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Everything posted by libbyshuss

  1. Scotland - 2030/31 - Cinch League 1 The Blue Brazil Survive Their First Season In The First Division! But only just. We were by far the favourites to finish bottom so it was always going to be a struggle. But we managed to keep on picking up results, even if they were draws, and then had a couple of little runs where we'd win three on the bounce. The final 7 games returned zero victories, which was a worry, but we'd luckily just done enough by then to keep ourselves in League 1. Player of the Season Paul Dall 28D - AML/AMR (7.05) quite an easy one, this. Only played 6 games last season but broke through this season to make himself far and away our most important player. 14 goals and 11 assists, can play either wing, fast and determined. My very own Andros Townsend! Youth The intakes seem to have settled down a little bit afte rthe influx of elite talents. This was again an excellent intake but with a more normal number of elites. Including one who looks like he could be amazing and who went straight into the first team I immediately signed Gordon up to a 6 year (3+3) contract! Career To be honest, just surviving in league 1 would suit me fine at the minute. The legacy players are now the weakest in the side and I'm thinking next season to go full youth for the first team. The average age will be ridiculous though!
  2. Scotland - 2029/30 - Cinch League 2 Everything Comes Together For The Blue brazil As They Romp To Title Win! The young players started to gel this season and we started to put some really nice strings of results together, which saw us bouncing around the top 4 spots for most of the season. Then a 7 win, 1 draw run in February and March suddenly saw us 6 points clear with 4 to play. We tried our best to throw it away with only one win in the remaining games but it was enough for us to snatch an unlikely title win. A years extra experience for the youngsters made all the difference! Player of the Season Based purely off Average Rating we had 3 tie at the top with 7.13 each! Here they are, just to give you an idea of the quality needed to get out of League 2 (it really isn't much in all honestly, these guys aren't the long term future of the side) Gavin Jardine 26C - (AMC) Made club captain at the tender age of 18, he really came into his own with the added responsibility. Ostensibly a striker he mainly plays AMC and does excpetionally well there. His only weakness is a lack of determination, strength and tackling.... Kevin Watt - AML Breakout star of the season. Started as one of a mulititude of promising youngsters, got his chance just before christmas and took it with both hands, putting in some amazing displays. He's quick, determined, can dribble and cross. What more do you need for a winger? Mark McLeod-Kay 28B Made the first team last season and held his own as a 16 year old. I was hoping for more improvements from him this year but instead he just quietly got on with his job. A really consistent performer but he may have already hit his ceiling in league 2 Youth another amazing intake with 8 elite talents coming through. Again, no obvious stars though so it'll be a case of trial and error to see how can cut it in the first team again. Farrance will likely be the first to get a chance, purely as he has the best personality! Finances So our UAE investor, who was mad passionate about making us a force to be reckoned with, got bored and retired after only 2 seasons, meaning a takeover was on the cards. It was completed by a local businessman who pledged to invest NOTHING in the club. d'oh! but thank you our old chairman, we'll never forget what you did for the club! wish we could say the same about your name! Career It's still early doors for this team and many of them won't progress beyond league 1 standard I'd have though, meaning just staying up is next seasons aim
  3. Scotland - 2028/29 - Cinch League 2 Mediocre Blue Brazil Play Out Mediocre Season and Finish Mid-table Pretty much sums our season up! we were consistently inconsistent and could never get going at all. We're still predicted last place finishes and the board expectations are nothing more than avoiding relegation so I guess in that sense it's a good season? Really I'm just killing time waiting for my youth players to improve youth Our new chairman who declared he'd stop at nothing to make us a Scottish powerhouse seems to have got a little bit bored with no new investments and no new upgrades this season. But after last years shenanigans our facilities are still really high for this level so I was expecting a nice intake again. And it delivered Another 11 elite talents to go with the 13 we got last season. Surely there's a play off bothering XI in there somewhere? Billy Martin has 3* CA which is quite exciting until you look at him and see how ordinary he is and therefore how terrible our first XI actually are. Career Just plodding along at the minute but the foundations are all there
  4. Scotland - 2027/28 - Cinch League 2 Tycoon Takeover Leavers The Blue Brazil Swimming In Cash! So this season was far more about what happened off the pitch than what happened on it. Just before the season started we got a message that there was talk of a potential takeover by a UAE businessman who wanted to spend upwards of 24m to make cowdenbeath a force in Scottish football. I rolled my eyes as we've all seen these rumnours a hundred times before. two days later..... It's the dream in this challenge!!! The new chariman immediately made us Professional and stuck a couple of million in the coffers. So, I went shopping! He gave me a couple more youth coach improvements and youth recruitment improvements too. All of a sudden our facilities look crazy good for League 2! After that, our own the pitch shenanigans took a back seat. we were the only full time professional club in the league though, so that should make a difference. Sadly, not enough as we just finished outside the play offs for the second season running Youth Now, I was looking forward to this! double improvements should make a noticeable difference in the quality of intake, right? Well, it really did! 13 elite talents! only 3 good! At least 5 good enough for the first team already!! No real stand out future internationals among them but the backbone of the future first team for sure Career So next season the pressure will be on. The side will be half made up of 16 year olds though so who knows? Even so, we should be one of the favourites to go up I'd have thought.
