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[FM23] Random and Small Skinning Questions


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10 hours ago, GIMN said:

Short answer: no.

Longer answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Much longer answer: I don't know, but I would probably start with trying to use a selector panel to try and manipulate the game into looking for information from a different panel class, and see if it's possible to get anywhere from that.

It is possible...


I was able to do so by piggybacking off the awesome work by @_Ben_ and sneaking it in with the recent match analysis.  Unfortunately, if I tried to have separate files for recent match analysis and next match analysis, it didn't like it, as it would only work when using the "anLy" id - so I had to put them in the same file and add an additional tab in.  This is in tactics overview side panel:

<container class="tactics_recent_match_analysis_panel" id="anLy" file="match/tactics recent match analysis" >
  <translation id="title" type="use" value="Recent Match Analysis" />

I've zipped the tactics recent match analysis.xml and the relevant files it points to, rather than filling this post with loads more code!

16 hours ago, EnigMattic1 said:

The only reason I wanted it tabbed, is because I play on a laptop with a small resolution. As such, the information I have available on one screen is minimal. I totally agree that the code is complex and, being a novice skinner, I wouldn't have been able to do it without the help of @a31632, @_Ben_and @wkdsoul.

As has been previously mentioned though, should I have a bigger screen/resolution at my disposal, I would probably revert to the default view. It is all about the information I have available on one screen for me.

I can definitely see the value for this approach on lower resolutions, although I've balked at the idea of trying to replicate this in a way that can be adaptive across different resolutions.  For now, I'm using it on my personal skin because I prefer how uncluttered it is.  If anyone knows how to change the positioning of the team instructions popup, that would be super helpful, as I can then rearrange things a little more to my liking.  This one:


Edit: @EnigMattic1 - I have discovered that the Create New Tactic button doesn't work with the attached files - the issue appears to be the headings for the injury/suspensions report in the next match analysis.  Deleting the headings section fixes it.  Absolutely no idea why that might be the case! 

tactics recent match analysis.rar

Edited by GIMN
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29 minutes ago, alexmorak said:

Hello, I cannot find anything about this.

Does anyone know where to find fonts or fontxml of other languages than english for FM? I want to change the font in greek language for example and I cannot.

Thank you in advance.

I don't understand what the problem is.  there are millions of fonts available on the Internet, I think there is no problem finding among them those containing Greek letters

for exemple https://fonts.google.com/

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2 minutes ago, Olas Nick said:

I don't understand what the problem is.  there are millions of fonts available on the Internet, I think there is no problem finding among them those containing Greek letters

for exemple https://fonts.google.com/

I've already changed the font with one that supports greek language and greek letters, BUT when changing the the language in-game still uses the font that comes with the game and not mine. :)

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38 minutes ago, alexmorak said:

I've already changed the font with one that supports greek language and greek letters, BUT when changing the the language in-game still uses the font that comes with the game and not mine. :)

it's strange, it works for me with Latin and Cyrillic
only in title.fontxml for some reason the automatic replacement did not take place, although Atom said that the replacement was carried out in all files664289411_2023-01-3021_39_10-Window.thumb.png.a6bf130fff40af2f436a6f79a7fd7ad7.png

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10 hours ago, Olas Nick said:

where to look for base classes?
for example, for main_subtle_box the base class is main_box
for main_box the base class is plain_box
but I can't find plain_box.xml

I use a program called AstroGrep for stuff like this.

Select the main folder you want searched, enter the text you are looking for, make sure search subfolders is selected and hit Search, any file that contains your string will show on the right.



From the looksof it, at least for Musterman, there is no 'Plain_Box.xml', looks like you define it when you create the container?  I could very well be wrong there.


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8 hours ago, Jellico73 said:

I use a program called AstroGrep for stuff like this.

Select the main folder you want searched, enter the text you are looking for, make sure search subfolders is selected and hit Search, any file that contains your string will show on the right.

