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Everything posted by libbyshuss

  1. yeah, same here. 5-5 draws, narrow 5-4 defeats - definitely more fun than 0-0 and 0-1 i guess
  2. Japan Honda FC Season 1 - J3 League Objectives: Stay up and get a youth intake set up Season Review So FC Honda, who in real life neve get promoted from J4 as it would mean they have to lose their corporate ownership, were the team promoted to J3. So in this universe they're called Machida Corriente and have new owners (there was a takeover halfway through the season as well). It's just easier to refer to them as FC Honda though, so i will. Well, we met the league objectives quite easily in the end. A really good start meant that we never had to worry about relegation and instead had our eyes on the promotion play-offs. A win in our final game and we could have made it, but instead we lost and finished just outside. But a successful season nevertheless Finances and Upgrades Japan looks like it might be one of the easier countries for this challenge as the money is really good. So we start with no junior coaching or youth intake but plenty of money for the board to set one up. And they did - I got two junior coaching upgrades and 3 youth intake through the season Youth So we got a first youth intake! it's a half star poor intake apparently, but it actually looked pretty good to me, so that maybe a little bug Only one elite talent in the intake but he looks good! Next Season overall, a successful first season. But there's storm clouds on the horizon - a lot of the first team squad don't like me and won't sign new contracts. there's a good few of them with only 12 months remaining.... Again, the goal is gonna be keep my job, stay up, get some more youngsters in
  3. it was really fun following your progress with it as well!
  4. yep, but the money looks pretty good so it shouldn't be too much of a problem for the board to give you the go ahead
  5. I've holidayed a season and youth players do seem to appear as lnog as you've got the upgrades to take it away from 'none' I'm playing my first season now so I'll let you know when I get to November if any youth appear.
  6. that is worrying i'll have a look in my save and see what we get
  7. So I'm straight in to Japan, just took the first club that popped up. Honda FC - looks pretty good! no doubt i'll be sacked 13 games in.... I'm quite excited! edit: well, this will make it interesting....
  8. there's not many of us left at this stage! Not sure with that new intake, they all look promising but it's difficult to tell as personality seems to make such a big difference at this level. I'll still be amazed if I'm still in a job in 2 seasons though
  9. Uruguay - Villa Teresa 2031 - Division 2 Season Summary So, another disastrous season. We were terrible, finished 13th (out of 14) and had to rely on winning the relegation play-off to survive. To be this far into the save and this bad still is kinda upsetting but..... Youth Only reason I'm carrying on is my newly upgraded HoYD gave me a ridiculous intake. All my top valued players now are from this intake! 10 elite talents i think? Finances and upgrades so, no money, no upgrades and what do the board announce? career i'll keep plugging away til fm24
  10. I would have done exactly the same. I've been in that position and then the parent club inexplicably releases the player for nothing, or they never sell them. It gave you such a boost in facilities I'd argue that 1m now is worth far more than, say, £10m a few years down the line I'm kinda jealous by how well your save is progressing at the minute!
  11. I'm at exactly the same stage with my Uruguay save and honestly, after three years of playing this save, I have no idea other than waiting for the stars to align. I know improving my facilities would mean better intakes which would mean better players coming through, but I'm losing so much money each year it's impossible. frustrating isn't it!
  12. Uruguay - Villa Teresa Division 2 - Season 8 (2030) Season Summary well...... halfway through the season I realised that in my 8th season I was actually worse off than I was in the first. Worse players, worse results, less money and only one minor improvement. We started well enough, 3 wins, a draw and 2 defeats in the Torneo Competencia, which is ok. And then in the league proper, we won the first match, which again is not too shabby. And then we lost. and lost. and lost again. and kept losing. It was a battle trying to stop a tidal wave of poor morale, and very little we could do could stop it. Bizarrely, we won the last two league games! but to no avail.... luckily Uruguay is weird and relegations are decided on the average of the past two seasons, so even though we were abysmal we wouldn't have gone down. Next season could be a different matter though Youth A nice intake! I need some of these to come good and come good quickly! Career This will be my last save before the new game so I'm just gonna keep plugging away. It's a tough challenge, this one!
  13. Uruguay - Villa Teresa 2029 - season 7 - Division 2 Season Summary So back in Division 2 after our relegation. Previously we'd started the Division 2 season strongly, kept a settled side, and rode the high morale wave through the season. This season, with a younger side, we couldn't do that, and at the midway point relegation looked more likely. We rallied and in the final game of the season had an unlikely chance of clinching a play off place. We lost it and finished 7th, our worst ever season yet! youth Part of the problem was relegation led to losing our better players on stupid relegation release clauses, and the legacy players slowly been phased out. Luckily, our youth player look good, but they will need more patience than the legacy team that got us promoted first time round I forgot to take a screenshot of the intake, but it was a good one! I liked the CA of our best prospect Career So, back in division 2, looking weaker than before with even less money than before. Can we make a success of Urugauy?
