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Everything posted by Rodrigogc

  1. I was one who got extremely disappointed with the game prior to this update, but I must say that I'm now impressed. Ok, I played only 2 months and focused on spotting ME issues, and I found none worth mentioning! I have not seen woodwork ball hiting often, goals are now being scored in many different ways, my team is defending better, and all of these tests I made watching games completely. At the beginning I was worried about the players rushing forward like someone pointed out earlier in this topic, but I made tweaks, reduced mentality and tempo and I saw great build up play! Think I'll be able to create my long term save now, and I'll focus on building a defensive tactic up until the next patch to test it out. Probably the game will get even better, but I think it is worth praising SI when they need to be praised.
  2. I often visit this forum but rarely post. I'm 52 now, been playing manager games since CM 01/02 and never felt so disappointed with a full release. Tbh, the direction this game is heading is depressing me, and I don't even care about the money I spent because I really appreciate having such a great manager game throughout these years. One of the things that I adore about FM is I can create so many obstacles to make it a hard and fun game, and the freedom to do whatever I want definitely makes me love FM more than any other game. I loved FM23 despite some issues, to me the best version ever, played my best saves and I feel now I'll be back to it since I don't think FM24 will hold to my expectations. The IA in this game is completely ridiculous, I ported my St Pauli save from FM23 and simply won Bayern without them even creating chances, they even had Wirtz playing as a winger! My god, I usually buy players that are far below the capacity I have money to buy, just to make the game more difficult, and then FM24 provides me with the easiest AI to beat I've ever seen! I really think this game is becoming more and more arcade, which frustrates me a lot. I hope I'll be wrong in the near future, I hope they fix these many related bugs because my mind is telling me that they will screw it up even more with FM25. I'll wait a little bit more but really considering coming back to FM23 and stick to it to death.
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