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Everything posted by libbyshuss

  1. i usually select the top leagues in Europe so I got Serie A, la liga, premier league and ligue un loaded. every now and then I get a job offer from somewhere abroad. Lyon asked me for an interview last season!
  2. Aachen - Germany Bundesliga - 2036/37 Season Summary Back in the Bundesliga! I was expecting a struggle but I didn't get one. We were generally really good, even getting as high as seventh before christmas. We slipped a bit after but were still pretty good. Very pleased with this finish! Players I put our success down to my tactical genius, obviously. I spent preseasn trying to work out which of my strikers to play up front and which to play AMC. They are both much, much better as AMC. In the end I just figured - why not play both of them there? So I did! 4-6-0 for the first time since Football Manager Live and Gameworld Lineker! I kept trying 4-2-3-1 throughout the season but we inevitable just played worse whenever i did. So I stuck with 4-6-0 and there we are! frustrating, because Patrick Forster 34A would be such a good advanced forward if he had any pace. But he can't play there - he's much more effective arriving late in the box. Look at him - he could be the first Wonderkid! so obviously he's already complaining our squad isn't good enough to match his ambitions.... but there's a lovely 3 year optional contract extension waiting to be triggered mwah ha ha ha Youth nice preview, but GK, CB and DM aren't the most exciting positions ok, 4 elite talents is not too shabby! Best two are these:- surely a future international in Almeida! Finances and Upgrades Maxxed out everything except youth facilities. and have i got the option to ask for improvements there? nope! so.... Career can we keep it up? hopefully. Only issue i got is loads of promising youngsters knocking on the door but i struggled to find any loan moves. I only got 2 out and could easily have got 20. I had to keep arranging friendlies for the youth teams just to keep all players relatively fresh. Its nuts how many prospects i got, but no idea which ones will/won't make it.
  3. Aachen- Germany 2.Bundesliga - 2035/36 Season Summary So, could we get straight back up after last seasons relegation? before christmas it looked unlikely - we were doing well but drawing too many and stuck in 4th. After christmas we went 3 games without a win and then had to go away to Schalke and Augsburg who were 1st and 2nd. it didn't look good. But we won both of them and were straight back in it! From then on we were a different team and the draws became wins. With one game to go we even had an outside chance of the title. if we won and Schalke lost the title would be ours! I was genuinely shocked!! Straight back up, and in style! Players Injury forced me to use patrick Forster 34A before I really wanted to. He did ok and became a regular in the second half of the season. I like to use advanced forwards in my sdtriker role and with that pace, he's no advanced forward. So he played AMC and is being reteained - he's gonna be my Bergkamp! Youth First intake with the new HoYD i got last season and with our new improvements. When the preview and intake came in i nearly fell off my chair. One of the best intakes i think i've ever had! all those A grades!!! and then.... these three look ridiculously good! to say i'm excited is an understatement! Upgrades Career Can we stay up next season?
  4. Aachen - Germany 2034/35 - Bundesliga Season Summary Favourites to go down so how did we do? 2 wins out of the first 3 got me all excited but we quickly settled into 16th place. the bottom 2 were really, really awful but we were never good enough to get to safety. So it was relegation play-offs! Play-offs were against Werder Bremen, who on paper had a much stronger side than us. And so it showed... so back to 2.bundesliga we go..... Players Nice thing is I now have a clearer idea of who is good enough to perform at the top level and Colin Niehues 25D was one of them! Paul Amschler 28D, our keeper, is another as is star left winger Hajo Schonlau 30C. So I made sure to sign those three up on big contracts to try and keep them. They are gonna be key if we're going to get back up. Youth So another very, very nice preview! Only one A grade but the 5 star golden generation was what caught my eye. The intake..... Best by far was this lad. I am very excited by this lad:- very nice physical and technical attributes there! looks like I'm using wingers in my formation for a good while! Finances and Upgrades We got about 30m for under-performing in the bundesliga, which is nice. Which was immediately spent on.... We're very nicely set up now! Career Can we get back up? The squad don't think so! we'll see....
