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Everything posted by WhiteCat33

  1. FC Elazig Spor Hamburg Statistics Manager - Percentile Ranking Performance Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6 | Season 7 |Season 8 | Season 9 | Statistics: Intro & 2030 (S8) | 2029 (S7) & 2028 (S6) | Master Sheet Master Sheet Overview: Header Just want to show the current header to what the data limits of my tool are at the moment. It's designed right now to fit Wide-Shallow data rather than Narrow-Deep data. By that I mean it handles a large number of equally ranked leagues (wide) with a restrictive top-cohort of players from each league (shallow). This will need to be altered when I begin analyzing Tier1 and Tier2 performance data. Summary Statistics & Players of Selected Team This is unchanged from the last session. Still shows all players of the team of focus (my team here) with a specific positions summary statistics made visible. Summary Statistics (repeated) & All Players in Division at Position This is a pretty big update to the tool (and required another round of Array formulas to generate). To do this, I had to repeat the same kind of array formulas but this time to isolate the lists of UIDs that have each position within the selected league. These datasets are the backbone for any kind of true comparative analysis of my players to their positional-peers. There is one downside to these formulas: it significantly increases processing time when switching leagues. I am building this on a 1 year old $500 laptop and while the calculation time is noticeable its only a couple seconds. If you're playing on a toaster though this might get painful... I'll probably build a 'small player' version of this eventually. Percentile Rank Statistics! This is what I'm excited about sharing as you look at that massive table of numbers and your eyes glaze over. It's hard enough to compare normal numbers, but when you're trying to determine if your players .93 OP K-Passes is significantly worse than the .94 Average its basically impossible. Say hello to the wonderfully simple Percentilerank( )! I've then used conditional formatting to highlight performance at a glance: 0-10% (RED) , 10-25% (Orange), 75-90% (Blue), 90-100% (Green). STC - Mehmet Can Of course, I'm going to use our star player as our test case because Mehmet Can is unbelievably good for us when he's on the pitch. He has the highest Shots on Target / 90 min and the highest Shots on Target Ratio of any Striker in the Hamburg Oberliga. So even though he's just in the upper group of shots (78%), he's putting them on frame way better than anyone else to give him the highest ShoT with that low of a Shot/90. He then is in the very top echelon of Goals/90, Conversion Ratio, and very interestingly Chances Created /90. He is a Deep Lying Forward so he not only is performing as the focal finisher, but is also effective coming back to set up scoring plays for my line of 3 AMs. So why do I make the comment about being on the pitch? Because this season Mehmet's "Injury Proneness" reared its ugly head with him suffering both a moderate and a Major injury in matches resulting in him missing 8 weeks of the season out injured (not including easing him back into the rotation afterwards): AML - Efekan Sengul The statistics are pretty bad here for my AML, which is concerning. Yes he has one of the highest sprints, but our whole team does due to my high-pressure and counter strategy. What has me worried is that even with the dribbling player trait & with 'run at opponents' selected in our instructions, he is only average for the league in dribbles. He then has a very bad Cross Attempted (72%) to Cross Completed (39%) statistics combined with the worst passing percentage for 2000 min AMLs in the whole league! This to me points to two options. The Easiest is to change him to an IW from a W, like I have going on for my other flank. The issue here is it goes-against his player trait. The other (longer term) option which is what I'm working on is to improve his mental aspect of the game and then his crossing ability. With him being Resolute he is by far the best developing player in the team. I'm also adding the 'beat opponent repeatedly' player trait as he has the perfect traits for it for a Tier 5 player: 13s for dribble, technique, flair Accel with 12 pace and 11 agility. As his mental game improves I'll be watching his statistics to see if those improve as well. Sounds like I could use some kind of year-to-year comparison statistic... AMC - Baris Yesil Our VC and one of only 2 legacy players still starting he shows that he certainly deserves to have that spot as our creative #10. I make serious use of his 17 aggression and teamwork and 15 work rate with his Sprints and Pressing being top notch. He then has a truly impressive number of statistics in the 80% range. The two huge worries for him as an AP-S is he has the worst passing % and a really poor Chance Created statistic. This is a real trend for us and I attribute significantly to the style of play we have. We are very much a higher pressure and direct-counter team who doesn't try to hold onto the ball. Basically because no one on the team