From the looksof it, at least for Musterman, there is no 'Plain_Box.xml', looks like you define it when you create the container?  I could very well be wrong there.


and... in addition to stating the obvious facts... where is the file plain_box.xml or other base files? :D
or what is its structure if the base file for itself is itself or what is the base file for the base file? :rolleyes:

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22 hours ago, Olas Nick said:

where to look for base classes?
for example, for main_subtle_box the base class is main_box
for main_box the base class is plain_box
but I can't find plain_box.xml

There is a "plain box.xml" ( no underscore in file name ) here: sitoolkit\skins\fmc-widgets\styles , if it's helpful.


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6 hours ago, BuzzR said:

There is a "plain box.xml" ( no underscore in file name ) here: sitoolkit\skins\fmc-widgets\styles , if it's helpful.


the problem with styles is that in order to apply them, you need to know the name of the file to which you want to apply them, but if you know the name of the file, you can simply make changes directly, and not through the style. and by changing the parent class, you change the appearance of all elements of this class in all files and you can not worry about the name of a separate file

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On 30.01.2023 at 18:23, Nachote912 said:

Yes, I copied the entire comps folder from the resource archiver again but there was no case... I'm attaching the folder here...
match score area panel.xml

there is nothing about clock in that panel. 

in mine for ex like this:


<!-- Clock -->
<container class="main_transparent_box_no_margin" width="100" id="clkc">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true"/>
<container id="ClkC">
<layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="middle" vertical_gap="0"/>
<record id="default_properties" auto_size="vertical" alignment="centre"/>
<layout class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize_centre" horizontal_alignment="middle" horizontal_offset="0,9,0,0"/>
<record id="default_properties" auto_size="all" alignment="centre"/>
<widget class="text" id="Mclk" size="xlarge" font="title" auto_size="all"/>


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56 minutes ago, DamienQilBormliz said:

What do I need to edit to remove the top part (kits & stadium background) please?
I don't mind the match info about attendance and referee.

I'd like for the notable events panel to be larger, similar to the one at full time.

Thank you guys!




Share your code/file for faster advice...

Edited by keysi
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2 minutes ago, DamienQilBormliz said:

Which file should that be please?

If you open the match in between highlights panel.xml, it will tell you that one of the first containers in the default file is a container with the match notable events panel widget. So, it will be similar in your skin.

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Just now, keysi said:

If you open the match in between highlights panel.xml, it will tell you that one of the first containers in the default file is a container with the match notable events panel widget. So, it will be similar in your skin.

match in between highlights panel.xml
Here's my "match in between highlights panel.xml" 


Thanks for helping :)

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9 minutes ago, keysi said:

make the backup of that file.

Container with this box starts in line 33 and ends in the line 137 above notable events container. 

Try to delete it, save the file and restart the game. 

Edit : It works mate. Thank you! 


Edited by DamienQilBormliz
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Is there a way to get the selector menu to display in a custom order without putting it in a sub-group?  (Ideally also without using custom title fields, such as "1. GK", " 2. CD", etc...)


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I am new at this but trying to learn. Creating my own lighter version skin but can't figure out how to change these.

For the tabs at the top I figure it is somewhere in here for the attribute tab:


<!-- Positions & Attributes -->
            <container class="player_profile_panel" file="none" id="pot1">
                <layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="295,-616" horizontal_gap="8"/>
                <translation id="title" translation_id="229822" type="use" value="Attributes" />

                <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />

                <widget class="player_positions_indicator_panel" id="Ppos" file="player/player positions indicator small horizontal" navigation_container="true" default_focus="true">
                    <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>

                <widget class="player_roles_popup_button" id="skpa" show_attribute_highlight_colours="true" show_clear_item="true" alignment="centre" appearance="buttons/subtle/normal/button" auto_size="horizontal" height="30" fixed="true" spec="text" show_selected_role="true" embed_in_frame="true">
                    <translation id="text" translation_id="330016" type="use" value="Highlight key attributes for role[COMMENT: option allowing for viewing the key attributes needed to play in a certain role]" />

                <widget class="player_attributes_panel" id="patp" file="player/fme/player attributes panel" dont_allow_custom_attribute_change_ranges="true">
                    <record id="object_property" get_property="Pers"/>



