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Everything posted by Maviarab

  1. Excellent stuff V50, will this also enable you to manage the national sides of countries such as Dominca, Curacao and St Lucia?
  2. There are are least 3 applications that I know of that will do this with varying degrees of difficulty, and two of them will also make the 3D kit for you in the process (both free). Sure, would it be nice to be able to do this from 'within' FM? Yeah..but hardly end of world stuff.
  3. Wasn't sure where to post this...my reason for posting though is: Given the gravity of the points deduction, will this be something SI will add/code into the game in their March update? https://www.skysports.com/football/news/20876/12791409/juventus-serie-a-side-given-15-point-deduction-as-tottenhams-fabio-paratici-handed-30-month-ban-from-italian-football
  4. The Aaron Ramsey thing, no, would never happen in a mullion years, ever. As to loans etc in general, this is the fine line (to me) of where ultimately, FM is a 'game'. Let's be honest, would it have ever seen a third or fourth iteration if it was actually like real life and sorry, but you're never taking Boreham Wood to Champions League glory, you'll be lucky ton get them promoted never mind anythuing else. The game would have quickly died if in like real life, unless you managed a handful of clubs, you would be stuck slogging it out forever.
  5. It's a poorly implemented 'feature'...one of many as I'm sure you know. As long as you're winning it won't ultimately matter. Should you go on a massive losing streak etc...then yes, they matter. And no, in real life, even if the board/fans have a vision, if you're winning and climbing the leagues then no they wouldn't give a crap.
  6. Well documented and believe is already been reported as a bug. There are a few instances where it fails to show.
  7. Lol...sure. My 10 year old PC handles all FM's calculations just fine. Please, stop it. It can be done ion the very final day of the season (whatever day that is depending on league)...one calculation for all teams in league. That's not killing anyones machine regardless of how old/bad it is.
  8. Remove release clauses for all players ASAP under new contracts or contract renewals. May take some back and forth negotiating but can be done. if signing a player and it's an unremovable clause....then take ya chances.
  9. Adding leagues to get great regens is a very long time 'hack' and used by many to bolster their own teams on the cheap. This problem has existed for years.
  10. There are lots of things they 'could have done' over the last 10 years that we're still waiting for. The fact is, yes/no code flags do exists in FM for many many things already, sooo...
  11. I personally fail to see how a piece of code can possibly make it unplayable for the majority of players. We're not talking processing power here or graphics prowess...it's code. LIke in the majority of code, whatever form that takes, can a simple repeating flag not be implemented at the end of the season (rather than the start of the next one)...has x won promotion? If no do nothing, if yes give x boost and trigger flag for next highest league? Now I admit I don't know how FM is coded but this would seem the simplest solution/fix which would benefit everyone and affect (negatively) no one.
  12. Given how broken the MLS is and always has been good luck. I enjoyed all my saves there (Vancouver) but long term saves are untennable unfortunately. Will be following.
  13. Also look at how you have your overall tactics set up. I don't know the players but what are there actual stats? Do you have/use opposition instructions? Paolo Maldini and Franco Baresi conceded just 29 goals in 196 matches together, barely a tackle made between them half the time, as the simply didn't need to make them a lot of the time. The art of tackling is actually a fairly recent modern thing. As for goals conceded, been a long running thing now that the opposition will always score from their one shot on target, just have to chalk it up...if you're dominating, scoring and winning comfortably, I really wouldn't worry (personally) about metrics or charts (as annoying as conceding can be).
  14. As long as the drive is connected and you have changed the path in the game then go for it. I've done this for years.
  15. I think a lot of this comes into the aspect of all managers, however low, paid for most of their badges themselves up to level 3 or 4. That after 20 years this still isn't in the game quite frankly beggers belief. So even if you set the badge to the team in the options, just justify it yourself that you spent the few grand it would cost previously to get those necessary badges to coach at that level. To add to that, in a very similar topic, still surprises me after all these years there is not a setting to be a 'Mourinho'....a man who barely did anything in the game yet got ALL his badges and was tutored by the great man himself and walked straight into a top level job. Perhaps the most famous manager around yet we can't simulate that.
  16. With international management, after your have confirmed your squad if a player gets injured 'and' you have 'Increase duration of processing breaks' ticked, when you get mail in your inbox saying a player has been injured and withdrawn from the squad (and do you wish to call up a replacement) the game does not stop to be able to address this issue and just continues straight past it, therefore by the time you realise/know about it, it's too late and you 'decided not to call up a replacement'. Not actually sure if this a big, an oversight or WAI...but it really should stop on this inbox item.
  17. Not different at all. Ads are constantly forced upon us and these things exist because they annoy the majority of people. So yes, very same discussion. They were extreme for a reason, guess that went over your head. My point applies and stands as to where the industry (and this game in particular) is/are heading.
