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Michael Sant

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Everything posted by Michael Sant

  1. So QA have looked into this, and while the flow of events is something we might look at in the future it does feel as though everything is working as intended. Ultimately Charleroi are just on the unlucky side of the agreement here.
  2. Had you made your 3 subs one at a time? You're allowed 5 subs from 9 in the Premier League, but with a maximum of 3 stoppages.
  3. @QuassoRP is the suggestion from hm86 of any benefit in this instance? Our QA team are looking to get their hands on the steam deck and try this out but that's more likely to take place after the weekend now. If this suggestion does work from hm86 then that would be great to hear.
  4. Do you have the initial Sports Interactive folder @b.sinisa? In Documents it should appear like this: Then: If these folders aren't existing, you should be able to create them. Or when in the game look at where your save files are being stored it may be possible the default paths have changed to somewhere else and so the folder is just sitting in a place perhaps you may not expect.
  5. How much each attribute impacts it varies for different situations. For a more physical challenge then things like balance and strength become more prominent among the considerations. If the player has space but two players ahead of him then off the ball and anticipation might skew more heavily. If the player plans on just passing it short to retain possession then a different application of skills comes into the question compared to if he wants to open up his body and try to beat someone for pace. The type of first touch changes in each of these situations and a players ability to pull that off is influenced by other attributes. We have attributes that influence consistency and combined with attributes like important matches, determination and professionalism can act as a passive modifier to how regular players perform to their ability.
  6. Completely understand hitting a wall will be frustrating and one we'll want to get looked into. Can you provide us with a copy of your saved game for this issue @R0ADK1LL - a guide on how to do so is available here:
  7. QA will need to investigate further from here. We appreciate its a pretty substantial impact to have but there is going to be work to do on our side to understand how it will proceed moving forward. Can I ask, is this impacting you on any other saves or is it just this individual save file it has affected?
  8. Hey @QuassoRP based on the clip you've upload would you be able to delete the text already in the field and then try again. With Steam Deck being new we are obviously looking into issues like this and trying to get a full understanding of issues that might arise.
  9. Thanks for doing that. You don't need to share the link, you've given us the file name and our QA team can locate it from there without any issues. Great that you came back promptly on this one and have given us more info to work with.
  10. It's how well the player controls the ball in that first instance. Comparing a single attribute is always going to be a bit tricky, one way to think about it perhaps is even with those players having a higher first touch, would you take any of them over this prime Messi in his position? The answer is likely no, because for a player like Messi his first touch didn't need to be that high because everything that surrounded his game was on another level. The gap from 1-20 is far smaller than organically we all think anyway, but there is never an instance in the ME where you can think "A first touch of 18 instead of 17 would've seen that go much better" There will be quite a few players around who in terms of just their technical first touch to bring a ball under control will be better than what Messi may do. The problem rests in can they do it as well while under pressure? While faced with 2 defenders? Can they decide as well which type of touch opens up the next move best? Can they see a first touch and then subsequent pass with their vision to take control in a way that eliminates multiple players?
  11. Glad to hear a reinstall worked for you in this instance. Hope you're enjoying the game now, if there are any further issues let us know.
  12. Thanks for sharing this save game with us, the QA team will investigate further.
  13. Do you happen to have a save game available from before one of these matches @kenbelly83 so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to upload your save is available here:
  14. @gamefreak98 Within this post below there are some troubleshooting options available at the top. Including a couple which may fit your situation. Would you kindly try these and let me know how you get on, as of course this is an issue we'd like to get solved for you.
  15. Thanks for raising this one the QA team will take a look into this further.
  16. Do you have a screenshot available of your options so I can see things from your side @RobE92 and hopefully give a bit more information on how to remove it.
  17. Thanks for bringing this one to us @GOODNAME I appreciate it can be frustrating. If you check your task manager are you seeing any weird behaviour in game such as the CPU/GPU usage dropping extremely low or extremely high? Additionally do you have anything like an FPS counter enabled such as like this: If so, is it the FPS count actually dropping? Issues like this could sometimes rest elsewhere so getting a better understanding will help us look into this further.
  18. Are you using any custom graphics/skins at all @HighNoon08? Our QA team will take a look into this further but I think this may fall under a UI issue. If it does, we'll get it moved across for the right QA team to investigate further.
  19. Thanks for taking the time to share this, our QA team will investigate further.
  20. Sorry to hear this is happening, clearly a frustrating problem to run into. I'd like to check a few things just to get a better understanding of the situation. - Were you making any tactical changes at the time the penalty was awarded (eg a change of formation, a substitution)? - Does the game crash completely or is the screen freezing? - If the screen does freeze, can you click on anything/interact with anything? - At what point exactly is it happening (when the ref blows for a foul, when the player is about to run up etc)? - Is this every time a penalty is awarded in a match for you?
  21. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us. The QA team will take a look into this one further.
  22. Thanks for sharing this one with us. I'm not entirely sure if this is the intended behaviour or not but best to let QA take a look into this one further.
  23. It's very likely you're running into the fact you can only make subs from a total of 3 stoppages in the match. So if you make sub 1, sub 2 and then sub 3 separately you can't make anymore. Let me know how you get on @fmpaul as this will help determine what we may need to look into.
  24. Thanks for sharing this one with us @HighNoon08 - would you happen to have the PKM from this match available so our QA team can load up this match and see what has happened? A guide on how to upload your file is available here:
  25. Do you happen to have a save game available from around this time @kylek55 I can appreciate its an interesting issue to run into so looking to recreate the situation for QA would help them investigate it better.
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