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Everything posted by Rodrigogc

  1. I got it, in fact it would be way better this way, since different options would produce different reactions. The point with FM now is that you click the same options and get the same reactions all the time, making it shallow and uninteresting. If they could find a balance between making interactions more dynamic, more life-like without it being too time consuming, it'd be great. The suggestion about firing up manager feuds is great, especially when you're managing a small/weaker team.
  2. I guess what he is saying is that making interactions and press conferences so realistic would actually take too much time for those to play, not worth the effort. Everybody wants FM to be more realistic, but we can't forget it is just a game, and most people won't have time to spend on every interaction because it would be too time-consuming, and the show must go on, you know. As much as I like to criticize SI, it must be hard to develop a game where in one hand you want to make it realistic and stick to what a simulator is about, but in the other hand realize it is a game and people have to play at a decent pace to carry the save on, so you can't make everything realistic because it would be too time consuming.
  3. I skip interactions and press conferences because they are boring and lack context and quality. I'd also like them to be more dynamic, but that is lacking almost all the features of the game. You see, people skip interactions and press conferences because they have little to no effect in the game and are boring, the shouts during the matches are boring since they always produce the same results, you just need to figure out which ones to press, team talks basically the same... Everything off-match in the game is very shallow and have little impact in the results. The balance between what affects performance among these features is bizarre, because football has so many variables that impact the match, even footballers personal problems. But in FM, you automate the team talks, press conferences, some player interactions and all is fine, but as soon as one player complains about something and you don't give him what he wants, all the other players turn against you and suddenly you start losing. This lack of balance is what frustrates me the most. Guardiola, taking over barcelona, decided to get rid of Ibrahimovic, who hates him to this day, but everything went fine and Barcelona became one of the best teams in history back then. In FM, if you take over a team and decide to get rid of a player of the caliber of Ibra, you are doomed. Everybody will turn up against you and no matter what you do, you will lose.
  4. I think everybody is right. They should put focus on the Match Engine, but also the press conferences, the interactions, the scouting... and that's the problem. The game has become overly complicated for them to adress all the issues. It all comes down to what someone said earlier, SI piled up new features every version and the game has become a complete mess, where you have many features that are underdeveloped and not enough time to adress all of them.
  5. As fulham I saw Adama Traore getting caught by Joe ward in an open pitch counter attack, but decided to let it go due to his poor ball control and decision-making. The most intereseting thing is that he run past defenders while attacking easily, surrounded by opponents. But having the whole pitch to run through, he gets caught by Ward who's got 10 pace. Trying to rationalize it, if attributes really matter, something like this might have happened during calculations: Adama - 19 pace, 19 acceleration, 10 first touch, 6 decisions, 9 anticipation Joe Ward - 9 pace, 9 acceleration, 15 anticipation, 13 decisions, 18 determination, 15 aggression, 16 bravery. Taking into account that running with the ball is harder than without it, as seen by the video, Adama lost speed due to his first poor ball control, and after that, he ran towards the middle (poor decision), giving Ward (who was running straight) time to close in. Had Adama ran straight, no way Ward would've caught him. Anyway, the difference between them physically is absurd, and Adama got the ball already ahead of Ward. WhatsApp Video 2024-01-03 at 17.16.15.mp4
  6. I've started 6 saves, in all of them I faced the same issues: - Too many goals coming from throw-ins and corners. - Scouting not working properly. - Dumb AI (Won australian league as Perth Norht, finished 7th Premier league as Fulham, easily winning against Dinamo Kiev as Dnipro...) - Weird complaints from the players These are basically the main issues that have kept me from taking this FM24 serious. I started 6 saves because I couldn't find challenge in any of them, and I'm a busy person, not like I have many hours to play and test the game. I can't even descibre what this version is like. What have I paid for ?
  7. That's it. The Work Rate attribute has always seemed a bit controversial to me. When I play 442, I usually have my left AM playing as a LM, and wingers usually don't have great work rate. The thing is, when I watch the full match they constantly do the pressing and run back to retrieve the ball, even with low work rate. Does the attribute work properly ? I don't know...
  8. Do you stream your saves (twitch, youtube..) ? If so, send me a private message with your channel and I'll check it out. I adore seeing the way other players play. Recently I've been following Rashidi and Old Man Phil lives, and I learn a lot from watching them play.
  9. I've played FM also buying players relying solely on data (I hid all the attributes in the color panel), and in fact it is very fun. And I made mistakes, which is great and realistic, but the problem to me is that it becomes too time-consuming. I decided to play with attributes again and easily found some of the best newgens in the game (and both from Chile): The point to me is: Signing players using only data is time-consuming, signing players looking at attributes is too easy. I think there should be a spot where you won't be able to tell a young player is great right away but also would not have to spend hours scrolling through game data to decide which player to buy. I know some people like to do it, I myself like, but it is time-consuming. Someone mentioned earlier the mustermann skin, and I just think that SI could provide us with a similar skin for people who don't like to play with attributes, that would be already helpful.