For the player report I have managed to change all other colours except the roles. This is what the code looks like:


            <!-- Label -->
            <widget id="r+dl" class="text" font="title" auto_size="vertical" colour="primary">
                <translation id="text" translation_id="363721" type="use" value="Role and Duty[COMMENT: FR 8989 - title for a panel allowing choosing of the role and duty for a player]" />

                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />

                <!-- Info labels for when the data isn't available-->
                <container id="inFC">
                    <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="0" gap="4" />

                    <widget class="text" id="nrLb" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true">
                        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />
                        <translation id="text" translation_id="383562" type="use" value="No suitable best roles for this position[COMMENT: FR 10661; player overview positions indicator; string displayed when the player is not good enough in a position to have a 'best role' for it]" />
                    <widget class="text" id="arbs" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true">
                        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />
                        <translation id="text" translation_id="447600" type="use" value="This player is being scouted by [%person#1] and the report will be available shortly.[COMMENT:scout report, scouting in progress]" />
                    <widget class="text" id="pool" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true">
                        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />
                        <translation id="text" translation_id="342085" type="use" value="Scouting In Progress[COMMENT: disabled menu item when a player is already being scouted]" />
                    <widget class="button" id="scPb" click_event="sctc" auto_size="all" height="30" hidden="true">
                        <translation id="text" translation_id="243421" type="use" value="Scout Player" />
                        <layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="horizontal" />

                <!-- Best roles for selected position -->
                <widget class="table" id="Rcon" layout="72, 10, -1" auto_size_rows="false" row_height="27" row_spacing="0" column_spacing="3" mode="select_rows,show_bullets" select_event="sdst" sort_disabled="true">
                    <translation id="hint" translation_id="330016" type="use" value="Highlight key attributes for role[COMMENT: option allowing for viewing the key attributes needed to play in a certain role]" />
                    <record id="default_properties">
                        <translation id="hint" translation_id="330016" type="use" value="Highlight key attributes for role[COMMENT: option allowing for viewing the key attributes needed to play in a certain role]" />

                    <list id="column_table_properties">
                        <record index="0" left="3" />
                        <record index="1" left="-7" />
                        <record index="2" top="-2" />

                    <list id="column_widget_properties">
                        <record index="1" navigation_focus_target="true" />
                        <record index="2" navigation_focus_target="true" />

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS1" row="0" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt1" row="0" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut1" row="0" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2" />

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS2" row="1" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt2" row="1" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut2" row="1" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS3" row="2" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt3" row="2" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut3" row="2" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS4" row="3" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt4" row="3" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut4" row="3" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS5" row="4" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt5" row="4" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut5" row="4" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS6" row="5" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt6" row="5" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut6" row="5" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS7" row="6" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt7" row="6" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut7" row="6" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS8" row="7" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt8" row="7" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut8" row="7" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>


Thankful for any help you can offer!


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2 hours ago, vbark14 said:

I am new at this but trying to learn. Creating my own lighter version skin but can't figure out how to change these.

For the tabs at the top I figure it is somewhere in here for the attribute tab:

  Hide contents

<!-- Positions & Attributes -->
            <container class="player_profile_panel" file="none" id="pot1">
                <layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="295,-616" horizontal_gap="8"/>
                <translation id="title" translation_id="229822" type="use" value="Attributes" />

                <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />

                <widget class="player_positions_indicator_panel" id="Ppos" file="player/player positions indicator small horizontal" navigation_container="true" default_focus="true">
                    <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>

                <widget class="player_roles_popup_button" id="skpa" show_attribute_highlight_colours="true" show_clear_item="true" alignment="centre" appearance="buttons/subtle/normal/button" auto_size="horizontal" height="30" fixed="true" spec="text" show_selected_role="true" embed_in_frame="true">
                    <translation id="text" translation_id="330016" type="use" value="Highlight key attributes for role[COMMENT: option allowing for viewing the key attributes needed to play in a certain role]" />