can pass. Everyone has less than 10 skill in passing with most between 5-8. I have 7 other players who made the 2000 min cut-off so I'll just show their screenshots quickly and talk in general after: What is clearly obvious? My FBs are good, I had one Okay CB and then an awful DM and bad 2nd CB. The 2nd CB is actually my #2 LB, but because my CB depth is just horrendous he played enough there to get selected. My FBs are basically the best attacking FBs in the league while being the highest tacklers as well as pretty good on plenty of other attributes. Unfortunately my LB is the other legacy player and is now 33 so has maybe 1 or 2 more seasons in him at this level of performance. Hopefully, by time I have to send him on I'll have developed his replacement. I don't know what to do about DMs. I have a bunch of 1.5-2* players who are all just slow and unskilled with varying degrees of mental acumin. I'll use what I have for now while I wait for the star to emerge from the Hamburg Turkish population. At CB we were noticeably better when my German/Italian Denny Pepe could be registered in January. It's pretty telling when I see 8 for Marking & Decisions and consider him one of our best options... What about GKs? I have actually started building GK & the unused Positions (WBs & Midfielders) but it isn't done yet so I haven't added it into the Master Sheet selector. Here you can see some partial stats on my (bad) GK. Honestly, I haven't looked into this enough to really understand what's best to go for, I just know he has made tons of errors and I have a second GK whose ability is roughly the same and costs 80 p/w less towards my wage bill so I'm just going to make the change. Hopefully I can loan out my old starter instead of selling him just in case I need him as we have no depth here. Position Cleaning The less exciting progress is fixing the dirty hard code of position so the stats should be accurately summing only players of a position. I am up to ~120 hard-coded combinations as new weird combos get added each season. I've properly cleaned the FB & CB positions, which brings the tool a step closer to sharing. I really want this finished before I share it as the hard-codes are almost guaranteed to produce dropped players when others import their season statistcs. Statistics Manager Thoughts With how I'm just biding my time in the save till I generate quality defenders I am spending much more time 'playing' in excel than actually in FM. Even at such a low level of Football and with the most basic of summary statistics there's already information to use to hopefully improve my offense to even further overperform on Goal Scoring.
  2. FC Elazig Spor Hamburg Season 9 2031-32 Oberliga Hamburg (Tier 5) Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6 | Season 7 |Season 8 Statistics: Intro & 2030 (S8) | 2029 (S7) & 2028 (S6) | Master Sheet Competitions League: 6 of 20 [Preview – 13/20 (150-1)] Another season, another 6-8th place finish. While we have developed a stellar offense, we still are lacking the quality in DM, CB & GK to actually hold defensively against the top goal-crazy sides. Cup: 8th Final Round We got unlucky and drew Harmbek-Uhlenhorst pretty early in the competition, so again no sweet gate receipt revenue for us... Squad: CA & Overview: We are up to 2 players now over 50 CA our AML Efekan Sengul joins our STC Mehmet Can above the mark. Data Hub: According to the basic Data Hub stats we seem to have done very well offensively, and only slightly bad defensively this season. Seems the new update broke the drawing of the Data Hub Graphs for Np-xG/90. Statistics Excel: Will follow up with a secondary post for my season in statistics-manager Transfers: Still doing a number of development loans, it is helping me keep down the wage-bill. Of the players out the one I plan to bring back and use next season is Cesur Ipek. Even with a bad hip injury he did well out on loan in Turkey and he would easily be our #2 AP-S next season. Youth Academy Youth Intake Preview: Youth Intake: Fairly Underwhelming Intake YI Player Highlights: Academy Data: HOYD: Head Coach We hit 300 games! Club The club is so broke its very worrying. Not sure what else I can do about it. We have the smallest stadium in the league at only 1,000 and I am underspending the wage budget. Soon I will start taking less youth players as my depth is finally starting to work, but that can only save so much money. Manager Thoughts I'll save in depth comments on the performance for my stats update, but generally we are performing in the league as well as can be hoped for with the players we have. While I've been able to develop my offensive talent well enough, I really have just trash CBs, DMs & GKs which is a huge issue for being solid defensively. This intake failed to really deliver that 'star' defensive player, so hopefully my 16-18 year olds who are working their way into the team can get better faster. We will analyze how they did in the following post. One nice thing with loading the game after the update is my Logo Pack is finally working! Might try NewGan again as for some reason I just haven't been able to get it or the shirt-generator to work right with fm23.
