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Rob 396

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Everything posted by Rob 396

  1. 1. No league names are changed in my history file, as I put on the main post - NOTE - I have not amended any Club, Award, Nation, Competition, or any default-database Names within my History Update file - any name changes in the below screenshots are a result of me using my own external Real Name file, so you can use this alongside ANY 'Real Name Fix' file 2. The Name file I uploaded (which I am assuming you also downloaded) is purely optional, as stated in the main post - you don't have to use it - I'm old school and prefer traditional long names, and without sponsors, which I find tacky at best - if you prefer sponsor names, then you are best of getting the Sortitoutsi Real Name Fix file or something Cheers
  2. The whole North American hardcoding is such a mess/problem for modding .. (sad face)
  3. I shall amend or move that first information snippet where necessary - but just be aware that not all snippets are directly related to the exact year where the Stage name is entered, sometimes it may just be a bit of general information relating to the end of a tournament, or several years which preceded the snippet, or a piece of information generalising an era. Let me know if you spot anything else - cheers *I should say, 'these will be amended for v.8.00' re: Bundesliga, is this better? - "The formation of the Bundesliga in 1963 marked a significant change to the German football championship. The historical regional league and national playoff format was abandoned in favour of a single unified national league. Sixteen teams from the five Oberligen in place at the time were selected to be part of the new league, based on things such as performances in recent seasons; or in the case of teams from Saarland and West Berlin, for non-sporting/political reasons. This change formally acknowledged the sport as professional, rather than amateur."
  4. v.7.00 Released - see post #1 for updated Mediafire links - General tidying - More, more, more historical information added to the game via Stage Names - Mainly .. I decided to re-incorporate the old English divisions back into the pre-existing leagues, as per the below screenshots - a few people said they didn't like the split, and now I had a chance to do some history/descriptions via the Stage Names - so win win I'm really happy with how this is progressing, it gives me old Champ Manager vibes with the historical info snippets *Just a reminder that my History file does not include any name changes for the default competitions, any name changes in my screenshots are due to me also using my own Club/Comp/Award Name File whilst running the game Optional - *I would recommend re-downloading the Trophy pack *I have also updated the Club/Comp/Award Name File that I made for personal use, should anyone be interested in a more traditional naming format for comps (no sponsor names) I will most likely have to re-visit this next after the big SI Games update in Feb - as it usually introduces more Unique ID's which will push my trophy pack etc. out of sync v.7.00 examples - just a few screenshots showing changes for v.7.00
  5. Up until 2004 there were 16 or 18 teams, 20-teams is only a recent development .. so it's not that unrealistic
  6. Excellent work - I will try this out over the coming days Have a good Christmas, and a good New Year
  7. Preview release of v.6.00, for anyone who wants to check it out early https://www.mediafire.com/file/v4xnf1md1muqwfj/01A+Rob's+History+Update+2023+v6.00+PREVIEW.fmf/file - Thought I'd share a pre-release of v.6.00 for anyone who wants to have a look around - it's fully usable ofcourse - Please let me know what you think of my changes, specifically to the History of the FA Cup, English Premier League, UEFA Champions League, Super Cup, Europa League, World Cup, European Championship, and Copa Libertadores - I'm still working on this, so this is still WIP - but I'd love your feedback - yay or nay, good or bad - cheers
  8. I miss information snippets I think it's pretty poor that SI Games have the monopoly on the football management simulator, but totally ignore having historical and biographical depth in game You'd think at least for licenced leagues they'd be able to implement such a feature, then leave it open on the Editor for people to add their own *anyway, I've only gone into such depth for a few competitions, as many as I can be bothered doing before the Jan update hah
  9. What do we think of this type of thing, yay or nay? I would legit only do it for a handful of key competitions
  10. Obrigado If you see anything wrong with what I have done for the Brazilian competitions, or South American comps in general, let me know - or if you have any requests or amendments, also let me know
  11. I can do that for v6.00 I just needed a way of making it as short as possible at the time Cheers
  12. Re-uploaded because I noticed a small issue with the World Cup history, must have been caused by a recent patch and unseen until .. you know, AFTER I uploaded it ..