                <widget class="player_attributes_panel" id="patp" file="player/fme/player attributes panel" dont_allow_custom_attribute_change_ranges="true">
                    <record id="object_property" get_property="Pers"/>



For the player report I have managed to change all other colours except the roles. This is what the code looks like:

  Reveal hidden contents

            <!-- Label -->
            <widget id="r+dl" class="text" font="title" auto_size="vertical" colour="primary">
                <translation id="text" translation_id="363721" type="use" value="Role and Duty[COMMENT: FR 8989 - title for a panel allowing choosing of the role and duty for a player]" />

                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />

                <!-- Info labels for when the data isn't available-->
                <container id="inFC">
                    <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="0" gap="4" />

                    <widget class="text" id="nrLb" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true">
                        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />
                        <translation id="text" translation_id="383562" type="use" value="No suitable best roles for this position[COMMENT: FR 10661; player overview positions indicator; string displayed when the player is not good enough in a position to have a 'best role' for it]" />
                    <widget class="text" id="arbs" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true">
                        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />
                        <translation id="text" translation_id="447600" type="use" value="This player is being scouted by [%person#1] and the report will be available shortly.[COMMENT:scout report, scouting in progress]" />
                    <widget class="text" id="pool" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true">
                        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />
                        <translation id="text" translation_id="342085" type="use" value="Scouting In Progress[COMMENT: disabled menu item when a player is already being scouted]" />
                    <widget class="button" id="scPb" click_event="sctc" auto_size="all" height="30" hidden="true">
                        <translation id="text" translation_id="243421" type="use" value="Scout Player" />
                        <layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="horizontal" />

                <!-- Best roles for selected position -->
                <widget class="table" id="Rcon" layout="72, 10, -1" auto_size_rows="false" row_height="27" row_spacing="0" column_spacing="3" mode="select_rows,show_bullets" select_event="sdst" sort_disabled="true">
                    <translation id="hint" translation_id="330016" type="use" value="Highlight key attributes for role[COMMENT: option allowing for viewing the key attributes needed to play in a certain role]" />
                    <record id="default_properties">
                        <translation id="hint" translation_id="330016" type="use" value="Highlight key attributes for role[COMMENT: option allowing for viewing the key attributes needed to play in a certain role]" />

                    <list id="column_table_properties">
                        <record index="0" left="3" />
                        <record index="1" left="-7" />
                        <record index="2" top="-2" />

                    <list id="column_widget_properties">
                        <record index="1" navigation_focus_target="true" />
                        <record index="2" navigation_focus_target="true" />

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS1" row="0" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt1" row="0" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut1" row="0" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2" />

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS2" row="1" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt2" row="1" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut2" row="1" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS3" row="2" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt3" row="2" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut3" row="2" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS4" row="3" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt4" row="3" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut4" row="3" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS5" row="4" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt5" row="4" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut5" row="4" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS6" row="5" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt6" row="5" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut6" row="5" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS7" row="6" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt7" row="6" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut7" row="6" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>

                    <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS8" row="7" col="0" image_alignment="centre" />
                    <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt8" row="7" col="1" />
                    <widget class="popup_button" id="dut8" row="7" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/>


Thankful for any help you can offer!


I think you might have to edit the tabbed_container file in classes. Not 100% though…

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Someone has maybe asked about this but the thread is 16 pages long so: Is it possible to swap a scoreboard from one custom skin to another. I am using certain skin and i love everything about it but the default scoreboard.

thn you

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(Not sure if this is the right place to ask, sorry if not!)

I am not sure how/if this is possible, but does anyone know if we can replace the colours available for players boots?

Had seen it suggested elsewhere that the attached .dds palette file controls the colours available, but I have tried swapping these for different colours and it is not making a change in-game. Is this something that we can control/change? I know yuo cannot give certain players boot colours, that's totally fine, but I just want to know if I can swap out the commonly used colours for different shades.

To be honest I just quick like to mess around with little things like this and find out how much I can change, but I am not finding any success in changing this. Is it possible, or am I wasting my time?