  3. I agree with you 100%! I'm pissed how this new 'feature' killed my ALS Porto (Luxembourg) save. Makes me hesitant to start any new YAC in a small nation because of it. Also is part of the motivation behind my building the excel sheet to branch into alternative styles of playing.
  4. issue with the youth facilities is SI see it as a 'realism feature' not a 'bug'...
  5. Here's to hoping that "Future Stars" is filled with anything but so theirs is an open position for you to takeover!
  6. Dang 0 holidays, that is an impressive number of spacebars. Wonder when you'll reach a team where you actually will need to pay money for players to win the league. Maybe Haiti or Jamaica? With this team you might beat your shortest job tenure record if their season is short enough.
  7. Thanks! I'm on Home 2019 for the laptop where I'm building it so it's pretty recent and has been getting the regular updates to integrate it visually into their Office 365 thing. Unfortunately, that doesn't include adding additional functions under the hood. Thinking about backwards-compatibility I realized I should replace my use of Concat() with the legacy Concatenate() so versions like yours can run it. Luckily that's an easy Find/Replce fix. Pretty sure that is the only function that is an updated version in the worksheet. I really should properly learn SQL as well. Part of the justification I have for building this thing is this is forcing me to remember how to do data cleaning & analysis in excel as I haven't done this type of stuff for years. I did academic data cleaning/analysis in STATA during undergrad and just out of college which runs on a modified C language. I think I still have STATA 9 or 10 saved somewhere as you could literally keep it on a flash drive and plug it in and launch it on whatever computer you wanted. Might even be properly licensed to me On another computer I have Office 2010 professional which includes Access. That would be where to really take this thing 'to the next level'. With an external data-source link to an access database I could have every Tier and year all in one pretty package. Ah think of all the data!! But that is a long ways off. Current Plan: First I'll get the functionality I want with the Oberliga. Second will be flexibility to all the Tiers in my game. Then I'll try it on my ALS Porto save and its leagues. I think I have a few save-points there to get a couple years. If all that works without errors it should be ready for public consumption. Maybe then you'll have a reason to learn SQL for real?
