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Everything posted by libbyshuss

  1. Lyra Lierse - Belgium Pro Jupiler League - 2031/32 League Finish: 13th Relegation Group finish: 1st My worries about our poor run at the end of last season were well founded as it took us until October 31st to win our first league match. Luckily we'd drawn more than we'd lost so we weren't completely cut adrift at that point but it was still worrying. We then went on a run of 7 victories in 12 games to put us mid-table and within touching distance of survival. So obviously we went on a 6 game run without a win to finish the season and find ourselves in the relegation play-off One thing I really like about Belgium is the end of season mini-leagues. the top six go into a championship play-off, middle six into a pointless play-off and the bottom four into a relegation play-off. We keep all our points, play each team twice more, and the bottom two get relegated. second place go into a play-off against a team from the division below whilst the top team stay up. We were favourites to stay up with our 4 point advantage, and after we beat STVV in the first game that became 7 points. in the end we won 3, drew 2 and lost 1 to stay up quite easily. S Players Top Scorer: Leandro de Pauw 26C (21 goals in 38 games) A much better second season from our top striker. He's settled into the top division nicely, seems settled and happy. what could go wrong? Player of the Season: Adam Vandenheede 30C (7.18 in 34 games) Still only 18 and now winner of two player of the season awards. Scored 20 goals this season too. With 18 months left on his contract he also let me know that he'll be considering his options when it expires which leaves me with two choices. Keep him and risk losing him on a free or sell him for peanuts but with a 50% sell on. I have a couple of good youths waiting for a first team chance so it will probably be the second. Youth Another nice preview and intake! Weird thing is, I've lost the star rating for the preview and intake and I don't know where it's gone! best looking prospect is this fella:- Bit of work to do but really nice starting physicals, apart from the fact he looks like he's pull a muscle picking up a box of cornflakes Finances So, not too bad. Another couple of prospects sold and another couple of future transfer clauses too. Our best keeper prospect went to Porto which was upsetting but you got to play the long game in Belgium. Best thing is the board agreed to another couple of improvements. We do still have those two massive loans still to pay off but we should be moving into our new stadium for next season. I've still got to sell players to survive but this should guarantee a really good steady income of quality youth prospects. Career
  2. Lyra Lierse - Belgium Jupiler Pro League - 2031/32 League finish: 12th The aim was to stay up and somehow we did it. we had an ok start, winning the odd game here and there to go mid-table. Then December came, we lost to the teams in 15th and 16th and also went out the cup to the team bottom of the third division. From then on it was a struggle and it was only a couple of lucky results that managed to get us 12th, and out of the relegation group So we went into the middle group, meaning whatever happened we'd be safe. Which was lucky, as we didn't win one of those 10 games. All in allm out last 30 games returned a measly 3 victories - keep that up and next season will be a disaster! Players Top Scorer: Leandro de Pauw 26C - 13 goals in 28 games Difficult season for our top striker where he missed the last two months due to injury. Still by far our most potent threat up front. Player of the Season: Adam Vandenheede 30C (7.15 AR in 24 games) I was getting desperate so gave the lad a chance. He doesn't look much, attribute wise, but his physicals are really strong. Plays as a pressing forward and managed 11 goals as well. Very interesting to see how he might develop Youth A very nice preview and intake again! Belgium is a disaster zone in relation to finances but a lot of fun with the intakes best prospect looks this fella here. I think I'm gonna retrain him as either an MC or striker - not sure which yet Finances Unbelievably, the board allowed me a couple of upgrades this season! Its so important I stay up in the Pro League Axl Thill 31A Update So, that superstar 5 star youth player I got? That the board sold from out under me for only 61k, without any well ons? look at his value now.... It's really difficult not to rage quit while playing Belgium... Career
  3. we'll all be gutted! that is completely ridiculous if they do sack you. good luck!
