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Everything posted by libbyshuss

  1. that looks really harsh. I'm sure the boards are much more trigger happy this year, some of the sackings we've seen seem really mean!
  2. Season Summary A really pleasing season given that it was our first with a majority youth based squad and after losing our two best players last season. We were never in any trouble and got some really pleasing results along the way (5-1 against Brescia! Lovely stuff!). Consolidation is now the aim - it's slow and steady in a save like this! Players really pleased with the youth players I brought through this season Dino Marascuilo 25C - I don't usually like playing youngsters as deep lying playmakers. In my head that's the job of a 35 year old Pirlo or something but this lad really stepped up and did well. His attributes aren't the best and his potential is only Serie B standard so there's a good chance he'll be nowhere near the first team in a couple of seasons time but for now he's a very welcome addition to the squad Fabio Vaccaro 24B - My least favourite type of player - the one that throws his toys out the pram if i so much as offer a mild rebuke. But he's a speedy left winger, and i like my left wingers speedy. He's also right footed so i can invert him. Inverted wingers are my favourite! Antonio Romagnoli 24F - The crappy keeper youth who is easily our best player now. Wants to leave for a better club and is happy to wait for a bid of 2.6m. I can't see it coming any time soon but given the binfire that is our finances I wouln't be too upset if it did. Youth Very interesting. The preview wasn't great and the intake was only a 3.5 star 'good' intake. But still had 4 elite talents! I can't wait to see an excellent intake! Best prospect easily this fella, who I'm hoping will be a future international star! well, in Albanian terms anyway All Time Youth Records and Stuff Finances and Upgrades So I spent £2m on my youth facilities, getting them all the way up to great. Hopefully it will pay off sooner rather than later as it has put my finances in a lot of trouble. Career It's fun here in Sicily. I'll be more than happy with another season of consolidation in Serie B. The squad is still much closer to relegation than promotion but we've got a really strong youth squad now so who knows in a couple of seasons?
  3. ah man, i know exactly what you mean. those last two months of results are really harsh. it definitely seems more like morale manager than anything else down in those lower leagues. hope you get a bit more luck/understanding board next time round!
  4. Season Summary So with a prediction of finishing 20th and a board expectation of us battling bravely against relegation our main aim was clear. Just to survive! and we managed it, mainly due to our good form against the teams around us. Being that the board/players expected us to go down it also meant morale management was much easier than I thought it might be and that definitely helped. Only 3 draws out of 38 as well! So into a second season in Serie B! Players Marco Corrente 24A - our star striker! He absolutely refused to sign a new contract without a release fee in it. At 700k it was a little low but I was hopeful we could renegotiate at the end of the season. He was so good we never made it! 17 goals in 26 games later and it was triggered at the end of the January transfer window by Hellas Verona. So not only did we lose our best player we didn't even get a sell on clause! Guiseppe de Luca - Our star player in Serie C. scored a ludicrous amount of goals in our 3 seasons there. In Serie B he got found out though and, at 35, it was clear his legs had gone. He knew it too and promptly retired at the end of the season (along with 3 other legacy players over 30). We'll be heading into the new season with our most inexperienced side yet! Giovanni Romeo - Was a legacy youth player. Stuck him in out of desperation and he turned into a great player for us. Then, during the last season, he came out as gay. We gave him all the support we could and how did he rpay us? by demanding a transfer and refusing to sign a new contract! so I had no choice but to move him on. 650k and 50% future fee to Torino at the end of the season Antonio Romagnoli 24F - Thrown into the first team really young as there were no keepers above one star CA in the legacy squad. He did good and his CA and PA kept rising year on year. he is now a 4 star keeper with possible 5 star potential (future Serie A talent) after coming through as a 2 star PA 'good talent'. It's always worth hanging on to those 2 star talents, you never know how good they can become! Fairly sure it was that personality that was the key. a 2 star professional personality is worth way more than a 4 star temperamental in my experience. Next season will be interesting. we lost our two best players and 3 with invaluable experience! We're gonna find out just how good our youth set up is... Youth Well, this was weird. The preview was a 5 star golden generation promise, but with only one A grade player! So I wasn't expecting too much. And when the intake came in that 5 star preview had been downgraded to a 4.5 star excellent preview. And yet.... 5 elite talents! Lovely stuff! shame their personalities are all at the James Corden end of the axis rather than the Keanu Reeves end, but what can you do? Mentoring? not any more, my older professionals all retired! Pick of the bunch is this lad:- All Time Youth Intake Records Finances and Upgrades I used the money from the Romeo sale to upgrade the youth facilities at the end of the season. The option popped up after 'develop players through youth system' popped up on our club vision. No telling how long it will be there so I moved quickly! Other than that we're still just about breaking even so another couple of sales may have to happen soon Career
  5. Season Summary Promotion as champions!!! We started with 10 straight wins, i couldn't believe it. We were so far ahead! After christmas though our form became much more erratic and we were almost caught by Foggia and Palermo. In the end we got our lowest points total in the league so far but it didn't matter. We were champions! Serie B here we come! Players This is what worries me. Our first season in Serie B and we'll be predominantly youth based. Part of our erratic form was due to this happening just after Christmas:- Still easily our best player at 35. I didn't think I'd ever see him again, and I was right as he retired only a few weeks later. It did mena i had to move de Luca (now 34!) to left wing and promote Marco Corrente 24A to the first team a season or two early. He went up front and scored 14 in 20. Not bad! Youth An excellent golden generation intake, but only two elite talents! I need more! Lost another two players poached as well. Ferrucci looks particularly annoying! All-Time Youth Records Romagnoli 24F just shows how poor my legacy keepers were! Normally he'd be nowhere near the first team but he was our best keeper at 15! Career The biggest worry is that Serie B has come too soon and I'll be sacked by christmas. The boards definitely seem more trigger happy than they have before. I have a feeling we'll be starting favourites to go down. Avellino ran away with Serie C last season and finished bottom by a long way!
