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Everything posted by libbyshuss

  1. noooooo! I'm gutted for you! It was really interesting seeing someone make a go at Belgium and seemingly managing it. I thought you'd made it! it's a fickle mistress, this save
  2. South Africa - TS Sporting FC South Africa Premier Soccer League 2030/31 (season 7) League Finish: 7th A bit of a mad season really. We won the first game 9-2, then only won 1 of the next 8, before going away to table toppers Orlando Pirates (with a 100% win record) and won 4-0! By November we were 15th and in the relegation spots - luckily we improved and were much better second half of the season. We won both of our last two games 7-3 to finish 7th overall Players I did sell our best player to Porto - I din't think we'd miss him as much as we did to be honest! Top Scorer: Sanele Bunting 27B - 28 goals in 30 games Still only 19, now rated as a leading premiership player. Still has room for improvement as well! Player of the Season: Phakamani Molefe 25K - 7.52 AR in 36 games I did not think he would be the best of our first ever youth intake, but there you go! Plays as a pressing forward and has developed really well over the last two seasons. He is why I tend to always sign 2 star PA youths - you never know! Youth A nice looking preview and intake! Having exceptional rated youth recruitment definitely helps. Thanks board! Career I should be good enough to challenge for the title but I stubbornly refuse to change my ridiculously attacknig tactic. I love those 7-3 games too much!
  3. South Africa - TS Sporting FC South Africa Premier Soccer League 2029/30 (Season 6) League Prediction: 12th Actual finish: 5th I was hopeful of pushing on this season and challenging for continental qualification. But in November, after 4 straight defeats, we were sitting 12th and it wasn't looking likely. Worst thing is I know what the problem is but I don't want to do anything about it! I have a very attacking formation with a very top heavy squad, meaning our better players are by far our attacking players. So I play as many as I can, but results are erratic at best. When we lose, we tend to lose 7-4 or some bonkers score line like that. I stubbornly continued and after christmas we started to get the better end of the score lines and 6 wins out of our last 7 threw us up to 5th Players So here is the unbalanced team and tactics. I love it! There's no back up in defence at all really. Up front we have lots of options, so much so that our best player Sinethemba Nune 27A will probably be sold before next season. He is whining about joining a team with better players and I'm not sure I can put up with his BS. Top Scorer:- Senele Bunting 27B - Spearheading the front 3 as a poacher means he gets lots of chances, which he takes with aplomb. 26 goals in 35 starts as part of 3 man attack is pretty good! Player of the Season:- Phakamani Molefe 25K - shows the importance of loans in this save. He didn't have the best potential when he came through so I kept sending him out on loan. He kept coming back better and better, to such an extent I decided to throw him in the first team for this season. Where he got a 7.55 rating over the season. He was great! and at 21, one of the old men of the side! Youth For some reason I didn't get a preview again. Maybe because I changed HoYD? who knows.... anyway, the intake was ok when it came in Only two elite talents but Zuma was a centre back, which I was desperate for. And his starting attributes are hugely encouraging Career It's good fun in South Africa, even if it does look like we've stalled the last couple of seasons. But with decent money, decent facilities, we should be challenging before too long
  4. I've done that before. It's a bit annoying that it registers as a transfer but it's fine, he came through your academy and everything
  5. South Africa - TS Sporting South Africa Premier Soccer League (tier 1) 2028/29 (season 5) Ok, so for some reason I can't upload any images at all except for this random still from the film Parasite that I snipped for work a couple of weeks ago:- I keep getting this message for everything else:- Sorry, an unknown server error occurred when uploading this file. (Error code: -200) anyone got any ideas? Anyway.... League: we were good, but inconsistent. Another step forward, but slowly, as we finished sixth Players: I went 4-3-3 after an early injury to my one and only left winger and it made for much more exciting games. It did leave us open at the back but I'd alwsys much rather win 5-4 than 1-0 anyway Upgrades: The board gave us upgrades for both youth intake and junior coaching so next seasons intake should be fun! Youth: Another three elite talents, which is nice because at this stage they'll be top quality for this league. Next Season: try and get into continental competition! We're good enough I think, just crazily inconsistent. I'm going to go full XI new youth graduates as well, just cos why not? Anyway, I just tired to upload all my images again and swon't let me upload a tiny jpg of my top striker but it will let me upload this gif?
