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Everything posted by Rodrigogc

  1. This is something that should have been implemented years ago. Not to mention indirect free kicks.. Maybe the limitations of the engine have kept them from taking a leap forward, I hope with the new engine SI considers it. With the proper mindset they can focus on what matters, simplify what needs to be simplified and have their ME to operate closer to what football in real life is about.
  2. You are right here, and that is SI's fault. They should be concentrating in making the game more intuitive in general, FM is still a lot of mess in terms of information. They throw supporters useless "tweets" on your screen, but you still have to figure out where to click to see how good your players's weak foot is. The tactic creator is terrible indeed, presets cause confusion and most instructions you can't take their description literally. I'm an experienced player and I find the game confusing these days, wonder what newcomers might think... I have friends who've stopped playing the game in FM18 and have been playing CM 01/02 updated because they find the game has become just busywork, and I can't disagree with them. I still play because I love FM, but seems every year there's more and more buttons to click and the fun is being chased away. There's too much useless information, sometimes I miss the brevity and simplicity of FM08.. One thing I've been thinking for many years, FM is almost a point and click game, why don't they let us customize every screen in the game to see what we want instead of having to find skins or learn to reskin the game ?
  3. Do you use the standard role, without any Individual instructions ? Tactics with wingers cutting inside or running down the flanks ?
  4. I've been obssessed about the number 10 as well. I got my 10 AMC to perform numerous times, usually playing 4231, but even though he was scoring and assisting, it wasn't the way I expected. I'm talking about the final through/threaded passes around the opposition area. Almost never happens.
  5. Totally agree. That risk is not reflected in the game though. Gegenpress rewards too much, park the bus punishes too much. You can gegenpress your way to the top without having the proper team to do so, meanwhile you will park the bus your way to the bottom even if you are managing Juventus. Juventus was relegated in my save, it simply should not happen. I mean, not even klopp gegenpresses the way he did few years ago anymore.
  6. Yes, that's the point. Defenders are stupid. Running away, heading the ball away without any pressing, Goalkeepers touching the ball away to his own corner, players not closing down space, passive defending in set pieces... That is why catenaccio and park the bus don't work, because the ME has got major flaws when in comes to defending.
  7. But it should be the other way around. Finding players with physicals and mentals to play defensive football is easier than finding players with technicals, mentals and physicals to play attacking football. To defend you don't need technical attributes. Why is it harder than to attack ? The very reason why the highest paid footballers are attackers is pretty obvious. It is hard to play attacking style, but no in FM. I play Fulham, Adama traore has got stupid technical and mental attributes, still rules EPL. These attributes you said, you can find players with good determination, work rate, concentration in Italian Calcio Serie B. Can you find Vinicius Junior, De Bruyne, Salah anywhere ? No. Why is it so easy to attack then ? Every winger with good physicals rule FM, see how Dembele performs in the game.
  8. But that has been the point of the ME flaws for years. There's never balance. To make defensive football look better, they'd have to handicap attacking, and vice versa. Probably the reason why it never gets solved. The thing is that attacking strategies should not be easy to use, meanwhile defensive strategies should not be hard to use.
  9. It seems to me that the problem is not on the presets, but in the actual ME. Gegenpress presets suits how ME works better, simple as that. I feel like they can't take away the catenaccio and park the bus presets because it would be too suspicious, but the ME favors attacking systems and they don't know what to do about it, so they leave these uneffective presets there anyway.
  10. I think there is some sort of bias towards winning clubs. Man City and Liverpool have been winning in the last few years, so devs develop the game to suit this "to defend you have to attack" sort of mentality. The problem is that football is not made of winners, it is made of everyone else. Little attention must be given to Atletico Madrid, Burnley type of football, which is effective to what they are supposed to get in the league . The winning club plays offensive pressing football ? You play that with Luton and you will achieve. Bizarre. There is no balance. Atletico Madrid plays more cautious football and is always finishing 3rd~5th in La Liga, try playing defensive with them FM and you are punished. I think devs should acknowledge that a lot of people don't play FM necessarily to win the league, so they will remember that football is not about playing the 1st and 2nd in the league style. By the way, Juventus was relegated in a save of mine, in the first season. Slow team, so... There is also a reason why Pep is always fired, FLuminense never achieves...