  14. It's gonna be the first save for me! Bit concerned how excited I am by it
  15. Uruguay - Villa Teresa Division 1 - 2028 (season 6) Season Summary A frustrating season. We started well enough, and were mid-table after the opening stage, but 1 win in the final 22 games meant relegation was a mere formality in the end. We're an absolute mile away from the level of the top sides in Uruguay Youth Another nice preview and intake but again, no superstars look inbound but three elite talents isn't too shabby. they'll get there chance sooner rather than later given the current state of our squad as well Finances and Upgrades So the top division has no money either, so we're still hugely in debt. But for some reason the board allowed me an upgrade! maybe as a nice reward for getting to the top division? Who knows, but hopefully it makes a meaningful difference to our youth intakes! Career So, back to Division 2 it is. Hopefully it's easier to get out of than it was first time round.
  16. it happens when you offer them a contract and their trials expire before they accept if they're from the intake i've always assumed it's fine
  17. Uruguay - Villa Teresa 2027 - Division 2 (season 5) Season Summary Finally! We started the season really well, winning the Torneo Competencia for the third time in a row! That sent our morale sky high and we were able to ride the morale wave quite deep into the second divison regular, at one point being 5 points clear. The second half of the season was less good and our results were sporadic. It was in the middle of a poor run, during which we'd slipped to fourth in the regular table, I got the message we'd won promotion! I'd forgot about the combined table! Youth A similar preview to previous years, so difficult to tell if it's actually good or not! no As or Bs but a 5 star golden generation promised The intake itself looks pretty good on paper Finances Still terrible, still around 400k in the red, so no upgrades at all. Looking at my youth intakes on the poor levels I currently have, any improvement should make a huge difference. as it is we're stuck in selling off our better prospects in the hope they get a big sell on in the future for us. So far it's not worked! And, sadly, the top division in Uruguay isn't quite the honeypot the English Premier League is either! Career I'm a bit frightened of Division 1 to be honest. We tend to get battered by the Division 1 clubs when we meet them in the Cup. I guess we'll have to see what happens!
  18. Uruguay - Villa Teresa Season 4 - Division 2 Season Summary Unbelievable.. for the fourth year in a row we lost in the promotion play-off final. So far I've missed out due to 1 point, 1 goal goal difference and now a penalty shootout! The problem for us this season was the unprecedented amount of injuries we got mid-season. It felt like a key player a week was going down. But once they all got back fit we finisehd strongly Penalties!!!! AAAARGH! Youth Another good looking youth intake, but I'm sure its more because of the poor quality of my squad rather than strong youth players Three elite talents is not bad, but who knows how they'll turn out? None of them look amazing.... Finances losing around 400k a season atm. No way am I getting upgrades! Career
  19. Uruguary - Villa Teresa 2025 - Season 3 Division 2 Season Summary Groundhog Season! We missed out on automatic promotion by one point and lost in the play off final again. For the third season in a row! We weren't helped by our first chpice centre backs both been suspended for the final, and only having two natural centre backs in the whole squad Youth Another promising preview - i always like seeing the phrase 'golden generation;, even if it rarely ever is. The intake itself was pretty good again. Not as promising as the previous year but considering how low my facilities are, I can't really argue. Finances and Upgrades Still got no money! In a sad attempt to try and get some income so we can start upgrading our facilities I sold off some of our better youth prospects. I hate doing it but sometimes you got to take the short term hit for long term gain. Hopefully it'll pay off cos the transfer fees just pay off our debts, and we're still in debt! Career Keep plugging away! It's quite nice in Uruguay, and we've had three really good seasons so far. It's still a young team, youth players are integrating nicely, it's looking positive
  20. congratulations! it had been on the cards for a while! Happy for the people of Ilkeston!
  21. ha ha, you're not that only one! @HanziZoloman keep going, it's only a matter of time now! and hopefully then you'll start flying up the leagues. That first promotion is always the hardest in England, usually takes me year too
  22. Uruguay - Villa Teresa 2024- Season 2 Division 2 Season Summary Pretty much a carbon copy of the first season as we again started with a win in the pre-league competition Torneo Compentencia, which set us up very nicely for the league proper We went through periods in the proper league where we looked unbeatable but at other times we were really poor. A poor end to the season meant we had to make do with a 4th placed finish. Still well above the media prediction though so we can't be too upset. But then we saw the combined table, and I got a little bit upset. We missed out on automatic promotion by goal difference! So into the play-offs we go, for the second season running. and for the second season running we got through to the final! and lost. Youth An interesting preivew which was 5 star, promising a golden generation, yet only offered C grades for each position. Which way would the actual intake fall? It fell very nicely indeed thank you! some of these look really promising prospects! There were so many elite talents i couldn't fit them all in one go (but there was only one more and i couldn't be bothered to take his pic as well). Hopefully this lot can keep our good start to the save going in the next few seasons! Career So, two seasons in a row narrowly missing out promotion. Can it be third tinme lucky? So far I've used pretty much legacy players exclusively though. Next season I might start trying to bring a few of the better youth players through. Also, our finances are a dumpster fire so it may be we have to start flogging off some of our star first-teamers anyway. we'll see!
  23. I didn't get the option until I won the Champions League, which was a bit frustrating
  24. Oh really? I didn't realise that! that's a lovely touch, thanks SI!
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