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Everything posted by Dreambuilder

  1. Ohh christ. Thats 3,5x more cores than my processor. My i7 released 2017 feels so much older and slower now although I bought it in 2020. It's like comparing apples and pears I think FM is such a big part of my life so I think I'm gonna look for a faster one.
  2. What processor are you running on, how many cores? Mine from 2020 i7 has 4 cores. Thinking about upgrading for better processing speed and more loaded leagues!
  3. How far into the game have you run this database setup, and how much did it slow down the game speed after like 10-20 years? What is your star rating for this database game speed? (subjective from hardware setup I know :) I do a similar database but all continental comp players seems to give too many thousands on some continents. Last time I started with 10 favourite top leagues and some custom data for like 50k players. I felt the game speed was much more enjoyable at like 3 stars than 1,5.
  4. Same. Planning a long term save and figured I would only have time for like 5 seasons before FM24. I always start a new save in a new edition. Updated database etc.
  5. Yes I do things to save time while the game is running. When a match is 35 minutes in and you done that last shout before half time break, you can go to the toilet or something while the game runs the last 10 minutes of each half.
  6. It really depends on the quality of your team and the opposition team quality and tactics. I struggled for a few saves with careful mentality and only a few instructions. Then I restarted with gegenpress and all its instructions and boom its going so much better with more fun. (playing swedish team IFK Göteborg). Just an example.
  7. @rusty217 The problem with loading as much as possible as I see it, is that you get 10000 scouting cards to go through How do you manage that? =)
  8. The database I use now has 55000 players, 15 favourite leagues, and custom data for all national players in all continents. This gives: 1) OK game speed three stars. (my computer is 4,5 star) 2) Chance of exciting regens from flavour countries all over the world, but still not too many players from each country. 3) Active transfermarket with 15 leagues. 4) Many enough scouts and personell to hire.
  9. I’ve had zero tolerance against signing inconsistent players. But now I play a build a nation save with a small and fast database where good players are more rare. I just realised that one way to handle inconsistent players is to substitute them when they suck. Not optimal but if you have five substitutions you can occasionally afford to use a few on the inconsistent but great players when they suck. Someone will always suck anyway and get substituted. This goes to some extent also for players who doesent like big matches. Sweden used to have a maximum of three substitutions per game, but with five now ut is another game How do you handle inconsistent players?
  10. Love it. Googled and Aragon seems like a basque name or something
  11. Love this news. Most of all I would like a "live" database that updates more than like twice a year. Not sure this is possible but perhaps goes hand in hand with game as a service.
  12. I make sure the youth teams got enough players for a starting eleven + substitutes or the team might get relegated with grey players
  13. Yes! I had highest tempo and highest pressing etc etc but my 11-13 average skill players weren’t skilled enough to handle this. I conceded alot of chances and goals and couldnt win the swedish top division. Then I reduced TI’s to not be extreme. Higher tempo and pressing but not maximum. Going so much better now winning the series conceding like half as many chances and goals from not losing the ball as much as before.
  14. Focus on homegrown club talents. Look in their information where they are born. Perhaps a local talent from your neighbourhood that can develop alot? =) Producing homegrown and homegrown at club talents is my biggest joy with the game at the moment.
  15. Yep thanks, done that I think it might be one of the advanced settings in the scouting center, but I cant figure out which one, if even possible.
  16. I feel that some players gets repeated indefinitely in the scouting center with the line "matches a recent recruitment focus". How do you turn that specific card off?
  17. I got one saying they give me 6 billion for a new stadium. I was excited for some seconds there!!
  18. After reading som guides I think now that mentality need to be set after how good your team is vs the opponent. The more attacking mentality, the more it demands your players to be skilled enough to execute it, because higher mentality automatically raises tempo etc that require more skill. If you tell your players to be attacking and take alot of risk vs an opponent that is better, you will get punished by taking too high risk with too bad players vs that better opposition who takes advantage of your mistakes and lost possession I think thats why the game wants you to be less attacking vs a superior opponent so they doesent feed on your mistakes, which makes sense to me. Playing cautios or defensive vs far better opponents have payed off quite alot by reducing their shots on goal and give chances to counter goals.
  19. What mentality do you play home and away, vs "equal" and "better" opponents? For example I play all league games at home on positive or attacking, and all away games on balanced or sometimes cautious mentality. I haven't had much success playing on positive away. Perhaps only vs easier opponents.
  20. Big matches is a hidden trait until the players are 22 years old. My question is, does the players have their big matches number set even before 22, just not showing?
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