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[FM23] Random and Small Skinning Questions


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30 minutos atrás, _Ben_ disse:

Yes. Copy and paste a line of code.

Then change the widget class to youth_coaching_status_label and the value to Cyos. This will get Junior Coaching

youth_recruitment_status_label and Crcs will get Youth Recruitment

I just don't know about the stars...


26 minutos atrás, snowofman disse:

youth_facilities_stars_label - Cytv for stars

I apologize for the stupidity, but can you explain it as if I were a 3 year old? :lol:

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9 minutes ago, EnigMattic1 said:


<!-- Background Picture -->
    <widget class="background" file="backgrounds/default" id="bgnd">

        <record id="object_property" get_property="bgnd" set_property="file"/>

        <attachment class="test_multiple_globals_attachment" default_value="false">
            <list id="get_properties">
                <record get_property="MatS" test_mode="equal" value="true" skip_if_null="true"/>
                <record get_property="Ma3D" test_mode="equal" value="true" comparison_mode="or" skip_if_null="true"/>
            <integer id="set_property" value="hidn"/>


that should do it yes

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6 hours ago, GIMN said:

Try the Status Button Colours section in the settings file.  There's quite a few different statuses - I've just changed "advisory" and that seems to have changed the colour on transfer-related statuses (listed, wanted, loan, etc...)


I think for changing the text colour, you would need to go into the individual files in buttons/custom/status

Yep. Rabbit hole well and truly visited, thanks to whoever this bloke is...



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2 hours ago, Kaiserslautern1900 said:


This is basically what I exchanged the not so happy missus with last weekend :D
Come to think of... I understand neither her nor the <layout> tag.

Thanks! I will download it immediately!

without tooting my own horn a lot of my files are commented pretty well, moreso 2019/20 ones, download some of those files and see if you learn anything

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Sorry if this has been asked before. Totally new to skinning and trying to muster up my own skin from a combination of panels for personal use. Trying to use the player panel from TCS skin and I am getting this weird overlay color when I don't want that reddish hue. How can I get rid of it?


Also getting this in the match tablet while in a match. I don't hate it, but would like it much more without it :lol:

Edited by Abdiel_rivera10
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20 minutes ago, Abdiel_rivera10 said:

Sorry if this has been asked before. Totally new to skinning and trying to muster up my own skin from a combination of panels for personal use. Trying to use the player panel from TCS skin and I am getting this weird overlay color when I don't want that reddish hue. How can I get rid of it?


Also getting this in the match tablet while in a match. I don't hate it, but would like it much more without it :lol:

i'll let @EnigMattic1deal with this one 😂 

you're missing colours that my skin references, in your settings file

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1 minute ago, bluestillidie00 said:

i'll let @EnigMattic1deal with this one 😂 

you're missing colours that my skin references, in your settings file

I actually managed to get it working another way. Couldn't figure for the life of me how to get TCS to become transparent to show backgrounds so I moved the client object from the base transparent skin and replaced the TCS one. Surprised myself tbh

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11 minutes ago, Abdiel_rivera10 said:

I actually managed to get it working another way. Couldn't figure for the life of me how to get TCS to become transparent to show backgrounds so I moved the client object from the base transparent skin and replaced the TCS one. Surprised myself tbh

Yeah, if it shows up as red, you are missing (at least) one of the custom colours from the tcs settings xml. I had the same problem with a different panel and was missing a colour called "tcs_bg lighter". It isn't as simple as copying over xmls and graphics if the files call for a specific colour.

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1 minute ago, EnigMattic1 said:

Yeah, if it shows up as red, you are missing (at least) one of the custom colours from the tcs settings xml. I had the same problem with a different panel and was missing a colour called "tcs_bg lighter". It isn't as simple as copying over xmls and graphics if the files call for a specific colour.

Found that out the hard way lol. Aside from the guides that are pinned on the topic, are there any places I can read up on skinning tips? Really is something I always wanted to do just never really paid attention to what needs to go into it.

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2 minutes ago, Abdiel_rivera10 said:

Found that out the hard way lol. Aside from the guides that are pinned on the topic, are there any places I can read up on skinning tips? Really is something I always wanted to do just never really paid attention to what needs to go into it.

Honestly, someone like @bluestillidie00will tell you, it all starts with trial and error. With his files especially though, there will be comments in the xml files which help a lot. There are certain threads that have been expanded by some decent skinners here that have helped me get my head around a lot of things skinning related though.

For what it's worth, you were also missing tcs_bg lighter.

Edited by EnigMattic1
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16 minutes ago, Abdiel_rivera10 said:

Don't think this is supposed to happen...... right? 


After this the game crashes so not entirely sure how to get around it.

