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Everything posted by JimmysTheBestCop

  1. There you go again with personal attacks. Urgently looked at LMAO It's been 10 years nothing from this point about this issue will ever be urgent. Don't make up % you have no clue who it effects. And again you attack how players play the game. They bought it the game and they can play how they want. Love how you say possibly. You can't just say hey yeah it's messed up deserves to be fixed Lmao
  2. Why are you following me in every thread harassing me. You derailed this thread completely off topic. Please leave me alone. You had nothing of value to add to the youth intake discussion and replied to my post with the sole intent of attacking me or giving me a jab or insult. Either make a post pertaining to youth intake. Or stop following me into every thread harassing me.
  3. I'm not here to report a bug this is general discussion. SI is already aware. I'm commenting because forum members don't think a mechanic that destroys saves should be fixed or adjusted or use whatever pedantic word you wish to use. And you still deflected and didn't answer any of my questions. What do you think as a petson, as a consumer? Shou something save breaking be allowed to remain version after version? All you have to do is answer with a simple yes or no.
  4. I'm sorry did I call anyone a shill? Or is that something you inferred because there is a difference. He literally only commented on this thread because I did. He posted a completely of topic reply to my comment. Now we are all posting off topic because of what he started.
  5. Of course you comment. You literally think fm and SI can do no wrong. You literally never take the side of the consumer. Yes the consumer is always wrong. The sub division of a multi billion dollar conglomerate is never wrong. All hail Sega and Si. If you think morale matters so much. Then prove it. If you want to talk the talk then walk the walk man. Be the big shot. Prove to the entire community how much dynamics impacts games. Cause I've stated you can holiday and see how little impact it has. That's my evidence. I've seen it have bare minimum impact not worthy of my time or millions of clicks. So come up with a test scenario and prove how Si morale mechanic actually works. Go on ill wait here for you to come up with a test scenario and prove it makes a meaningful impact To gameplay. I know you can talk the talk. Now try walking the walk or perhaps you don't have anything to offer
  6. Well you would be on the end of a losing argument. Why can't you admit a known issue for years that breaks save should be fixed? You can't admit SI is at fault? You think SI shouldn't fix save breaking items? You think it's the consumers fault?
  7. Way to deflect and not just admit yeah something that breaks people's entire saves should be fixed. What's so hard about saying yeah it should have been fixed by now? Why can't you admit that? What is preventing you from saying a known issue should be fixed to prevent the destruction of people's saves?
  8. Irrelevant. It can completely break a players save by making them go 1 billion negative. Bug or limit or oversight. I don't really care what you categorize it as. It trashes peoples universes and save files and unless the in game editor have to start over. Sorry that is completely wrong and borderline immoral. The finance mechanics are so simple in fm if I really wanted to I could turn 2 billion profit every season. I honestly never go over 500 million and I haven't did a English save since fm22. But even as Hungary in fm23 i was buying and selling 500 million every season. This is what is needed to build a nation. The 2 billion doesn't effect me directly. But I answer this question all the time on Reddit. It should be fixed changed modified again whatever you want to call it. But someone needs to get the job done
  9. The most important factor for youth intake outside of England is nation game importance. It has about 5 different options from very important to unimportant. But if it's not set to very important basically nothing happens even if youth rating for nation is high. Take USA and sim 30-40 tears their national team can be top 3-5. But their 1st team is born overseas. They have a youth rating of around 125. But game importance is unimportant. That just doesn't mean they can't produce wonderkids it means they can't even produce average players or even the quantity needed for MLS or their national team. This is why dynamic youth rating was bogus. Sure the counter increases but it does nothing to your universe. Czech Poland Switzerland have higher youth rating then Denmark. Who produces more 1st team players? Well the 3 countries are important while Denmark is very important. It's an absolutely huge difference. In essence developing youth in any of the 20 European countries with game importance set to very high is actually completely pointless. Nothing is going to happen. Now in those 20 let's use England. They are basically tops for everything youth rated in Europe. Once you max all youth related facilities to get the best shot at top English intake you need to be the reputation team in England. That's how it works. I've done llm to Prem in England. Youth is again irrelevant. Because once you are #1 rep in England you've probably won the 3x in a row and the champions league 2-3x and your save is over. So even doing LLM in England it's completely up to the rng gods. And for those teams it's basically pointless and a waste of time and resources. This is the classic problem build a nation saves have. You can build a league up. Ive done a top 5 with Hungary. But default it's set to important not very important so it can't produce talent equal to the level it becomes. Or basically any talent. The entire national team becomes 3rd rate players who becomes citizens. Cause the intake it produces is like a 10th tier