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Everything posted by Dreambuilder

  1. In 4-2-3-1 Striker + offensive midfielder with a shooting role so I get more than one striker. I also like to add two inside forwards as wingers.
  2. I think I learned something today. It seems like you have to adjust the lines of defense and press(engagement) after/according to mentality. So If I face a good/better team away and select cautious mentality, it seems to work best with a lower line of defense and line of engagement. This makes sense to me and I'am probably the last person to discover this haha. Suddenly I had a chance and almost beat Roma and Ajax in CL with a swedish team and tight defense. I liked it. I like FM 2023. Do you feel the same with the height of the lines in regard to mentality chosen?
  3. Some people complains the game is too hard. Some that it is too easy. Why? Abit from lack of clarity? I feel the team instructions in the tactics screen could have alot deeper explanations and texts about the pros and cons about them. As it is now you have to google alot and its still not clear how half of them exactly work in detail. Adding more in depth explanations for what the tactical instructions exactly do in different situations like for offense and defense etc could make me and alot of managers better from making more well grounded decisions. Thanks.
  4. The team instructions in the tactics screen could have alot deeper explanations about the pros and cons about every one of them. As it is now you have to google alot and its still not clear how half of them work in detail. It would help with more in depth text about their pros and cons for the game so you can base good decisions on them yourself (play the game). Adding more in depth explanations for what the tactical instructions exactly do for offense and defense could make alot of managers better.
  5. Some lower league clubs have rich owners or supports who often are businessmen and pump money into their favourite clubs. I have no problem painting that picture
  6. Thanks, good tip! My latest concern is the transfer activity. So far it is OK with 8 leagues but not as active as with 20 leagues. How did you feel about the transfer market activity in your save and how easy was it to sell players? Loading the big four leagues is good for higher bids, staff and some good free transfers. But for the first time I didnt load the big four because my latest save is a focus on home grown players Playing a scandinavian club, you can barely buy or sign the best players from the big four as the wages there are so much higher. So I’m testing to skip the big four from those reasons plus game speed and having less scouted players to go through
  7. I'm doing this right now. From having played 30 leagues to favourite 8 leagues now,. The game is like 2-3x as fast! And I dont miss discarding 1000 older players I'm not interested in.. Or bigger clubs bidding at every single talent I have. And there's still 25000 players in the game with atleast some players and newgens in most nations and top clubs. You dont need 100k players and a slow game IMO.
  8. I used to play 20-30 leagues. Then i realised i dont need 100 players in every scouting update. Loaded 6 favourite leagues last save and boy the game is twice as fast!! Tip of the day. Theres still plenty of good players in all good teams.
  9. I want to start a new game but I also want the winter update with updated transfers. When can we expect the winter update to go live? Early february? The data deadline seems to be at that point from what I've heard from researchers.
  10. But I think there could be something too it. I also experienced very occasional flickering in fm23, never before.
  11. I do it before every important game if theres room in the schedule. Not sure if its necessary but it adds some team cohesion and tactical familiarity for the upcoming big match I think.
  12. Interesting. Please come back here if you encounter any problem like too slow game speed after some years or hard time to sell your players.
  13. On the other hand, loading quality players in all nations will give that occasional exotic nation newgen. Damn I'm torn what to load up in relation to game speed and a good transfer market. I'm now leaning towards @XaW's loading all international players + @Neil Brock's loading all players globally with continental reputation + players from clubs in continental competitions in Europe so I dont have to face teams with all grey players in UCL. With about 16 leagues this nets about 90k players which is fine. The remaining question now is if it's too many players for too few leagues, if I will be able to sell the players I need to sell.
  14. Why Argentina and Brazil leagues loaded instead of just players? These leagues never bid on european players I think. And is it easy for you to sell players with so few leagues and so many players loaded? Cheers
  15. @Knap with this formation, doesen't the game whine about too long distance between defence line and midfielders? It did when I tried this formation on my own. Any way to counter that distance defenders - midfield without changing the formation? Thanks!
  16. I landed in a compromise. I loaded about 15 nations that I like and who also gives a fluid transfer market. Then I used your tip on adding custom data. But I didn't load every single country in the world as some of them doesent seem to produce very much quality newgens. So for newgen quality and less slow game speed, I added quality players from all countries with 3 star or more in this list kind of: https://www.passion4fm.com/football-manager-scouting-regions-nations-youth-rating/ The result is about 16 leagues and 90000 players.
  17. Thanks @XaW. One problem I see with for example not loading Brasil and Argentina leagues is that there is like no scouts with knowledge there without the leagues. And unfortunately staff cant be loaded customly, thats a shame. Edit: Found a few good scouts tho with Brazil and Argentina knowledge. Some Portugese nationality scout. That will do. Another question is if scouts will be able to scout players in countries without leagues as there wont be many games to watch. Might be an issue if I dont load for example Brazil and Argentina which are top regen producers in regen quality. (se https://www.passion4fm.com/football-manager-scouting-regions-nations-youth-rating/)
  18. Awesome! I will try this instead of loading 32 leagues for 115k players and variety as I just did.. 1) Playing 15 leagues with 100k players instead of 30 leagues with 100k players should be a bit faster right? =) 2) What's the point of "View only below" tho? I dont understand that choice as you only load the top division anyway? 3) Are China and USA loaded because it is rich transfer markets? I can go along with that. Thanks @XaW
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