  11. It is interesting also that Catennaccio scored as many goals as other tactics, and even more than control possession! I'd guess those goals came from set-pieces or crossings. In the end, people often say it is possible to play counter attack and low block defensive style, and I don't doubt it is. But it is a long route to take, too many things to consider, while you can simply put on a gegenpress tactic and save yourself any trouble. Defensive tactics are punished too much, attacking tactics are rewarded too much. As far as I know football, playing and watching since I was 7 years old, defending is easier than attacking. Why is it different in the game ?
  12. Exactly. This version is like hanging on a fence and is literally some tweaks away from being the worst or the best FM version ever.
  13. The fact is that FM is still way too far from reality. You get good results cause of tactics and good morale/happiness, when IRL teams get good results due to training and quality of players. Training in FM has no connection with tactics, that I find bizarre. In my opinion, the training system needs a revamp. I've been playing FM for years without even touching the training sessions and been successful. In fact, I think if I dare to mess with trainings I would jeopardize my team performance. The mere fact that you can simply skip training and let it default and still achieve success is already something to be looked upon.
  14. Everyone knows that buying the game means giving your thumbs up to what SI has been doing. The issue is that people have no other option with a manager simulator, and advertising this year made many fall for SI's promises, myself included. I bought FM23, but spent 3 years (from 19 to 22) playing older versions. But the promises for this year were too convincing, and what we got is not even a shell of what's been advertised.
  15. Dearest to my heart: FM06 Best: FM13 Could/Can be the best: FM24
  16. You shouldn't, most of his test and experiments are flawed and poorly conducted.
  17. Ozil was amazing. The issue to me is that people don't understand basic human nature. Ozil was a gifted player, every gifted will not track back and run like the average player, simple as that. The problem is that he was not Messi, and today's football punish players like Ozil. Alex, who played for fenerbahce was similar to Ozil here in Brazil, people would call him lazy for not running like a headless chicken, but in Turkey he has a statue as the best Fenerbahçe player of all time. I think it is sad because today's football is eliminating the difference between players, Galacticos Real madrid had Zidane and Makelele, they did complete different things on the pitch. Nowadays a midfielder has to be a blend of these two, hence the "meta players". I like today's football speed, the matches are way more dynamic, teams way more organized, but I miss the individuality of the past. I watch Man City and feels like i'm watching 10 midfielders on the pitch + Haaland.
  18. Either they don't know how to change it without messing the other well functioning elements of the engine or they simply don't see the flaws and think it is okay to keep it that way. I suppose the way they see football has a heavier weight, because football is played and viewed differently in many countries. I'm brazilian, so my concept of dribbling is very different from what FM presents (In FM dribbling is essentially carrying the ball forward. You tell a Central Defender to dribble more, you're telling him to carry the ball forward), in Brazil dribbling is more associated with the attribute Flair, meaning capacity to do something with the ball to get the opposition out of the way and break defenses. I assume (And I may be wrong) englishmen see something like running and crossing effectively is great, and that is fine. Probably Spanishmen think passing the ball effectively is better... This is what lacks in FM. Basically you have to stick to what the ME is about. Different ways of playing are not rewarded the same way if you have the right players to execute them. Like someone said earlier, at this stage we should be discussing what type of playing would be effective in La Liga, what would be effective in Bundesliga, what would be effective in Eredvise, but we are stuck with the same one dimensional football where you just need to figure out what the ME will punish and reward and then make your choice.
