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Everything posted by Dreambuilder

  1. The swedish head researcher said it will be two winter updates.
  2. Yes I think leagues slows down the game speed more than added extra players. Thats why I dont add more than 10-15 leagues but instead top reputation players for all continents, which over time will be replaced by regens. I dont use view only leagues but i have read that they give some more newgens, but not as many as if the league is playable.
  3. Yep. I have a good gaming computer and when I did a save with about 25k players the game progressed twice as fast compared to about 70k players.
  4. Hehe I see For me 60k players is more than enough scouting cards and lists to go through Also as I focus mainly on homegrown talent development at the club, although I really like to find the occasional african diamond that noone has discovered But I really appreciate the input as I haven't played more than a few years forward in the game.
  5. After like five years with FM I think I have finally landed in a database setup that check my boxes: Load only favourite nations/leagues that I really like. About 10-15 leagues and only top divisions except the country I manage in. Load custom data national players + players with continental reputation for all continents. This gives about 10-20-ish newgens in the u18-23 national teams in the world for the chance of exotic newgens and exotic scouting finds. And not too many slowing down the game speed like if you load all players with national reputation which I dont. This gives me all in all: About 60k players. Good diversity but not slowing down game speed too much. Newgen diversity in most countries around the world, but not too many slowing down the game speed too much. Alot of staff to hire. Good transfer activity from 10-15 leagues, but again not too many leagues slowing down game speed too much. What's your "go to" setup?
  6. Because you say because he say because I say? Makes sense!
  7. Next year I'm not doing this waiting for starting a new save again hehe My plan for FM24 and the years to come after: 1) Beta: learn the new features thoroughly while bugs are cleared. If needed, continue main save from previous version. 2) FM24 full game: Start new main save. 3) If I want any other save, start it anyway with latest official version even if theres a week until patch because waiting is less fun. 4) Repeat.
  8. As in every night all year around or every night this week?
  9. There were tests tonight around the time you posted. Perhaps thats why, I dont know.
  10. You had me there for 0,5 seconds! I could feel the rush of dopamine in my brain!! Atleast something
  11. Yea I think that the next winterupdate is the first of two, but that their deadline for part 2 coincides with update 1 release for some reason. Just a guess tho!
  12. That goes well with SI researchers having a deadline tomorrow. I think it is tomorrow now.
  13. The head researcher of Sweden @pelleantonsson just said on twitter that they have a deadline tomorrow: "Tomorrow is the last day I can get in transitions for the last winter update." Note that he said last winter update.
  14. Funny I feel the opposite Just want updated transfer data to start my new save In FM24 I’m gonna start my main save after beta tho and not care about winter update transfers as the winter window in sweden is open much longer and the teams wont be complete until april anyway.
  15. There are only three roles in attack mode. I play 4-2-3-1 with allt the AML/R/C:s on attack and DL and DR on support.
  16. I think it is because FM22 didnt get rights to bundesliga or something. Germany just isnt very much in fm22. The 3 players you see probably have dual nationalities or something.
  17. How long are you into the save? I think youth teams call up players over time like Germany. Anyone can confirm?
  18. Yes, more leagues and players. Load a few more leagues outside Europe. For example I load the only one in Africa. Perhaps there are some divisions in Europe you can skip? I only load top divisions for a faster game. (Except the country I manage in)
  19. Very strange that his description says DM when his stats and favourite roles are more offensive than defensive. I have noticed similiar weirdness with defenders. Wing backs described as centerbacks when their stats are better for wing play than mid defending.
  20. One way to stay interested in a save is to foster and follow the development of your best homegrown local talents. Perhaps even from your irl neighborhood. Go into the newgen player info and see where he is born.
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