  5. Scotland - 2026/27 - Cinch League 2 Agony For The Blue Brazil as They Miss Out on Play-offs In Final Day Defeat To be honest, it was crazy we were up there with a chance anyway. In November we were 9th and looking more likely for relegation until a crazy late season run saw us climb the table. With 1 game to go we were third! so we lost it and dropped to 5th, missing out on play offs by 1 point. Bah! Player of the Season Josh Jack - Striker The pick of our legacy players with 24 goals this season. Only 1 year left on his contract though and he really isn't happy! Youth All Cs in the preview again so I think the relatively good intake is more an indictment of the quality of our current squad than anything else Finances We're bobbing along quite nicely and the good run at the end of the season meant the board were happy to give us another upgrade. woohoo! Career So far so good. although three dull seasons in the league we're slowly making improvements off it which will hopefully pay off eventually. I might have to throw a few more youth prospects in the starting XI next season which might be a bit risky though
  6. Scotland - 2025/26 - season 2 Cinch League 2 Blue Brazil's play-off challenge derailed by poor end to season We were the very definition of inconsistent for the first half of the season. Winning 3-0 away at the leaders one week, losing 2-1 at home to the bottom team the week after. With 8 games left we were in with a shout of the play-off but decided then would be a good time to go on a long run without a win Youth Not a bad intake again, which will hopefully come in handy once the legacy players start to drop out. None of them look amazing though, Ricky Thompsons moustache excepted. Career
  7. Scotland - 2024/25 - Season 1 'The Blue Brazil' start badly but a strong second half of the season sees them consolidate in Division 2 To be honest, after so long dominating at the top of the Jupiler pro League I'd forgotten just how important morale was at the start. The first half of the season saw me adjusting to the very different demands of the Scottish Second Division and at one point we were bottom. But after Christmas we were much stronger and pulled ourselves out of danger. So, a positive first season if a little unexciting Youth An interesting intake. Nearly all our players are highland/lowland league level and our youth preview was a sea of Cs, which gave me no clue as to what to expect. So the intake was pretty pleasing in the end No stand out stars but a lot of very high potentials and some nice personalities in there. I might try and introduce a couple of the best prospects next season, see how they go Finances A lot more balanced than Belgium! we lost a bit but not much and were able to get a couple of upgrades in as well. So not a bad start! Career