  4. Belgium - Lyra Lierse Jupiler Pro League (tier 2) - 2030/31 League finish: 5th Playoff winners - promoted! Both a hugely successful and hugely frustrating season! we were wildly erratic on the pitch, at one point winning 6 in a row only to then lose the next 4, including against both teams at the bottom. We managed to get into the playoffs though where our amazing form returned to get us promoted to the top division! sadly the money isn't quite EPL levels so we've still got worries there... Players Top Scorer: L de Pauw 26C (19 in 36 games) interesting season in that he was completely settled all season and seemed to want to play for us, which was nice. He's become our most important attacker in the front three Player of the Season: Friedrich Mukanya 27A (7.32 rating in 28 games) Interesting one, as I always had Mukanya pegged as a future member of the front three. But I was desperate for midifleders and he was accomplished there so he got put there out of necessity. But he can score and assist there and soon became our best midfielder. having him natural in both positions makes him a hugely valuable squad member too youth Another very nice intake! the preview didn't promise much though. Hopefully they'll be even better in the top division next season! Looks like I'm stuck playing 4-3-3 narrow for a while with Lecomte. He looks like he could be special! Finances And here it comes..... So, with a week of the January window left the board sent me this message:- I hadn't managed to raise 518k through players sales - though i had tried! nobody was biting. But now it was open season on all our players. Luckily, I only lost two as i only got three offers, and one i managed to persuade to sign a new deal with us. But the most upsetting deal.... Yep, they sold my superstar youth prospect for a measly 61k with no sell on!!!! I couldn't believe it! I completely understand why people quite Belgium so much - it's infuriating! Oh, and his transfer valuer now he's at Nice? 7-11m!!!!! goddammit board! a week later, the damage done, i get this:- brilliant! thank you! but there's more. Our stadium isn't up to standard so the board announced a new stadium So that's another 11m loan to add to the 10m loan we already have. The finances here are screwed! Career
  5. Lyra Lierse - Belgium Challenger Pro League (tier 2) - 2029/30 League finish: 8th Well, this season perfectly encapsulated why Belgium can be so frustrating! First season in the second tier, and due to a quirk where 4 of the sides cannot be promoted due to being affiliated with clubs in the top tier, our mid-table finish actually qualified us for the play off stages! And once in the play off stages, we were suddenly fantastic:- so we got through to the final, against the team who won the relegation play off for the top division. So 3 of my best players decided to get injured and another had to go on international duty..... So close to an unlikely promotion from a mid-table finish! i love Belgium! so how do the board reward such as successful season? by announcing this:- aargh! i hate belgium! Players Top Scorer: Leandro De Pauw 26C (21 goals in 34 games) Player of the Season: Leandro de Pauw 26C (7.34 in 34 games) A busy season for our star man! pre-season I signed him up on a 6 year contract, 1 week later the board accepted a stupidly low £400k offer from toulouse, a week after that he rejected it, only to then decide he wasn't happy with us after all! But despite all that he performed on the pitch and is now rated a Jupiler Pro League player, so it's unlikely I can hold on to him for much longer Youth A lovely preview and a very exciting intake! look at this! Axl Thill!!!!! Jupiler Pro League quality at 15???? possibly my best ever intake player! shame he's a left back, but what can you do? He immediately insisted on a 4m release clause so he'll be cashed in as soon as i get a decent offer with a 50% clause. He could be the saviour of this save! Career
  6. Belgium - Lyra Lierse National First Division (tier 3) - 2028/29 (season 5) yes, we did it! I was hoping for a better season as a few of our youngsters were rated as division 1 and 2 standard by our coaching staff, which is always a good sign. and a good start followed by an amazing autumn (17 match unbeaten run!) meant we were never out the top 2. When it looked like we might slip up and blow it we recovered by beating the eventual champions 3-0 at home. It was a pivotal game, although we did lose the final game to blow our chances of the title. Players Top Scorer: Karim Pitlyk 29B (33 goals in 35 games) A great season from my right winger turned striker. His pace is just too much for tier 3 defences and his finishing and composure have come on hugely. Really excited to see what he can do in the second division. Player of the Season: Leandro de Pauw 26C (7.40 rating from 38 games) One of the reasons I thought we might have a chance this season. The coaches rated him as a decent Jupiler Pro League player, which was a bit of a surprise. But then, he does look pretty good so who am i to say? He's on a nice long contract as well so the money would have to be good! Other than that, our main problem is defence. Up front we look amazing, midfield solid, defence like tissue paper. It's a bit of a problem as the youth intakes keep throwing attackers at me! Youth So, do i get the defenders i so badly crave? Well, maybe.... Weirdest thing was an intake that claims a golden generation with not one elite talent in it. Which I hope says more about how good de Pauw is than how good the intake is. Forgot the actual intake screenshot, but it did say potential golden generation! with this lot? finances Still awful, still losing money hand over fist, still having the board bail us out every couple of months. So I still have made no improvements and not even got my first coaching badge yet either. Something mad needs to happen soon or we'll go bust. Not sure whether this is a good or bad thing financially but as a result of promotion:- Career