  6. Season Summary Another amazing season from us and one that would have won us the title in either group A or B again, but for some reason we were stuck with Avellino who ran away with it. We did better in the play-offs as well making the final where we narrowly lost to Modena 3-2. Players the best two players were again de Luca up front and giovinco on the left wing. But they are now 33 and 34 respectively so I don't think I can rely on them for too much longer. I do have some really promising youth coming through though - one of the benefits of having excellent training facilities at this level - but they're nowhere near the level of these two just yet. Youth Only two elite talents is a little disappointing after improving youth recruitment two levels. But also de Luca and Giovinco are both so good they totally skew the ratings. In any other Serie C side I'd probably have 12 elite talents! 3 star CA is rated as a good serie C player by my coaches so I shouldn't be too disappointed really. also, i got my first poached player! Finances Good, breaking about even. Not because of attendances, which are miniscule, but because for some reason we get almost 3m a year in sponsorship money. My youth facilities are good but rather worryingly i have not yet seen the option to ask for them to be improved. Career
  7. it's a new bug/feature they introduced last season. It's to do with a hidden attribute of your chairman to do with their attitude to youth. all you can do is either change his rating in the editor or hope and pray for a takeover with a more youth friendly chairperson. it was a huge game-breaking feature/bug for a lot of us last year, it's really frustrating.
  8. Season Summary A great season! It's amazing how much easier this game is when you keep morale high by winning and you keep winning because of high morale! We would have got automatic promotion in either group A or group B but thems the breaks. Straight into the play offs, where we fell at the first hurdle. So back into Serie C we go and I'll be amazed if we're able to repeat the trick for a second season. Players The legacy players at Catania are really strong. The star is Guiseppe Giovinco, real life brother of Sebastian Giovinco, but he's got quality all around him. The only issue is that 7 of the best XI are over 30 and will need replacing sooner rather than later. And 2 of them retired at the end of the season! So it will be interesting to see how we do with younger replacements Youth So with 7 of the first team well over 30 a good youth intake was imperative! and did we get it? well, no.... The preview was really disappointing Only a good intake! so when the intake came in I had to be pleased it gave me an elite talent. But ideally, I need more Finances and Upgrades Luckily there's a fair bit of money sloshing around in Serie C. We started with a bank balance of around 2.9m and together with our good run of form the board were happy to give us two upgrades to youth recruitment. So with any luck we'll see an improvement in youth intake next season. Career
  9. oof, bad luck. i know how you feel! it does seem particularly difficult this year
  10. Here we go again! ChievoVerona shouldn't exist so I've gone back and chosen a fallen giant who do exist! The original team went bust and the reformed side were demoted down to Serie D. But they're back into Serie C for the new season! Those starting facilities are insane for this challenge! The game is still using the old defunct team badge, which I would change if i knew how. I suspect you got to use the in-game editor to do it? i dunno... edit: it was easy, just the same as changing kits Anyway, fifth time lucky!
  11. Saved me a job! something didn't quite feel right about it from the start to be honest. took me a while to put my finger on why/what it was!
  12. technically, yeah. I googled and as far as I can see a new version of the team is in tier 5 under a slightly different name but not with this badge/history. So i guess it's a matter of argument whether they're the same team or not. to be honest i was surprised to see them too, but they're in the game so i figured why not. i'll be sacked before too long anyway! edit: on further inspection it looks like they're using the players from Sona Calcio, who are a totally different separate side. I think you might be right, they shouldn't be there at all. There's other fallen giants in Italy like Catania and Livorno, I think i'll go back and start with one of those. Shame, i was enjoying that £9m bank balance! but it shouldn't be.....
