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Everything posted by JimmysTheBestCop

  1. So you come out right out firing personal attacks. Alrighty then
  2. The problem with DoF or even youth academy saves are they are BORING. In trying to increase challenge level you eliminated huge parts of game mechanics which actually gives the human less game to play with it. Does challenge go up? Sure. But you aren't playing 100% of the FM game. I would suggest a challenge that still allows you access to full game. I mean you are paying for a full game so why play half. Build a nation or extended English 10 tier. But remember unless nothing you do or enact will change game difficulty. Like any tycoon game once it's figured out it will always be easy. You can challenge yourself and the challenge can have different levels of challenge but the overall game difficulty will still be easy for you. Game difficulty and game challenge are 2 completely different things.
  3. You can certainly play low tempo and not press at all. If I am an underdog I am not playing fast or pressing Man City or PSG or Barca. If I wanted try to keep close. But I'm also not going into a shell. You can have a sound defense. However I would say anything below balanced for mentality and your chances to win drop like a lead balloon. The other question is can you do it 100% of the time? The weaker the team the more defensive they will play if you are also playing defensive well you are gonna draw. Now unless you built your team to be better then anyone. There has been times I called the dogs off and played super defensive as it might have been 5-0 already but then my team still scores 3 more. I've had success in low block but I was positive mentality. Maybe you should run some simulations in fm24 without actually playing a save first? Then you can compare types of tactics and see the output for yourself. Take top mid bottom Prem team simulate the 1st season 20 times.
  4. They have higher rep. They have to pay you a fee. I had about 40-50 staff poached in 1 summer. Being a smaller league I loved the fees I made over 25 million. Then I hired all head of youth newgens for crazy cheap who have basically maxxed out attributes. Got them as coaches, b team, youth, analysts and even all 27 of my scouts are now head of youth newgens. Everything is based on reputation. Happens to players. You can give a player 200k a week if a Prem team offers 10k a week the player is going to the Prem team.
  5. Well that CEO resigned and he came from EA so everyone knows how EA did business. Unity has a new CEO now who has been making peace. Unity tends to have a royalty beef with mobile games since they sell like 10s of millions of copies. And then might cross platform to every console and PC and sell another 10 million. We are talking borderline AAA games. Cities Skykines 2 is published by paradox who are certainly AAA even if the developer CO isn't. CO is still independent unlike Si being a complete part of Sega. As popular as Fm is it has no where near the numbers of the most popular unity games. So Fm is as safe as it probably can be using a 3rd party engine. Ask the tabletop rpg players if you are truly safe when using 3rd party. You will see what wizards of the coast pulled on the gaming community of their open license. Unity can be bought tomorrow and taken private. Or absorbed or anything like that. But except for something pretty insane happening Fm is pretty safe
  6. Gotta keep players match fit so it's good. Fully match fit has lower injuries and better production in case you need a sub
  7. Your specs are too high for the game. Try capping fps to 60 or even 30 inside of FM preferences. Then see what happens. That is only thing I can think of. Your setup uncapped will want to hit like 500 fps which can cause things to lag cause it's kinda engine breaking. I had to cap my fps with a 3070 ti or the match engine appeared to stutter and lag but it was really tearing. It was completely unplayable and this didn't happen in 23. Meanwhile my crappy office work laptop i3 no dedicated gpu works fine uncapped fps because it can't actually get high fps. So that is my only suggestion for you.
  8. The game will always be easy once you figure it out. All tycoon style games are exactly like this. However FM can still be challenging depending on how you run your save. It's your world. Challenge yourself. The games difficulty doesn't interfere with challenges
  9. If you gotta worry about 1.5 gb of space you gotta bigger problems then FM.
  10. You either need to get promoted way way way faster then you are or spend way way way more. Running at a deficit doesnt matter if you can get to the Prem with in 3 seasons. Prem is the goal. Not your bank balance. If you worry too much about bank then you will languish in the lower leagues. Focus on getting promoted asap
  11. Of equal teams. Seems about right. Don't be equal teams. Either have better players or better tactics and have it seeing in your favor.
  12. Right click your squad training rest for 3 days if you got a log of matches. If your players are tired their training intensity is too high. If they are top players or maxed out training does nothing. Give them rest or set them to half intensity. You could probably set everyone 26 and older to half intensity forever. May June if I got 3 finals I set my entire training rest to half intensity and the first two options at no training. Under training rest screen. It doesn't sound like you are having match problems but training problems. Looks like you probably got double intensity selected. That is good for under 21 guys not your main squad.
  13. You finances have to be labeled as secure or they won't accept. But the tiers in Denmark have professional status rules. So just getting promoted you will eventually turn fully pro. You could also win the danish cup which gets you a spot in Europe regardless of pro status and regardless of tiers. I wouldn't worry about asking for status change from the board. Just let it happen naturally. I'm not sure what a youth academy challenge is. If that is only newgens at your club get ready for an insanely long save. Denmark's youth rating is only 91 and the good newgens are gonna go to top 5 rep teams.