  6. South Africa - TS Sporting FC South African Premier Soccer League (Tier 1) 2027/28 (season 4) Predicted finish: 16th Actual finish: 11th little bit of a step backwards in terms of league finish but a huge jump forward in terms of bringing youth players through and easing legacy players out. The team is looking like it could be amazing in 3 or 4 seasons time. We did alright until christmas - after the winter break we went on an 11 match run without a win. But we played ok and had some mad results like this one, away at 11 times consecutive champions Sundowns Last 4 games or so we finally got the results our performances deserved and finished quite comfortably mid-table. Players Player of the Season: Sinethemba Nene 27A - 7.48 I don't like throwing 16 year olds is and don't tend to do it, but last years top youth graduate was just too good to ignore. So I tried him on the right wing and left him there. He was brilliant, easily our best player with a 7.48 average rating from 25 games. Question is - can I hold on to him? Top Scorer: Mojalefa Mokhobo - 15 last years top man had to play second fiddle to Nene but still came up as top scorer from AMC. Now 30, his experience will be crucial as he's increasingly surrounded by kids. Top Assists: Sinethemba Nene 27A - 14 well, he's a winger so I'd expect him to get a few assists! Really looking forward to seeing how he progresses over the next few seasons. he's still only 16! Breakthrough star: Sanele Bunting 27B Not Nene! I tried a few people up front but couldn't settle on anyone. Bunting had 30 in 30 for the reserves so I gave him a chance. finished the season with 8 in 9 and first choice striker! and still only 16 as well! It's a very young first choice XI now:- Youth I really like the look of the top prospect Khumalo. Nice determination, good starting technicals, what's not to like? Career it's a young team, but it's a good one. Can we take a step up and push for a top 6 finish? Not sure to be honest.....
  7. South Africa - TS Sporting South African Premier Soccer League (Tier 1) 2026/27 (season 3) Predicted finish: 16th Actual finish: 9th A really good season for us where we were able to bring through a few youth players and consolidate our position in the top division. We are still a long way off the top clubs however, although we did manage a 4-3 victory over Kaiser Chiefs which was nice. We were never in any danger, happily mid-table asll season long! Players Player of the Season: Mojalefa Mokhobo - my 29 year old AMC shows how important legacy players can be in a save of this sort. His experience was key to this season, particularly as we really struggled up front. It's nice to see one of the old ones step up and take responsibility - my very own Ross Barkley! Top scorer: Mojalefa Mokhobo - again! 22 goals from 33 games, all from AMC shows just how vital he was Top Assists: Mojalefa Mokhobo - he doesn't just score them either! 13 assists, even better than my wingers, again shows how he was central to everything good we did this season Breakthrough PotY: Gerald Jacobs 25C - Started as a back up MC but played well whenever called upon. In the end he finished with 22 games, 11 goals and 7 assists. Really impressive and hopefully he can carry on next season Youth I got a youth preview! and it was a good one! The intake was one of the best I think I've ever had. it wasn't just the number of elite players, or the really encouraging CA ratings, it was the fact that 4 out of the top 5 all had professional or fairly professional personalities. Honestly, I place way more emphasis on personality over CA/PA ratings on an intake so I was over the moon The best two are pretty much first team ready, although I won't be playing them at 15 Career I've nevver had a save go as well as this in one of this challenges so far. which probably means I'm in for a shock doesn't it?