  7. Lyra Lierse - the purgatory that is FM Belgium First National division (tier 3) - 2027/28 League Finish: 12th Another season of treading water, but the team is now almost exclusively youth intake players and therefore stupidly young. Players Top Scorer: Kamil Patylik 25B (19 in 36 games) Not quite as good a season as last season but still our top scorer. Only two years left on his contract so realistically i've only got one more chance to get promotion before I have to sell him Player of the Season: Yannick Tshibwabwa (7.36 rating from 32 games) One of the prospects from the U19 team when i took over, he is now looking like a phenomonal talent. Missed a few games halfway through the season to go to Afcon and sit on the Congo subs bench Finally got his full debut at the end of the season. Another one with only 2 years left on his contract that i'll probably have to cash in on Youth Another nice preview and intake! only thing keeping me going in Belgium is the conveyer belt of talent Finances well..... this isn't a huge surprise The board too out a 10 year 3.8m loan which buys us a little more time to make something happen, but the 35k a month repayments aren't a huge help tbh and then at the end of the season we get this..... and there's nothing we can do about it career It's frustrating here, but I knew that before I went in. Hopefully we'll get a lucky break soon but it's difficult to see where from to be honest.
  8. Lyra Lierse - Belgium National divison 1 (tier 3) - 2026/27 (season 3) League finish: 11th Our worst season yet, but being that it was with by far our youngest squad so far it's not really too much of asurprise I guess. At one point we hit second but our inconsistency saw us slip further and further down Players Top Scorer: Jordy Peffer (22 in 35 games) now 30, he's been eclipsed by our burgeoning youth talent so will probably be a sub for the upcming season. Shame as he knows where the goal is! Player of the Season: Kamil Pytlik 25B (7.29 rating from 29 games) Breakthrough season for our Polish right winger, who I play as a striker. He'll probably be sold pretty soon! Youth I need a steady flow of good youth intakes if i can make a go of this save. this one looks pretty good, but without any obvious standouts Finances Yep, as bad as you'd think. Going part-time makes extending contracts difficult as nobody wants to sign a new contract on worse deals. I had to wait until the very last minute before extending contracts and risk losing players for nothing. Luckily nobody went, and the only one who was looking like he wouldn't sign i managed to sell for peanuts + 50% future sell on. But if this save is going to work in Belgium it will take a few more hundred of him to pay off. It really is a long term save this one! Career looks like it's going backwaards, and financially it is. But the squad is crammed with decent potential so who knows?
  9. Yeah, the wages are nuts for the level we are at. It would make a lot more sense if all the clubs were semi-pro down there. Not sure how it is in real life though. Although I thought they'd dropped the 'amatuer' name from the league in real life so not sure why the name is still there in FM.
  10. Lyra Lierse - Belgium First National Division - 2025/26 (season 2) the madness in Belgium continues! on the pitch we made a slow start, which by the end of the season was really annoying as we went on a 12 game unbeaten run to finish the season. With the points total we got we would have won the league last season, but this season it only got us 6th. So twice we were within touching distance of promotion, which would hopefully be a huge help amongst the financial madness going on here Players Most pleasing thing was how well all the young players i was randomly throwing in the side did. Both my youths and the legacy youths did their part and the future looks bright. on the pitch at least.... Top Scorer: Nio Eerdekens 16 in 33 games found him in the U19 squad when I took over the club. Gave him his chance this season and he took it with aplomb. Plays on the left hand side of my three man attack as a pressing forward. i do like my pressing forwards. Player of the Season: Seppe Kil (7.31 average rating) legacy midfielder, now 32 with only 1 season left on his contract. i won't be able to afford to renew so he'll be on his way. His experience has been vital though! Youth whoops, forgot to screenshot the intake! pretty good though, three elites which is ok. Especially as I wasn't expecting too much from the preview. No A grades! Finances honestly, they are crazy! we lost bucketloads again and then the board informed me after the season ended we had to go semi-pro to save money. I can see why so many quit Belgium, but I'm gonna see if i can break it.... I'm barely spending a thing on wages :-/ Career
  11. oh that's interesting! whenever I have had problems with players throwing their toys out the pram they've always been fickle!
