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Everything posted by JimmysTheBestCop

  1. Have you run any benchmarks or stress tests on the thing or any other gaming while its charging?
  2. I have 800+ hours in FM23 and I am in 2050s in Hungary doing a building a nation save. And except for the early first couple years. I have 0 interaction with players an always 0 interaction with media. Ive still been able to dominate and get Hungary to #5 league in Europe. So honestly it just becomes a waste of time and a waste of clicks. And its A LOT of clicks to interact with players. All that praise and criticize. Talking about contracts and transfers. BAH HUMBUG. Get to work no coal for you. It doesnt do or prevent you from accomplishing anything you want in the game. Its biggest impact is if you take over a world class team without a world class manager you have placate the players the first 1-3 seasons until you bring your own type of players in. The most I have to do is sick the Captain on someone if they wont stop pestering me. I can see why SI wanted it. For brand new players to FM it creates immersion. But there should be some kind of option to have staff deal with it all cause for long term saves it just takes to many clicks and too much time.
  3. The only thing I can tell you is people have successful installed Sunshine to stream their Mac then you just install Moonlight on whatever device you want to use. But you would have to research how to install Sunshine on the Mac as there are extra steps involved. I use Sunshine/Moonlight to paly FM on my ipad but I got sunshine on windows which is just a double click installer
  4. You just have to buy the world package now. you dont have to ask permission it is just about what tier package you can afford now
  5. Wow mods jealous of content creators much? Jesus. Are you actually white knighting for SI? I literally follow dozens of game each year the vast majority are Indy titles. And Ive seen devs literally respond to every thread about all of their current games not just on their forums but on steam as well. Example Trese Brothers developers. Negative feedback is part of the Video Game industry. You need tough skin. Dont make excuses for SI that is lame. FM has morphed beyond its initial audience since covid. It is the overall video game world now, beyond just the football or sport fans. You have users playing and consuming FM because it is a good game regardless of how they feel about football IRL. SI needs to step up and get over its history with its user base. They need improved communication channels. There is no need to wait a month before release to talk about features. I dont know any video game that operates that way. It looks like SI are scared to share information too early with its user base because of negativity. You cannot operate that way. Honestly SI has some of the worst communication with its userbase in the video game industry that i have ever seen from and indy developer. They act like they are EA or Activision.
  6. Most people outside of england and europe come to FM through content creators especially north america. And europe might nudge north america in overall population but in terms of sheer gamers north america has europe beat. so i wouldnt underestimate their contributions to spread the word of FM. After all FM even produced by Sega is an Indy niche title. But it is also hard to conquer North America with decades old graphic engine, awful sound, lighting, stadiums and atmosphere. I think more is expected of FM now then ever before especially post covid. I hop SI is up to the challenge. But SI needs to start acting like a AAAA dev and not a small niche indy dev. Hell out of the park baseball released an official stadium editor. Its fan base is dwarfed by FM and it might be lucky to have 12 employees in the development staff. But it has better stadiums and face generation than FM who is the big dog on the block. SI needs to come correct with sound and graphics. I mean it is a meme all over the internet how bad the sound in FM is and how everyone mutes it. That isnt good for a leading game in sports management. Take some money buy more default skins and buy some real honest to god sound system that goes along with the match engine and adds to the experience. I cant imagine in any universe there was data to support creating squad planner or press conference. It is absolutely boring. Even the new agent interaction as good as it is ADDS millions of clicks. Now you need at least 3 mouse clicks per player to find out about transfer cost. The amount of useless clicks in FM23 has reason ungodly. SI needs to come correct in FM24. Time to up the game. Time to revolutionize not just small evolution each version. Absolutely love FM23 but I see ZERO reason to buy fm24 if graphics, sound, lighting, stmostpsher or stadiums arent touched. Yes FM23 ME is way better then FM22 but it still plays 95% exactly the same as fm22. 19-21 i could see difference but the difference between 22 and 23 are so small. At least in terms of game play. Yes there are improvements but its the same game play.
  7. Dr Benji hosted one on launch. Honestly I can see some bad things with SI forming. Fm blew up after 19 especially with pandemic. It never had more eyes on it then now. With that comes different responsibilities. First si is pretty awful at communicating with its user base. After 6 months it should be about the next versions and bits and developer diaries should be released. Si also focusing too much on the new player as a lot of the new features are for new players. But if they play for many hours will stop using all these features. Press conferences, squad planner hell even scouting is a pain this year. I just add players manually it so much faster. SI besides match engine has neglected long term players the last several versions. It is not just the match engine graphics. It is the sound, atmosphere, lighting, stadiums, the grounds etc. So much could be improved in match engine experience with the need for dedicated graphic cards. But they should have a high end hd version for people with dedicated GPUs. Makes no sense why that isn't an option. SI imho doesn't have a good idea what it's user base wants because it doesn't communicate with it's user base. SI focuses on features they want or think new users want but not what long term users want. I mean the default skin is trash. Pay an artist 15k to make 10 default skins. So we don't have to hope and pray our favorite skin continues each version. I mean that is the simplest thing to do. Why isn't this done? Cause Si doesn't have open communication with it's users. Our only hope is YouTube and twitch creators cause they do have pull have Si. Us as a user base have 0 pull with Si. We have to petition content creators to petition Si. That is pretty sad. I've only been here since fm19 but that is what I've seen so far. Video game development isn't handled this was anymore. Especially from Indy developers. It is about open communication and constant updates and progress reports. I actually found FM from way of ootp aka out of the park baseball. And their devs are exactly the same way as Si but even worst. 0 communication. 0 knowkedge of what video games fans want etc. I can SI going down that same road. They really have to improve their communication by a factor of 10. SI needs to know what there user base wants and not guess at it. I can honestly say if the grapchis or sound or atmosphere or stadiums aren't imprived in fm24 there be 0 reason for me to purchase it. Unless there some new killer feature which I highly doubt. I do long term low leagues save so mostly everyone is a new gen. So new rosters and player updates mean 0 to me.