  14. It is why you have to micro manage playing time 2-3 times per season then every season for new players. Example the few youth players that will sign for your team from other clubs will demand Star Player must be some low priority bug it existed in FM23 ever since they removed the insane exploited poaching from prior games. But you can instantly change it you youth prospect on Day 1. Player will be like why and you say competition and they are like ok cool. if not you can sign under 18 they always demand Star Player even though they are gonna be on your u18 for 2-3 years. Everything is better in the game when you micro manage everything it is just some players dont got time for it.
  15. That is already in the game. You can tell players you are resting but they might disagree
  16. This will probably be my longest save ever. I actually started it in Fm23 when Fm24 launched I was waiting for all the patches. But it is so challenging I am not sure if I will finish it before Fm25 comes out. So it might get imported to Fm25 as well lol. I really want to get Andorra to #1 or #2. I'll settle for 3rd ranked league lmao.
  17. I eventually have my entire starting squad as Regular Starter. Then have them agree to be squad players with the rest of the club being emergency backups. IF you are a high rep manager or club legend the players almost never say no. I right click them go to change squad select regular starter. I instantly get 11 emails complaining. I tell each one we need playing time for everyone. 95% of them agree. I do this several times every single season. My league only has 24 matches per season my starters are lucky to see 14 league matches a season. Even if I sign a new player to Star. First day I drop him to regular or squad player. If I cant talk to them I just let them get mad. The entire club is against them since it is their Day 1 and they drop it after 3 months or whatever. I have multiple world class players as emergency backup. You just have to actively manage it. As the bulk of your team will only agree to 1 or 2 spots. So you have to constantly drop them 1-2 spots. Then rinse and repeat. But honestly there is nothing wrong with just letting players complain. If your squad and tactics are good team dynamics has little impact on out come of matches. Since I am in a low reputation league with 11+ world class players I literally have 20 players mad at me for not accepting 500k bids from PSG. My answer is NO. Still made 7 straight Champions League Finals and won 4 of them and I am a team in Andorra. Started semi pro 1 spot above San Marino. So yeah dynamics is extremely overrated. It effects things it is just if you actually good the impact isnt noticeable. Attributes and Tactics far far far out weigh team dynamics. Dont give into the players. The only time you have to consider a request is if their contract is expiring and you want to resign. Because it can take 6-9+ months to stop being unhappy which means Jan 1st other teams can sign them on a free. So depends what day they go unhappy. My team goes through a cycle a top team makes absurd offer like 2 million for a top 5 world beater player. I say no. It takes 2 full transfer window cycles for a player to drop the issue. Then I have down time day 1 of the very next transfer window the cycle repeats. I wait for the lull in between cycles to resign my players. In my save it is Fall 2036 so I wait for the gaps in cycle to resign 2038 expiring contracts. Then it is a 5 year deal and 3 year extension 0 loyalty bonus. I rather pay higher salary then loyalty bonus I dont mind agent bonuses. I sign over the hill world class players on the free and they want like 5 million bonus. Then it isnt FREE. I lock 0 in. Give them higher salary then dump them for 15+ million in the summer. The max I can get for young world class players is 30 million so 15 million for a backup over the hill guy is pretty good for my save. Especially if you can move 3 a year. Sorry long story short micro manage squad playing status and say No to players dont be afraid
  18. Fm always comes down to 3 things. Your tactic. Your players and/or yourself. Or any combination of the 3.
  19. In my Hungary save my newgens never changed because it was unmodded. Their game importance is set to important which basically blocks them from ever having good newgens. What I didn't know for a proper build a nation save you have to do a lot of pre game editing.
  20. Ok you don't want any reserve or youth players or staff at all. Even your main staff you want minimum. Abs no help to you that far down. You have almost 0 chance at senior affiliate your reputation is too low unless you made it high in editor. If you want to cheese system you can arrange 2-3 friendlies per week against English prem u21 teams. You might have to ask all of them but if they have opening in schedule they will accept. You use random trialists to play in the matches. You do this for the entire season. It's a pain ass as it takes long to setup but depending on your stadium these games are 20-80k in profit. At some point you need a cup run. Loans won't help cause your semi pro at max. Affiliate forget about it. You won't even be able to really sell until league 2 or 1. You will just run at a deficit unless you have a good cup run every season or cheese the u21 friendlies
  21. I played Barcelona in the finals in 2032 and of course that was the season their stadium was picked. It didn't end well for me
  22. I usually rest them for 2 days. International absolutely kills them. Cause they play 2 games in like 3 days or whatever. And if your players are good it's basically 75 minutes each match. Destroys them
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