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FM Head Researchers
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Everything posted by V50

  1. 1 star to 2.5 star doesn't look much different with those stats, I'd just take a season of pain and put in a bunch of youngsters with the highest stars and/or best personalities. Anyone wit ha hint of professionalism and determination...
  2. With your facilities, HoYD, and country you are either really unlucky or these players aren't developing... Fortunately your last intake has a bunch of youngsters coming through, I'd be tempted to simply jettison any 3 star PA players over 21 (PA estimates tend to be more accurate then) and take a chance on the youngsters.
  3. @Padders you're even more of a legend for sticking through with such terrible players. I don't think I could get out of League 2 with those lot Have you considered picking for pace, acceleration, jumping and free kicks?
  4. Genuinely fear for you if they're worse. Are there no youngsters with decent potential?
  5. You're a legend, but if that's a starter for you I understand why the Premier league is a struggle! He should have been put out to pasture a couple seasons ago I'd love a quick summary of your youth prospects over the past 10 years, there must be some gems in there.
  6. Martinique will definitely be a challenge! On the plus side no FIFA qualification matches for Martinique so less international matches you are forced to give players up for.
  7. Nope - still the old format. I'll update to the new format next year
  8. Updated! @Shaneo94 @JAwtunes @themodelcitizen @WhiteCat33 @Jorgen @cel1234 @LeB8 @XaW I've also tested dynamic qualification and it works! Reputations change, although they seem not to change much in the first couple years. This definitely impacts qualification places, so if you take a nation out of the big 4 to glory and make your division reputable you will see your clubs get more qualification opportunities.
  9. It's funny you raised me now - I'm literally updating it for the final patch as we speak. I got massively disheartened that I couldn't seem to fix a bug in Trinidad, but I think (fingers crossed) I fixed it. TomFM just used my database (without credit :() in a recent video, which made me want to tidy it up!
  10. Anyone know the Portugese reset date this year?
  11. And now when I go to play my game, it crashes February 13th... 6 tests, no crashes at all, when I want to play, repeatable crash when the first round of NACL games are played. I am upset. But another test from scratch with no changes to the files gets past February 13th...
  12. @Jorgen@dillonbarrett1997@LeB8@XaW@themodelcitizen@WhiteCat33@ChicoPolska New version out! By completely remaking the region (learnt some new tricks) the league reputations now seem to change!!
  13. Oh sorry I meant the continental cups. If you send me the file I might be able to help, typically that error is about the qualification rules. Check that the next stage number/main name is correct, and check that the "teams" for the playoff rounds are correctly entered (it's easy to put in the information incorrect, you need the name that they qualified for (e.g. quarter final) and then the stage you are looking for (e.g. "1").
  14. I am nearly done remaking all the concacaf ones to fix bugs...
  15. Caribbean Cup Semi Finals need the extra time removed and replaced with away goals after 90 minutes too please. Finals needs away goals added after 90 minutes, along with the 5 subs in "agreed windows" (Carib Cup regulation do not specify how many, strangely) for all the matches.
  16. And some more - all the CONCACAF competitions need to be moved to 5 subs from 12 in 3 stops (half-time not included). Central American Cup group stage sorts by goal difference in matches between the tied teams, then goals scored in matches between teams, then discipline record (Red card = 4, which isn't an option at the moment) Central American Cup has away goals after 90 minutes in the second leg then straight to penalties in the knockout stages, but strangely the play-in (Playoff for NACL place) and the final DO have extra time, away goals after 90 but NOT after extra time, and an extra sub in extra time. Just sounds like they got bored... On top of that there's a complicated method to determine who is at home for the second leg, involving the team with the most "points" up until that point (i.e. points in group stage, plus assuming 3 points for a win and 1 for a draw in the legs before that stage), and then some extra tiebreak stuff. Source; https://stconcacafwp001.blob.core.windows.net/media/xprftii3/2024-cac-cup_english-regulations-mt71523.pdf
  17. Apologies, since you're already there, the league sorting rules are also incorrect - they should be results between teams, goal difference, goals for, goals against, discipline points (RC = 3), and substitutions should be 5 from 12 (3 stops) Source: https://stconcacafwp001.blob.core.windows.net/media/atwi3fxa/2024-concacaf-champions-cup-regulations-eng.pdf
  18. Playing around with CONCACAF competitions to fix a bug in my Caribbean file. When looking at the default settings for the Leagues Cup in the editor group index 3 is set to be centred around Colorado (PR), problem being that Colorado (PR) is in Brazil. I think the group meant to be centred around Colorado Springs or Denver? To reproduce; Open the competition in whatever internal editor you use and check the "group settings" for the Leagues Cup group stage (0). Go to the "Group Regions (New System)" section and see that Group 3 is set to Colorado PR.
  19. In the words of wise poet Zealand, Loans! If you can. Having a senior affiliate also helps in that regard. You'll only every get free transfers, so just mass-trialling any free transfer who might play for you is a good strategy- don't forget if you click the cog in the player scouting area you can set it to include players who are "unsure". If your team is pure amateur this is good as it won't cost you much either way, and with a promise or two you can sometimes punch above your weight. Sometimes the best strategy is patience. Ask for junior coaching all the time - it's relatively cheap and can significantly raise the CA of your youth prospects, meaning you can get 1 or two players straight into your first team. Finally, there tends to be a meta tactic. Knapp has a tactics thread with OP tactics of you lose your patience but generally a standard 4 4 2 or 4 3 3 will work if you're a bit attacking.
  20. Back to 2 years behind, except randomly it's one year...
  21. No clue, I have somehow made it worse - it now regularly skips every other year and 2024-2025 don't happen as games are scheduled for 2026 in 2024? Typically this is caused by a competition not finishing in time or some error in setup dates...
  22. Spent hours today on and off, haven't found a way to fix it...
  23. Just mine, it's apparent when 2023 and 2024 have the same entrants. This could be a consequence of me separating the Caribbean Cup into a separate file instead of having them together... I'll fix it tomorrow if I get a chance.
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