  8. no your setup is completely awful tbh. first thing first. when you start a game you must go into custom database options. forget about leagues it is about players first and foremost. example if you dont load african and asian players in custom db settings they have almost no leagues. so it doesnt matter and together they produce just as much as south america. its only in most peoples setup whwre south america dominates cause they dont go into custom options.cause middle east counts as asian continent and they get a lot of good players. first thing i do is force load all players from national teams in every continent. then make all leagues viewable. viewable doesnt slow anything down but makes it easier to browse for players. then if you are in europe you start with the big in europe and the big 5 in the americas. you want them as playable not just for players but for finances and their coaches as well. i would make mexico, brazil, argentina, columbia and argentina playable minimum. If i was starting lower league in sweden i wouldnt worry about the big europe leagues at first but make all the scandinavian leagues playable. then as you progress upwards you remove those league and add the top 5. having the top 5 europe leagues dont help anything when you are in 3rd tier sweden. but all those americas, african and asian players and coaches will help. Im 15 years into my hungary save but basically from year 2 i was able to find south american coaches which led me to find out of contract south american players wish jumped me the leagues. you also want to turn the detail to minimum for every league but the one you are playing in. this really speeds up the game. i think setting up the db for every continent national teams and top club players is like 100k players. that is all you need.
  9. Honestly it is a waste. Sure its possible it is just extremely unlikely. If you are playing in england you probably have most english players loaded so the lower leagues will still get a lot of newgens anyway but you dont need to load the league which slows down sim time for it. Loading 2 lower leagues for the chance to get 1 wonderkid in 20 years to me seems silly.
  10. sounds like fm cant deal with FPS over 60 by default. lock in your fps
  11. https://www.instant-gaming.com/en/10246-buy-football-manager-2022-pc-game-steam/?igr=289098&utm_source=cheapdigitaldownload.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=cheapdigitaldownload
  12. i also believe you can only praise 3 weeks in a row for the same thing then they sour on the next praise attempt
  13. Once you learn FM there is no difficulty and there will never be any. This is the curse of all management or simulation games regardless of genre. The thing that FM has going for it is that the game can still be challenging. r build a nation into #1 in the world. Is it difficult, no. Is it challenging, yes. Because it is going to take minimum 2 decades if not longer depending where you start. You have to micro everything and spend hundreds of hours in your real life year to accomplish the task. It is a trial. And it is challenging regardless of the difficulty. England is a little more challenging since IRL world events. You can only sign 6 under 21 year old players each season. However the Prem just has too much money for a human player. So at first it is difficult because there are at least 6 world beaters in your league but after 3 or 4 years a human controlling finances in the Prem is pretty unstoppable then you are a world beater. More on England even if you start a custom English level 10 database save it doesnt make it more difficult just longer and more tedious so I guess more challenging. VNS/N basically plays almost exactly the same to any tier under it. The most challenging tier is usually VNN because you will be semi pro with all professional teams all with better rep so at first it is hard to sign and loan players in. But then on promotion you are professional and the next 3 tiers are very similar maybe with a pump for league 1 but if you win that you will most likely be a promotion team in the championship. And if you can stay up the 1st year in the Prem then the finances kick in and for the human they become unstoppable and its only a matter of time. So I would suggest another nation and if you use a licensed nation/league the money will always be constant so even if you improve the league to #1 your league and tv money is the same as when you started. While if you do an unlicensed nation the league and tv mony will steadily increase.
  14. Same with me with 2 teams both in Hungary. everything else maxed out but youth stuck at 4 stars and no option to improve
  15. yes loan him to a top 5 european league. if you want him to play for you in the future. loan him anywhere if you just want to boost his value and sell him later
  16. Yes the instant sim is extremely helpful in many situations. Lots of skins usually have it
  17. Are you in the Prem or lower leagues? IF its lower leagues you almost got not shot. Any youngster you want to sign while n the Prem will most likely qualify for work permit or sign without one then you loan him into a top 5 league for 1 or 2 seasons and he will get a permit. If you are lower leagues focus on UK players or people who qualify as UK and loans. Until you get in the prem. If you are established in the prem everyone will want to sign with you permit or no permit
  18. take control of friendlies your self, save a friendly squad, use a skin with instant play and just instant sim the friendlies. works amazing
  19. you are probably semi pro anyway in lower leagues. training is absolutely useless as well at that level. just schedule your main squad for extra games against prem u21/23 teams it will raise money and keep your non squad guys fit. use trialists to fill in your friendlies. you most likely wont go pro to you hit sky league 2. ive never seen a prem u21 team turn down a friendly unless their schedule is busy but there plenty of teams. you can schedule 2 of these a week and usually good for 10-30k depending on how bigg your stadium is,
  20. Honestly in lower league English save they are pretty worthless. Just sucks up finances. Once your finances are secure and you are professional the board will probably make both on their own.
  21. When you are starting your save for the first time you have to go into custom database options and load African national players. If you started a game already you are out of luck. Only south Africa has a league in game. So you have to setup your database before hand
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