  13. Post reserved for future update news Planned updates for v.6.00, which will most likely be released after the next main SI Games January Update - - General tidying (ongoing) - More description/history via Stage Names (ongoing) - description/history line amendments for FIFA World Cup - completed 19/12/2022 - Changing '(neé ..)', to '(formerly..) - as suggested by user White Flag, completed 19/12/2022 - further Brazilian league description/history re-CBF/FBS/CBD/'Clube dos 13' split - completed 19/12 - further Copa America description/history - completed 19/12 - further Argentine league description/history, re-dissident leagues - completed 19/12/2022 - further Italian Serie A description/history for the early years - completed 19/12/2022 - additional history added for various scandals in France and Italy, like Calciopoli - completed 19/12/2022 - additional description/history lines for UEFA competitions regarding Heysel English ban - completed 19/12/2022 - amendments made to Portuguese Primeira Liga - completed 19/12/2022 - Belgian league - completed 19/12/2022 - additional description/history added for the FIFA World Cup, European Euros, FA Cup, Premier League - completed 20/12/2022 The next version v.9.00 will most likely be released after the usual SI Games January/Feb update - just incase it changes any Unique IDs, and sometimes it can do weird things like revert league histories, which happened on FM22
  14. Intro - Although Football Manager 2023 is the best management sim around, I've always found it lacking in the History and Research department .. sometimes it feels like the Researchers have a 'that'll do' mentality - and the lack of in-game immersion in the form of Competition biographies is pretty shocking by 2023 So as a History student, and football lover, and all round autistic nerd - I have worked very hard over the last two editions of FM to rectify this as much as possible in my spare time Immersion Manager 2023 .. Files - 01A Rob's History Update 2023 v9.00 - the Editor File, goes into Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2023 > Editor Data (remember to tick it when starting a new game and selecting which additional Database files you want to use) .. (and remember to delete any old versions you have) 1. Rob's History Update 2023 v.9.00 - Trophies - the trophy pack, goes into Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2023 > Graphics NOTE - I have not amended any Club, Award, Nation, Competition, or any default-database items within my History Update file - any name changes in the below screenshots are a result of me using my own external Real Name file, so you can use this alongside ANY 'Real Name Fix' file of your choosing Optional/Additional Files - [FM23] ITCH, ETCH & ATCH - International, European & Americas Team Competition Histories - a great set of files by CFuller which complement my work perfectly - 100% recommended (Please see the reserved post underneath this one for planned future updates) Some screenshots and description examples as of v.6.00 - please see latest posts in thread for any changes - I will update this posts' screenshots at a later date Some examples then .. The main league I have split up is the English Premier League, because it always irked me that it would show Tottenham Hotspur as winning the Premier League Through the usage of Stage Names, I have found that many old competition names can be added without the need to split leagues - but given the overhaul in 1992, I feel that it is still appropriate for the Premier League to stand alone on it's own merits Man United as an example - I also painstakingly added club by club, line by line, the Domestic History for the leagues I have created - for all English clubs in the league system Which calculates in the Records accordingly I have also done this for the Austrian league, given it already separates the Bundesliga, formed in 1974, to the Nationalliga itself in the default database - And the usage of Stage Names means I can add former competition names WITHOUT having to split any Competitions, like so - I have also used the Stage Name feature to add information into Competitions, and some History, like so - The Yugoslavian, Czechoslovakian, and Soviet Union league histories have been filled to full effect - here's a full page example of what it looks like in-game And as you can see I have also added a lot of friendly competitions I have added descriptions via Stage Names for as many Extinct competitions as I could thus far - I feel this adds a certain level of immersion which is impossible in the default game Here are some more nuggets - there are many more in-game for you to find
  15. Ah so the Brexit issue is there regardless, how odd! SI Games database bug then most likely
  16. (btw, you can get the Official SI Games Gibraltar file via the Steam Workshop for FM23 - not to disregard our Dave's version of it ofcourse!
  17. ETCH -Quick one regarding the whole FCSB/Steaua 'who-owns-the-rights to old Steaua Bucuresti' argument situation There's an on-going argument as to which clubs owns the History, and you can't select two-New Clubs in the Editor - is it worth duplicating the ETCH history for clubs FCSB and Steaua Bucharest? Note: As of June 2018, UEFA and LPF regard FC FCSB as the continuation of historic FC Steaua and attribute all honours since 1947 to that entity.[7][8] However, the ownership of the many trophies won between 1947 and 2003 is disputed, with the restarted football department of former parent club CSA Steaua also claiming them[40] following legal disputes between the two organisations.[4][41][26] In July 2019, CSA Steaua won a first court decision regarding the record dispute. However, the ruling is not definitive.[1][42] CSA Steaua won another court decision against FC FCSB in June 2021. This ruling is not definitive but it has an enforceable title.[citation needed] According to the June 2021 court decision, CSA Steaua has all honours until 1998.[43]
  18. No one would begrudge you taking a fantasy twist on this and turning the top division into a Super Cup - maybe an idea?
  19. Additional File update - I noticed on a holiday-run that in 2025 certain privately owned German clubs such as Bayern and Dortmund didn't have elections, unlike other clubs - I believe this is because of the valid_takeover edit file within the Steam folders I have uploaded a now-blank valid_takeover edit file to post #1 for download
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