  8. TS Sporting - South Africa 2025/26 (Season 2) South African Premier Soccer League (tier 1) League Prediction: 16th (of 16) Actual Finish: 13th - survival! Survival was our aim but after our unlikely promotion last season, and my experiences in France, I was fully expecting to go straight back down. And, honestly, for most of the season it looked like that. But then, we had a weird run of 4 wins out of 5 games either side of christmas that put us 8th. Of the remaining 12 games, we managed zero wins and slipped further and further down towards relegation. Luckily, we ran out of games just as it was getting really scary and we managed to stay up. But we need to improve next season! Players Player of the season: Tim Vilane - GK kinda sums our season up that the keeper was our best performing player. he was certainly the most busy player! Top Scorer: Mojalefa Mokhobo - AMC I went back to a classic 4231 with Mojalefa taking the AMC spot where he really excelled. 14 goals, same as our first choice striker, but in 2 fewer games. Top assists: Mojalefa Mokhobo - AMC 7 assists as well! we'll need him on top form next season Only one youth player really broke through this season - the fantasically named Bonginkosi McMillan 25B playing as a deep lying playmaker. Only 16, he was really good and is now our best MC already. Edwin Msomi 25A broke through on the right wing towards the end of the season and looks good for a first XI spot next season. Youth No preview again for some reason. Not sure why. Oh well, I don't mind too much when the intakes look like this:- I signed them all again! Really filling out my youth teams and getting lots of options for the first team. The wage bill is flying up a bit though.... I do always enjoy seeing professional personalities - i got 4 this season! Career
  9. with these conundrums my head always says sell with the added sell-on (even if he doesn't get sold, you can sometimes cash in on selling the clause) but my heart always says keep, keep, keep! I don't think there is a right answer - whatever you do is a bit of a gamble really. Keep him, he might sulk and refuse to sign contracts, upset the rest of the squad or be sold by the board - sell him, he might just rot in the new teams reserves depreciating rapidly. good luck!
  10. Yeah, I think that's fair. I think I've found my calling after my German adventure comes to an end. How would you go about becoming their manager though?
  11. South Africa - TS Sporting FC National First Division (tier 2) - 2024/25 (season 1) Season Summary League Prediction: 15th League Finish: 3rd (promoted through play-offs) Well, i do like South Africa! We had such a tiny squad that the team picked itself - only 13 in the first team squad, one out for 3 months with a broken leg as well! I really like the fact they split the league up into 4 quarters, it makes for an interesting journey. First quarter we were great, finished 2nd, second quarter we had injuries and had to play silver star youths and suffered as a result, finishing 11th. Final two quarters we managed to avoid injuries and played our first choice team pretty much throughout and it meant we finished the season third and into the play-off league we were brilliant in the play off league, winning the first two games to go 5 points clear after the other two drew with each other. It was almost impossible to screw it up from there but we tried our best with a draw and defeat in the next two. But those first two performances were enough! Players Player of the Season: Kyle Myeni - limited left winger but very effective at this level. i think the top division may be a bridge too far from him but our tactic suited him down to the ground as he got 7 goals and 17 assists Top Scorer: Thabani Mthembu - 30 year old veteran striker who'd been capped twice by the national team really showed his class. 22 goals in 33 games in a two man striker force isn't too bad. Next season he'll lead the line in the top flight! Most Assists: Kyle Myeni - I relied heavily on wing play and crosses into my two strikers this season so it's no surprise my two wingers topped the assists list. Myeni lead the way despite on paper being the weaker The lack of options meant my tactic pretty much picked itself. I don't normally go quite as attacking as this but it seemed to work! Youth Having only 13 in the first team squad but a good intake was gonna be really important. Luckily the club started with pretty good facilities and the board allowed me to upgrade youth recruitment as well. The intake didn't appear, maybe it was because I got my HoYD too late This is more like it! Look at all those greens! I signed everyone apart from one youth as they were all at least 2 stars potential. I'm going to have a lot more options next season This fella may well be a starter - he's not far off as it is Career Can I stay up? last time I got a surprise early promotion it really didn't end that well!
