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Michael Sant

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Everything posted by Michael Sant

  1. Would you be able to share your save game file in which this is happening? --- Seriez-vous en mesure de partager votre fichier de sauvegarde dans lequel cela se produit ? https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  2. Thanks for sharing this one, there's a few different areas it could fall under but our QA team will look into this further and see what we can find out in regards to this.
  3. Thanks for sharing this issue. The QA team will investigate, it may be difficult to reproduce but it's something we'll keep an eye on.
  4. Given the very precarious situation with the finances at Schalke and the attributes set to their board, they may well be much more restrained in terms of how much they free up for transfers. I don't know the terms of the debts Schalke have off-hand, but I don't expect you'd have paid off all outstanding debts by 2026. That could certainly be a contributing factor. To investigate this further we'd realistically need your save game file to take a look over it. A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  5. Injury numbers overall are at a level we're comfortable with, and below real life numbers. There is an issue with goalkeeper injuries which we're looking into, but beyond this we would need a save game file from before a run of such numerous injuries to investigate further.
  6. In terms of goalkeeper injuries, there is an issue we're looking into there and working to resolve. Broadly in terms of injuries, they are below real life figures by quite a bit. While the injuries are unfortunate, they are the kind of injuries that regularly befall players. You mention they mostly happen in games and so reviewing the intensity of your play, particularly when winning, may be an area to consider. Even if training isn't too intense, the schedule of matches (particularly that Man City are likely to face) may be and managing players through that effectively can help mitigate injuries.
  7. We are aware of an issue with goalkeeper injuries, and its something that we're working on.
  8. This is something that would really fall under an unfortunate circumstance rather than a bug. It's incredibly rare for players to sustain injuries like this overall, but a player can fall into a cycle where bad injuries stick with them. Bad luck befalls players, in this instance it just turns out it has happened to one of the more high profile individuals in Mbappe.
  9. Thanks for sharing, just to get the maximum information for when our QA team investigate: When you continue, has the game automatically selected a treatment and applied it, or does the player remain injury-free @Surfer?
  10. Injuries in game are at a lower level than real life. There are some elements in your control which can help with managing your squad though, deciding when you can rest players, bring them off in games, manage training, tactical intensity and so on. There are a lot of tools available to make use of which can help further lessen the impact of injuries on your team, or if not deployed correctly, cause more issues with injuries.
  11. At this stage the QA team will take a look into things further. There are multiple other considerations, but taking a look at things in your save and seeing what has transpired should help get a better understanding.
  12. Thanks for sharing, the QA team will take a look into this further. We have had a couple of examples mentioned elsewhere, but more definitely help.
  13. I just want to ensure I'm understanding things correctly @Purplebleeder Click into Player Profile > Development > Progress Compare Attribute Changes Since shows "Last month" Graph shows All Time progression Attributes show "Last month" That seems to be what I'm seeing in a save I've just pulled up on my side, so I don't want to risk presuming what you mean.
  14. Thanks for providing your save game. Our QA team will need to take a look into this further.
  15. The QA team will take a look into your save game and the distribution of attributes you're highlighting. It is an area that will always be subject to ongoing tweaks and revisions, examples of where its missing the mark definitely help and in turn can be fed back to the QA team.
  16. This would warrant its own thread for different positions/different attribute breakdowns just so that the QA team can manage the investigations and link back to the sources of the data most effectively. If you haven't already feel free to create one and then QA can investigate further.
  17. I've moved this into the User Interface section, as its not taking place in the ME directly. The QA team will investigate and look into this further.
  18. Clicking anywhere once in the top left corner, so as mentioned the score board, or team names/competition logo will toggle the stats on or off. So anywhere in this region:
  19. J’ai déplacé cela dans notre section des problèmes techniques afin que notre équipe d’assurance qualité puisse enquêter davantage sur ce sujet. --- I've moved this to our technical issues section so that our QA team can investigate this further.
  20. If you have the pkm and rec file for this match (or any other match should it happen again) then it would help our QA team to investigate further. A guide on how to share the files is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  21. Can you tell me what minute the incident takes place in? This would allow our QA team to review the reason that happened in the match directly with the incident you're referencing.
  22. Thank you for coming back & providing the pkm. Our QA team will investigate.
  23. Thanks for taking the time to provide a couple of examples on this. Our QA team will investigate further.
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