  5. here they are. Schonlau is the only one I have any confidence with at Bundesliga level but you never know As for Forster, i honestly don't know. As he's only 15 I'll probably just ignore him for a couple of seasons and then make a decision! But he does seem a little more suited to AMC at the minute, yeah.
  6. Aachen - Germany 2.bundesliga - 2033/34 Season Summary what a season!!! we got promoted to the bundesliga!!!! I decided before the season on 2 things:- 1. stick to a tactic and first choice XI 2. Colin Nieheus 25D wasn't going to play up front any more. He's our best player on paper but he'd been rubbish up front on his own for 3 seasons. He was also accomplished AML and AMC, but there was no way he was replacing Hajo Schonlau 30C on the left wing so AMC it was! and the new formation/tactic paid off! we were brilliant right from the start and went into the winter break top of the table and high on morale. First game after the restart away to 11th place Karlsruhe and this happens... I couldn't believe it! The performance analysts earning the big bucks here:- a little disappointed!!! a little?!?!?!?!?!?! lol so, it worried me that this would kickstart a complete collapse in confidence and form but we responded brilliantly with 4 wins in the next 5. We then went on a 4 game winless run to drop to 3rd but finished with a 12 game unbeaten run where we jsut seemed to be beating teams for fun. But it wasn't quite enough to get into automatic promotion spots Play off was against Fortuna Dusseldorf and we took that great form in with us We did it!!!!! Bundesliga here we come!!! Players So my plan paid off way, way more than I could have hoped for! Archibald Hofrath 28A - given the responsibility of being our new number 1 striker and he grabbed it with both hands. 36 goals in 35 games! Colin Nieheus 25D - I was convinced he would be the striker to get us up. Turns out he was the AMC to get us up. 12 goals, 14 assists, top average rating. Now a natural AMC, i think i finally solved the problem of getting him to perform! Hajo Schonlau 30C - now 19, i changed my formation to accomadate him and he didn't disappoint. 15 assists from AML, he's gonna be a star I reckon. Youth Another 5 star preview! but a lot of C ratings.... So the actual intake was a lot better than I was expecting! Very excited by this fella, I got high hopes! look at those technical/mental attributes at 15!! immediately signed him on a 3 year contract with 3 year optional increase! very excited by him!! Finances and Upgrades a couple more for the collection! Career Can we stay up next season? unlikely, to be fair. I think the jump in quality is gonna be huge. But we'll see!
  7. just what i was thinking, it's not like we can just go and get a cheap Brazilian wonderkid replacement in this ridiculous challenge. he does look very, very good though, much better than anything in my shower atm!
  8. Aachen - Germany 2. Bundesliga - 2032/33 Season Summary All that optimism from the end of last season disappeared pretty quickly - we didn't record a victory until our 8th game of the season! But actually, after that, we were pretty good and soon climbed the table. Never enough to challenge promotion but after Christmas there was no chance of relegation either. So a good solid season in the end. Baby steps! Players The 4-2-3-1 worked well in the main but we do have a problem - striker! Colin Nieheus 28D is 23 now and should be delivering on that early promise. On paper he's our best player but on the pitch he's still more often than not a liability. The brilliantly named Archibald Horfath 28A is the back-up striker and he's very much the same. I'm sure it's my tactics but I'm still searching for the fix. They're both rubbish! Youth another 5 star golden generation! get in! This is the first intake since all those improvements last year so I was a little more expectant than usual. Intake was ok, but the personalities of the top 5 are all eeuw. Best prospect looks good except for that determination of 2. And now I can't fine the youth team players it's gonna be harder work getting that up. Finances and Upgrades Almost £10m prize money for finishing 8th! lovely stuff! so I asked for lots more upgrades and got:- So we're looking really good off the pitch. Just got to translate that onto the pitch now (in particular up front, useless jelly-footed nitwits I got up there) Career I still think it's too early to mount a promotion challenge but the young players I brought into the first team are all developing really nicely.