  12. I'm putting my French disappointment behind me and jumping straight back in, heading to South Africa to try and complete the pentangle! Two teams to choose from, but this lot looked the pick of the bunch. Quite a new club apparently:- They have really nice youth facilities for a starting club in South Africa which should make the first intake a nice one. Which I'll need, as there' s only 12 players in the squad (with 5 in the youth squad, all silver rated!)
  13. France - FC Fleury '91 2030/31 (season 7) SACKED! Adventure over. After getting relegated last season the board gave me a challenge of 8 points from the enxt 5 games to save my job. Which would be fine except we still had 2 games of Ligue 2 left, which we duly lost. So, I needed to win the first 3 games of the season to survive. We breezed through the first 2, and was breezing the third when they equalised in the 93rd minute to get me sacked. Gutted! I kinda feel like I was stitched up though - the board sold my best player behind my back just before that third game! Ah well, we wouldn't do this challenge if it didn't have some element of jeopardy to it. As I'm completely obsessed by it i'll be jumping straight back in as well. I like th eidea of the pentagon challenge - I've only got Africa and North America left to complete, so I might head off there next. Just got to decide whether to use a downloaded database or vanilla......
  14. France - FC Fleury '91 2029/30 (Season 6) League: Ligue 2 (tier 2) Predicted: 18th Actual: 18th I don't think I've ever had such a mad save as this one. I knew I was in trouble when we lost the first 2 games 5-1 and 5-2. But we recovered and by mid-December pulled ourselves out of the automatic relegation spots and were in good form and good morale. A nice cup run had helped as well. But in the 18 remaining league games, we managed to win a grand total of ZERO, finishing rock bottom. The board weren't best pleased..... but gave me 5 games to save my job (with only 2 games of the season left). It helped that their expectations were incredibly low to begin with Players Player of the Season:- Quentin Vogt - this shows how bad we were! A journeyman legacy defender was our best player with a huge 6.90 average rating Top Scorer:- Saliba Dabo - 16 Our legacy striker actually did ok this season, but I got fed up with his constant moaning and am sorely tempted to start with a 16 year old with raw potential up front next season. At this stage I don't really have much to lose! Top Assists:- Loup Herviou - 9 Probably the only legacy player still in the team I actually still like! I still don't have any full backs so am forced to still play my weird formation Youth I managed to get an upgrade to our youth recruitment this season, but sadly too late to affect this little lot. Actually, it was a pretty good year for us this year! best of the bunch? this fella Career
  15. France - FC Fleury '91 2028/29 (Season 5) Season Summary League: France National (Tier 3) Predicted Finish: 17th Actual Finish: 2nd - Promotion! Again, the predicted finish was based on the strength of my admittedly paper thin squad and not a reflection of the first XI, which I knew were stronger. And so it proved. We were amazing from the get go, going on long winning runs at a time. By February us and Paris FC were running away with it and the latter part of the season looked like it was going to be a procession. But then our form collapsed and we really struggled, losing as many as we were winning and just unable to put a run together. luckily, we were so far ahead that we managed to just stay in automatic promotion spots - by 2 goals! So, this save is anything but boring:- 3 promotions and 2 relegations so far in only 5 seasons! Players Player of the Season: Florent Esor 25A - Still not entirely sure how I've held on to him. Played all season slightly out of position at central midfield. He's a much better AMC but my squad is so thin and threadbare I have no other choice but to play him there. He was great - 19 now and just signed a new non-release clause 5 year (+3 optional extension) contract. Woo hoo! Top Scorer: Saiba Dabo - my perennially underachieving striker finally comes good! well, scores over 20 in a season for the first time. A legacy player, the only reason he's anywhere near the first team, let alone the squad, is my relatively poor youth intakes so far. Most Assists: Andrea Berti - my Belgian legacy youth, now 20 and a really important member of the team. Can play on either flank, which is enormously helpful, and can chip in with goals as well. Asked to leave just before I triggered his 3 year contract extension, so he's not the happiest of bunnies right now. Maybe he shouldn't have signed it then! Youth I am so desperate for a good youth intake right now! I dream of one of those where it's elite talents as far as the eye can see but they are eluding me this save. I need more improvements, which is why getting promoted again was so important. It's all about the money! This years preview was encouraging.... apart from all the descriptions! The intake didn't look great, but the elite talent is called Virgile Christ so that's alright with me! Other than that, unambitious personality and fairly run of the mill. Only 2 top talents as well - it's a pretty meagre bunch all told. Career Can I stay up is Ligue 2 this time? Unlikely with our squad it has to be said, but the youngsters are coming on well so you never know.