English side. Game importance also effects all the overall number of elite players in the future. Because unless the rng gods strike no nations will produce elite outside of the top 20 European and about 5 South America and 5 African teams. It's why early game you can find some starting players from Chile or Venezuela depending on your tier but cause they are real. But their game importance is useless so even though chile rating is higher then Paraguay Uruguay and Peru they will produce significantly less average players. Those other nations yup set to very important. So a ton of nations who have above average players irl life presently lose the ability to even produce avg players after 10 seasons. Game importance kills long terms saves. In my Hungary save it was mid 2050s I had more starting English players then any other nation on my team. More starting English players then any English Prem team. So unless you are laying a top or near top team in a top very important nation yeah youth intake mechanics are kinda super irrelevant
  10. You are defending hard that is why company size is important. It's been a decade. Squash the bug. It effects way more then 3 people. It's posted several times a week in reddit alone for at least the last 3 years. It's posted on other communities and talked on discord. I know it's not a major thing but it's a disgrace how long it has existed for. Why are you giving SI a pass? It's not a bug from 6 months ago. It's 120 months old at a minimum! That is not called low priority that is called not caring about it at all. And sorry I don't think anyone should make excuses about not caring about a bug that is 10 plus years old . No need to defend si. Gotta call a spade a spade man
  11. Honestly I'm going to have to say that is a bad take. SI says lots of things. Like hey we have full j league licensing. Well incorrect here is an apology. Back track. Hey we have dynamic youth rating. Well hey sorry it's not what you think guys our bad back track. Why shouldn't they prove what's under the hood? Every other video games had to prove there game mechanics. Is fm not a video game? Do they get special dispensation from parliament? SI just tells us hey we got this new mechanic. Umm does it actually work? If by working does it actually impact the universe.? You literally didn't state anything that I didn't state. You just rearranged it. I said I'm sure there is a morale/happiness/dynamics counter in game. I'm sure it's there dynamically counting it's things. But I severely doubt it's impact is at all meaningful. Or holidaying would always fail if dynamics was weighted to be vastly important like it's portrayed to be. And you said yeah an employee told you it's there but there's all this other stuff that might make it kess important. The only difference in how we both stated the same thing is I took the side of the consumer and you took the side of a 259-300 employee developer owned by a multi billion dollar company. SI isn't the small Indy underdog anymore and they haven't been for nearly a decade. The impact dynamics has on the universe is severely overstated by the community and Si. You are basically saying that with all of the other factors in the match engine algorithms that the employee of SI stated to you. When it comes to game mechanics that literally requires thousands of clicks per season I say the community deserves to know what it does, how much impact it has and does it actually work. Or is it a giant waste of clicks and real time? Cause I'm leaning towards the giant waste of time. Until some can prove it. I'm not wasting thousands of clicks a season for a 30+ year save for mechanics that might do something useful or might not.
  12. I see this question asked in 1 fm community or another every single week. Doesn't matter where it's at on the list. It's what a decade old problem. SI is estimated to have 250-300 emply they are by a bmukgi billoion dollar company Sega. Bottom line it should have been fixed. Or work around preventing it from happening by now. No Si reason or excuse warrants a 10 year old bug from a a huge company. We are talking nearly same size as Larian or Bethesda.
  13. yup 2 billion breaks game. been a bug or short coming for as long as i can remember. guess it isnt high on the list of priorities for a >250 employee developer. go figure
  14. Calm down? Sorry I wasn't out of line or aggressive at all. I'm just stating that as a community we have a complete lack of hard evidence morale and dynamics actually do anything meaningful. While we have a ton of anecdotal evidence proving the opposite. Clubs could never win the league if a fm player holidayed the entire season. It makes every player request fail and tanks morale. But it doesn't stop the teams from winning. As a community we should be demanding 100x better communication from Si and proof of new mechanics actually working in game. Imagine this being a huge AAA hyped game and having that J league failure. There wouod be class action lawsuits forming. SI likes to pretend to get this Indy dev but they are owned by Sega a huge public traded company. SI has roots in the small Indy scene but they haven't truly been that company in over a decade. If SI wants to run with the big dogs then they gotta act like it. Estimated number of employees is 250-300. Those are Larian and Bethesda employee levels. They should have 6-12 employees where all they do is communicate to their player base. Most modern developed video games have an insane amount of communication not just during development but the entire life cycle. I've seen Indy students with less then a handful of employees better at communicating than Si. I've seen tons of Indy games where devs are I there replying to tgreads on a plethora of forums. We be looking to see 12-24 responses per year from Si and if they do it's only here. No other communities. Besides random Twitter advertising type statements.