  9. Aachen - Germany 2. Bundesliga - 2031/32 Season Summary Our best season yet! A really good start meant we were never in relegation trouble and were even able to ride out a poor run of form after christmas where we only won 2 in 10 games. Weirdly our finish was not dissimilar to previous seasons but it felt like a real step forward Youth Another reason it felt like such a positive season was the development of the youth players. My youth squads look like this now:- with these fellas being my best prospects. I'm going to try give all of them some first team experience next season, but that will mean swithcing from the 4-3-3 I've been using to a 4-2-3-1. I never feel confident making big tactical changes like that heading into a new season! Thing is, Schonlau 30C is by far the best prospect at the club so i need to fit him into the first XI somehow. And he only plays left wing! My preview was again a very nice one. I never get bored of 5 star potential golden generations! and the intake? Can't complain! Best prospect was this young fella but you never really know. Finances and Upgrades It's all positive this season! Loads of money, good form = lots of upgrades! Career Can we build on the progress of this season? hopefully, our young players made huge strides this season so there's every chance. But i'd settle for mid-table mediocrity again, it's still way too early for the top flight.
  10. Germany - Aachen 2031/32 - 2.Liga Season Summary For most of this season we were completely, ridiculously awful. Like really bad. Then, inexplicably, we won 5 on the bounce in march to pretty much put us safe and then beat the league leaders at home. While still half the team were poop on a stick. So our best finish yet in our worst performing season so far. Very weird! players Danny Calvo 24A has become our most valuable player now. He keeps making noises about leaving so I had to offer him a stupid contract to get him to stay. But it does have a minimum release clause! Eeeeep! Colin Niehaus 25D is a weird one. Since he broke through I've had my hopes on him being the one to turn us into challengers but he's now 21 and regressing. This season was his worst by far. He's have a great game, score 2 and then follow it up with 3 stinkers in a row, often with less than a 6 rating. I've never had to fine a player so much. So he was top scorer, with 19 goals from 34 games, but his average rating was only 6.55. In a normal save I'd ship him right out the door but I don't have that luxury! he'll get another couple of seasons to prove his worth as Jannick Mausse, one of the only remaining legacy players, is now 32 and slowing down. Youth An odd preview. A 5 star golden generation, but the highest rating was C. So I didn't really know what to expect. So when the intake came in I was pleasantly surprised with 4 elite talents in there I've been using a narrow 4-3-3 so obviously the star graduate is a right winger. Finance and Improvements lots of money in the 2.bundesliga so the board were finally happy to give me upgrades. I did ask during that 5 game winning run too, they're always nice when you're winning be interesting to see the difference in intakes this little lot make Career So we're not quite established in the 2.Bundesliga yet, we've been clinging on for dear life for 3 seasons now. I'd quite like us to be safe for a season, that would be nice. We'll see which Niehaus 25D turns up next season....
  11. nope, never seen anything like it either, even in this challenge when you start with rubbish facilities. good luck for the new season, i'm wathcing your sweden adventure with interest/envy!
  12. bizarrely i had the complete opposite in Sweden! 5 star intakes, 4 star potentials all over the shop, but we were still consistently rubbish! Hopefully with all that money the board will give you some upgrades? I managed to get youth intake upgraded really quickly, not that it helped at all
  13. Aachen - Germany 2.liga - 2029/30 Season Summary Yep, i thought it would be another struggle and so it turned out. it actually looked pretty safe around Februaury but we then went on a win of 7 defeats in the next 8 games, only ending with a weird 3-0 win away at Champions elect Kaiserslauten. Ah well, we stayed up and get to count the very nice prize money. Players It wasn't made easier by one of my better strikers, Joel Zolona, doing his ACL in pre-season and none of the youth players really ready to step up and take his place. Colin Niehaus 26D is now a potential Bundesliga player, which is nice, but he knakcered himself for the last 2 months of the season too. Youth eeuw, goalkeeper is the only A grade. bah Guzy looked best, taking personalities into account. Not bad starting attributes either Finances and Upgrades So now we got a bit of money you'd hope the upgrades would come flooding in, but the board seemed weirdly reluctant to give me anything but this I also made my first big sale. He had bundelsiga potential but i got a bucketload of left backs so I figured it was worth the risk of a big pay-off down the line Career
  14. no idea why, but i got hopelessly stuck in Sweden! congrats getting out those bottom 2 division so quickly, i ended up quitting because i thought i'd never make it out!