  16. France - FC Fleury '91 2027/28 (season 4) League: Ligue 2 Predicted: 18th Actual: 16th After a draw and a win in our first two games I was cautiously optimistic that we could upset the odds and stay up. But although we kept playing well, we just couldn't get enough victories. But by mid-January, after a 2-1 win against against Bastia we were sat 13th and looking pretty good. 12 games and no victories later we were rock bottom. 2 wins out of the last 3 games lifted us off the bottom, but not high enough to get us out of trouble, and we finished 16th in the relegation play-off spot. The relegation play off saw us playing QRM - and a poor first leg saw us relegated. Players Player of the Season: Florent Esor 25A - Made the step up to Ligue 2 with ease. He is now easily our best player and played half the season at centre midfield, but it's at AM where he really excels. He wants to leave and I've had to agree to sell him should we get an offer for £1.1m. I suspect someone will get a bargain! Top Scorer: Florent Esor 25A - top scorer from midfield again, highlighting just how paltry our options up front are. He's a full international for Martinique now! Top Assists: Loup Hervier - One of my decent legacy players. He was a pretty good full back but since I moved him into midfield he's been a revelation. At 28 he's also going to be hugle important as our team gets younger and younger Youth Not a good preview to be honest, and the intake wasn't great either. But it was pretty good for average, and makes me a little excited about what a 5 star intake might give me! I'm always happy to see an elite talent! Career Can we get back up? I have no idea to be honest! It's been a crazy first 4 seasons though - it's definitely not been boring!
  17. France - FC Fleury '91 2026/27 (season 3) League: France National (tier 3) Predicted Finish: 18th Actual Finish: 3rd What a season! After relegation last season I was told we had the weakest squad in the National division. I could believe that, most of the squad was padded out with 1 star youths to make up the numbers, but our first XI was still pretty strong for this level. As long as we could avoid injuries we'd be fine. And we were, almost getting automatic promotion! we had to settle for the play-offs though, which is still more than I figured we'd get Play-off final saw us play Amiens in a 2 legged affair. We managed to win both 1-0, thus getting promotion again! If the last 3 seasons have taught me anything, it's that the gap between the French third and second tiers is huuuuuuuuge. But worth it for the extra money, even if it does mean another relegation for us. Players Top Scorer: Florent Esor 25A - 14 goals The most pleasing thing about this season was that my best two players were youth players I promoted out of sheer desperation. Esor 25A played all season at AMC and the fact he finished top scorer says way more about my options at striker than it does him, sadly! Top Assists: Andrea Berti - 18 Assists The only legacy youth player that had any potential at all still wouldn't have got near the first team if I wasn't so desperate. And yet, he was a revelation. Playing left or right wing he chipped in with 11 goals as well as the 18 assists. For stand in while i waited for something better to come along, the lad did alright! Top Average Rating: Floren Esor 25A - 7.34 Such a good first season from the lad I've already given him a much better, longer contract with an optional 3 year extension. He should be around for a few years yet as there's still a dearth of talent in the youth squad. Tactics I built a new tactic around my strengths - the fact that my best 3 players were all centre backs, and I had no full backs to speak of. It worked quite nicely! Youth So, would my youth improvements make any difference? Well, the preview suggested it would although the actual intake was a disapointment. I still signed 8 - anyone with a potential of 2* or above basically - just so i could have a youth squad rather than a youth couple. Could I finally have a half decent striker? 4 determination and casual personality means I'm not banking on it! Career Another attempt to stay up in Ligue 2! I won't mind relegation tbh, as long as I don't get sacked and can use the money to get some all important upgrades
  18. it would be an amazing achievement though! how are you finding the speed of seasons/games? When i tried a tier 10 save it clogged my machine up so much it took hours to generate any results!
