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Everything posted by Maviarab

  1. OFC it does....do you not see how much easier it will be for you to be able to buy something you didn't know you didn't need that wasn't on your Amazon wishlist but Google found something and the targeted ads thought you needed it????? C'mon man, any fool can see the benefits there...benefits all round... Edit: If not obvious, the whole above post is sarcasm served with a slice of fresh sarcasm on some fresh sarcasm toast.
  2. Very interesting and yes have noticed the half/half (bottom of one and top of another) issue myself in all stadiums I've checked. Currently trying to work out how it decides which image to use.
  3. (Also doing similar to the OP but with the old fan banners mod and wanting to change/add/update a lot of them), do you know (to save constantly having to check each...single...stadium) does stadium size have a definite number of boards? So say...20k is 9 boards...30k is 12...40+ is 16 etc etc (talking about stadia boards here...between bottom and top tiers of the stands)? I know the 'number' inside the stadia is (seemingly) randomly assigned and some are used more than others etc, but do you know the answer to my question in that is there a direct correlation to number of adboards to stadium capacity? Any help or a pointed finger in the direction to confirm/clarify would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the reply but no, nothing wrong with my XML, whether or not the image is named the same as the UID or whether or not I use FMXL. This on FM23. Again, unedited XML filoe works fine but I lose all regen faces (whether I use game default or FMNEWGAN. Makes no difference. If I edit the config to just the two lines I need, or use FMXL or any other method, they do not show.
  5. Hey guys, long time no see! Ok, having used the Regen UID finder (available on a couple of the big FM fan sites) I'm having an issue in FM23: Editing the config file to only inclue the 2 requisite rows I need (after having found out the 'numbers' of those staff members) then the images do not change to my own. However, interestingly, if I use the config file unedited (which contains hundreds of duplicate lines repeated from 1-1000) then it works great, the images of the Assistant and Officer change, but I lose all my regen faces... Anyone any idea why using a config file with just the 2 lines I need (56 and 510 in my instance) doesn't work?
  6. Perfect post/reply at the perfect time...was just looking up how to change them in 23 if it was possible (I didn't buy 21 or 22 for the very reasons you stated) and have to admit, when first starting 23 to be greeted with an ad useage permission screen almost made me get a refund. Thanks.
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