  8. FC Elazig Spor Hamburg Spreadsheet-Manager: Dynamic Master Sheet Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6 | Season 7 |Season 8 Statistics: Intro & 2030 (S8) | 2029 (S7) & 2028 (S6) The Strikers of Hamburg Tonight, was another night in spreadsheet-manager as I just couldn't shake the need to understand the power of the Hamburg league offense. Just for a quick refresher, here is the summary table for Strikers with Hamburg and my club Elazig Spor selected. The above links can jump you up (the couple posts) to where our statistics journey began. Fritz Kleiner of Wandsbek In the Hamburg Oberliga among those 21 strong strikers there is one man who stands above the rest, and that is the Wandsbek Legend Fritz Kleiner who years forsake money and a multitude of offers to play up a division to lead the team he loves to the league title. Unfortunately for them (and the rest of us) they failed in the playoffs, so are still here in the Oberliga looking to defend their title. He had multiple offers to move up to the regional divisions to play, but Wansbek finally ponied up and are paying him $500 p/w to repeat his insane season: Comparing Players Now you'll notice that I've started the next season in Hamburg so sadly all the beautiful statistics generated by the game have been reset, so the only place to look into the full breadth of his unbelievable season is in my dataset that I've created. So, is this a convenient thing to do? Not particularly as I'm forced to search by his UID and then read the statistics in the data / cleandata sheets and he's all the way down at 895! Objective There has to be a better way! What we need is a table generated that easily showcases Fritz next to the summary statistics table that we already have available from our last season in spreadsheet-manager. There are a couple different ways we can go about isolating him. The two that make the most sense is to have him with the other 20 Hamburg Star Strikers or to show him with all of his teammates in the dataset. While I can see the first as being the ideal MoneyBall strategy, the second fits more with a Youth Academy Challenge & Head-to-Head matchup preparation situation. Thus, I started first with isolating all the players by team. I'll save by position table for the next session of spreadsheet-manager. Curse of Old Excel For those who use Microsoft 365 or Excel 21+ there is a pretty simple way to accomplish this with their new "Unique" and "Filter" functions that will build for you a list of unique values from a much larger array. Naturally that is not my situation, so I had lots of fun with Array formulas . I ended up building a three. The first set generates the list of Divisions & my cleaned Regional Division Variable. As I'm down in the German Oberliga this is 14 different divisions. Then for each of these divisions I then build a list of all the clubs that are a member of each of these specific local leagues. Even though the biggest has 20 teams I put this formula down further for future-proofing purposes. Generally curious, what league in the game has the most teams in it? The next step is then to repeat this process for the club. Because there are so many clubs instead of fully generating the lists of players I make this one conditional based upon a selected club. You'll notice I use UID and no names, if you have ever done datawork you know to never use name strings as your identifier. Numbers always are better and it is a blessing the game lets you access UIDs. TLDR: Again Man, where's the Sheet! I ramble yet again I know, but this is its own kind of 'season summary' and while eventually I'll build a thread for this somewhere on the forum, its about my Youth Academy save and I consider it just as crucial to the story of Elazig Spor as my yearly performance review. Without further ado, here is my very rough Master sheet: Master Sheet Breakdown Selector Cells Top-Left we have the only part of the sheet now that you need to touch. The top "Division" one I'm not currently using because my other formulas use the cleaned "Regional-Division" variable so that is why there is the big bold red "Oberliga". To find Kleiner, we just need to change clubs as he's also a Striker and in the Hamburg region. You can see that my list isn't alphabetical, I don't want to mess with the array formulas, so you have to work for it to find stuff. You may ask did I fix the GK table? Nope! I swear I don't hate GKs, but again didn't want to deal with the unique variables required there. I also still only have the 4-2-3-1 positions selected because remember this is for me first . We will Select "Wandsbek" and "STC" to get us to Fritz Kleiner! Summary Statistic Table This is the same table at the start of the post with the exception of the final row where Wandsbek has populated now and we can see how their 2 Strikers averaged together against the same benchmarks we compared Mehmet Can in the previous post. Players at Club Table And we've finally found Fritz Kleiner! He's midway down the table and we can see he was being brought down in the average, but who was he being averaged with!? Here is where my hard-coding is producing an error as I'm not sure which of these players is getting counted as a Striker. A truly proper clean of the Position variable is needed here, so that's on the 'to-do' list, but for now we can just look at Kleiner! The most impressive part of his statistics is that he has an xG/90 of .93 and then produced 1.43 Gls/90 with it. And yes, this is boosted by his penalty taking but his nP xG is still .79 which is almost double that of Top Hamburg strikers at .47 and crushes the Tier stats of .21 & .28. Next Steps The first will be to build the League Star Table so when I select Strikers I can get a drop-down list of all 21 Stars in my league to see exactly where each of the players sit and what teams they play for. That will allow direct player to player comparisons to really see if I can get my Mehment Can to outperform Fritz Kleiner! Then of course to finally fix GK and add all the remaining positions. Future Datasets My game has the top-2 tiers of England, Germany, Spain & Italy loaded. This should provide sufficient players for Tier 1 and Tier 2 datasets eventually. I also have kept yearly save-points anticipating this analysis so can produce these for each of the 8 seasons (if I wanted to). Because I haven't loaded tier 3 outside of Germany I will actually have the worst ability to compare my performance at that level. Luckily that is a few years off... Depending how much I procrastinate this week I might start having more relevant data for the group to share and eventually the whole spreadsheet + ScoutView so ya'll can play spreadsheet-manager as well and find even more reason to stare at little numbers on your computer screen!
