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Michael Sant

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Michael Sant

  1. When you close the game how are you doing this? Are there any crashes in the FM.exe for example?
  2. I believe up until a certain age this is correct for English clubs to English clubs. It's to reflect the developmental process the club has completed with the player to ensure they are compensated for this. The weird issue may be that if they're looking to leave they haven't actually departed their clubs. Our QA team will take a look into this one further.
  3. Well FrazT, as capable as he is, isn't responsible for the development of the game. I'm not a coder/developer myself despite working for SI, but there is a lot to consider before changes would/could be made in this area. It's not something we're ignorant of, and hopefully this can be taken in the good faith its intended. Impractical can mean a lot of things, it may be perfectly possible for it to be changed to work a certain way, but only the top X% of players would have a PC capable of running that level of processing for example. So that may mean that solution is impractical. Impractical is never meaning "its not worth spending 5 minutes on this". Playing a save this year as Brackley Town its certainly an issue I've run into myself with promotions quickly up the leagues.
  4. That's a great help to have both files. Thanks for that and our QA team will investigate further.
  5. Bit of a weird one, I presume there's not been anything immediately obvious in the nature of the save itself. Our QA team will take a look at this one and see if they can find out what has happened.
  6. In any instance where we're being provided a save game to look into then this is being passed on for review. As mentioned previously, this is an area where we'll continue to work on the finer details. There's subjectivity to it and the underlying mechanisms in terms of when a player may be open to the move. There are rules from real life which we're looking to better present in the game. Ultimately the situation is quite simple in regards to this thread, you can provide specific examples from save games which we'll review and helps further refine this area. If you don't wish to do so, then that's fine - its an area we'll be working on anyhow. At the very worst if you provide save game examples with players, there's more of a chance it will work more how you hope in the future. Perhaps it was my own failing to try and have a bit of a discussion about Endrick as an example of the lack of clarity there is on the outside combined with my own personal (not to be conflated with SI as a studio & game developers) gaps in knowledge.
  7. Do you also happen to have a save game file from close to the point where they deem this a failure despite you not having the option to improve this? It's a separate issue in one sense, but as its all tied to the lack of the option that would help the QA team.
  8. Thanks for sharing, our QA team will take a look into this further.
  9. Seems a bit of an unusual one to have had happen but thanks for taking the time to share this. Our QA team will investigate further.
  10. Thanks for sharing this one with us. The QA team will investigate this a little further as its definitely an odd one at first glance.
  11. Once you've started a match if I remember correctly that is how it should work now. Our QA team will take a look and double check.
  12. Would you be able to record this happening on your phone or such and share the clip with us so that our QA team can take a look at this further? Once you have a file ready to share a guide on how to upload it to our cloud storage is available here:
  13. The QA team will take a look into this one further. It may be a display issue or it may be that something has gone amiss. Thanks for sharing.
  14. If you've added more than one manager to your save then you would be able to switch between them. Is this issue affecting you on the default skin?
  15. May be something worth making a feature request for if you feel that way. However, its an issue we're reviewing as a bug and typically the fix for an issue we go for wouldn't be to put the onus onto players to create a custom DB to fix it.
  16. It's an issue we still have under review and are working on at this time. I appreciate its going to be a frustrating one to see endure but we aren't always able to put an exact time frame on things I'm sorry.
  17. Thanks for letting us know. The QA team will investigate this further.
  18. Not necessarily, I'd suggest keeping an eye on it moving forward and if you do see any further instances of it happening and you do have a save game available then share that with us so we can investigate further.
  19. Because of the way in which any game development/software development goes we're not really able to put a time frame on things. Understanding what is going on, identifying how it can be fixed, testing the fix and assessing any knock on effects all can vary in time alongside other issues which may be interrelated.
  20. Thanks for giving us some extra save games to work with in regards to this one. It's always appreciated.
  21. Scouting budgets aren't something set by researchers, they're determined based on other factors.
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