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Everything posted by JimmysTheBestCop

  1. I went from near 200 league to top 50 by end of 2033. I also went to 4 straight ucl finals and won it 2033. That is with a club in Andorra they are San Marino league bad 1 spot up. The entire nation plays in 1 stadium. All leagues reserves youth 1 stadium. Literally the 2nd worst league in Europe. Honestly if you can't do good in Europe and the champions league it's a human skill issue. You have to know how to manage inside and out. The first 5 years is about stalking end of contract and unattached players. You can make the knockouts of champions league with just free end of contract players. I just won it in 2033 and I still signed 5 studs who were end of contract. There are plenty of players out there. But you would have had to setup your database properly. You want at least 120k players. All top tier and national players from every continent minimum. You want those cheap African and middle east players. I would also add lower tier south American leagues solely for coaches and scouts. You only need 1 of them to give you knowledge which will show you unattached players. If a league isn't loaded they don't produce staff. That is very important. You have to abuse trialist. Take 30 at a time you get a 100 in. Favor physicals over everything. Your #1 goal is league phase champions league that is worth 15-30 million. Which will mostly be used for staffing and payroll. Once you start making quarter finals you can look to buy players when your war chest is at least 75 million. But it will be a long time before you can sell players for profit. I still can't sell for profit. If I buy a 15 million player soon as he is in Andorra he will be worth like 500k. I probably have a near -150 million difference in buying and selling players. A time will come when it's impossible to re sign them. And you just have to take whatever awful offer you get or just let them go on free. My reputation was so low as league I just started to be able to offer 4 year deals. Most of the times I could only offer 2 or 3 year deals plus club option for 1 or 2 years. Which increases salary so that is why you gotta increase payroll. Sadly don't worry about the other teams in your league until you are able to easily earn 100 million in player sales per year. Then you can start buying garbage youth players from the clubs for 5-10 million each. Just give them 1 year deals. Just with your club making the semi finals every year you will raise reputation and raise coefficient to top 15. My Andorra is 12 in coefficient with just my team winning. While my club is #2 in coefficient above psg and under man city. Then once you are earning 200-300 million in player sales a year you can make all teams in your league rich. Which will increase the chances of them loaning for your players and also make them buy better players. Can easily take to 2060s to get to top 3 leagues. Even if you are great at game it can take till 2050s. I once got Hungary to top 5 and it was mid 2050s
  2. Bro keep denying you were wrong. When the devs said it's a problem and now fixed. But you bashed the player base for 2 pages of this thread. You are the biggest troll on this forum. The devs proved you wrong and your still denying it. You keep on trolling and we will keep working to get fm better.
  3. I always here this high priority thing listed on this forum. Wouldn't it be great if we actually knew what si priorities were for the game. At least they communicated about unity for fm25 a good year before release. If only they could that about everything. They need to go on a communication team building camp.
  4. Thanks for getting it done! @Dagenham_Dave we will all be waiting for your statement about how wrong you were in this thread for weeks. "no no it doesn't need fixing it's the players fault blah blah blah" Well guess what buddy Si wasn't in agreement and got the job done finally! Remember this before you go spouting off in every thread how it's always the FM players fault.
  5. Hi FM Community we are changing the UID structure. Thank you. yeah that takes up so much time. stop white knighting something that literally could take seconds to accomplish. instead yes attack the user base instead of ever holding SI accountable for communication.
  6. Changing how the uid is structured is a big deal. Yeah they could have taken 2 minutes out of 1 of their 150 employees to let the community know beforehand. Or is a taking 2 minutes to the post to the community using valuable resources. I want them to COMMUNICATE. Stop defending horrendous communication from a > 150 employee company owned by a billion dollar company. Uid is a big deal. It's been the same format for versions and versions. They had to change it to fix something. Ok that is cool. But it's a big change and the community should have been made aware of it. That is how good modern video game developer studios work these days. If their lack of communication effort is good enough for you. Cool. But it's NOT good enough for me. I've bought countless version and I'll point out whatever I'm not satisfied with.