  19. France - FC Fleury 91 Ligue 2 - 2025/26 (Season 2) Season Summary After our unexpected and unlikely promotion last season it was always going to be a challenge. We were favourites to go down by a long, long way but our first game gave me hope with a 4-3 home win. But then we only won once in the next 21 games! In truth we were hopelessly out of our depth and were relegated with two games to spare. As soon as relegation was confirmed I got this message.... They weren't happy but gave me a chance. 7 points from the next 5 games to save my job. Which would be fine, except we'd still got two to play in Ligue 2! we drew and lost those so it means I need 2 wins from the opening 3 games of next season to save my job.... Finances and Upgrades It might have been a complete abject failure on the pitch but it was a huge win off the pitch. Going pro and the TV revenues meant we made a nice profit and were able to invest in some infrastructure, so we go down in a much stronger place than when we went up. they even raised it at one point! Not had that before! Youth So our squad is limited, aging and small. I really could do with a decent intake this season! That looks a lot more like it! Well, it's better than nothing. Being how desperate I am those top 4 will more than likely be first teamers sooner rather than later. Top prospect Riviere doesn't look great, but I have hopes with that work rate and determination. Career So I'm on the precipice! 2 wins needed from the first 3 games of the season to save my job!
  20. weirdly, it doesn't make it that much weaker. I'm a L:uton fan as well and we've been using that tactic in real life so I tried to copy it a bit! The further I go though the more defensive my full backs tend to get
  21. France - FC Fleury 91 French National (Tier 3) - 2024/25 (season 1) Season Summary Well, I wasn't expecting this. I liked the look of the squad when I took over - nicely balanced, lots of experience throughout the team - but never did I think we'd go and get promoted! Not only that, we were within a whisker of the title! We won the first three, lost the next three, so I didn't really thin it was realistic until we hammered league leaders Orleans 5-0 mid-season. And from that result we went on a fantastic morale/form run to push us all the way to second place! Our goal difference was mad - we were scoring goals from all over the place! Tactics The squad was ideal for a 4231, with lots of cover throughout despite the smallish squad. Most players rotated throughout the season but here were the main ones Player of the Season Best player was Theo Bloudeau, but he probably also is symptomatic of our main problem. The squad is pretty old, and the youth players/set-up is appalling. So the team is likely to get weaker in the next few seasons. Bloudeau has been around the lower divisions for years but playing as a mezzala he used his experience brilliantly well. Being top scorer from midfield also shows our other main issue - no decent striker! Youth So we really needed a good intake, but given our youth levels I was prepared for the worst. And it isn't too bad all told. Only one worth signing but with any luck he'll be a first teamer He looks ok, nothin special at the minute. But with a bit of coaching who knows? Finances and Upgrades I spent the first half od the season worrying how I was gonig to solve our financial problems. We were projected to lose around 750k which meant we weren't going to get any upgrades. But without upgrades, I wouldn't be able to improve the team! luckily, in the short term, promotion solves that. First thing the board did? give me a coaching badge course and this:- The board also announced... we've made huge leaps forward in this first season. Trick is to now maintain it! Career Can we stay up? it would be a minor miracle i think but at the same time critical as it means we could maintain professional status and make a bit of money
  22. I was watching Lupin last night and he mentioned being in prison in Fleury and i got all excited! Thanks for the stadium explanation - i'm not complaining SI messed up this time
  23. I'm so addicted to this challenge i'm jumping straight back in again. I've always wanted to complete it in France for some reason, and have never come anywhere close, so here we go again! I like playing with a couple of other playable leagues - makes it a bit more challenging in continental competition but also gives more options for sales. France gives you a few choices to pick from, and I went for:- They're based in the southern suburbs of Paris and were formed in 1991. They've never been higher than the third division either so it's quite nice to see if I can complete their journey. They're starting stats are pretty good too:- The board and supporter culture appeals as it's the sort of football i enjoy creating, mainly due as it's fun. Plus, the stadium is mad. In real life their stadium holds about 2k! Semi-professional is a pain in the butt though - definitely adds a whole new level of difficulty to the challenge as well. Here we go!
