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Everything posted by JimmysTheBestCop

  1. Fan curve is the way. usually you can multiple presets that is the way.
  2. Colonel! I always wait for the realism mod and Dave the editors extra leagues.
  3. Your board probably froze it cause you kept moving it
  4. Fm23 I managed in Hungary until 2050s. I stopped all interactions. Let them go mad. Drop morale. Drop dynamics. Still won. They performed highly. I think morale effect might be overrated
  5. Maybe and maybe not. Since it is the first version we are completely unaware of bugs that may happen because of import down the line. They could be unique bugs or they could be non existent. This version is basically the test for all future versions. I hope it is smooth sailing I plan on doing the same thing but I feel like its slightly risky
  6. Technically you wont know if there is an issue yet. The database could break after 15 years like the one version of FM where newgens decreased every year and it took months for the player base to realize it.
  7. SI cant use a lot of this AI tech because in a commercial product they would have to pay huge fees to the companies. The initial person who started this like 3 versions ago used Nvidia GauGAN Ai to make them. It required training the Nvidia AI etc. Mostly everything after is based upon that guys work or done independently using the same techniques. Its free to modders because its FREE and not a commercial product. GauGan can literally tech a toddlers drawing and turn it into a photorealistic picture. It is absolutely insane. This is much different than a lot of the other AI free tech out there. Even Microsoft Bing image generator. These are like pieces of the real AI tech. There are some companies and apps that do faces that SI prob could license not sure if it would be as good as what the modders could pull off since they can use the most powerful stuff license free.
  8. Kind of nation specific. In Hungary there is a a month long winter break
  9. There is no point in Media interaction. It is not fun. It is boring, tedious, and meaningless. What they should do is remove all of the media and come up with a new idea. Some like we actually design our own personality and different events effect it each season and maybe upon hitting huge milestones we can add points to personality. Then the engine could completely simulate all of the media interactions based upon our personality and how our manager is designed. That way we are just reading about what happened. Or what will they put in the game next? We have to buy a house or rent some place when we move teams. Get our kids in different schools each time we move locations. I mean come on. We dont need real life tedium in the game. I do think it might be cool if it was entirely simulated and we either watch a 15 second clip or read about the media press conferences.
  10. I always wait until leagues updates and realism mods come out. Maybe even the first big patch. This year I am very curious about completely updating and modding out a FM23 save and then just importing that. As I do long term saves 30+ years. Current transfers or standings are pretty useless
  11. Tactics are kinda overrated in a way. Or perhaps over thought is a better explanation. Several of the standard built in tactics the game comes with will flat out dominate. Players often over think the tactics causing them to try crazy things and constantly changing it causing them huge problems or the other half just downloads engine breaking tactics. Even in Hungary after 10-15 seasons you are an unstoppable champions league winning team. I dont consider 10-15 seasons long anymore. My long term saves are like 30+ years. Ive done many English Tier 10 to EPL saves. They are longer cause you have to go up 10 tiers but it only takes like 9-12 seasons to get to EPL and then about 5 seasons to dominate the world. It get its length just from starting so low. FM is not difficult in the classic definition of video games but certain scenarios are challenging just because it takes real life dedication and commitment.
  12. No league is hard with any team. It should always take 3-5 season to dominate. Even the EPL with a team from the non football tiers that gets promoted every year. The AI just cannot keep up with human in finances. It isnt even close. SO you will always be able to out finance them. 3-5 season in prem you can be buying and selling over 500 million each every season or more if you put more effort into it. yes epl has like 5+ world class teams but if you play the finance game you always win. thats why i look for build a nation or england 10th tier cause typically after 5-7 seasons in epl you win the champions league every year and the save is over. the fun part is the climb
  13. tv money only really works if your league is well below 100 rep and if tv money is off or blank. then once you get to 100 tv money kicks in. and if you get to like top 5 then its like 80-100 million. it is what you see when people do Gibraltar saves. but say you pick hungary who has tv money listed and isnt 100 but now in the low 40s like Gibraltar your tv money will never grow as high as them.
  14. I would gather the only way to streamline right now is to holiday large patches of time per season.
  15. That is good to hear at least. Judging from all the forums/discord about FM I still wouldn't categorize it as popular or heavily feature. But I am glad to hear people like it even if its in small numbers. Sometimes I think SI does too much things to attract new players but these new items arent as useful for long term or long save type of players. But it is a very hard thing to balance they have to attract new players. I think they need more game options to just turn stuff off. Even if you outsource all media to assistant you still get emailed questions from media non stop. like say your player scores a goal at every international yeah thanks for those 20 extra emails per day. immersion is good but Si needs to do evaluation of the game to look how it can be further streamline or at least provide a player base with multiple options.
  16. if you have world package you can scout the world so everyone is in range alternatively just add a new unemployed manager to game and you can see everyone. do a dump create the rtf file. remove manager
  17. Anything that takes a half a dozen clicks before and after every match isnt worth it to me in a long save its still too much time and too many clicks. player interaction very quickly doesnt become fun or immersive it just becomes a chore. it isnt challenging either. and if you completely forget it basically nothing happens to you. ive played in 2050s not doing any interaction and my team never stuttered once we were established in a build a nation save. I see no way to make media/player interactions fun or entertaining or challenging while not feeling like a complete chore. same goes with squad planner and sort of meetings. i still dont know why either are in the game.
  18. we wont know until full release and maybe 1-2 weeks after honestly
  19. Yes you can Moonshine which is an app that is basically available on any store. You then install Sunshine on your laptop and you will stream the game to whatever device is connected to your tv. Then you can use whatever mouse keyboard setup you want but itll be connected to the tv device as well. I use sunshine/moonlight to go from my desktop to ipad. I also use a Rii i4 hybrid controller/trackpad/scroll wheel/keyboard device with it. I highly recommend it.
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