  13. ok, so i went back to the random factor like a tractor! and.... and the winner is.... calling mr. holiday man! 9 months later and he presents us with these options Catania were hugely tempting but I always had a soft spot for ChievoVerona and it was really sad when they went bust. Apparently they are kinda back in Italy, and the game seems to think they're valide for promotion to Serie C in 2023! so, here we go.... Really nice starting facilities! Media prediction is a bit scary, given my record so far in FM23. The balance is insane though - £9m!!!!! i can't possibly screw this up, can i? can i????
  14. a little bit of all really! First two years nearly always just in youth team. Even the best I leave there unless I'm desperate. very rarely have i had 16/17 year olds who perform. I tend to send players out on loan at 19/20 if they are nowhere near the first team. every now and then you get a nice surprise, and if nothing else a bit of extra transfer value.
  15. Uruguay - FC Rocha - Season 1! ok so...... I thought only one team was relegated and the team that finished in 11th went into a play off. The rules say so and everything. but.... It's fair to say I'm struggling a little bit this year! Again it was morale that did for me in the end. It was a constant battle to get it out the gutter and by the time I managed it it was too late. Really frutrating but we go again! I'll be back in Uruguay at some stage. I only lasted 1 season but it was quite good fun and the small leagues make it nice and fast edit: I worked it out. The play-off place goes to the team with the lowest average number of points over 2 seasons, which was us. really unlucky! @darren1983 Uruguay resets on January 1st!
  16. ok, so i'm jumping back in! No random factor shenanigans this time, i'm going back to where i'm most comfortable. South America!!! Uruguay, in fact! they got two playable divisions, with only 12 teams in Division 2 and only one relegation/promotion spot. So there really wasn't any choice after holidaying a year... It'll be tough! look at those starting facilities, and there's no money. And the starting squad has only 13 players! so..... it might be a short challenge again! (i found those kits on google, which is why they look kinda weird. i couldn't be bothered to make any!)
  17. i think its between the two of us who's been sacked the most already this year!
  18. Well....... this was a bit of a disaster. Fourth season in and this happens We just couldn't get going at all and all my micro-managing of morale made no difference at all. It was just depressingly awful from start to finish. Frustrating thing is we started to make a bit of decent money AND we had the best youth intake by far as well. And I'll never see the fruits of it! Look at this lad! gah! ah well, 3 saves 3 sackings so far! we go again!
  19. oh that's way harsh!! i've just gone a run of 1 win in 16 and still have a job! Better luck next time!
  20. so after seeing @Braumiller, @Neo_Geo and @benrollo's awesome work with infographics I'm almost embarrassed to post my lame effort. Suffice to say I shall be stealing more of your ideas in the future! So, survival for a third season! The best two things about this season were:- 1. we avoided a relegation battle! 2. our best two players are graduates of the school of 24! Introducing.... and trouble is, neither of them want to renew their contracts and both want to move to bigger clubs already. I've not made any sales this save yet - I guess one of these will be the first Career Next Season work on that infographic. You guys are putting me to shame here!
  21. Season Summary - Division 2 After narrowly beating the drop last season I decided I needed to micro-manage morale like i've never done before! i was praising left right and centre for all sorts of nonsense, and in the main it worked. We were mid-table for most of the season right up until the final third, where a run of 2 wins and a draw pulled us ever closer to the drop. In the end we finished clear in 11th but with a lower points total than last year! Turns out I need a little bit more than micro-managing morale! Players One problem this year is the number of older, established players deciding they want to explore their options at the end of their contract. We lost our best midfielder last season and are about to lose our first choice striker this season. It means I'm throwing those young players in way quicker than I otherwise would Gabriel da Silva Lima was our hero this year. He was out on loan last year to get himself a work permit but was easily our best player this. It's no coincidence our poor form at the end of the season came while he was out with an injury. Youth Another nice looking preview. I need these! Even better, the actual intake looked like a slight improvement! 4 elites is alright and their personalities are generally ok. But nobody really stands out as a future star, sadly Finances and Upgrades Still not great, still losing money, and still not being given any upgrades. To add insult to injury my training facilities got downgraded too! It's gonna be a slog for a few season yet in Austria Career Can I stay up? I've been favourite to go down both seasons so far and signs point to no!
  22. i used the one at https://www.visme.co/make-infographics/ which is pretty good. I've only just started playing about with it as well, there's loads more in the free version. It was pretty easy to use as well, which was the main thing I was looking for!
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