  10. Spot on. Attributes in FM show what exactly is, when actually football and the quality of players is somewhat subjective. Apart from the top players (Messi, Neymar, Mbappe, CR...), almost all players can be viewed in a very different way by people who watch football or by managers. Guardiola saw potential in players like Ake and Akanji, and I would certainly say that Ten Hag or other managers wouldn't have signed them had they had the chance to. Some managers can see a player as a great player while many would not. That is the problem with FM, you can see right away whether a player is good or not and that gives human managers a huge advantage against the AI. I'd say something like, 10% of the players will be viewed as great by every one, but the other 90% people will have many different opinions about them, this subjectivity is what FM is lacking, because attributes say it all.
  11. You can be as big headed as you want, explanations like that are always helpful, because the game is not so easy to understand. This consistency level might explaint why people often complain their GKs can't save a shot but the AI GK saves them all in a match. Sure reports can be more helpful, since I've noticed some attributes grow faster than others, mainly phisical ones, which is okay. Finishing, on the other hand, tend to grow slower. One thing that would be useful, is the game saving at least the last 10 games of any club for you to watch, but that probably would take a heavy toll on the save. When I buy strikers, I like to look their last 3 games analysis, to see what type of shooting they miss, what type of passes they can do, etc.. but FM do not provide more than the last 3 games for you to watch, if I'm not mistaken.
  12. Amazing. In real life, buying a player is a thorough process, taking Man Utd for example, I've read Wan Bisaka was selected after the scouting team assessed more than 200 players. But after the scouting, there comes watching the players games, there comes the manager aproving or not the signing, etc... Ten Hag gave his thumbs up on many players that did not work, like Antony, Weghorst, but it's said that Man Utd had already scouted players like Bellingham even before he went to Borussia. So, as you can see, their problem has never been finding the players, but the final decision has been consistently bad over the years. In FM the finall decision is too easy to make, you just look at the attributes, some hidden attributes that the scouting provides, and maybe personality. It never fails, that's the problem. It should be harder to assess players quality, or there should be more factors that will tell when a players does great in a club and fails on another, etc.
  13. I agree, and that does make sense, but the problem is that the game makes it too easy to assess the players. I mean, you don't have to be experienced in FM to see whether a player is a great or bad player just by looking at the attributes and that makes you far ahead the AI in terms of buying players. In real life, usually clubs makes many mistakes when buying players that do not perform at all, Manchester United over the years has bought so many expensive players that never performed what expected, for instance. In FM if you have the money Man Utd spent on players these years, you can builld the best team in the game very easily because it is too easy to assess players quality. Your last paragraph is a great suggestion. How would you suggest grading the attributes, instead of 1-20 ?
  14. True, and it's been like this for a while. Managing St Pauli in FM23, I bought Berke from Koln, a GK with great Jumping reach, for only 550k. Turned out he was beating records playing for my team, 5 seasons straight scoring more than 7.2 average. That attribute is all that matters for GKs. And not only physical atributes like pace seem to be too important, in contrast, mental attributes without physical seems pointless. There are positions where players are usually slow, like DMs, but in FM it is hard to get players like Busquets to perform the way he does in real life, simply because he has no pace.
  15. That's the whole point. The problem is not the GK scoring at all, but he scores against Arsenal and Liverpool playing for Fulham! It's a indicative that it doesn't matter his attributes or there's something wrong with the Roles.
  16. It's been like this for a few years and you can be sure many people feel this way. FM has become a constant fight, instead of a decent AI presenting you challenge, they now throw in your face a bunch of complaints, injuries, weird board decisions, everything that can feel like you are having a hard time playing the game, meanwhile you go to some PSG squad and you will see some Hlouzek playing 3 matches in the season even though they paid 80M to sign him. The thing about shouts, press conferences, all of this has become just a busywork to make the game feel realistic, when in fact it just makes you bored. All the interactions are completely stupid, they present you with 7 boxes to click but only one will work, and it always work. It is literally a figure-out-point-and-click busywork that takes a lot of time and once you get used to it, you don't even have to read the question, you click a box called "POSITIVE" and get the same desired outcome. The only enjoyable part of this game has been watching the fluidity of the ME, that is great. All the rest is just boring, even creating tactics has become boring with all these presets, you don't even have to think anymore. Training you don't have to change anything, it doesn't make much difference. Scouting not working properly, staff is almost useless, AI squad building bizarre.... The thing is that SI spent so much time adding new stuff in the game that if you had to spend time thinking what to do in training, interactions, etc.. you would spend your whole day, and that is obviously not viable. But that is what the game should be like, a simulator where you have to think what you are doing, not figure out the right button to click to get the desired outcome.