  8. So, being as ridiculously addicted to this challenge as i am, i'm going again never tried scotland so here i am!
  9. it helped that Lyra Lierse start with pretty good facilities so I was getting a half decent intake from the start. I had to sell 2 or 3 players a season though and constantly pray the 50%+ clauses got triggered for a good while though, which was frustrating. Once you break through that barrier though it gets a lot, lot easier as Belgium intakes are ridiculously good
  10. it really, really helped starting with a club with half decent facilities to begin with. Don't think it would have been possible otherwise
  11. Lyra Lierse - Belgium - 2063/64 Pro Jupiler League: Winners Champions League: WINNERS CHALLENGE COMPLETE!!!! We did it! in Belgium! it was a glorious season where everything just came together. Champions League League Stage A poor start with no victory in our first 3 matches but I wasn't too worried as we'd been playing well. Sure enough, the results started to come, with a draw against PSG and a victory against Newcastle really encouraging results. But only 3 victories meant it was into the playoffs Knock-out Round So into the play-off knockout round where we got Rennes, who are a pretty good side. We drew with them in the league stage and got another draw in the first leg. We played really well in the second and got a well deserved victory Round of 16 Atletico Madrid! My plan from here was really simple - draw away, win at home and we're in the final. easy! and so it worked out here - a nice comfortable home win followed by a good 2-2 draw away. We were clearly the better side over two legs Quarter-Final Which is more than can be said for the quarter-final. To get anywhere in the champions league i think you need a bit of luck along the way, and this is where we got lucky. We beat Real in the league stage last season so I knew they weren't invincible but they are still a formidable side. When we lost the first leg 2-1 I was pleased as it gave us a fighting chance in the home leg. We got the win, but at only 1-0 it went to pens..... which we managed to squeak 6-5 Semi-Final Newcastle! Who we'd beaten in the league stage and who i knew we could beat! but i always get nervous this deep into the competition. Even after we blew them away in the first leg i was still expecting to lose 5-0 in the away leg. In truth they were nowhere near us. we'd made it to the final! Final It was the current holders Spurs in the final. In fact, they'd won the last three Champions Leagues. But again, we'd beat them 3 times in the last few seasons so i knew we could take them on our day. Luckily we'd won the league with 5 games to spare so i was able to rest the entire first XI meaning we came into it with a completely fit first choice team. It was now or never! and..... Not even close! we were amazing!!!! The Players So here are my all conquering heroes! 1. Goalkeeper: Loan Marechal 45C age: 34 Apps: 47 goals: 0 AR: 7.08 World class keeper coming to the end of his career. 150 Belgium caps and a wealth of experience behind him, can't really ask for a more solid foundation to buil upon 2. Right Back: Jayden Groffy 54B age: 25 apps: 48 goals: 4 AR: 7.25 A better centre back but also our best right back and that's where he played the majority of his matches. A good solid defender with 25 Belgian caps 3. Left back: Adam Daniels 57D Age: 22 Apps: 45 gls: 0 AR 7.18 One of my best youths of recent years but in truth he had no competition. If he ever got injured i was forced to play a bucket and a mop in his place. Another Belgian international with 18 caps to his name, he was great at bombing up and down the wing. Only 5 assists this season though which was a surprise 4. Centre Back - Brieuc Boon 54A Apps 47 gls 11 AR 7.42 What a player. In his final season as he absolutely refused to sign a new contract for years, such was his desire to play with a stronger squad. And then, just as he announced his intention to leave, he got one! amazing player, if we hadn't won this season I would have really missed him 5. Centre Back - Nikolaus Verbruggen 58C Age: 21 Apps 43 gls: 9 Ar 7.30 It's testament to how good Boon is that Verbruggen flew under the radar for me. Even as a wonderkid he never got close to him. This was the first season I actually started playing him regulalry and he repaid my faith with some great performances 6. Centre Mid - Guus Knol 59A Age:20 Apps: 48 gls: 4 AR: 7.31 I'm convinced he's gonna be a future world superstar. He's so good - a wonderkid at 17 he's been first choice in mids since then and been amazing. Such a reliable presence and improving all the time 7. Centre Mid - Vidian Miath-Annerose 51B Age: 28 Apps: 38 gls: 5 AR: 7.27 Good solid pro with 50+ France caps under his belt. Just does the basic things really well but allows the better players around him to thrive 8. Attacking