  7. Remember difficulty does not equal challenge. A lot of what people are describing is game challenge and not difficulty. Anything closely related to in house rules is challenge not difficulty. There is nothing you can do to make the actual game harder. Example I started in Andorra 1 spot above the infamous San Marino and in 2030 I already made a ucl final. I got destroyed but made it. The challenge is can get league to top 5 then 3 then 1. But given enough real life time it's possible. However it's very challenging but it doesn't do anything at all to the difficulty level of the game. In house rules effect the challenge time because it usually requires more real life time and more micromanaging. It's making the real life intangibles harder for 1 reason or another but the difficulty of the base game stays constant no matter what rules you apply to yourself. Some games have different difficulty levels which give Ai bonus and gives humans negative modifiers. Fm I guess it could be financial penalities for human and bonus for ai. It could be stamina and endurance buffs/debuffs. It could even be attribute buffs/debuffs. Games have to fudge it to increase the so called difficulty level cause it can't be a better Ai cause hardware and time plus money. If you are a long term player you probably continually come back to Fm cause of a challenge if you are putting hundreds of hours in to. Looking to Fm to provide real difficulty is futile. Games like this usually just don't do difficulty. At most it's some sort of buff/debuffs system for human/ai. Some tycoon games have that but not all of them. I would suggest trying to find a challenge that gets you excited and try to accomplish it. As far as challenges go Si could implement a much better achievement process to track certain popular challenges. If you can't find a challenge in fm I would look around at other games take a 1-2 year break from fm. If I ever over take England for #1 in league rankings I probably would take a 2 year break myself.
  8. Has there been an official posting addressing all fictional people getting a r- before the uid? Cause it's seems Si should have given the community a heads up pre patch or they were incompetent and didn't realize it was going to break a ton of mods or made an honest mistake But in any of those rcents SI has remained silent about it. . A heads up to the community could have been issued. Or if it's a mistake an apology explaining what exactly happened. This shoukd have been done on SI forum, steam and reddit. But it was left to the community to decipher what exactly the patch did and what it broke and what needs to be fixed for mods. From such a big company the lack of communication is appalling
  9. Fm will never be a difficult game. It however can still be a very challenging game. They are 2 different things. Mostly all management games in the genre are similar. Whether it's a sport or city builder or tycoon. Even from version to version the genre doesn't increase difficulty. It's only the challenges that increase depending on what the player wants to do with their game.
  10. Literally no emotions in any of my posts. I just list straight facts. Lot of users don't like hearing truths. This was 100% on topic. Bad looking breaking mods with either no warning or no apology or no update. Literally total silence from Si. Listing facts isn't emotional it's just truth. SI has awful communication and Transparency. FACTS!! Sounds like you are the one getting into your feels cause SI n fm are criticized. Its not the end of the world. You will survive. Just be strong.
  11. This is why beta of patches is a thing steam allows. I mean a patch that breaks mods in a game with a huge modding community is a bad look. I haven't even seen an official dev response here or in steam. Users detected this problem within minutes of the patch being released. If it has to be broken then ok but good communication beforehand solves the severity of the issue. Announce to the community days before hand here and steam etc that it will be broken. If it was just missed then it's kinda weak since the community noticed in minutes. Communication and Transparency SI needs to take like online classes to teach tgeir company how to improve Sheesh and right after the j league debacle
  12. I don't think you actually know what min-max actually means. It is derived from tabletop DnD sessions and brought over cRPG games where certain classes could dump 1 attribute/stat and focus on another. Or universal charisma modifier not needed. Fighters not needdung int or Wis. So many gamers get min-max wrong. You actually need to minimize 1 thing for another thing to be maximized. It is near impossible to min max fm. What can you minimize? Staff, reserves, youth, transfer budget and dump it into salary? Fm doesn't have many sliders or anything for us to actually change. Or a thing to minimize that allows us to maximize something us. Knowing how to play a game can be labeled as playing optimally or effeciently. Optimally/effeciently does not equal min-max. Another example of min max would be a glass Cannon magic user. He sacrifices hp and defense to get the highest damage attack possible. This CANNOT be done in fm. Yes nearly all cRPGs, trpgs and turn based tactical games players know how the entire system. It does not remove enjoyment or fun or challenge for the normal player. If a player wants to lookuo guides that's on the player. Just like a fm player can look up guides or use the editor. SI needs transparency because version after version of implementing new mechanics typically ends either in it not working like the community thinks it will, not having a big enough impact or just not working. Most Recent Examples: Dynamic youth rating Dynamic tv money J league But honestly I could list nearly every mechanic. Transparency and open communication is 2 things Si just isn't good at. It's absolutely ridiculous the modding community or the content creation community has to be spend hundreds of hours testing to see if Si mechanics work, how they work, if they work what do they actually accomplish. This has nothing to do with secret formulas or game design. Any games code can be extracted and reversed engineered by any other developer house. So tired of hearing that listed as an excuse when it's blatantly not true. If Fm is the only video game you play every year. I suggest going and buying a half to full dozen every year and actually learn and pay attention to how the video game market developers and community actually act in present day. Si's setup, transparency and communication is archaic. No dev does games in silence. Especially Indy devs which Si likes to get compared to even though they are a subsidiary of Sega. It's very apparent that Fm is the only game many posters and defenders play each year.