  18. Hey guys, Ok, am I going mad or did we used to be able to (once upon a moon a long time ago) be able to interact with players regarding their club future etc? Ie: Advise to move to stay in national team etc? Also, I thought we also used to be able to try and convince players to postpone retirement if a tournament coming up shortly after the own proposed date. So delay until after tournament? If this is still available, where the hell has it been moved to? Also a funny, had a player retire mid-World Cup in this save which was a tad annoying (didn't even get notification and no option to ask him to wait grrrr). Asking now as have another player set to retire during the next forthcoming tournament and would rather delay is retirement by a few weeks. Am I mad?? This stuff used to be in the game right? I know International management in FM has never been 'great' (I'm waiting for some custom DB's to be completed before starting a proper save) but have they removed these features and actually made this part of the game worse?
  19. SaS for me, everything you need without the fuss. Was a big fan of OPZ back in the day and used to like FluT but gone far too fussy now (though still absolutely love the geographical little map thing but that alone isn't enough).
  20. While I get your pooint, it's very bad. All the other things you mention are services and are to be expected. Football manager is a (primarily) a single player GAME.... One is not like the others. Not like them at all in fact. Maybe you're also a CoD fan perhaps....just before shooting the bad guys Ghost blurts out, "Alright guys, lets grab a KFC before we bust some nuts!" Would that be acceptable? Or maybe in Hogwarts Legacy (Top Game on Steam right now)....the main characters can be seen entering an 1800's Pizza Hut while a ressurected Alan Rickman ponders of which new Mercedes to buy while Amazon spam something on your wishlist on a billboard hmmm? All in your face, unavoidable. You getting the point now? On the bus it's annoying, at the stadium it's annoying (but expected), in a film it royally pisses me off (though sometimes, sometimes, they do try and do it subtly), in a game it's unnacceptable imo, especially when the first screen after starting the game is an ad-useage policy asking if I want to opt in or not before even I've started said game. I really wouldn't be surprised at this point is FM25 is on Kickstarter to raise the funds to make it before they even start (another cancer to the games industry). @fc.cadoni You do know why ad-blockers exist right? That they are a thing? You're not still stuck on Windows 95 without one are you? I never see ads anywhere, on any platform (and I don't watch TV nor sub to streaming sites). The fact FM now presents you with an ad-useage screen before you can even start the damn game and makes you literally jump through hoops (should, for whatever reason, you not wish to see anything at all)...and then threaten fan sites with the removal of fan modded content.... Still wonder why this thread exists? really?
  21. when has that ever stopped a company doing somethign stupid? Ever..at all in history? Also, the people who pay SI a LOT of money to hage their clickable adboard...have a very powerful influence.
  22. Maybe based on (as you're well aware about) the fact they have threatened fan sites with the removal of said modded content. I'd have personally have told them to stick it and do their worst if I ran a fan site but that's me, other site owners are not as brash or stubborn as me heh. Slippery, slippery, slippery slope....
  23. 100% this. Going down the path of most cpompanies regardless of industry...target the new people and screw the people who actually keep you afloat and got you where you are. I've not bought FM since 18....asked lots of questions on forums, fan sites etc...should get 21, 22 or 23....unanimous answers were 23. Was greeted with an ad useage permission screeen...almost refunded it right there and then. See the 'exciting new features'....pfff please. They are losing more players year on year....sure they are replaced with new players...but in a few years, those 'new' players will be like us and think...is there really any point in paying this money for what amounts to a simple data update when I/they have to spend hours on the internet fixing shizz in the game ourselves that should be done by SI? 100% this also. If you're going to have something in the game, do it properly. This applies to anything...anywhere...any industry. Want a 3D match engine...faces? Do it properly. So sick of seeing graphics and UI elements that looked dated 15 years ago....and they charge more and more for it? But we have new licenses...so what? What about all the licenses we have to corcumvent ourselves? May as well do em all while we're at it, save yourself some money SI, stop official licensing (cos you know, we can fix that ourselves) and fix the stuff in the game that's needed fixing for years. Not like you're not cashing in hand over fist with your new 'advertising deals' which benefit one sole entity alone...and it's not the players, because the money they make from this extra source, sure as hell isn't going back into the game. Haven't bought since FM18 until this years....I won't be buying again anytime soon with the current direction SI is heading. Agreed. Regardless of what they say, they care about views and money. Any CC who doesn't like that statement, well, the truth hurts. Anyone who watches them and thinks they aren't...wake up. I only watch one I like him personally, he doesn't big himself up, doesn't think he important, doesn't spend hours upon hours whining like a little girl, the rest....meh...as bad as any other 'creator' on YouTube and guys. you're nowhere near as interesting or funny as you think you are.
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