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Everything posted by Maviarab

  1. Shouldn't this be in https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/60-fm-career-updates/
  2. Well by that I actually meant, if you only ever play 2 or 3 seasons you will never see a lot of the issues the game has and think it works perfectly fine.
  3. As far as I'm aware there should be no negative to resigning when on a month to month rolling contract (ie expired). I would be surprised if you got an offer from more than a 3 or 3.5 star team though.
  4. https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/22-good-player-team-guide/
  5. This. I think a lot of people are missing the fact that a quarter of a year into the games life-cycle, it is still not fully playable (though that may be subjective depending on person and play style). That is just completely and utterly unacceptable. If the game had a 2 year life-cycle then fair enough, but it doesn't, and this happens every...single...year.... I'm sure you must get paid by SI for some of the drivel you come out with on here. I've personally not bought the game since FM'18 before this years version....and won't be again any time soon until they finally sort out all the crap that needs sorting out. People are capable of standing by what they say you know and now more than ever people do vote with their wallet for they perceive as a sub par product for something they don't need, especially in these current trying financial times. More companies would de well to heed that.
  6. So what did you make of grade's comments about immersion? He seems to think the pressure is getting you and you won't handle the big occassion, care to comment?
  7. I think the woodwork thing has been an issue for many years. if I had a pound for every shot that hit the beans...I'd be a happy man.
  8. As no one replied to you yet... Better players (a given really) and maybe look to increase/better your chance creation. If a lot of those shots were really half-chances at best...then it's going to skew the stats for that player. Better/higher quality chances will result in a better goal return (or, should in theory), if the player/tactics/roles/individual instructions etc allow for it. Be interesting to know the stats for shots on target too, might give a better indication of whether he is just being wasteful (for whatever reason), or a lot are being saved/he trying to place shots as opposed to shoots with power. Are most of his shots outside the box or inside? Player traits can matter also, shoot on sight, takes early shots, like to shoot from distance etc etc, change tacticical instructions maybe so forward isn't wasting as many chances and he should keep hold of the ball instead of taking a half-chance pot-shot. There's unfortunately a lot that could be at play here.
  9. A handful of times, more often than not though you won't win so take it on the chin. As for what the graphics engine shows you, completely disregard it, it isn't accurate as to what actually happened within the match engine itself so using it as an example is bad in reality.
  10. On a very similar and kind of related vein, looking at your avatar, I also find it hilarious that people like Warnock still get jobs, Redknapp. Like surely, there has to be a younger option...no? Never really taken much notice in FM if people of their ages still keep grabbing jobs. Football managers eh, like watching TV, same faces everywhere over and again. Let the younger and inexperienced have a chance eh?
  11. I was mainly yes, but IIRC Champ Man didn't have 'patches' until 01/02 (previously they did offer transfer updates). Again, the industry has changed, and not for the best imo...but then I'm not a game dev (where I'm sure the change to the industry is awesome)...I'm just an old original gamer from when the industry started wo less and less these days accepts mediocre.
  12. The problem with 'adding leagues' later in a save (and all the YouTubers know this, which is why they do it) is it seriously affects the quality of newgens for the newly 'active league'.... Makes the game very unbalanced.
  13. There was a time, many moons ago, it's...a distant fog in the memory, game devs played their game, that was the beta. it came out...we all rejoiced, rushed to the shop, there was no updates, fixes...patches, you bought *gasp/shock/hporror* a full game...working...no need for the player base to test it for you... Maybe I just dreamed those days....so long ago now....I'm old....
  14. I love the confidence in people who don't know licensing and copyright laws and what is and isn't acceptable regarding fair use, similarities and the law Not asking for a recreation (illegal if rights are owned), similar is perfectly fine, even to a point so is recogniseable.
  15. Happens very often (maybe not the relegation) but suddenly playing in continental competitions, along with leage, domestic cups, happened to planty of other clubs before and will again. Happened to Leeds once also iirc in the past. Playing in Europe, battling relegation all season. I'll also add, depending on league settings, it happens quite frequently in FM, especially in leagues you don't have active or are not playing in.