centre midfield - Svenne Schlabertz 55A Apps: 40 gls: 18 AR 7.30 Previously our enfant terrible! Asa teenager he missed 6 first team games because he was falling out of bars the night before but some maturity and mentoring seems to have solved it because at 25 he's a great professional. Not particularly quick or strong but with great technique and mental awareness he's an ideal AMC for our team 9. Left Wing - Sam Straetman 51A Apps 42 gls 29 AR 7.36 Our superstar! Winner of this years balon d'or, now 28 and at his absolute peak, he was key to everything good we did. I protected him a lot, hence only 42 games, as I couldn't afford to risk him getting injured before any of the Champions League games! so often was he the match winner. 45 goal involvements from 42 games! 10. Right wing - Maxime Guilloteau 59B Apps 45 gls 20 AR 7.44 French right winger who won this year Golden Boy. Looks like he could go on to be really, really good. At 20 he's already pretty, pretty good! 11. Striker - Amir Achenteh 56B Apps 22 gls 13 AR 7.38 If we did have a weak spot it ws up front. Achenteh started second choice but forced his way into the side towards the end of the season. He's a good squad player, no more really, but I really like how quick he is Easily my best team of the save so far. so strong and balanced all the way through. Career @darren1983 :-)
  12. Belgium - Lyra Lierse - 2061/62 Pro Jupiler League - WINNERS Yep, we won it again, for an ELEVENTH time. We absolutely dominate the league now and it's only ever close because I prioritise the Champions League. Champions League - Knocked out in Round of 16 Sp for the second season running we got knocked out by the eventual winners, who have now won the Champions League three times in a row. Spurs!!! and we beat them again as well, winning the first leg 2-1. We put up a good fight in the second leg but just couldn't score and went home empty handed. But our results the last couple of seasons give me real hope that we might not be too far off a really, really good run. Players We finally got someone in the top 50 players in the world list! Sam Straetman 51A, who I am glad to say is signedcup on a very, very long contract! We also won Golden Boy this year as well:- Maxime Guilloteau 59B looks like he could become a really, really important player for us. A proper wonderkid as well. Here he is at 19:- Surprised he beat Guus Knol 59A though, he looks much better at the minute and absolutely runs our midfield. Youth So after last years abysmal intake i was hoping for something a little better. But instead we went from one extreme to another, with a ludricrously good potential golden age intake. Very excited by these 5! None of them really stand out but they all have ridiculous potential at this stage of the game. Given that Straetman is a world superstar, the potential on these guys could be huge! Career Number 1 priority is the Champions League. We can beat any team on our day now, it's just a question of whether we get enough of those days
  13. Belgium Lyra Lierse 2061/62 Season Summary Our best season yet - at times we were unplayable and only lost 1 game from Christmas to the end of the season. Pro Jupiler League - WINNERS we weren't so good at the start of the season so went into the championship group in second place. but, as we've done many times before, we really turned it on and went unbeaten for all ten games, meaning we romped to our TENTH league title! Champions League - LOST IN QUARTER FINAL TO SPURS But that doesn't tell the whole story! we were phenomonal this year, blasting though the league stages including, most satisyingly, a 2-1 home victory against the reigning champions Spurs. It meant we managed to qualify straight to the round of 16 for the first time ever. We were looking good! We got Spurs in the quarter finals, lost the first leg 4-2, won the second leg 4-2, only to go out to a 116th minute goal. It was heartbreaking, especially as Spurs went on to win the whole thing again. So we ended up beating the Champions League Winners TWICE and still got nothing..... bah! Players A couple of wonderkids, but not a surprise. I've never had an intake with two most obviously going to make it youth player ever. And they're both looking absolutely superb Youth I've had some amazing intakes recently so I was expecting some sort of reaction in terms of regressing to the mean, and this year i got it. I actually lolled at the intake, especially my HoYD's valiant attempt to put a positive spin on it. I can't stay mad at him though, he got me Knol 59A and Guilloteau 59B Narrator: Mael Hrault will not be one of the most gifted players to come through the youth ranks in recent years. Career We have our most balanced team in years, with 3 or 4 genuine superstars. We've never been better placed to properly challenge for the champions league. Maybe next season....?
