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Everything posted by Maviarab

  1. The number you are looking for is entirely dependant upon your system. FM uses your CPU more than it doe RAM btw but even then it's not as simple as just saying that. Lot of factors involved and player count is actually very secondry to 'active leagues', where FM is priocessing fixtures and results. If the leagues are just view only (if you want to see the league) they do not matter as much. If you care little for even that info, go into advance and 'load players from' whatever nations, countries, leagues you want and keep all leagues as inactive (though doing this will eventually result in the AI never buying players etc and a world full of greyed out players). For a build a nation, this is the best option along with 'the important' leagues set to view only (and perhaps in advanced settings, simulate certain games in other less important nations), tonnes of players yet nothing is actually 'processing' in the background except the league you're in and say 4 or 5 others. This will also ensure a healthy game population as FM tries to keep the initial number the same. The problem with inactive leagues is eventually, your 18yo's will be better than bayerns and Madrids first team.
  2. It very obviously IS realistic though, isn't it? And FM strives for realism.... So like everything else, are SI actually competent enough(and actually give a crap), to code it in a way that very, very few players this happens to, but the ones it does happen to, make perfect sense. I'll leave that for you to decide.
  3. Fix it by removing the idiots who aren't happy.
  4. I've always traditionally done weak opponents, massive roatations and huge wins...as you say... However, I have read (can't recall where now off-hand) that this no longer has the same desired results it always used to....can't say I've noticed myself and know plenty of the toobers still use the same method we all have/do for years. As for testing of a tactic...I don't think pre-season friendlies are the best (opposition may not play a full strength side etc) though will always help with familiarity. For a tue test you really want a test save over a full season using a couple of diff sides...however, it's a little hardcore and real managers can't do that can they, however, real managers can also do lots we can't so swings and roundabouts there really. If was going to use it, i'd still play it against weak sides to get the familiarity up first and foremost, without that, you really have no clue at all how it will work against any team (good or bad).
  5. Discussion of removing licensing issues is not allowed on the forums unfortunately.
  6. Play each save until I retire (70'ish or so), the missus finds out about the bit of fluff on the side (though that did once result in a managerial career move to Outer Mongolia to avoid her solicitor) or the old bill finally catch up with my bribary and match fixing.
  7. Yes...which is overwritten by another file which cannot be talked about (why I was being cryptic). I'll assume the same fixes are in that 'other' one. Thanks for the reply.
  8. Does the 'other file' conflict with the 'other names file from other sites' or they work together?
  9. Pretty much this, always 2 for each position with some utility players.
  10. I can agree with that heh... As for the chatbots, I didn't mean within FM, I meant having worked on them for many years 'myself', I understand the time that would go into say, for example, expanding report/press conference questions to say a thousand different ones, to avoid the repetition, every...single...match, over and over again. Could be such an interesting and varied system but again, I appreciate and accept the huge time-sink involved in this. However, this comes back to many other things, implement a system properly, well expanded, or...really just don't bother because no feature/system is always better than a half-baked one.
  11. Would these really be bugs though XaW? The game is littered with them...it's similar to the press conferances, they so desperately need expanding upon the same repeated 25 questions, or like actually 'in' press conferences, why am I not playing such-a-body due to his good form when the player injured. Or, I don't think I'm good enough for the squad so want a transfer (despite starting all 46 league games for me). Yeah, I know for a fact (done this type of stuff myself with Ai chatbot programming) that coming up with this dalogue and then coding it to the correct response triggers/flags is a huge PITA, but the game needs it, desperately, instead of things like the manager timeline. How wonderful and interesting could reporter questions and press conferences be if instead of the manager timeline (just as an example) that time was spent by someone expanding upon this stuff and/or actually making dialogues with people (players, reporters, board) actually make some sense? Similar to the 'add your own comment' when asked a question...seriously, what does that actually do? Surely they are are not bugs, it has to be by design at this point no?
  12. Last time I played targeted ads were NOT there actually.... Personally, I'll die on this hill that 'targeted ads' have no place in a game, expecially a predominantly single player one and I sure as hell shouldn't have to 'opt out or accept' before I can even start the damn game.
  13. A star midfielder is probably not going to hang around Finalnd (lovely place, no offence to any Finnish here)....so if he runs his contract out...why would he not 'hang about for a month' (given the season has ended) before moving to another club (which he could actually do on the 1st December in reality as he a free agent and can train at the club he arranged a contract with before his sign on date). You think this doesn't happen in real life? This is just part of the challenge of managing in a club with a season within the year rather than split over 2 years.
  14. For the targeted ads which under UK law they have to warn you about and allow you to opt out of. So sure, you can opt out, but should never be there in the first place as far as I'm concerned.
  15. Ask in the editors forum...think something already been dpone alone those lines actually iirc.
  16. I don't know how complex FM is in these things but the guy's 64....c'mon..he old and tired and probably just wants to put his slippers on and drink his Horlicks these days.
  17. How is a heart with degrees of colour more realistic than anything else lol? As gunnerfan said, if you want 'realism' there would be no indicator at all...just 'worded cues' to say x was doing Y which would gibve you an indication. So if we are having helpful graphical 'aids' (because, it's a game), it a was move backwards. Thankfully the skin I use has both.
  18. Advice? Inform the bank...leave your GF, let your parents know once a week you're ok...snacks, drinks...have a pillow and duvet close by.... Don't forget to go the toilet....always an important one....ummm....sure there are other things.
  19. To add to XaW's comment, they are also based off the particular scout in question who scouted them. A different scout from your own team might given a different rating.
  20. Mr Guido himself yes! As for FM23, I can 100% confirm that strikerless formations can and do indeed work, I have modified slightly an old FM16/17 tactic which is working very very well, it is quite player dependant though, not sure I'd try it in some obscure league with part time players though haha. Top flight sides, it's a thing of beauty to watch! I'll give it a try when I can next sit down for some time in game and let you know how I get on if you're interested. Thanks for the reply.
  21. Excellent thread Crusader. I'm a huge lover of strikerless formations, what would be your opinion be (before I try it myself which won't be till the weekend or next week unfortunately) on DM's, CM's and AM's rather than CM's, AM's and ST's?
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