  15. Germany Bundesliga 2. - 2028/29 (season 7) Season Summary Wow, what a season in the 2B! we were overwhelming favourites to go down but managed to draw our first 4 games! we then lost the next 5, but still. We had a nice little run each side of the winter break but still found ourselves 16th on the final day, needing a victory against Champions Bochum to stay up. Did we do it? Yup, in style, 3-0! Paderborn were dead and buried at christmas but only lost 2 of their last 15 games to pull off a miraculous survival. Almost dragged us down though! Players Our two best players are now newgens, which is nice to see. Daniel Calvo 24A in midfield and Colin Niehaus 25D up front. A few more have broken through as well. It's looking promising! Another nice intake preview as well with another golden generation promised. That's a lot of golden generation i got now! brilliant, wingers when i'm using a wingless formation! Anyway..... let's see what the HoYD delivered this year! Only two elite talents but Panic made me sit up and take notice. 2.5 CA sounds pretty nice! Not my favourite personality there....... but we'll see Finances and Upgrades We ended the season in credit!!!! finishing 14th netted us £8m in prize money, which was very welcome. it also makes staying up even more important. I'll be able to actually get some upgrades soon! Career Just staying up is again the priority. The prize money is just too good to lose! And we are nowhere near good enough to challenge at the other end of the table
  16. Aachen - Germany 3.Liga - 2027/28 (season 5) Season Summary A fantastic season! we started strong. had a great run mid-season and were top for a long time. But there was a very big chasing pack, with 6 of us never more than 4 points away from each other. A dodgy run of only 3 wins in 12 after christmas threatened to derail our season but luckily all those around dropped points too. With one game to go we were third and had to go away to second placed Dortmund II. Win, and we'd leapfrog them and go up autmotacially. Lose, and other results could mean we slip to as low as 6th. So it was all to play for! And...... we had three first teamers out, had to give a debut to a 17 year old in midfield and really struggled. But they could not score! We scored a phenomonal goal halfway through the first half. A long free kick into the box finished with an overhead kick! My Movie.mp4 Second half they put us under the kosh, 64th minute they got a penalty, missed it, and it looked like it might be our day. Against all odds, it was! We were going up!!!! Cup - got through to second round where Wolfsburg battered us. We still got a long way to go! Players Weirdly, our breakthrough star was kinda disappointing in his first full season. Colin Nieheus 25D only scored 19 goals and got 13 assists from the right hand side of a front three! but the way he broke through last season you'd have thought he would carry us this season, but it wasn't really like that at all. The board accepted a 400k offer for him in the summer which i managed to fight off. Immediately signed him on a 5 year contract with 2 year optional extension! We lost our best defender last season as well. Aki Johansson 24D stepped up and did pretty well. made his Finland debut at the end of the season! youth Weird one this. 5 star golden generation but only C grade predictions. So I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of elite talents that popped up! the best one, once personalities taken into account, is this fella. Two of those elites are fickle, and i hate those fickle feckers. Finances and Upgrades Hopefully promotion can start helping us to clear our debt and actually afford to make some improvements! Would be nice! Career So the first goal is to try and stay up. I have a feeling it'll be trickybut anything above the relegation spots will be a massive win for us
  17. now you mention it, i realise i have no idea how it actually is calculated!