  14. Belgium - 2060/61 Season Summary Pro Jupiler League - WINNERS A close run thing again as I prioritised the Champions League and mostly played the kids in the league. They did really well but still aren't really developing as fast as I'd like. None of them have really challenged me to drop one of the senior players in their stead. So, we won the league stage and went into the champions group top - this is where the title is really won and lost. And we almost did lose it with some inconsistent performances, having to rely on a final day victory over Standard to clinch the title again Champions League - Round of 16 Having finished second last season we had to go through the league qualifying rounds, which can always be a potential banana skin. We managed to navigate them quite easily in the end though and were rewarded with a really nice set of fixtures for the league stage. We did pretty well, albeit with only two victories, qualifying for the knockout rounds without too much trouble. A brilliant pair of performances against Newcastle saw us take on PSG in the round of 16 - despite two excellent performances we were narrowly beaten and have got to try again next year.... Players Nikolaus Veebruggen 58C - A really nice surprise as he was just a cover defender really. But did really well when called upon. Strangely, he's still not first choice but I try and rotate him in as much as i can. Rated a leading Pro Jupiler League already, which is nice, and the coaches reckon he could still improve a lot. Guus Knol 59A He's gonna be a superstar! Still only 17, he played 48 first team games this season. Towards the end of the season the media dubbed his a genuine bone fide wonderkid - not sure i've ever had one this young tbh. Currently on a 5 year (2+3) contract, i need to get him signed up longer! Youth After the last few seasons of fantastic youth intakes I was half expecting a rubbish one, so I wasn't too disappointed when it came in. Career
  15. Belgium - Lyra Lierse - 2059/60 Season Summary Pro Jupiler League - RUNNERS UP Really frustrating, we should have won it easily. By christmas we were at least 9 points clear but then had absolute brain fart and threw it all away. To be honest, in Belgium it doesn't really matter as the Championship group is effectively worth double points and it's there that we've won the title before. This year though, we struggled, only winning 4 out of the ten matches. But we played leaders Kortrik on the final day of the season - win and we'd be champions! we drew.... Champions League We started brilliantly! and then..... eep. Still qualified for the knock out round and actually put up a pretty good fight against Arsenal but just didn't quite have enough Croky Cup We won it but really, who cares? Players Top Scorer: Sam Straetman 51A - 40 in 46 games Top Assists: Sam Straetman 51A - 14 in 46 games Turning into an absolute superstar, and just signed an 8 year contract as well. 30 Belgian caps at only 24 as well, I got high hopes he could become our all time top player. Look how good he looks now Wonderkids One problem is the ludicrous number of huge potential youth players atm. I can't play them all! but these two made the NxGN list, which was nice Adam Daniels 57D - left back and left winger who I gave the first choice left back slot too. He did pretty amazing all told. Still only 18 and a very high ceiling in terms of ability Svenne Schlabertz 55A - a real conundrum this one. Clearly really talented, but an absolute toilet of a person. Has so far missed FIVE matches as he's been seen falling out of nightclubs the night before. He's been mentored by our most professional pros but he needs to sort his nonsense out. Especially as he's now a bone fide wonderkid! Youth After three ridculously good intakes I was looking forward to another amazing intake. And given that 3 star CA these days makes a star Pro Jupiler League player even top talents could be great. So what did i get? Mateo Pinto looks like he could be a real star in the future, although he'll have a job shifting my first choice keeper who is also Belgium's first choice. He's class! Career
  16. Belgium Season Review Pro Jupiler League - WINNERS Our fourth title in a row! and again we did it in the Champions Group, turning on the style when it mattered the most. 5 victories in a row seasled the title before the fina game, which is just as well as we lost it to Club Brugge Champions League A mixed bag. We did ok in the league stage, but two hammerings from Premier League teams wasn't a good sign. We were a lot closer against Barcelona. Once we got past the league stage we had our best run yet! all the way to the quarter finals where we pushed Liverpool close. Although we lost the second leg 7-3 it was a lot closer in terms of chances and xG so a definite improvement on that 14-0 defeat a few years back! Players Top Scorer - Sam Straetman 51A - Been our main striker for the past 3 seasons. He's happier as an attacking midfielder and struggled this season, although that maybe because he spent the entire season with his morale in the dumper because I turned down an offer from Man City for him. Not sure whether to keep him up front next season, 21 goals from 45 games in our formation is pretty poor really. Top Assists - Amin Saadi 45B - Now 31 and with over 100 caps for Morocco behind him he's a really important player for us. Usually plays right wing, giving the younger players so valuable experience Top Average Rating - Stephen Guilen 49G - winner for the second year running! Interesting as he was never supposed to get anywhere near the first team, let alone become a vital cog. But when Bodson and Dumont left in created a vacuum in midfield into which Guilen was sucked, just as a filler at first. But every time he played, he did good. and he still does good! Wonderkids I got 6 more seasons to try and sign him up to a longer contract! he is ridiculously good! Youth Another pair of As in the preview got me excited and my new HoYD did not let me down. Only two elite talents, but what talents! Guus Knol is predicted to be a once in a generation talent! he does look pretty, pretty good! and his mate isn't too shabby either, Finance and Upgrade By far the most exciting thing this season. The Libby Shuss Stadium is on its way!!!! Career Well, might be our best season so far in the champions league but we're still not close. But we have by far our best set of youth prospects so far this save, potentially even better than 2039 (which was a crazy year) so who knows?
