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Everything posted by Maviarab

  1. I'll assume Dave will make all his files compatible with the new database. Honestly, I wouldn;t expect him to go out of his way, may as well just release the fixed versions when V3 is released.
  2. The majority of downloadable skins have the instant result button. Pick one you like the look of.
  3. I'd also be interested Darj given it seems we can no longer select which database we want for a new game. (when was that removed?)
  4. Go with EBTS. if can't be bothered with that then sure go with Ass Man...nothing wrong with being more hands-off. Whatever rmakes your game play more enjoyable.
  5. Pretty much this...and fuill match on all cup finals.
  6. Needs to start 75% of games and play(?) 60+ mins. Most of his appearances have been from the bench and you have promised (as he expecting) to be challenging for places. He ain't challenging on the bench. Long-standing issue in FM (I keep saying this about things it seems lol)..solution, don't offer promises.
  7. Like a 4231...I would consider it very much explpoiting...rather than cheating, though I couldn't care less what people do, their game, play it how you like. And everyone cheats/exploits/whatever...or...the vast majority of us do...becayse ultimately it's a game and we can do shizz you couldn't in real life. And that's cool.
  8. One could argue it's a neccessity....wonder why it keeps going up in price every year? Beta test the game for us, tell us about issues we don't care about and won't/can't fix (because after years, it's one or the other isn't it?)...oh and give us your hard earned for an editor so you can fix them yourself....
  9. The reality is in the UK you can't bring foreign under 18's to the UK. Just accept that is the LAW....want to smuggle and hoard 16 year old Brazillians then start a save in Spain. Again, the problem is with FM not explaining things properly, and in REALITY, very, very, very few 16 year olds would sign pre contracts for 2 years later. Also now under Brexit (whether you like it or not is quite frankly not relvent), is that the vast majority of those kids would never get a work permit now anyway. Kids who are already here don't matter, and many will not get that work permit extended.
  10. I think you're misunderstanding three key things here. Form, Confidence and unfortunately, not all the best players win stuff. Doesn't mean they have/should have bad stats. Liverpool (for example as you like to keep bringing up VVD), hasn't suddenly become a bad player, just going through a patch right now as is the whole team. The team/players are not bad. Newcastle are an outlier and for sure will be nowhere near the top of the league next season and a lot of their players are over-hyped. As for Casemiro, i detest he went to United but it is what he is and will agree, he is the best DM in the world right now and his stats are underwhelming. Stats alone though, do not make a player.
  11. They just go from one extreme to the other without ever really fixing the issue. This been going on for the last 15+ years.
  12. You want to know what's really sad? The whole old players too good, retire too early, lose stats too quick...don't...do...newgens...whatever,....nothing new guys...don't ever expect it to be fixed at this stage until we get a completely new engine.
  13. Well part of the issue here is they need to be 18 to move to the UK, unlike many places in Europe where it is only 16... Also Brexit... The main problem lies in the game not actually telling you this, or giving a good enough explanation as to them 'not being interested'.
  14. Couldn't say in '22 as before this years, not played since '18 but from what have read/watched on the Toob of more recent versions, you should be fine once your actual contract has expired. (On this, this is just another example of issues within FM, when your contract finished you should leave, not be put onto a rolling contract and terrible interactions but..meh).
  15. What are the clubs/boards views on youth development etc? I don't know if this is the case with your teams, but some boards just won't do certain things, like creating youth teams, improving certain facilities etc etc. Other than actually editing things pre-game there's not a lot you can do about it. Ofc...it could also be a bug....
  16. No. There is a post here and other places that shows you how to edit stadiums (to some small extent) using the pre game editor but what you can do is incredibly limited.
  17. Players don't really slow down the game,. Could have a database with 250k plus players, with only a few leagues running you'll lose a few seconds a month tops. It's active leagues that slow it down. As for the speed rating, SI may as well ditch it, it's an utterly meaningless thing.
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