I have not seen that before. I honestly have no idea what is going on there. Possibly conflicting files?

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Just now, Abdiel_rivera10 said:

Possible. Switched to the base skin and adding tweaks little by little to see what is causing it

You will also need to check the xml files you move to see if they pull any info from other files (and move them over accordingly). You will also need to check for graphics and colours used.

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19 minutes ago, Abdiel_rivera10 said:


Disabled my skins and re-installed the game. Doesn't even start up at this point

Take every skin out of your skins folder.  If you have a skin anywhere else in your FM23 directory, take it out, put it on its own folder, like on the desktop.

Go to C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023 and delete the Caches, preferences and temp folder.

Restart the game, it will default to the FM skin.  Bring in the skin you want to use, switch to that skin.

If you make any changes to that skin like adding a panel/widget from a different skin, change to the base skin, make the changes, and then change back.

When you start FM, one of the things it does is create an skc file in the caches folder.

For some reason, when looking for skins, the game is not limiting itself to just looking at the skins folder, it is examining the entire FM23 directory and building the skc file off of that, and as a result is creating some pathing/error issues where the game is trying to do something it's not supposed to, hence all the errors.

I moved my Other FM skins folder to the desktop, deleted my cache, restarted the gamew, and there was a 60000kb difference in the Mustermann Numerical 1440.skc file size..

It's the only solution I have found that works.


Edited by Jellico73
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15 horas atrás, _Ben_ disse:

Yes. Copy and paste a line of code.

Then change the widget class to youth_coaching_status_label and the value to Cyos. This will get Junior Coaching

youth_recruitment_status_label and Crcs will get Youth Recruitment

I just don't know about the stars...


15 horas atrás, snowofman disse:

youth_facilities_stars_label - Cytv for stars

Can you explain like i was a 3 year old?
I try copy and paste like you sair but end up getting a bunch of xml errors



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            <integer id="get_property" value="Cprs" />
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          <record id="object_property">
            <integer id="get_property" value="Crsc" />
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                <record id="object_property">
                    <integer id="get_property" value="Csvp" />
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                <record id="object_property">
                    <integer id="get_property" value="Cfap" />
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                <record id="object_property">
                    <integer id="get_property" value="Cfap" />




Edited by PequenoGenio
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1 hour ago, Olas Nick said:

how do you search for non-obvious widgets and panels? i.e. if it doesn't find anything by name or by some text inside?

with a lot of time, error and mental anguish. what are you looking for?

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14 minutes ago, bluestillidie00 said:

what are you looking for?

nothing at the moment.

I am currently trying to figure out the fixtures list sub panel. when loading game, the view is constantly switched to standard (Fixtures). I'm fed up with it and I've created my views, set them as defaults, but there's no response. the default type remains Fixtures. also i give each column its own width but that doesn't work either...
the only way out is to delete all views except the custom.

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Hi guys, i've progress a lot with my No Face Skin but there a few sections i can't figure out how they work.
This on is an example.

I know that "inbox content with physio update panel.xml" is the file that control it. But I can't really figure out where he gets the picture i need to remove.

Can anyone help on this one? PLEASE :)

Screenshot 2022-11-29 alle 16.11.02.png

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I want to get rid of these animated ad hoardings around the pitch. I couldn't find recent information about this on the internet. The last post was made in 2009. I tried removing ads.fmf but it wasn't sufficient.

Is there a way I can remove or replace ad hoardings around the pitch?

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6 hours ago, Olas Nick said:

how do you search for non-obvious widgets and panels? i.e. if it doesn't find anything by name or by some text inside?

Usually within the panel is a code or widget name or some other piece of information.  I use a program called astrogrep, lets you search files in a directory and shows the results.  So say as an example you are looking for say, id="CnaG", you put that in the search and it returns all the files that have id=CnaG in it.

When i started getting XML like the ones abopve, one of them was related to a font, was able to search for the font and find out it wasn't even in the skin I was using, which helped me track down why I was getting the XML error.

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16 minutes ago, Jellico73 said:

Usually within the panel is a code or widget name or some other piece of information.  I use a program called astrogrep, lets you search files in a directory and shows the results.  So say as an example you are looking for say, id="CnaG", you put that in the search and it returns all the files that have id=CnaG in it.

When i started getting XML like the ones abopve, one of them was related to a font, was able to search for the font and find out it wasn't even in the skin I was using, which helped me track down why I was getting the XML error.

I use the same and it's quite nice

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7 hours ago, Olas Nick said:

how do you search for non-obvious widgets and panels? i.e. if it doesn't find anything by name or by some text inside?