  12. Lyra Lierse - Belgium Belgium National League (tier 3) League Finish: 7th Croky Cup: Round 6 On the pitch, a really good first season. The league was ridiculous, the closest title race i think I've ever been involved in. with 5 games to go the table looked like this:- four points separating the top 10! we went into the final game of the season with a chance of automatic promotion, lost it and finished 7th! Players A really nice, big squad helped. The older legacy players really don't want to stay though, but that's ok as their wages are too high anyway! The youth squad was nicely stocked when I took over which helped as I had to use a fair few of them. The best XI:- Next season will have a lot more 16 year olds by necessity though. Be interesting to see what difference that will make Youth One of the nice things about Belgium is with a decent youth recruitment you're almost guaranteed some excellent youth players. and so it proved! Only issue is nonce of those top 6 have decent personalities. Ouedraogo is fickle and I hate fickleness!!! Finances No surprises I knew it coming into it though so I can't really complain. But it really is absurd! I have to sell around a £1m worth of players a season just to break even, and at tier 3 that just isn't going to happen. Signing youth players isn't something to take for granted either - they often ask for £400 a week for a starting contract, which at 15 in tier 3 is just bonkers. So I can't take risks on those 2 star youths really either. Plus, my training facilities have got worse and there's no way we can afford to improve them. Career Dammit, belgium is going to kill me isn't it? The finances are bonkers!
  13. just look at Luton Town!! it wasn't that long ago I was standing behind a bit of rope watching us struggle to a 1-0 win away at Eastbourne Borough!
  14. After doing this challenge in loads of different countries, I have found getting out the VNLS/N is by far the most difficult challenge of all. Most of us don't have your patience and jack it in after a handful of seasons floating around seemingly getting nowhere.
  15. a lot of patience! getting the sack is way more common than completing it, especially those first couple of seasons. I once went 28 games, losing 27 of them, before I got the sack in my first season! no patience at Enfield Town..... I only stuck it out to see how far they'd let me go before putting me out of my misery. The other thing that really helps is luck - getting a half decent starting squad, a half decent intake for the first couple of years, a nice cup run, stuff like that. Then having a nice board that will give you the facility improvements you need. At lower levels I've found those small differences in youth recruitment can make a huge difference to intake, particularly in England. Also - always add on sell on fees when you sell any player if you can, and always add an optional extension clause to new contracts when you can as well. it's a really addictive challenge though, i can't play any other way now. good luck!
  16. I'm back...... and going to belgium! I know the finances are borked but I'm choosing to just see that as just raising the difficulty level a bit. I came close back in FM21 and after seeing @Brentmeister give it a really good go I decided i need to go back. It's gonna be a very different challenge in Belgium, with a lot more focus on selling youths just to stay afloat at first, but on the other hand some of the youths you can get are crazy good. Lyra Lierse were easily the best of the promoted clubs with some really nice facilities to start with, Only downside is that will make the finances even more difficult to manage. But we'll see! wrong badge there - sort it out SI! anyway, wish me luck!
  17. South Africa Premier Soccer League 2037/28 League finish: 1st (CHALLENGE COMPLETE!!!!) Champions League: semi-final we did it! I had a feeling selling Tom Hardy and going back to a narrow 4-3-3 would do it. I always feel more confident with it and we seemed to be much more consistent as well. And so it proved! we started with 7 wins from the first 8 and never looked back, while Kaiser Chiefs finally imploded. We won the title with two games to go! The team that did it! I quite fancied having a go at the pentagon challenge all in one save but I only loaded vanilla leagues and it doesn't look possible that way sadly. I've downloaded a few databases now so I might try from the next challenge maybe. Anyway, England, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Japan and now South Africa done! I love this challenge!