  9. Thank you! I'm right there with you, there's a special magic when you use your data to tweak strategy in game and then can quantify the effects back in your analysis #SpreadsheetManager I'm up to 3 excel windows for playing Elazig: 1) Season Summary & Youth Data [4Sheet]; 2) Current Ability Calculation [4 Calc Sheets + 2 Sheets P/Y (Youth Intake + Full Squad)]; 3) Player Performance Statistics [8 Calc Sheets + 3 Years of data]. Just managing so much data for performance statistics necessitates sheet specialization. I designed it to handle 4999 Players in a single full player analysis, so that should be sufficient for about any situation. The next 'project' is probably multi-year summary statistics as I've used my Yearly save points to extract both Y6 & Y7 statistics into the spreadsheet. I easily have spent as much or more time working-on "playing" the spreadsheets than the lower league grind at Elzaig. I can't motor through back to back 38 game seasons without losing interest/making tactical mistakes, so the alternative focus has kept things fresh. More for myself here are Y6 (2028) & Y7 (2029) Summary Statistics. I forget who is playing in the National C in France, maybe this can be helpful? No idea what else would be at this low of a level. One point is I like to see how stable the player count is between the spreadsheets: 2194, 2171 & 2188. Makes me think the easy 2000-minute cut-off (which is 22.2 full games) works quite well for 34-38 game season leagues. Still no GK, one day I'll get to it (maybe when I finally have a Goalkeeper worth showing off )
  10. FC Elazig Spor Hamburg Oberliga Statistics 2030 (S8) Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6 | Season 7 |Season 8 Moneyball With all the development SI has been doing on the statistics depth available in FM I've gotten more interested in the Moneyball approach to playing the game vs the 'hoard wonderkids' strategy I (like many of us) have played in the past. This combines with my frustration with SI's change to Board offering Youth Facility Improvements making my small-nation endgame totally stagnant. While I was able to get my Slovenia save in FM22 to progress well with 2 Europa League Trophies my mini-nation saves (Malta & Luxembourg) stall out when we have 150M+ in the bank and are stuck with just "Great" Youth Facilities. This has prompted this current save in a Big-5 league save, with the Lower-League extended databases to give me the small-club 'underdog' experience I crave in FM. Hamburg Oberliga Using a 6-Tier Germany database the size of T5 fluctuates based upon the drop down from the top of the pyramid and the success/failure of teams trying for a 50% chance promotion. In my Universe Hamburg clubs (excluding St Pauli & HSV) have not done well in Germany. Hamburg starts with only three clubs in Tier 4 and no clubs in Tier 3. While Altona 93 has held their position in T4, every team who has gotten promoted from our Oberliga T5 was instantly relegated back down to us. In addition, Entracht Norderstedt and FC Teutonia Ottensen who start in T4 have fallen down to us and have failed to even win our league even once, thus haven't even had a chance at promotion. Due to this our league has grown to 20 teams from 17 when we got promoted into it. With this many teams not getting promoted it made me wonder: how hard is our Oberliga compared to all the others in Germany? I highlighted Wandsbek stupidly efficient striker in the above post, which really made me ask: Do our clubs' Star Players perform better than the Tier Average? Because of that (and my rationalization that building excel-sheets is "learning" so I feel less guilty staying up building one rather than 'playing one more game') I've started a stats excel sheet. Resources Before i built my own I searched through the forums and online for different spreadsheets that players have made publicly available. A really useful website for me was https://fmstag.com/ who talks about some interesting created statistics they use as well as a nicely produced spreadsheet to download for direct player comparison. An older post on the forum is a good discussion providing a great spreadsheet. Then I've been a watcher of The Cult of FM YouTube channel where he uses Moneyball in the majority of his saves explaining his