  24. Japan - Honda FC/Haneda 2042 Objective: win the Champions League a d complete the challenge Season Summary so, how did it go? well..... I decided to focus entirely on Champions League, to the extent where I rested all the first choice XI for league games before the CL games. So our league position suffered but..... Having a fully fit first choice XI really does make all the difference. Who knew? We rode our luck a little bit, but in the final we were emphatic. Weirdly, for the second leg I followed my assistant's advice and played cautious with a slightly different XI as he suggested. Usually I completely ignore him, so no idea why I did it for the most important game! anyway, it worked! CHALLENGE COMPLETED!!!!! WE WON!!!!!! @darren1983 Weirdly, I thought it might be our last chance as our finances were such a disaster but then this happened the week before the final They immediately stuck 76m in the bank so we would have been fine! J1 title winners: 2032, 2039, 2040, 2041 AFC Champions League winners: 2042
  25. Japan - Honda FC/Haneda Division J1 - 2041 (season 18 i think) Objective: win the champions league! Season Summary So, the really frustrating thing with Japan is our season always starts with the knockout rounds of the Champions League, which also happen to be inside our transfer window. I get so many offers for my players, which I turn down, that inevitably morale suffers as a result. So many players unhappy with the way I manage things because I won't sell Maicon 34A for £1.5m to Eintracht Frankfurt (when he'll be worth £60m+ in Germany!). It means we start pretty much every season badly. And this season was no exception Champions League 1: knockout rounds! 2nd round saw us play Incheon United of South Korea, not an easy game. We played well in the first leg to get a draw and then got lucky in the home leg when they had a man sent off in the 22nd minute. So into the quarter finals we marched! Quarter finals we got fellow Japanese side Vissel Kobe, who we had been dominating against for the last few seasons. It should have been fairly routine win but our morale was low, injuries and fatigue played their part and we limped out. League: The poor morale from refusing to sell all my player on the cheap impacted our league start as well. Only 2 wins from the first 7! but once the transfer window shut and the players packed their toys neatly away back in their toy box our season came alive. we went on big winning runs and were miles ahead by the final stages. we lost 2 of the last 3 so it looks closer at the end than it really was Oh, and lol at Hiroshima getting relegated! they still beat us, mind.... Champions League 2: The group stages of the next Cl always coincide with the title run-in, when we tend to be high in morale and form, so they're always a breeze. this one was slightly more tricky than usual but we still qualified easily But who do we have in the next round? Only Suwon Bluewings again, who we couldn't beat in the group stages! Aaargh! Youth I can't tell how good these intakes are anymore! Our best players are so good that it skews all the predicted ratings. But the personalities are good for the best prospects so I'm quietly hopeful Career Onwards and upwards! only without two of my most experienced players who both had enough of my refusal to sell them and left on a free. Katsumi Wada 31D announced his intention to leave with 2 years still on his contract! His leaving might force me back to a 4-2-3-1 formation for next season
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