  18. Aachen - Germany 2026/27 (season 4) - 3.Liga Season Summary Another case of so close yet so far! It was a season with a strong start, a strong finish and a dodgy middle. The strong start put uis in the top 2, and the strong finish got us into the top 3 and a play-off position. Very nice! And, the form we were in around the winter break, unexpected. we were all over the shop then. get a good win, draw against someone rubbish, lose against someone mid-table. Argh! Anyway, the play-offs! second time! was it second time lucky? was it heck.... That first leg result really did us in Players It was a season marked by the emergence of Colin Nieheus 25D though. He was down to be given a handful of starts during the season by me, and up 'til christmas that was what happened. He filled in 3 times, scored 3 times, and looked really good. Then an injury meant he had a chance at a run of games and he really took it! I even ended up changing the tactic to accomadate him once Maus, our top striker, came back. It's no exaggeration to say our really strong finish was down to him either - he was great. And look how good he is now the seasons ended! If I don't get promoted soon then he's going to be asking for a move. He's way too good. Luckily I have him signed up for another 2 years with 2 years optional extension so hopefully I'll only have to sell him for crazy money. Be interesting to see how he does in his first full season next season! Daniel Calvo 24A is another first team regular now too, so 2 of my intakes have made it to the starting XI do far, which isn't too bad. Youth Another strange promise of a golden generation but with C grades all round. and the intake was similarly lacking in excitement, despite the golden generation promise top player? This fella, maybe. None of them look dead on certs to make it tbh but you never know Career
  19. Aachen - Germany 3. Liga (Tier 3) - 2025/26 Season Summary frustratingly inconsistent. We started with 3 wins which sent us top but we just couldn't put a run together after that, and we seemed to follow up a good result with an indifferent one then a bad one. We were always within touching distance of the top four but just couldn't break through. A poor finish saw us slip to our lowest point all season. We go again! Annoyingly, only the top 4 finishers in 3.liga get to qualify for the cup. The prize money is really nice too, i could really do with it! Ah well....... Players First season that saw one of my youth intake players make a breakthrough. Daniel Calvo 24A was doing wonders for the U19 team and with the senior time struggling I figured why not? 5 goals from 15 starts at AMC suggests he could be player! Youth Bit of a weird one here. Another promise of a golden generation but it really didn't look like one when it came through I was a bit upset at first. Where were my green elites? How can it be golden with no green? But looking closer there were a lot of really nice personalities in that list of top talents, and that often trumps a high star potential at this stage anyway. And then the candidates played and we got the revised ratings and..... That's more like it! But I like Schwarz best.... we'll see.... Finances and Upgrades yup, no money at all in 3.liga so no upgrades or anything. We'll be struggling on that front until we get promoted. Which could be ages...... Career
  20. Aachen - Germany Liga 3 - 2024/25 (season 2) Season Summary One of the things I like most about this challenge is it forces you to think as you can't just rely on a plug and play tactics where you source the right players for your tactic. Here you've got to do the opposite - find the right tactic for your players. It's also annoying though as you can spend hours searching for the right tactic and still not find one that sits right. And that was my season! I used different variations of three tactics trying to get the team to gel, even though we were never really bad. Part of our problem is a lot of our players are able to play in a variety of positions so we have a lot options. I started with a 4231 but still without a natural AMC and with the wingers not firing at all I switched to a narrow 433, and with tweaking it started to look pretty good. The problem was we just kept drawing games! So although we beat eventual champions Dresden and went on a few unbeaten runs we could never challenge the top three, which was a little frustrating. Youth Very, very happy with this seasons preview and intake! a golden generation and that spread of A grades is always welcome! The intake was interesting. 4 elite talents, all look really good, none of them play in positions for our current first team tactic! so our U19 team is having a separate tactic built that I can switch to when these guys get old enough. I'm confident all 4 should make the first team, they look that good. Billis is almost good enough already! and I do like the look of this fella. I do like a good professional personality! Finances and Upgrades Not good. Reduced the wage bill by a good 30% or so but we're still losing a million a season. We need a good cup run really, as it pays nice money. We went out to Bundesliga side Hertha Berlin this season at home. To make things worse I got this message at the seasons end... I hate those messages! although the chairperson sporting a handlebar moustache of such quality made it a little easier to bear Career Still looking good despite a lower league finish. Just need some cash to start rolling in! If we can get a good run going there's no reason why we can't challenge for promotion again, but i don't think we'll be among the favourites. not yet, anyway.