  17. The problem to me is that there's a conflict between what customers expect and what the business thing is about. From a business point of view, they have to be left with bugs/flaws to be fixed for the next version so they have a reason to deliver a new game every year. Okay with that, the problem is that it's been years since FM is all about fixing something in the game to screw another part of the game. They fix ME issues, and screw interactions. Next year they fix interactions, and screw finances, and so on and so forth.. Can't speak for others here, but I, personally, would gladly pay for a decent version and keep just paying the same price for only transfer updates for the next 3-5 years, I would have no problem with that.
  18. Well, it should. Maybe the new FM25 engine might improve the game in this aspect, because FM has been around for decades and if they want to insert a gegenpressing system, they should do it properly, not just for the sake of it. I agree it is just a computer game and it won't be fully realistic, but the purpose of simulation is to increase realism as time goes by. Pressing in football nowadays is almost essential, so the game should simulate it properly. We are in an era of football where many systems have been proven to be efficient (gegenpressing with Liverpool, positional play with Man city, defensive and counter attack with Atlético Madrid, functional play with Real Madrid...) So I think devs should put a lot of effort focusing on how to improve realism within the ME instead of adding useless stuff like face paint... I understand people who come to terms with the game flaws, but to me this is a way of taking responsibility from the company. In the end we all want a better game as loyal fans, but being complacent with evident flaws that never get fixed to me is not the best way to help SI deliver a better simulator. Football is a spectacular sport and the price for making a game that will sell lots is having to find the balance to suit people's demands. Someone said early and I agree, this community here is what keeps the game alive, and I think SI should listen to the innumerous reports and complaints because they come from people who love the game, not only casuals who play to win everything within a season and quit.
  19. Why not remove them then ? I know this is weird, but real football's got no attributes. That would probably put more emphasis on training, since in FM training is only supposed to increase or decrease attributes. I confess I've thought about this multiple times and can't find a way SI could present a football game without attributes but that would be a massive game-changer in terms of realism.
  20. I played a Fulham save as well, couldn't get my center forwards to score consistently (Jimenez, Carlos and Muniz) and thought about selling them all. Apparently you found a better solution 🤣 When will we be able to take this game seriously ?
  21. Has anyone seen placed shots ? Apart from when a player is running toward the goalkeeper with no opposition, I NEVER see any placed shots. I'd say 80%~90% goals scored coming from powerful shots.
  22. Well, I'm officialy waiting the next patch. I'm loving the ME, the animations, moves, fluidity... such a beauty to watch compared to other versions. Until you start scoring and conceding from throw-ins and corners. I've played many matches, watching in full mode is great, but as soon as I select Compreenshive or Highlights, the whole thing starts. Okay, I know the game needs a starting point to generate occasions, but I don't rememeber seeing so many goals coming from set pieces before. I like to play long term saves, and the scouting problems are annoying. Not to mention the AI can't cope with agressiveness, and the game seems to find a way to make it harder for you when you're winning by injuring your players around January/February. I know this happens IRL, but in FM this is just an excuse to make things harder. The AI can't cope, that's what frustrates me. If not the injuries, there comes the bizarre complaints, if not the complaints, the board starts making weird decisions. I mean, I just want the AI to give me challenge in the matches, not a bunch of problems the game starts creating to make things harder. I've started 5 saves and all of them follow the same pattern (Let's see if someone can relate): Start save, get everything set up (tactics, training, scouting..) AI offering some challenge until I play some 433 basic tactic with high pressure There comes the winning streak Scouting not working properly There comes the injuries around January/February Players forget how to play a tactic that's been played for months Weird board decisions There comes Players complaints (jack hasn't been offered a new contract, 3rd reserve john is not getting enough playing time - always the same things.) End of season. Repeat.
  23. In fact that would be a great way of adding some usefulness to the assistant manager. I myself only use him to do press conferences and nothing more . This thing about him giving advice is present in almost every simulator, like Sim City where you have the ministers giving you advice and all. In FM I find Staff almost useless.
  24. But that's exactly what people are complaining about. Goals coming from corners and throw-ins, they are happening too much because there seems to be some bug in the way the defenders organize themselves after the ball is hit. The fact that set piece takers get many assists despite their set piece attributes, is due to poor defending. That might have been happening due to the changes in the set piece creator, but we can't confirm that of course.
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