  17. Belgium Season Review Another really good season from us. We were solid in the league but once we got to the champions group we were amazing. 8 victories and a draw saw us romp to another league title. Being that i'm still in a transitional phase it was especially pleasing Champions League we had our best league stage for a long, long time with some excellent results getting me all excited for the knockout rounds. But again, we went out in the knockout play-off round, this time on penalties against Wolfsburg. I've still not got anywhere close in the CL Players These two will hopefully be my centre back partnership for the next 10-15 seson. Only problem is Boon is already asking to leave to play with a stronger squad..... Youth another really nice preview and intake! Only issue is the two best prospects both have light-hearted personalities, which isn't great. Hopefully a bit mentoring will knock that out of them. But the biggest news was the retirement of my HoYD who I've had since 2026. He was a model citizen, amazing stats, brought me through so many amazing player. And now he's gone.... His replacement? this fella! Career
  18. Belgium A really weird season that at one point looked like it could be a total disaster which then turned into an unlikely triumph. Belgium has this thing where the boards really like you to run a negative transfer balance - in other words sell players to make money. If you don't, they can take control and sell your players for peanuts. As we've had 100m+ in the bank it's not something i've had to worry about for the last 20 seasons so I stopped looking. And then, in January, the board told me they were taking control of player sales and promtply sold Ma Xi47B, our best player, for 43m to Marseille. But.... I had turned down a £128m off for him in the summer, and he really wasn't happy about that. He thre his toys out the pram, stomped around the club, told everyone how much he hated me and totally split the club in two. When he left our morale was low and we were not looking good. But once he left, things started to look up. The morale came back, we startd playing with a bit of pizzazz, we finished the season strongly and weren't in too bad a shape for the championship group. Which we then dominated to seal an unlikely title win, our sixth! Champions League We were terrible! and yet somehow managed to get through the league stage where we were narrowly beaten by Sevilla in the knock out stage Wonderkids Still only 18, Boon looks the real deal! A nice surprise was my midfield prospect named as a wonderkid, just as i was starting to lose faith in him Youth losing Ma Xi was a blow, i could really do with a decent intake to soften it. and by golly we got one! Three As in the preview got me :-o but four elite talents got me :-D The best two look potentially really good - not sure who will be a striker and who a winger but both still have a bit of work to do Career belgium is fun, but wile we seem to have the domestic side sorted we are still really struggling in the Champions League. Still nowhere near!
  19. Lyra Lierse - Belgium - 2055/56 Pro Jupiler League - WINNERS Not a bad performance for what was supposed to be a transition season as I eased out the class of '39. We were so far ahead of the rest of the pack it was almost silly. Despite starting the Champions Group 9 points clear we still almost managed to throw it away, having to rely on a result in the final game of the season to see us over the line Croky Cup - WINNERS Domestic double winners! not a bad transition season! Champions League - Out at league stage well, this is where it all fell down. We were pretty appalling really, even though it was a difficult draw, but a lucky result against St. Ettienne meant we could qualify if we beat FC Kobenhavn in the final game. We were rubbish, we didn't PLAYERS Bit of a mixed bag with the transition. Our best player was still Beau Bodson 39A, who is leaving for Saudi at the end of the season. But we did get a couple of youngsters pop up on the NXGN list, so swings and roundabouts I guess We'll miss Bodson - look how consistent he's been for us! But we need to look to the future now! If I had Brieuc Boon 54A 15 years ago I might have completed the challenge. Our defence was always our weak spot but it looks like we might have found the answer in Boon We also had the winner of European Golden Boy in our young Swedish winger. But he's 20 now and not quite where I'd like to be at that age. we'll see I guess. Youth An underwhelming preview and intake. Nice to see our affiliate clubs paying dividends though with a nice range of nationalities. Career We're still a mile off the Champions League, it seems. Maybe we just need a lucky run in or something?