  21. Aachen FC - Germany 2023/24 (Season 1) - 3.Liga Season Summary The board asked me to battle bravely against relegation but one look at the squad suggested we should be capable of better than that. Lots of good players in all positions and a lot of high potential youth players in the U19s as well. if anything, the squad was too full! And we started really well, heading stright into a 2 horse race at the top of the table. And then December hit, where we lost 3 and drew 1. We managed to regroup after the winter break and were better again, but left ourselves with a bit too much to do to get into the automatic promotion spots. But, you know what, finishing 3rd and getting into the play-offs in our first season is pretty, pretty good! First leg saw us draw 1-1 with Holstein Kiel who, truth be told, were a bit better than us. So I wasn't expecting much in the second leg....... where we narrowly lost 3-2. So close!!!!! Youth New territory for me, joining a team and seeing a very nicely stocked youth team already! usually there's 1 or 2 promising youngsters at best but Aachen seemed to have a full XI of them. The only problem is once they turn 19 that's it, you can't play for the U19s any more! I need to get me a II team soon as I can otherwise it'll be loan after loan after loan First things first though - I needed to find a new HOYD. and I found this fella, quite chuffed as well for a season 1 appointment So how did Dominic do on his first intake? Well, always nice to see a promised golden generation! The intake was very nice too. I like to play with an AMC but the only thing this Aachen squad was lacking was a decent, natural AMC. So I was very pleased at this first intake:- not one but two natural AMCs! The pick of the bunch is clearly this lad, who is gonna be getting his first team debut sooner rather than later For a first season youth pull he is lovely! left footed number 10!! flair, technique, lovely stuff! Finances and Upgrades eeeeep. So yeah, we lost around £2m this season. That's clearly unsustainable. Those lovely starting facilities don't come cheap! So.... looks like sales are going to have to happen soon. It is a top heavy squad and does have a decent number of youths waiting to step up so we can afford it. Just have to see what offers, if any, come in. But due to the frightening projections on our finances page the board would sanction nothing but a couple of training courses for me. as it stands, by the end of 2025/26 we're going to be £10.5m in the red. oh, and wages aren't too silly. They gave me a 56k a week budget, we came in at around 40k. I think i can half that within a couple of years but even so, that's not gonna be stopping that debt rising Career A really promising first season, can we keep it up?
  22. so here I go again! I've ditched Sweden, we were going nowhere, and headed somewhere where I've never tried this challenge before. Germany! I decided to be anyone but Cottbus, as they've already been used and completed this year, and was quite happy when Aachen popped up. With their facilities and money it feels like cheating a bit after scrabbling around for coppers in Sweden. So here I am! Although not quite fallen giant status, it wasn't that long ago that Aachen were in the Bundesliga. But since then they went bust and found themselves in the regional leagues. But not any more! Check out these facilities. Very nice! And this stadium is crazy for a starting side in this challenge. I'm feeling quite good about this! Why have I never tried Germany before? (I've also decided to only have saves in countries where I haven't completed it before, just because)
  23. Sweden - Division 1 North (Tier 3) 2034 (season 12) Season Summary So after our best season last year could we go one further? Nope, we had our worst season yet! First half of the season was fine, we did ok, a few good results and a few narrow defeats left us safely mid-table. Fetahagic doing his magic up front again. And then the board did this..... Two of our best players. Good prices for our level to be fair but it left us depleted for the second half of the season. These two were the spine of our team! And we felt their lack of presence.... last 15 league games returned 2 victories and 13 defeats to leave us in the play-offs we were in such a bad run, 6 straight defeats, that I wasn't at all surprised when we lost the first leg at home 2-0. But I was flabbergasted when we turned up for Leg 2 and somehow managed to escape with a 3-0 victory. I couldn't believe it! But we're going backwards if anything so I might put this save on the backburner and head elsewhere. I just can't see us improving enough to get out this league. We're semi-pro and the teams that come down are always pro, and the gaps in quality are insane. Our intakes are good but facilities atrocious so they never really improve enough. and when they do the board sell them for peanuts! So time for a break somewhere else I haven't been before oh, and lol
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