  13. I think it's mad lol but I respect it. I still think that a vast majority of FM users don't want to be bothered with it cause the minimal impact to game. I think SI is getting into the problem of trying to innovate but instead just recreating the same mechanics in a different way with more clicks. Example agent interactions and intermediaries. These mechanics while interesting have added a ton of clicks. To find the estimated value takes like 4 clicks per person. Same thing with salary. These need to be abstracted more like click a player and have a staff member automatically question the agent about transfer and salary. We are talking about saving astronomical clicks. Also there should be an option to hire a Head of Dynamics. I would be more then happy to have him sim dynamics for the entire season and live with him promising new contracts or pissing someone off. Not transfers. Even delegating all media isn't 100% effective because we still get emails. Let our press administrator handle that. I think Si has added a bunch of stuff the last 10 years but they haven't gone back and trimmed it up. It's gotten bloated with thousands of extra clicks. I'm trying to say either make our clicks impactful or have options that we don't even get bothered with it. Maybe fm25 will be streamlined ? Who knows. But it's getting bogged down in extra clicks each version
  14. The amount of real life time and thousands upon thousands of clicks player interaction, morale, praisu training takes better actually have more then a bare minimum impact to the game. If not it's completely pointless to have it in game. It just becomes busy work for the gamer. Not sure about you but my school days are long over and I don't need busy work. So yeah I think the amount of time overall dynamics takes as well as endless mouse clicks that these mechanics should actually be proven to have more then bare minimum impact. Which is what I said from the start. I'm sure there is morale counter that is counting away but the impact it has on our season is absolutely bare minimum. Theoretically if it was 5 points for season that is an astronomical amount of real life time and mouse clicks; well 90% of the time then I'll be skipping it. Interactions are totally out of control it's relentless clicking. This game targets adults who have family life's. So yeah the mechanics better be dang important or I'll skip. Just like media. Even if you delegate. You get non stop media emails you have to dismiss or click over. Either strengthen the mechanics, show us making significant meaning to the club or completely streamline the game and get rid of useless clicks. Ask yourselves: Did media Make the game better? Did media increase your enjoyment level? Does player interaction make fm better? Does player interaction increase your joy, fun or entertainment? Now envision what the majority of users would say. I think the safe bet is in its current implementation the answer would be No all around.
  15. Determination should probably be a pro/con but not teamwork or workrate. Coaches can see that.
  16. From a Developer Replying on Steam This dev seems to hint at it being a known problem to the developer staff and admits yeah it messes up peoples saves big time to paraphrase.
  17. Long term it is kinda broken already that's one of the reasons there is a realism mod. Sim out 30-40 years. Even if you aren't playing in England the number of wonderkids produced is staggering. Worldwide and elite talent can drop as much as 20-30% Again a lot has to do with game importance negating nations who have >80 youth rating. These types of issues will be magnified now that import saves is a thing. Imagine playing 150 years on a 3rd imported version save. I have zero confidence the mechanics of the game can handle it unmodded. It cannot really handle after 30 years now
  18. Oh that is some great info. I dont know anything about batch edits. IS there a manual or a link or something? It be cool to do some long term testing
  19. It would be agonizing slow in the pre game editor to do every nation. But it would probably make long term saves better. Then youth rating would actually matter a lot more. And talent should be redistributed more even globally. Then the next question would be developing nation or developed nation. It doesn't seem to impact intake but the level of players teams go after. Like I'm pretty sure Faroe islands by default is very high game importance and developed nation. While say Hungary is just important and developing.
  20. Technically its extremely easy in English Prem. Just sell 50 players for 10 million profit each on the average for 2 seasons that 1 billion is just sales but if you sell 50 you will make way more then 500 million. And these are 50 players you never planned on playing. So you can see how you rack up 2 billion quick. In my build a nation Hungarian save I was giving 6 teams in my league 50 million each. 300 million for them and 300 million for me. You have to sell more players the lower down in reputation you go. I've had 100 players out on loan at same time. But to make a billion in 1 season I would probably have had to sell all my loanees. So it's possible in lower tier 1 leagues but the effort goes up
  21. I'm sorry give what a rest? Dude straight up personally attacks me in numerous threads because I think Si should fix an issue in the game and he thinks well it's the players fault so who cares. And you tell me to give it a rest. Riiiight I think you got it backwards dude
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