  16. Umm..do you actually watch/follow any real football? Hahaha. I find it incredulous that you can repeatedly find a job even though your entire career, you've been ****! Only in sports would it and does it happen. Sacked from here, sacked from there, sacked from every ****ing where, yet for some reason, football directors continually think, hey, Jim Wugabung Smith has been sacked 5 times in 8 years....I bet he'd be a great fit for us.....Like...really? Are all football owners smoking the dope???? This would not happen in ANY other industry (except maybe retail CEO's lol). It beggers belief and blows my mind that utterly crap managers just keep getting job...after job...after job...regardless of the league. As for other comments, will say it (again...and again...and again....), why would anyone start with no experience? Not realistic, NO football club would EVER give you a job in real life (probably not even your local pub team either these days) without at least your level 1, and when you can get your first two badges for the insanly expensive cost (/s) of £470 and the level 1 is purely online and takes a matter of hours.... Completely incorrect. How do you think Mourino got the Benfica job originally? Ultimately (and this is an issue with the whole world), quals matter over experience. The world has changed. I think it sucks, a bit of paper is menaningless imo and I think uni/college is a huge waste of money and time, however the modern world disagrees with me (I'm old so..yeah). Within football though, having a continental A is far more important (and tells a hell of a lot more about whether you actually know what you're doing) then 5 years managing Worksop under 18's. As for being 'unemployed after poor performances'....refer you back to my fiirst paragraph again lol. It happens, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and has for a long time, so your unemployed manager (whi seems utterly crap) getting offered L1 jobs etc, is actually perfectly realistic isn't it as we have already proved, having the licence but being repeatedly sacked, is not a barrier to getting another decent job. As for in game, do you only have down to the conf loaded...standard database? If so, then of course they will be offered those jobs, it's a game and someone has to offer you a job in order for you to play said game. The very fact that starting unemployed Man Utd will never offer you a job (regardless of your badge level) seems to me it's all working as it should. Ultimately, getting a conf job immediately is in itself not realistic is it? At all. However, it is still a game, and while SI say they strive for realism, they don't really, only in certaina reas as ultimately, if the 'game' was realistic, no one would buy it as all the fun things you can do, you just can't in real life. (Edit: As an aside to all that, I do wish there was an option at the start to be 'trained by'...and by that I mean the Mourinho example. Start the game with no 'management' experience but your top badge, however adding in the 'trained/tutored/mentored by' (insert random managers of SI's choice here) would then lend credence to the no management experience, would make instantly taking over a top job much more realistic then and while some players may still not respect you, it would be lessened). Another perfect real life example of this would be Arteta at Arsenal...no experience at all, top coaching badge...however, mentored by Pep...
  17. Welcome to the game industry over the last 20 years, and it's only getting worse. Soooo.....FM21 players retired too soon and newgens peaked too quick...now we have the complete opposite...soooo.... See where I'm going with this?....yeah...no....???? There are issues present that were present 10+ years ago.....but people keep buying it...they keep making their millions....so.... This is like people whining aboutt capatalism and hating rich folk...stop buying their shizz then (which people probably don't need anyway), rich corps get rich because people buy their stuff.....ain't rocket science is it...or maybe it is lol Human nature, nothing will change, people will keep wasting money, complain they broke, complain about the people they make rich. *shrugs* I'm done with FM now until the womens game is added, as on a final hope, the changes required, it will be a completely brand new game and not something existing off the code of Champ Man 20 years ago.
  18. Simple...yes. More contextual, you can have a 5 star team at any level, professional or otherwise. The stars relate to your team, your own players. Don't be thinking a 5 star team is full of Messi's, Pedro's and Camavinga's. The star rating also comes from one of your staff members, how good he is is another question. To extrapolate, a 5 star player at Brighton, might only be 3.5 stars if he moved to Liverpool and vice-versa, a 3 star player at Liverpool could/would be a 5 star player at Norwich. Make sense? As for moving up the leagues etc and gaining better quality players, yes, one of the fun things of FM and the major defining thing that still makes it a game (because, if it was as easy in the game, every non-league club would have done it by now). Just be wary of when you have to go professional as a club, as your finances will take a major hit and all your players will suddenly think they're Ronaldo and want new contracts you can't afford.
  19. If you stayed in the Championship for 2 years then the payments would end, so if then got promoted and then relegated again they would restart. But yes in your current predicament, relegated the 3 years start, promoted the next season (1 year/season gone, no payments as in Premier League), relegated again, (2 years/seasons now gone) so you would only actually get the aid (the final and lowest payment of the three years) for one more year/season.
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