  19. I think the pressing style may have something to do with this, but these players were too technical. They grew up playing in terrible pitch conditions, and still had amazing first touch. I'm not sure of this but I think the terrible football fields of the past would force players to be more technical, because the ball bounced too much on the grass, players actually had to be very technical to play at high level. There are some exceptions today though, Florian Wirtz is a number 10 and next transfer window I'm sure he will be chased by bigger clubs. Ronaldinho and Zidane I think would cut through today's elite level, but i'm not sure about Riquelme. He was too classical and inconsistent, and it was part of his aura shifting from amazing performanes to bad ones. Ronaldinho at PSG was actually quite fast, he was the whole package back then. Zidane was not fast, but he was dynamic De Bruyne style. Watching these players felt like time would simply stop when they touch the ball, it was incredible.
  20. Yeah, Bielsa said that Pep "ruined" football. I think he is a genius, but I don't like watching his teams play. His model is based on controlling the randomness of football, which makes sense and work, but to me taking the randomness of the game ultimately takes the entertainment out of it. Many stars in the past would stand out because they could control the randomness in their own way, now we see teams doing it, so teams rely less on individuality, but I think everyone watches football to see players shining on their own way. This is a very interesting discussion, because it seems to me that players play too similar these days because of the improvements of football. It's like producing players out of a factory, which I don't like. Up until the mid 2000s, we had a lot of 10s who would play completely different, it was a joy to watch. Ronaldinho - plasticity, street skills, flair Zidane - elegance, first touch and control Alex - technique, through passes, long shots Riquelme - ball retention, street skills All of them number 10s, all of them different.
  21. I don't think so. Players now are more agile, orient their body better on the ball, but defensive roles have improved too much to the point that attacking players seem more inefficient. There's less space as well, which benefits non-technical players. That seems contradictory but the less space the more physical players will stand out because lack of space means their technical flaws will not appear to the viewer. The talented players are being overpowered by strong physical players now. Zidane and Riquelme said they wouldn't stand a chance in today's football. And extremely technical players have been disappearing over Haalands and Mbappes, football machines. Messis, Neymars, Zidanes, players like that are fading while we see 18 years olds running 20km a game. The goalkeepers have become too agile to the point people think free kick takers have disappeared, central defenders are as fast as many wingers these days, full backs now are creative players and build up play through the middle.. Meanwhile the attacking positions have stayed basically the same, one change or another here and there, but nothing like the defensive ones. Not to mention that players take less risk today, relying on data to make decisions. You don't see many players shooting from outside the box because chances are they will miss or goalkeeper will save, so they keep passing the ball until space is allowed. Football back in the 80s and 90s and even 2000s, players made more mistakes because they took more risk, but then we would see many beautiful individual goals we don't see often these days.
  22. Heading 15 hahaha The only thing he could not do, his heading was actually very poor. Romario was way smaller than Ronaldo and was a far better header. Back in these days there were many players with many 20 attributes. I remember in FM06 Ibrahimovic had a lot of 19 and 20s. Insane how FM and its research has become better, even though we complain a lot.
  23. This is what is frustrating in the game. I know many people just want to win, but as seasons go by you have to set many limitations to yourself because the AI will not push you. I play chess, the chess engines have already surpassed human comprehension of the game for decades, because the stronger engines play against themselves and keep learning from it. I mean, Kasparov - one of the greatest of all time - lost against a 1997 IBM computer. These days there are engines way stronger. If something like that could be implemented in FM it'd be amazing, but I don't know if it would be possible.
  24. This era was filled with so many great strikers.. I wonder what FM would've been like in the late 90s~early2000s having to defend against those. I think that was the Strikers Era, I've never seen so many great strikers playing at the same time in my life. And I was born in 1975. Every national team had a great one Brazil - Ronaldo, Romario Argentina - Batistuta, Crespo Netherlands - Van Nistelrooy, Makaay England - Shearer, Owen Germany - Klose, Bierhoff Italy - Del Piero, Inzaghi Spain - Raul, Morientes France - Trezeguet, Henry Jesus, the list goes on and on...
  25. Has anyone ever tried Messi as a False 9 role ? I'm sure it wouldn't work as much as many other roles, even though it is messi.
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