  18. I'm not sure.... so I got the Mexico leagues loaded up on my save for the last season or so. Last season the summary was this:- which would suggest yes? But that's only one year from loading them up in 2036 so I dunno if it's good from the start or not maybe not.... 2037/38 has no relegation/promotion and i just checked and La Paz are available from the start so
  19. South Africa Premier Soccer League 2036/37 League Finish: 2nd SA cup: Semi-final (Lost 2-1 to Chippa United) African confederation Cup: Semi-final (lost 11-5 to Supersport United) World club Championship: Round 1 (lost 1-0 to Barcelona) African Supercup: WON! (beat Chippa United on penalties) Well, it might look like it was close in the league but really Kaizer Chiefs are head and shoulders above everyone else. They went through the whole season unbeaten and just seem to be getting better. They were 10 points clear at the halfway stage. It's going to be tough to bring them down! The cup competitions were fun, especially as I used them to give squad players/youth a chance. We kept doing really well! And we can add the Supercup to the Champions League now as well! beating the CL winners Chippa United (also from SA) Players Top Scorer: Siyabulela Nene 29A (50 goals from 47 games) wow, what a response to me threatening to drop him at the end of last season. He got lucky, an injury to Molefe meant he got to start the season up front. He scored and never stopped! Player of the Season: Phakamani Molefe 25K (7.77 from 29 games) reduced to playing backup or right wing but again was just superb whenever he played. I have to find a way to fit him in next season! Young Player of the Season: Tom Hardy 34A (22 goals, 25 assists, 7.59 rating from 47 games) Absolute superstar! so what am I doing at the end of the season? selling him! he plays left wing, and a 16.5m bid from a Qatari club came in that would absolutely guarantee our financial future. And it means I can go back to a narrow 433, my favourite formation! But he's sooooo good..... Youth I got two youths in the top 50 wonderkids! So I sell one, and the other sulks because I rejected an offer from West Hm. ah well. Trophy Cabinet African Champions League Winners 2033/34 African Confederation Cup Winners 2035/36 African Super Cup Winners 2036/37 Career
  20. South Africa Premier Soccer League - 2035/36 League Finish: 7th African Confederation Cup: Winners! Really frustrating season in the league. We just couldn't get going and niggling injuries and the B Team AFCON (!) really didn't help. It also doesn't help I don't know my best team either. i love my narrow 433 but Tom Hardy is such a good AML i need to get him in. bah! the African Confederation Cup is like the Europa League, so although it's fun to win it's pretty meaningless really. Particularly as we'd won the Champions League proper only 2 years ago! Players Top Scorer: Siyabulela Nene 29A with 30 goals in 36 games Seems strange to say after such a good season but I'm not convinced he's the man to take us forward if I go 4-2-3-1 next season. He's good, but not the best, and my youth intakes have been so strong I have way more than 11 first team players Player of the Season: 39. Phakamani Molefe 25K with 7.71 from 36 games And he's the reason why Nene 29A may be dropped. He's so good that he has to play. He moved between the wing and up front and was brilliant in both. 20 goals and 17 assists with 7.71 rating. He's the key to our future success i think Young Player of the Season: Tom Hardy The reason for my existential crisis! But look how good he is, and he's in the England U21s at only 17. He has to play, right? Youth Poor preview, better intake! Not too shabby really but not sure there's many future stars in there Career So I think I will turn this save into a pentagon, or hexagon if I go Oceania (I quite fancy a New Zealand save), but at this rate I'll never leave South Africa! I've definitely regressed the last two seasons. But we can beat anybody on our day, all we need is consistency!
  21. South Africa Premier Soccer League - 2034/35 League: 4th Champions League: Quarter Final well, what I was hoping was a romp to the league title to add to our Champions League triumph last season turned into a transitionary season. The Champions League win made our players much more visible and two of the best got stolen away from right under our eyes. Stupid minumum release clauses! so we had to rebuild..... Kaizer Chiefs were head and shoulders above everyone else and they were the bane of our existence. They knocked us out the cup 6-1 and battered us in the Champions League quarter final too, gaining revenge for last season. Players Top Scorer: 39. Phakamani Molefe 25K with 29 goals from Player of the Season: 39. Phakamani Molefe 25K with an AR of 7.57 I love the fact my most consistent and important player was the 11th best looking prospect from my first youth intake! Who woulda thunk? But he's just so so consistent, easily outperforming his attributes But..... They stole away my first potential wonderkid! For a paltry 400k! Without even a sell on! Youth I got a preview! pretty good! two A grades, but I think the three strikers might have slightly skewed that Career I haven't decided yet but I might carry on if I complete this and go for the pentagon. Can you do it just with vanilla databases?
  22. good luck! I'm following you and @XaW really closely before I decide to jump in and have a try. It looks crazy!
