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Everything posted by V50

  1. definitely, thanks for spotting! In terms of the Shield Dates, CONCACAF changed the dates again, it's frustrating to keep up with them. I will update the files with an August Shield/Cup...
  2. That is weird. More weird is that they overlap, which shouldn't happen. Is it a world cup year?
  3. Thank you for looking into this. Just to note I raised this as this happens if you convert from basic to advanced, meaning these rules aren't being set up properly by the editor in basic mode, rather than being a problem I brought in.
  4. Can you send me a screenshot? It should take the last winner and runners up. Alternatively, it might be that due to when the season ends you are entered in the next year? See which two teams qualified for hte Caribbean Club Shield from the DR this year and see if it was last year's winners and runners up. The competition "resets" 1st January, so that will be where it looks for the last winner and runner up.
  5. The Caribbean Shield finalists go into the Caribbean cup, and the top 3 of the Caribbean Cup qualify for the NACL. If Curaçao's reputation increases you will get entered later in the competition (top 4 nations enter the Caribbean Cup directly with their 1st and 2nd teams, with their 3rd joining the Caribbean Shield)
  6. No option for that you pick predetermined round names in the editor.
  7. Great stuff. The rounds are called "Kaya 6" and "Kaya 4" which I'm not sure of the translation, but picked 6th and 4th rounds to get the gist as there isn't an option.
  8. I can help answer here. The main problem is the players - internal logic suggests why move if its not worth my while? Your best domestic montserrat players wouldn't play for Vanorama North or South, as they will be below standard. For players to move abroad they often require a premium, which no club would pay for in England. Foreign clubs won't be interested for a long time - you'd need to significantly improve the youth coaching. My files solve this by setting up transfer preferences, and I have seen montserrat players head to local islands using my data files, as a step to Europe. Without my Caribbean Shield competition you will find it nigh-on impossible due to the random nature of qualification for you - if you load my files and make it to the group stages you can get good (realistic) cash - about what you are earning a year in revenue!
  9. Oh so it was, how annoying. It's not happening this year though right?
  10. I had that format last year for.the league, but they got rid of it this year. You can still load last year's files if you wanted the arguably more interesting format. I clearly missed the president's cup as it wasn't played this time last year, I can amend.
  11. Not due to my files - are you running other files alongside? I am playing with all my files with Italy loaded.
  12. Yup, Saint lucia has always played a single round Robin in their leagues. I have tried to set up the all star tournaments they have, but they seem disabled by SI. If I remember it has secondary regional leagues that add more games to the calendar for teams (e.g. Castries)
  13. BTW if you're interested here is their club website! https://arsenal.arubafc.com
  14. Have to load the editor files at the start, but you can add the leagues later
  15. To add to this, Haiti would also be reasonably straight forward. Trinidad has good prize money relative to the others, but football is important, not very important, so buck-for-buck youth facilities won't give as good I think
  16. The problem is second nationalities - these regens occur due to French being the second nationality of all players. I don't have a fix for it, as the newgen ethnicity is set properly in the nation part of the database @Woodg SI might need to look into it from a coding point of view
  17. Thanks, all of these nations have been updated for the next major data release
  18. I have no clue on the Cup prize money - that's outside my pay grade. I didn't even know it could improve that much, but if you think about it it makes sense - the Bajan league is one of the most reputable leagues in the region.
  19. Qualify by placing 1st-3trd in the Caribbean cup. Higher league rep means you start later (lowest ranked teams get very early round entry, top 4 get 1st and 2nd in the Caribbean Cup, skipping the Shield entirely)
  20. By design - the group stages lead straight to a 3rd place for the 2nd place teams in the group and a final for the top 2, as per the real-world format. It was super annoying to make if you're wondering, lol
  21. That's beyond my pay grade! The game should, in theory, pull the winner of the Coupe de France regional cups I have made as part of the base game.
  22. Thanks for spotting this - it seems to have randomly reset the points for some of the leagues when I loaded last year's. For example, French Guiana top division is wrong but second division is right? It looks like French Guiana is the only country affected, which is very weird.
  23. That's very weird as I have set it to 4 2 1 in the file? I'll check later but it definitely had that before
  24. That sounds very confusing. I interpreted the finals tournament as having 5 teams - the host's second place (I decided to pick the most reputable) and Saint Martin's team playing a playoff to enter the semi-finals.
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