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Everything posted by V50

  1. I fear this is by design, but I have set up a competition (mirroring real life - Pure Grenada Cup) made up of "all star" teams (they pull from their parish/country clubs). The clubs don't even load in-game (i.e. you can't find them). Am I doing something wrong, or are All-Star teams disabled outside the nations that use them officially in game? Please see attached. Grenada 23 adv.fmf
  2. To clarify - The "club" vision comes from the Chairman/owner/President, as they set it. What might be considered "Club Culture" is now under "Supporter Objectives". Which makes sense in a way - Supporters form the club and have expectations, but if some owner comes in and wants to fundamentally change that then you will have a conflict.
  3. Thanks. Another crash dump in case it helps; Editor 2023 v23.2.0.1771058 (2022.12.13 13.07.17).dmp
  4. I've attached the .dmp file. Basically if I load too many editor files (load editor file, save changes, load database, load editor file etc) - which I am doing as I've got a bunch of things I'm checking - it will sometimes just start "searching" when it loads the file, despite me not doing a search. When I clikc "Cancel" it crashes and creates this dump file. Editor 2023 v23.2.0.1771058 (2022.12.13 11.31.05).dmp
  5. I've activated the Coupe de France regional qualifying tournaments in French Guiana and Martinique, but the winners are not being pulled from these competitions. I've attached the files I've used to help. French Guiana 23.fmf
  6. The problem was related to the bottom playoffs going to a separate cup competition, I didn't figure out what the problem exactly was, but removing that fixed it.
  7. The kit resetting issue I've had in a different way - if I go through making a whole bunch of clubs (10+), sometimes, randomly, it will ignore my selection of kit (e.g. i change a shirt to shorts, but it changes some other row to shorts (e.g. icon)). It seems random so I've not been able to accurately reproduce it.
  8. I use the advanced editor a lot, and I often make mistakes with qualification rules for some reason. This is more a suggestion/beg, but could this error message please be a bit more helpful? I've uploaded a file with this error, been trying to find my mistake for about 30 minutes Thanks! Tom Bermuda 23.fmf
  9. NACL accurate adv 2023 v2.fmf I've remade the North American competitions, everything works smoothly, apart from the Caribbean Cup, which randomly doesn't produce winners to the history books (e.g. history goes 2021, 2024, 2027). The years change every time I run it. I'm 90% sure it's my fault somewhere, but the validation in the advanced editor isn't picking it up and I haven't worked it out yet. If I do I'll report it here.
  10. If you set basic squad registration rules in the Basic editor, the clubs don't seem to register players correctly, and will frequently leave most of their first team unregistered. If you load the file attached it should happen - just holiday into the Jamaican season and half the squads will be "UNR". I've had to go into the advanced editor and set registration periods manually. It was this way last year too but I forgot to ever log it. Jamaica 23.fmf.
  11. It sounds like something I've broken, but if you add any leagues in the Caribbean, it's random if it passes testing. Sometimes it will state that the North American Champions League has 9 entrants instead of 10. These files are a good example. Just load them into the editor and test the rules a couple of times. Sometimes it passes, other times it doesn't Haiti 23 Adv2.fmf Jamaica 23 adv.fmf
  12. They're already in the game as far as I know. ID: 2000202856
  13. It might be his age- does it happen with 16 year olds?
  14. I know Kieran Cooper isn't reaching to shelf a lot, but damned if I wouldn't make him a ball playing centre back.
  15. That positioning is damn attractive. What a player for the conference. And 18 determination! Shame he accelerates like a lorry up a hill
  16. Amazing stuff. Shocked about how good the Saint Lucian prospects are. Would love to know their CA and PA.
  17. Reputation also matters - a reputable HoY can attract players and help poach/counter poaching.
  18. Saint Vincent and Saint Lucia don't have much variability on a (underneath the hood) country level - if you want varied intakes then Trinidad or Jamaica are the ones
  19. It's been many years since I released one of these, but I've quite enjoyed FM22! Attached is the Caribbean megapack, which has leagues for all Caribbean nations, and some secondary leagues for some. It also has an NACL rebuild (optional), which expands the Champions League to 32 teams, has a modified Leagues Cup, a central american club cup, and most importantly a rebuilt Caribbean Cup that integrates all nations. I have also made a transfer preferences file, which encourages larger nations to transfer players from the region. Without this, the best players retire around 23, as they are too good/reputable for clubs in their nation but not reputable enough to transfer abroad to bigger clubs (See below about awards too). Unlike other league packs, I have tested these leagues up until 2030, including sustainable finances for clubs and player/coach awards for each league. I particularly dislike leagues without awards, as awards can play a significant role in raising a player's reputation, which influences things like national team selection, which clubs are interested in transferring them, and team selection domestically. Suggestion; If you are playing in Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, or Trinidad, you can ignore the rebuild if you like - you always have a fully-fledged chance of qualifying for the NACL. If you are playing elsewhere, or want a proper Caribbean Club Championship, then activate it. Teams outside those 4 nations get a totally random chance of qualifying for the NACL, so it can be quite depressing. The reason I had to rebuild the entire thing was that I couldn't pull the top 3 teams from the Leagues Cup without rebuilding everything, for a semi-proper qualification process, This is because the winners, runners up, and third place are almost certainly already qualifying from somewhere else, so you need to go quite far down. Club Championship group stage (after two qualifying rounds for the second-placed clubs in their nation and the winners of the smallest 16 nations) Revamped NACL with a big group stage instead of the current system. Edit: V1.1 updates Caribbean Championship group stage with accurate tiebreakers. V1.2 - Antigua back to normal number of games Caribbean megapackv1.2.zip
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