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1 hour ago, lukewm said:

 I am currently using the touchline tablet from the DBFusion skin, does anyone know how I can change the background colour of the tablet which is currently blue/purple to match the colour to the left where the overview background colour is? 

Screenshot 2023-02-05 at 23.27.28.png

You'd need to edit the actual graphic

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16 hours ago, lukewm said:

 I am currently using the touchline tablet from the DBFusion skin, does anyone know how I can change the background colour of the tablet which is currently blue/purple to match the colour to the left where the overview background colour is? 

Screenshot 2023-02-05 at 23.27.28.png

The touchline tablet (not only the tablet as it looks) is copied from the Tato skin, the author of the Tato skin released also a version with the dark tablet.


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I've been messing around with the tactics screen (shoutout to @_Ben_ for this beauty), I liked the idea of having tabs inside, with some different arrangements of tactics screen items.


I want to have 2 squad views, one to the right of the tactics pitch, and another on a separate tab. 

I messed around with not having the squad list on the primary tab, but it's just too many clicks to go out and swap players, etc.  So I want to have one smaller version on the primary screen, and another full version of the squad list on another tab.


(My previous version had the horizontal tactics pitch covering the entire screen, with instructions to the left. I also tried separating instructions into another tab, but that also didn't seem to work, especially because comparison/player instruction popups would be on 2nd tab as well). Basically I was trying to replicate some of this, after not working on anything for a few months, but I'm just not sure anymore if it's doable, and I definitely don't have the knowledge on how to actually do it if it is possible.


The issue is, you can't place the same id twice and expect both to work. So it will work on one screen, but not the other. 



I can't set a custom id, as some id is definitely required in order for the squad list to actually show up. I have no idea how to find other id's that show the squad list. This one uses the id="tesA", and the panel class is "team_squad_tactics_panel". I'm pretty sure I could use another class, but I'm not sure about the ID, as the game definitely seems to want a certain hardcoded id.



And btw, is there any way to convert those familiarity/intensity into pie/donut charts? I've tried, but it didn't seem to work.

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2 hours ago, (sic) said:


The full squad list and the tactics squad list (match tactics incl.) do all use the same id so I have my doubts based on this and general logic but... 


Rather than point it to a panel (I'm assuming you're doing that with tesA). Have you tried pointing it to the actual table and id I allude to above?

... i.e. <widget class="tactic_player_list_table" id="pltb" column_spacing="0" customisation_context="play" database_table_type="1" view_setting_name="stored_match_view" mode="fill_rows, stripe_rows, printable, store_sort_state, drag_rows, drop_on_rows" column_mode="resize_columns, move_columns, custom_views" row_spacing="1" row_height="35" fixed_row_height="25">


If I was intent on this, I would play with the 3 variables in every permutation (i.e. tesA, pltb and the file locations, I'm unsure if pltb is tied only to the team and match folder and/or if tesA is tied only to tactics and match, I suspect there's more laxity with the latter...(?)). 

So in essence just a bit more experimentation suggestions. 

Edited by Loda
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i changed the panel ./team/team report analyst report panel.xml
but I still bad understand what properties to set for layout and for attachment_group. in this case headers in the bottom container not displayed

	<layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1,200"  />
	<boolean id="should_force_refresh" value="true"/>