  15. I didn't say that lol here is the post Hell early December could mean December 15 that's 3 weeks off. They weren't real specific
  16. I'm going to need hard evidence. How much does it help? How much faster is it then what would normally happen? You will become their favorite just by starting them. You will increase working with youngsters just by buying and playing them in 1st team. So for interactions to be worth thousands of clicks a season it would significantly have to improve the speed of these events over what normally occurs. And I'm calling BS. Absolutely no way it speeds it up enough or perhaps even at all to be worth thousands of clicks. Fm community spouts off a lot of info with Jo hard evidence or tests or even anecdotal evidence. 1 person says it. It gets on YouTube and then regurgitated on every fm community for years. If SI is saying it's important and it effects the game. Then they should be proving it with evidence. I want to see tests. I want to see bar charts. I want to see a universe 10-50 years in the future. If not it's BS. It's like dynamic youth rating. Sure it changes now run your game 200 years and it has ZERO impact. We as a community should honestly not settle for changes that don't have accompanying evidence with it to prove the new mechanics actually work and actually impact the game universe
  17. It literally does nothing. Ok that might not be technically true. I am sure it increases some counter somewhere in the game. But does it have any significant influence on the game? Absolutely not. Remember so called dynamic youth. Yeah the counter changes but causes 0 impact to the game. Same thing with dynamic tv money. Counter increases 0 impact. In fm23 I raised Hungary to #5 league played until 2050s. I had ZERO player interaction. I declined or dismissed every single request. Did it stop me from upsetting huge teams and winning champions leagues. NOPE. FM24 I started in Andorra 1 spot up from San Marino. In 2030 I made the champions final against man city I got obliterated. I mean my squad if in England probably would be top half certainly not top 5 in Prem based on player quality. I have 0 elite players. Did zero interaction prevent anything? Nope. My entire starting squad wants to be transferred non stop. They want more money non stop. All my 3rd stringers want to be regular starters. Umm the answer is NO to everyone. Problem in most cases is reputation. Getting to finals mean nothing cause league is only #60 and team is only 2.5 stars. PSG literally makes offers onplayers I've bought for 5 million while offering like 50k. Player why didn't yih let me go? BEAT IT. GO POUND SAND. Honestly I am a firm believer morale dynamics and interactions are completely overrated by the community and developers. I'm sure some kind of back end numbers change. But not enough to effect the majority of FM players saves.
  18. Honestly if you are starting at a top league there is no need to not start with badges. Typically that is for journeyman play style and in that situation you are starting in extreme lows of the world. So yeah it's probably not logic built into Fm managing a top tier team with no badges being successful but never getting a badge then what. So not a bug but certainly a missed opportunity of FM. Even if I start in a low tier in a low league but not a journeyman man save I just click the box that give me what ever badges are recommended for that level.
  19. However the media still sends you a ton of emails that you either answer or ignore but either way it is more clicks for the human. long term saves we are talking tens of thousands of clicks fm has so many needless clicks its crazy
  20. All player interaction becomes too much of a chore in long terms saves. And even if you just say No or DECLINE everyone it wont prevent you from winning. If they are on long terms deals you dont have to sell or give new contracts. Morale and Dynamics are severally overrated by the FM community. Someone complains about losing, first response is always what your morale whats your dynamics. It is complete HOGWASH. If you got the players and the tactics. Go test for yourself. Just holiday an entire season which makes every player request auto decline which gives them the negative morale arrow. You will still win the league and cups and Europe etc Fm23 I played in Hungary into mid 2050s and interactions just become too much that and million emails plus the way they go through a day is ANNOYING. It should be 1 click for 1 day if there are no games or deadline days or registration stuff going on. Honestly they need another option besides holiday. It should be skip to day before match and then present me with all your problems and to do lists etc. Why are we forced to smash space bar a million times every single day. Like serious WTF. Well what was i Saying yes Hungary 2050s I completl stopped having any player interactions before the 2040s. It was just too much. Everything was No or DECLINE or I dont care. It didnt stop us from winning leagues or cupsd in nation and certainly didnt stop us from playing in Champions leagues finals and still got the league to #5 in Europe. My entire match day squad would either want new contracts or constantly transferred. Nope you got 5 years plus 3 yr extension eat crap. We never had losing streaks. We had close games or loss matches against other elite top 5 world class talent teams just like we should have. hence dynamics and morale is completely overrated. I am not saying it doesnt impact our game at all but i am betting it is extremely minimum impact.
  21. Preferred Graphics Processor: Choose your NVIDIA) Vertical Sync: Off Triple Buffering: Off Threaded Optimization: On Texture Filtering Quality: High performance Power Management Mode: Prefer Maximum Performance OpenGL Rendering GPU: Choose your NVIDIA OpenGL GDI Compatibility: Prefer Perfomance Set PhysX Configuration: Choose your NVIDIA do that to your settings in Nvidia
  22. Its not the worst FM will probably be one of the best. But there are a lot of bugs for a lot of people. I havent started my long term save yet in 24 yet. FM is on such a tight schedule it needed another month to cook. I dont think itll be ready for prime time until near December,
  23. I do believe FM24 will be better then the last 2 previous versions by New Years. However long term now that SI opened themselves up to importing saves. I think they need major rewrites to overall mechanics of the game. There will be no point importing save to the next version and maybe even the version after that if the SI Universe isnt more dynamic. What would be the point playing a save for 100 years over 2 or 3 versions if the Human Player cannot really impact the game world. Just as SI added 3 options to start new games in 24 I believe they will need to add another option for full dynamics for long term saves and build a nation type of saves and just for extreme future predictions. Running a save for 150 years and seeing what happens. All of that now requires so much editing pre game to even help those types of saves it is far outside normal FM players field of expertise.
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