands either way. If he wasn’t doing this stunt he wouldn’t have been giving the money to charity and nobody would be talking about it.

The issue wasn't about the basis of the stunt though. The issue would have been shredding the real money at the end, which he didn't because he agreed it would have been irresponsible, particularly knowing what good it could do. Ultimately he hasnt, he's got people talking, and the money itself will do some good. 

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2 minutes ago, InigoPatinkin said:

Dummy rigged the shredder so what went in didn't come out. He'd already donated the money last week because he knew Beckham wouldn't do it. 

Nice.  A decent way to do it, still get the shock value, still get the publicity, charities still get their money, and you get the extra **** you of adding that there was no chance they'd ever get what they wanted anyway.  Good on him.

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The point may have gone straight over my head, but was the whole purpose of this to dunk on Beckham? I mean it's no issue to me either way, but the human rights record of Qatar has been highlighted pretty strongly recently, and will be during the tournament, so I don't think it's primarily that.

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