Try every panel that has a name that sounds vaguely related, fail, breakdown crying after the 20th file, give up.  I think that's my usual pattern :lol:

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22 hours ago, smolinski said:

I want to get rid of these animated ad hoardings around the pitch. I couldn't find recent information about this on the internet. The last post was made in 2009. I tried removing ads.fmf but it wasn't sufficient.

Is there a way I can remove or replace ad hoardings around the pitch?

I am also interested in this. The constant flashing, especially on 2d is really annoying. I haven’t delved too deep into this but I imagine there is some json editing involved.

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20 minutes ago, oi_oi_ginger_roy said:

I’m getting there with my edits


can someone please tell me what you add to put padding (left and right) to text & an icon that sits on a button? 

You'll have to find the graphic of the button, there'll be an xml accompanying it. Edit the image_borders values.


2 minutes ago, bluehefner said:

How do i remove Goalkeeper/Outfield Rating from a players profile?

Player additional attributes panel.xml

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19 minutes ago, bluestillidie00 said:

You'll have to find the graphic of the button, there'll be an xml accompanying it. Edit the image_borders values.


Player additional attributes panel.xml

Ok thanks - so what is the graphic from this button, can you tell from the code?


<container class="contrast_box" appearance="boxes/contrast/no margin/top/paper" red_replacement="fg" height="30">
                <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" horizontal_alignment="left" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="2" />
                <widget class="icon_button" id="oppi" auto_size="horizontal" appearance="buttons/custom/over state only/button" font="tadu" colour="bg" size="8" icon_colour="bg" secondary_icon_colour="bg" icon="icons/16px/squad" >
                <translation id="text" translation_id="316801" type="use"/>

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5 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

can you tie values to a colour threshold as you would attributes? 

You can using value_based_picture - but this would mean having images for it.  There's nothing stopping those images just being a png with the text string you're trying to colour - although I imagine that would become quite arduous if there's lots of different values you're trying to account for.  There's a couple of examples of value_based_picture being used for something other than attributes below:

<!-- dynamic_images/match report uefa.xml -->
<widget class="value_based_picture" id="CoPi" image_alignment="centre" keep_aspect_ratio="true" scale_picture="true" >
  <record id="object_property">
    <integer id="get_property" value="id  " />
    <integer id="set_property" value="valu" />

  <list id="value_list">
    <record value="1301394" file="photos/dynamic/uefa/pre match/ucl pre-game"/>
    <record value="1301396" file="photos/dynamic/uefa/pre match/uel pre-game"/>
    <record value="31051584" file="photos/dynamic/uefa/pre match/uecl pre-game"/>
    <record value="1301397" file="photos/dynamic/uefa/pre match/usc pre-game"/>

<!-- game/challenge end.xml -->
<widget class="value_based_picture" id="chim" height="138">

  <!-- this picture should stretch for left to right slightly under the top -->
  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />
  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="75" />

  <!-- the colour that will be used depends on the result of the challenge -->
  <list id="value_list">
    <record value="true" file="boxes/custom/challenges/success/paper" />
    <record value="false" file="boxes/custom/challenges/fail/paper" />

  <record id="object_property">
    <integer id="get_property" value="Gchs" />


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4 minutes ago, GIMN said:

You can using value_based_picture - but this would mean having images for it.  There's nothing stopping those images just being a png with the text string you're trying to colour - although I imagine that would become quite arduous if there's lots of different values you're trying to account for.  There's a couple of examples of value_based_picture being used for something other than attributes below:

<!-- dynamic_images/match report uefa.xml -->
<widget class="value_based_picture" id="CoPi" image_alignment="centre" keep_aspect_ratio="true" scale_picture="true" >
  <record id="object_property">
    <integer id="get_property" value="id  " />
    <integer id="set_property" value="valu" />

  <list id="value_list">
    <record value="1301394" file="photos/dynamic/uefa/pre match/ucl pre-game"/>
    <record value="1301396" file="photos/dynamic/uefa/pre match/uel pre-game"/>
    <record value="31051584" file="photos/dynamic/uefa/pre match/uecl pre-game"/>
    <record value="1301397" file="photos/dynamic/uefa/pre match/usc pre-game"/>

<!-- game/challenge end.xml -->
<widget class="value_based_picture" id="chim" height="138">

  <!-- this picture should stretch for left to right slightly under the top -->
  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />
  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="75" />

  <!-- the colour that will be used depends on the result of the challenge -->
  <list id="value_list">
    <record value="true" file="boxes/custom/challenges/success/paper" />
    <record value="false" file="boxes/custom/challenges/fail/paper" />

  <record id="object_property">
    <integer id="get_property" value="Gchs" />


18 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

can you tie values to a colour threshold as you would attributes? 

the pitch code on my club overview changes colour, try that

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