  23. 2033/34 South African Premier Soccer League: Finish 4th African Champions League: Winners! Yes! we did it! Although I have a feeling the African CL might be an easier competition to win than the South African League! We started by absolutely blitzing the qualifying rounds and our group. We were head and shoulders above everyone else. It just came down to avoiding the big guns in the knockout rounds The only problem in the knockout round was Kaiser Chiefs in the semi-final. They absolutely battered us in the first leg tbh and we were really lucky. The firs leg was played in front of 100k fans, and only 441 of them were ours! Second leg we were much better and deserved our win, but even then we only went through on away goals. The final is a two-legged affair and we were up against CS Sfax from tunisia, who we'd already swatted away like a troublesome fly in the group stage. It was no contest, especially after we won the first leg 5-0! The league was much more problematic. We had a few injury issues, lost our best two players for 6 weeks as they went to the B team Afcon (!) and then I rested my entire first XI before the second leg against Kaiser Chiefs and we lost to bottom of the table JDR Stars, who only won 3 games all season! Finishing 4th qualified us for the African Conf League, so I'm not sure if we'll even be able to defend our Champions League title! Players Top Scorer: Siyabelula Nene 29A with 39 goals in 42 games Our star man took advantage of an injury to Molefe to reclaim his top scorer spot. 39 goals from a 3 striker formation is nuts! Player of the Season: Phakamani Molefe 25K with 8.04 from 34 games I love Molefe! A really poor prospect from our first intake who just improved and improved and improved until he is now by far our best performing player. He is so consistent it's crazy, he never seems to have a bad game. Wonderkids Finally, I got someone on the list! He's an amazing prospect tbh. Look at this at only 17 Youth Intake I'm still not getting any previews! No idea why.. I'm not complaining when the intake is this good though It gives me a real problem in the next few seasons. I've been using a narrow 4-3-3 but the best prospect is both brilliantly named and looks an amazing prospect as left winger. But to fit him in i'll need to go back to a winger formation. But then I'd have to leave out some amazing striker! Career Just the league title to go! Which won't be that easy.... (Oh, and look who I signed as my new defence coach!) I already got Marek Hamsic as my AssMan!
  24. South Africa Premier Soccer League 2032/33 Season Summary For the first time in 15 seasons someone other than Mamelodi Sundowns won the league! Sadly, it wasn't us. The extra fixtures brought on by the Champions League left us struggling for fitness at times, but we're getting close! Champions League There's a huge range of abilities in Africa, as can be seen by our 15-2 win in the preliminary round second leg! We had a couple of dodgy results in the league stage, despite being the better team, but made it through fairly easily in the end. Quarter final was against the winners of the last two Champions League, ES Tunis, and although we were the better side their experience saw them through. But we've nothing to fear! Players Top Scorer: Phakamani Molefe 25K - 44 goals in 45 games Player of the Season: Phakamani Molefe 25K - 7.95 in 45 games Amazing season from Molefe. Nene 29A had a few injuries so we needed someone to step up, and Molefe did just that. At 24 years old he's the old man of the team as well. Youth I didn't get a preview this year for some reason. And the intake was only good! but still two elite prospects so not too shabby. Career
  25. South Africa Premier Soccer League 2031/32 Season Summary Finally, a really good season! As strong as we were though we just couldn't catch Sundowns. Whenever they slipped up, so did we, and even though we beat them in the last few weeks it just wasn't enough. Really pleasing progress though! And we qualified for Champions League! Players Top Scorer: Siyabulela Nene 29A (28 goals) Most Assists: Siyabulela Nene 29A (20 assists) Player of the season: Siyabulela Nene 29A (7.81 rating) What a season! One of the reasons I sold his namesake Sinethemba Nene 27A to Porto a couple of seasons ago was I knew this lad was waiting in the U19s. He was superb this season with 48 goal involvements from only 33 starts. only question is how long can I hold on to him. Internationals I got my first two international players this season as well. And not Nene, as you'd think. First was a real surprise: my centre back Matome Mangaliso 29C, who had quietly turned into a really good player without my noticing! Second was 51. Siyabonga Mathe 26A which was less of surprise. He's been marauding up and down my wings for a few seasons now so it was about time! Finances When I sold Nene 27A to Porto i got a 50% sell on clause. Halfway through the season I noticed it was available to sell for £4.5m, so I jumped at it. Upgrades across the board today is worth far more than a potential bigger payout a few seasons down the line! Youth A nice preview! followed by.... Best player by far in Yang Lin, who looks really exciting from these starting attributes I also had a message a couple of seasons ago about a youth player we'd poached with an amazing name. He finally made it through! not that good but he'll be with us a long time with that name! Career Champions League next season!
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