logic in transfers and analysis very well. While I didn't use any formulas/code from any of these sources they provided inspiration into how I structured my spreadsheet as well as will guide future generated statistics in the future. Excel So what did I do? I used an unemployed manager to export a list of all Oberliga Players who played at least 2000 minutes in the 2030 season. I then did conditional summary statistics based on two dimensions: 1) Division/Club & 2) Average Rating. I ended up with this universe: In the Squad-View I created I added tons of statistics including all of the standardized %, Ratio and /90min datapoints I could reliably get. There are two major facts you can't get without any scouting: 1) Most common played position & 2) Best Foot. Really the latter just means you can't differentiate between inverted vs regular wide players. Why 2000 Minutes Honestly, because its a pain in the *** to do anything in between the 1000 marks as you have to manually tick up/down as the search bar won't let you type in a value. To check though how many star players I missed in my search I did an alternative search of just Oberliga players and sorted by Average Rating. Of the top 100 players across the Oberliga only 3 played less than 2000 minutes at about 1900. Therefore, if I dropped it down to say 1800 minutes I would be skewing for much lower performing players. Dealing with Positions The only position variable that (I found) available is the full 'all Green' "Position", which can have unlimited positions included. I used a two-step clean on it to break out all the combinations that appeared in my database into individual position variables (took ~90 hardcode rules and that is nowhere near all the combinations). I then created binary variables for each position to notch per player what positions they can play in. Yellow highlights just to showcase an example player who can play 3 different positions, so he gets 1 for each position. I put space in for 7 PosVars but my universe only had up to 5 for any player. Why is this important? Because of the multiple positions players can play they will get counted multiple times and in averages where they may never actually been played by their manager. If there was a 'most common position' variable I could utilize that would fix this issue, but the upside of this 'issue' is that the population of each sub-group is higher than it would be naturally and fits with a lower-league situation where you have less specialization. TLDR: Show me Stats! I know I write too much, sorry about that wall of text. Here are all the field player summary tables. I got tired last night and didn't finish GK and honestly am not in the mood to dive into excel today, so I'll update this later with GK. Also I have fully switched to a 4-2-3-1 so I just did the formation positions in the summary sheet. I have calculated all positions in the data tabs, so eventually I can add them. What am I looking at? I made 6 different populations, but only am displaying 5. The first axis is Division/Club which has 3 steps: All Oberliga, Hamburg Oberliga, Elazig Spor Hamburg (Club). The second axis is Average Rating which is only 2 steps: All players & Players with 7.00 or higher Average Rating. Due to how few of my players are in the universe (10) it makes no sense using the 5 that are over 7.00 rating. The names of the statistics are literally what the game exports from the squad view. These first two for Striker are Dribbles per 90 minutes & Springs per 90 Minutes. Choosing STC first lets me highlight when a singular player from my squad is isolated. Here is my Striker, who is our highest CA player in the squad (so I get to show off my "talent ): What is interesting to see here is that even though Mehmet Can is an absolute snail-paced player with 5 across the board for speed ability, he still makes the full Oberliga average for Sprints, and more than other Hamburg Strikers. Sliding down the table looking at Goal-Scoring we have: Shots on Target / 90 ; Expected Goals / 90 ; Goals / 90 ; Non-Penalty Expected Goals / 90 ; Shots / 90. Yes I know the order is bad, but its just how it ended up in the export when I made the view. You can see that across-the-board Mehmet Can was above every average Oberliga performance even though he had