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Everything posted by SouthCoastRed

  1. It might well turn OTF, however I suspect they won’t care, but Doris from Reigate thinks it’s 100% the right decision, and thousands agree with her.
  2. Meet @JJ72, he can give you some ideas and pointers how best to channel and prolong those feelings
  3. That’s the excuse they’ll have binned them on, which is completely bollocks. I could see a coherent argument with stopping the London games, with everyone rushing to Green Park to dump some ****** petrol station flowers, but in the provinces it’s just a cop out, but….they’ve got history for it, which is why it was obvious that’s what would happen
  4. That’s what the authorities want you to do. Pornhub is still up though, so you could have a tug yourself too
  5. Bet you wish United hadn’t bothered last night either Mind you, in hindsight, they didn’t
  6. Without saying I told you so, I told you all the football would be off. There was no way they’d play without official guidance, as soon as they bottled it and left it down to the clubs it was a dead duck
  7. I would assume that the date will be announced today, as there will be a **** load of planning required. But a weekend is a strong possibility as I doubt there would be a break in protocol just for football
  8. When I find myself agreeing with Oche, I know something truly monumental has occurred
  9. I agree, but don’t think it’ll happen. Cycling has gone early and cancelled the rest of The Tour of Britain, and just said the guy who was leading yesterday has won. I don’t think the test match will be played at The Oval either. Without somebody actually making a decision football will just fall in line. If they were going to play, then wouldn’t have called off tonight’s games
  10. It'll all be off without guidance. No one will want to be branded insensitive by playing
  11. I put the green bags out and walked the dog. She still shat in the same place and spent ages sniffing other dogs arses. So pretty minimal impact so far Semi seriously though, I do feel strangely sad, and can't help thinking how upset my mum would be if she was still alive
  12. Last Night of the Proms cancelled, see again surely this would have been an opportunity for a lot of people of that age and persuasion to have an outpouring of love and respect and a good sing along. 99% of you peasants wouldn’t care one way or the other though
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