  20. Belgium - Lyra Lierse - 2054/55 Pro Jupiler League - 3rd For the last 10-12 season the class of 2039 has been the cornerstone of the side. But with them all (Laurent Dumont 39A, Beau Bodson 39B, Nicaola Giovenco 39C, Eloi Desmet 39E) being 31/32 I thought this was the perfect season to start giving some more game time to my promosing youth players. Well, that plan backfired! All 4 of them complained about losing game time, half the squad agreed with them, half against them, and it was a real struggle with morale. Not helped by the fact the kids did well when they played, and the Class of 39 were still starting way more games than not! We also struggled after our 14-0 humiliation against Liverpool so in the end it was quite an achievement to finish 3rd! Croky Cup - Runner Up again.... ah, who cares? stupid cups, i just played the kids. and the elders got really cross! Champions League - Knockout playoff round First game of the league stage was great, a 6-4 home win and Man UTD. But the second game was a humilating disaster that took us a long time to get over. 14-0 away to Liverpool shows just how far away we are from really challenging. We needed to win the last two league stage games to qualify, which we did, but then we Real Madrid in the knockout round. We did ok tbf, but not quite good enough in the end and they knocked us out. Wonderkids I like the look of this fella. I might try him up front next season just to see how good he can be. He's on an 8 year contract so Madrid can be interested all they like, they ain't getting him! Youth My best preview and intake for a long time, maybe since 2039. At least two are going straight into the first team squad for next season and are gonna get game time. Very excited for this lot! The top two players look really good, especially Schlabertz. I'll be shocked if he isn't a future wonderkid. I mean, look at him! And Masson isn't too bad either, just a shame about the personality. I hate fickle people. Career So next season is going to be a transition season i think, as I'm determined to push ahead with my youth first policy, Class of '39 be damned. They had their chance! and they blew it! 14-0 away at Liverpool!
  21. second game of the league stage in this seasons Champions League and.... not sure where we go from here....
  22. Lyra Lierse - Belgium (2053/54) Pro Jupiler League - Winners! We're now the best side in Belgium, and it shows! In the league stage we were imperious. win after win after win, it was brilliant. we finished so far ahead we went into the Champions Group stage a massive 9 points ahead. 1 win in 5 games later, with Anderlecht winning all their 5, we were second a point behind! luckily we responded brilliantly and wrapped up the title beating Anderlecht 3-2 in the last game of the season Croky Cup - Runners Up We sleepwalked into the final, had a really easy game, took our eye off the ball and somehow lost it 1-0. Champions League This is the big one! Being runners up last season we had to qualify for the league stage which we managed with fairly minimal fuss. The league stage was a mixed bag but we again managed it fairly comfortably. Rennes are a really good side at the moment and were just a little bit too strong for us sadly. Players So I started giving Sam Straetman 51A a few games. He looks great and can play in 3 positions (AML, AMC and S) which is hugely helpful. And he was great! Future wonderkid i reckon! Youth I got an elite talent! which, at this stage, is nuts!!! Career
  23. Lyra Lierse - Belgium 2052/53 Pro Jupiler League - 2nd We were brilliant in the league stage excpet for a mad period around February where we went 6 games without a win. BUt we recovered and finished strongly, setting us up nicely for the championship group. We were so inconsistent in the championship group, but then so was everyone else. So we went into the final game knowing a victory would give us the title - we drew, and lost it. Croky Cup - WINNERS Second win in a row! in a competition I really don't care about! Champions League - Firrst knock out round For the first half od the league stage we were brilliant, getting some amazing results. But the second half meant we had to go into the first knockout round where we got atletico madrid. A brilliant result in Madrid in the first leg was completely undermined by an appalling performance at home. We are still a long way from champions league success! Players A nice surprise this - he was only a 2 star potential player that I used out if desperation when we had injuries/fatigue. And he did really well! turns out 2.5 PA is now a leading league player for us! Youth really poor preview and intake on paper, but again skewed by how good my best players are. 3 star potential is possible wonderkid territory! Career
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