		<layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="400,-1,-1" />
		<!-- formations analysis -->
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" vertical_alignment="centre">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" />
			<container class="tabs" id="FtbC" default_item="Fuse" save_session_state="true" save_default_state="true">
				<container class="formations_data_analyst_report_panel" id="Fuse" type="0">
					<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />
					<translation id="title" translation_id="492038" type="use" value="Formations Used[COMMENT: AREA: Inbox; SUB-AREA: Opposition Scouting; FR-BN: n/a; TONE: Informal; CHARLIMIT: None; REF-ID: n/a; NOTE: team report label]" />
				<container class="formations_data_analyst_report_panel" id="FFac" type="1">
					<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />
					<translation id="title" translation_id="492039" type="use" value="Formations Faced[COMMENT: AREA: Inbox; SUB-AREA: Opposition Scouting; FR-BN: n/a; TONE: Informal; CHARLIMIT: None; REF-ID: n/a; NOTE: team report label]" />
		<!-- scoring goals analysis -->
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" vertical_alignment="centre">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<container class="goal_data_analyst_report_panel" id="scor" type="0" >
				<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />
			<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" horizontal_alignment="centre">
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>
		<!-- conceding goals analysis -->
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" vertical_alignment="centre">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<container class="goal_data_analyst_report_panel" id="conc" type="1" >
				<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />
			<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" horizontal_alignment="centre">
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>
	<!-- text summary -->
	<container class="main_subtle_box">
		<layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="-1,-1,-1,-1" offset="10"/>
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" id="FUbu">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<translation id="title" translation_id="247328" type="use" value="Formations[COMMENT - match screen; formations panel title]" />
			<container id="txCo">
				<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="vertical" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" id="SCbu">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<translation id="title" translation_id="492036" type="use" value="Scoring[COMMENT: AREA: Inbox; SUB-AREA: Opposition Scouting; FR-BN: n/a; TONE: Informal; CHARLIMIT: None; REF-ID: n/a; NOTE: team report label]" />
			<container id="txCo">
				<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="bottom,extend" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" id="CObu">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<translation id="title" translation_id="492037" type="use" value="Conceding[COMMENT: AREA: Inbox; SUB-AREA: Opposition Scouting; FR-BN: n/a; TONE: Informal; CHARLIMIT: None; REF-ID: n/a; NOTE: team report label]" />
			<container id="txCo">
				<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="all" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" id="SPbu" hidden="true">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<translation id="title" translation_id="252468" type="use" value="Set Pieces[COMMENT: strengths field scout report list]" />
			<container id="txCo">
				<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="top,extend" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>



team report analyst report panel.xml

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14 minutes ago, Olas Nick said:

i changed the panel ./team/team report analyst report panel.xml
but I still bad understand what properties to set for layout and for attachment_group. in this case headers in the bottom container not displayed

	<layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1,200"  />
	<boolean id="should_force_refresh" value="true"/>

		<layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="400,-1,-1" />
		<!-- formations analysis -->
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" vertical_alignment="centre">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" />
			<container class="tabs" id="FtbC" default_item="Fuse" save_session_state="true" save_default_state="true">
				<container class="formations_data_analyst_report_panel" id="Fuse" type="0">
					<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />
					<translation id="title" translation_id="492038" type="use" value="Formations Used[COMMENT: AREA: Inbox; SUB-AREA: Opposition Scouting; FR-BN: n/a; TONE: Informal; CHARLIMIT: None; REF-ID: n/a; NOTE: team report label]" />
				<container class="formations_data_analyst_report_panel" id="FFac" type="1">
					<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />
					<translation id="title" translation_id="492039" type="use" value="Formations Faced[COMMENT: AREA: Inbox; SUB-AREA: Opposition Scouting; FR-BN: n/a; TONE: Informal; CHARLIMIT: None; REF-ID: n/a; NOTE: team report label]" />
		<!-- scoring goals analysis -->
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" vertical_alignment="centre">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<container class="goal_data_analyst_report_panel" id="scor" type="0" >
				<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />
			<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" horizontal_alignment="centre">
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>
		<!-- conceding goals analysis -->
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" vertical_alignment="centre">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<container class="goal_data_analyst_report_panel" id="conc" type="1" >
				<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />
			<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" horizontal_alignment="centre">
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>
	<!-- text summary -->
	<container class="main_subtle_box">
		<layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="-1,-1,-1,-1" offset="10"/>
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" id="FUbu">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<translation id="title" translation_id="247328" type="use" value="Formations[COMMENT - match screen; formations panel title]" />
			<container id="txCo">
				<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="vertical" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" id="SCbu">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<translation id="title" translation_id="492036" type="use" value="Scoring[COMMENT: AREA: Inbox; SUB-AREA: Opposition Scouting; FR-BN: n/a; TONE: Informal; CHARLIMIT: None; REF-ID: n/a; NOTE: team report label]" />
			<container id="txCo">
				<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="bottom,extend" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" id="CObu">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<translation id="title" translation_id="492037" type="use" value="Conceding[COMMENT: AREA: Inbox; SUB-AREA: Opposition Scouting; FR-BN: n/a; TONE: Informal; CHARLIMIT: None; REF-ID: n/a; NOTE: team report label]" />
			<container id="txCo">
				<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="all" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>
		<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" id="SPbu" hidden="true">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<translation id="title" translation_id="252468" type="use" value="Set Pieces[COMMENT: strengths field scout report list]" />
			<container id="txCo">
				<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="top,extend" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true"/>



