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Everything posted by Dreambuilder

  1. Agree this feature must be removed. It’s the most gamey thing in the game for me. And yet I use it to project my frustration and increase their stats haha. Would very much like to see this removed.
  2. Makes sense as the newgens often have favourite personel among the u19 coaches
  3. But higher reputation attract better newgens or something?
  4. I noticed something with alot of custom data players added (90K) that I remember I have noticed years ago too. I hope it's just bad luck but my first 3 youth intakes have been my worst ever. Normally with no custom data players the first intakes are not even close to this bad. I have a feeling that when you add custom players to the database the game spreads the talented newgens more over the world. I hope I'm wrong because I'm doing a 'build a nation' save focused mainly on home grown players.
  5. Used to have two but the problem with that is that you mix them up and forget players and stuff
  6. Good to hear! My tactic is 5 instructions + sliders for passing, tempo, LOD and LOE +1 step Interesting about individual instructions. I set personal instructions for all players to minimize their weaknesses. If someone is crap at crossings I tell him to do that less. Centerbacks etc always crap at shooting and dribble so I tell them to shoot and dribble less etc ;P Not sure if personal instructions has a downside really
  7. I also complained in frustration earlier in this thread. The bad performance forced me to google som guides for team instructions. I stripped down my 4-2-3-1 to use only team instructions that I was sure of my team could execute after learning all about the team instructions. Also got some better players. Now I have 10 wins in a row and counting! It turns out that for your tactics, less is more, depending what instructions your players have skills enough to execute. So if you struggle, I addvise you to try once with your formation almost empty of instructions. Perhaps add only press and counter. See how it goes! It got better results immediately. Good guides: (1) GUIDE TO ALL TEAM INSTRUCTIONS : footballmanagergames (reddit.com) (1) What are some common tactical traps beginners should avoid? : footballmanagergames (reddit.com) (1) Guide to Team Instructions : footballmanagergames (reddit.com) [FM21] A Complete Guide to Quick Transitions and Counter Attacking Football - Tactics, Training & Strategies Discussion - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com) Basic principles of defending (an unofficial guide for tactical beginners) - Tactics, Training & Strategies Discussion - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)
  8. Yes you are right. Had a really bad streak. It's somewhat better now. I need better players too.
  9. Theres like two offside goal every match. And almost zero penalties. And alot of woodwork hits yes. And I dont feel going more defensive works after conceding first goal. Then they just score 2-0 and 3-0. Also my best penalty taker has missed like 4 out of 6 penalties :S Loosing many games despite leading both possession and shots on goal by far. I'm into the third season of my save and I'm still waiting to be happy. Hardest version so far I say for the first time ever.
  10. Key highlights. Would never get to the second youth intake if not lol.
  11. Managing in Sweden. Went with 12 favourite leagues: Sweden +2nd div + 3rd div Norway Denmark Finland Iceland Netherlands Belgium Germany Austria Switzerland Only big four league is Germany for some big bids. The rest of the big four (england spain italy) just has players and staff too expensive for swedish clubs. And I dont like their superiority in money etc)
  12. 12 leagues and custom added players from top clubs on most continents for 90k players. A few hours into the save and the game runs smooth! Also finding more exciting u18 players from all the world than normal database. Happy times!!
  13. Some nice input here and on Youtube like the vid below. I'm now gonna try same 13 leagues, but about 90k custom added players from top clubs etc from all continents. But checking more custom boxes in Europe and South america for example. No point for me to load all players from all top division club in North America where only Mexico and USA produces high quality regens, so I load all players from top division clubs in those nations separately. With all international players loaded in North America you can still get the rare occasional wonderkid from like Canada. My big question now is if 13 leagues and 100k players will be fast enough for me after a few seasons. Guess I just have to try it out to know. I noticed that checking "all players from top clubs" gives you more than enough players and newgens from each country, even Andorra and Albania etc. No need to check "all players from all top division clubs". This made a difference of like 15k players in Europe and countries like Israel still had like 5-10 teams full of u18 players more than enough to produce newgens.
  14. You need to holiday until 2052 to see if there will also be too many old newgens
  15. Thats interesting. Some say also players will slow the game down after some season? I’m also worried that alot more players than active leagues will kill the transfer market. That clubs will go for the other 200k players and not mine. Also not as many bidding wars? With 200k players my scouting filter would probably had to be raised to A recommendations only. Too many scouting cards to go through. Would like to hear more input on the effects of loading 100k+ players
  16. See you all in the FM24 speculation thread in november!
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