team report analyst report panel.xml 4.84 kB · 0 downloads

Certain classes support titles, adaptive containers aren't one of them. Stuff like main_box do

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15 minutes ago, bluestillidie00 said:

Certain classes support titles, adaptive containers aren't one of them. Stuff like main_box do

thank you. this is already progress, now the title has appeared, but the text has disappeared :) maybee I will figure it out tomorrow

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34 minutes ago, Olas Nick said:

thank you. this is already progress, now the title has appeared, but the text has disappeared :) maybee I will figure it out tomorrow

Try put the adaptive container inside a main_box with this layout

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true"/>

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1 hour ago, Loda said:

The full squad list and the tactics squad list (match tactics incl.) do all use the same id so I have my doubts based on this and general logic but... 

Just as I feared...

1 hour ago, Loda said:

Rather than point it to a panel (I'm assuming you're doing that with tesA). Have you tried pointing it to the actual table and id I allude to above?

... i.e. 

If I was intent on this, I would play with the 3 variables in every permutation (i.e. tesA, pltb and the file locations, I'm unsure if pltb is tied only to the team and match folder and/or if tesA is tied only to tactics and match...(?)). 

So in essence just a bit more experimentation suggestions. 

I've already tried just copying that whole section of code, but without much luck. spacer.png

My brain is pretty much stuck right now, and I have no idea how I would solve this. I've tried a few different things, but without any success.



Edit: Also my game now appears to be crashing when selecting custom views in that screen. On all skins, even the default. It doesn't happen when importing a view, but when selecting a saved view in that menu. Weird :D 

Edited by (sic)
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15 hours ago, Jamie Aubrey said:

Does anyone know the line of code to make the back of the shirts show on the left side of the popup panel next to the faces ? image.thumb.png.d490aebdba038f4dca046927bc0a3b62.png

I'm using this in my player popup but don't forget to change the 'file="generic/kit icon3" as I have various kit icon files linked to several screens. I have it in the middle of the details panel so other inset/alignment adjustments are needed. But maybe it will help you. 

<container width="420">
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true"/>
  <!-- KIT & Face -->
	<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="5" offset="5" gap="0" />

  	<!-- KIT -->
		<widget id="cKit" class="kit_icon" file="generic/kit icon3" image_alignment="left" height="130" scale_picture="true" kit_zoom_level="2" priority="1">
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="-30" /> 
			<record id="object_property">
				<list id="get_properties">
					<integer id="get_property" value="Pers" />
					<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

	<!-- Face -->
	<widget class="picture" id="foto">
		<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="horizontal" offset="10" priority="1"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="6" priority="1"/>
          <boolean id="scale_picture" value="true" />
          <boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="true" />
          <flags id="image_alignment" value="right" />

          <attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_portraits" default_value="true" set_property="hidn">
            <list id="value">
              <boolean value="false" />

          <record id="object_property">
            <list id="get_properties">
                <integer id="get_property" value="fcgn" />
                <integer id="get_property" value="Pfke" />
                <integer id="get_property" value="prpc" />
                <integer id="set_property" value="valu" />



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Love the new classes that @Ben and @GIMN have in their skins and I wanted to modify their work for my own personal skin.

I cannot get the game to recognise a new class, can someone explain what the issue is? 

I've managed to copy a class Ben has in his skin for example "stat_indicator_exp_assist", the game will call it but only after I've loaded Ben's skin and doesn't recognise any changes I make to the class like different icons etc. If I try renaming the class with no other changes, the game doesn't recognise it and nothing is called.

I do not have the creativity of a real skin maker, and like using others ideas for my own skin but proper frustrating I can't figure this one out :(

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21 minutes ago, johnwalker said:

Love the new classes that @Ben and @GIMN have in their skins and I wanted to modify their work for my own personal skin.

I cannot get the game to recognise a new class, can someone explain what the issue is? 

I've managed to copy a class Ben has in his skin for example "stat_indicator_exp_assist", the game will call it but only after I've loaded Ben's skin and doesn't recognise any changes I make to the class like different icons etc. If I try renaming the class with no other changes, the game doesn't recognise it and nothing is called.

I do not have the creativity of a real skin maker, and like using others ideas for my own skin but proper frustrating I can't figure this one out :(

It's difficult to expand without knowing more about your skin, and how you've tried to incorporate it.  Using @_Ben_'s as an example - he has set up the stats in the player/stats/metrics 90.xml - for each stat there is a dashed_number_label (which provides the stat as a number) and then a custom class, which provides a visual indicator to how well the player is performing in that stat.  Obviously for each stat there is a different class because there are different bounds it is comparing against.  To incorporate something into your own skin, you'll need to also incorporate the class in the place where you are calling the stat (and make sure you select the right id, too - although it will be the same as the raw number id).

I hope that made sense.

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51 minutes ago, GIMN said:

It's difficult to expand without knowing more about your skin, and how you've tried to incorporate it.  Using @_Ben_'s as an example - he has set up the stats in the player/stats/metrics 90.xml - for each stat there is a dashed_number_label (which provides the stat as a number) and then a custom class, which provides a visual indicator to how well the player is performing in that stat.  Obviously for each stat there is a different class because there are different bounds it is comparing against.  To incorporate something into your own skin, you'll need to also incorporate the class in the place where you are calling the stat (and make sure you select the right id, too - although it will be the same as the raw number id).

I hope that made sense.

Thanks for the reply.

I've got a panel similar to Ben's metrics panel. I literally copied the xG assisted class file from Ben's into my own skin and then called the class into my metrics panel. 

It did nothing.

If I then loaded Ben's skin and then reloaded my skin it appears in my metrics panel.

If I make changes, they don't appear. If I try and make my own class with it's own name it doesn't appear either.

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11 minutes ago, johnwalker said:

Thanks for the reply.

I've got a panel similar to Ben's metrics panel. I literally copied the xG assisted class file from Ben's into my own skin and then called the class into my metrics panel. 

It did nothing.

If I then loaded Ben's skin and then reloaded my skin it appears in my metrics panel.

If I make changes, they don't appear. If I try and make my own class with it's own name it doesn't appear either.

Have you tried loading your skin, closing FM entirely and then booting the game back up.  Changes to classes/properties/etc... need a hard reset.

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20 minutes ago, johnwalker said:

Thanks for the reply.

I've got a panel similar to Ben's metrics panel. I literally copied the xG assisted class file from Ben's into my own skin and then called the class into my metrics panel. 

It did nothing.

If I then loaded Ben's skin and then reloaded my skin it appears in my metrics panel.

If I make changes, they don't appear. If I try and make my own class with it's own name it doesn't appear either.

I have amended nothing in the properties.xml. I created the class and assigned the object (xA in your case) to that through the player panel, into the classes folder. Make sure you have renamed the class inside that xml, too. I forgot that for a little while!

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3 hours ago, GIMN said:

Have you tried loading your skin, closing FM entirely and then booting the game back up.  Changes to classes/properties/etc... need a hard reset.


3 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

I have amended nothing in the properties.xml. I created the class and assigned the object (xA in your case) to that through the player panel, into the classes folder. Make sure you have renamed the class inside that xml, too. I forgot that for a little while!

Thanks both, I'll try and show you what I mean. 



This works.


This doesn't.

Edited by johnwalker
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