an under-performing season compared to last year. Part of it was he had a mid-season slump and one of my young prospects became a great off-the bench speed forward scoring repeatedly off the bench. While his starts didn't impress, 11 goals in only 1100 minutes of play isn't bad and helped share the workload. Hamburg Strikers vs Oberliga Overall Here in the striker category there are multiple dimensions of how Hamburg forwards are overperforming the league average. Even before we get to the broken out stats the Percentage of 7.00 Avg Rating players in Hamburg who can play striker (and played 2000 minutes) is massively higher than the overall tier average. 47% vs 27%. If we then just focus on the scoring averages, star Hamburg Strikers have at least 2x every of the statistics for the league in general. When looking at stars from the league overall, while they are noticably better than the full population of strikers there is still a wide gulf between them and the Hamburg strikers. Fair to say we are in a punishingly offensive league! Example of 2 Players Moving over to AML the statistics for Elazig include both my striker Mehmet Can above as well as my exciting AML Efekan Sengul. Dude is Resolute, with speed, dribbling, flair & technique all at 12. If we look at the AML table, you'll see that he and Mehmet Can are being averaged together to give us our AML statistics Even with the below-average dribbling of Can, our AML Drb/90 & Sprints/90 stats are still above all the averages for every league. Just how high then is Sengul? 4.51 Drbl/90. This absolutely demolishes the averages. This gulf shows the real weakness of these stat averages without player attribute value filters. But from a 'game philosophy' standpoint being in the German Oberilga we don't have the scouts to tell us anything about these players abilities, so we "realistically" only have access to whatever publicly available statistics are published. Obviously, its not realistic for us to grab the data on every player in our league, but maybe we have a friend at a stats company who is feeding us this intel? Anyways, long post but thought I'd show what I'm working on adding into my excel library. It's not ready to be shared as its hard-coded to be used with the German Oberliga. At some point I'll build a GUI to add league flexibility and filtering options. Probably won't happen till I get promoted and am forced to make changes to keep using it. So lets go Erzag and get up to the Regional Division!
  11. FC Elazig Spor Hamburg Season 8 2030-31 Oberliga Hamburg (Tier 5) Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6 | Season 7 | Competitions League: 8 of 20 [Preview – 17/20 (400-1)] There are so many teams in our division now. Yet another relegated team and our champion failed to advance, so now we have a marathon 38 game season. I have to say we did great with us just 4 points off 4th place we have closed the gap and joined the top pack. Wandsbek just stupidly over-performed this season due completely to their amateur striker Fritz Kleiner who scored a stupid 55 goals in 38 league appearances on just a 36xG. Cup: 2nd Round Very disappointing here as we beat Juventude 2-0 in the league and then turned around and lost in the cup an embarrassing 4-1 Squad: Excel is sorted by Coach CA Rating (showcase how well he does) ; Squad is Sorted by Minutes Played. I've built a new excel sheet for statistics so I'll save Squad analysis for a separate post. Transfers: Youth Academy Youth Intake Preview: Youth Intake: We found ourselves a star! My upgrade to both JR Coaching & Youth Recruitment seems to already working in our favor. YI Player Highlights: Academy Data: HOYD Head Coach Still working on my License, but here are my stats: Club Finances are a mess now with everything working against us: No cup run, increased Youth Setup costs (YR, JRC & Rep all increased), and increased wages for my youths hitting real contracts. FC Victoria started the season going into administration and they were top 3 for the past 5 seasons; hopefully we can get a takeover / promotion before it happens to us... Manager Thoughts Very excited about our intake and the increasing performance and development of our starters. There will be a couple lineup changes for next season with me phasing out my CB who is 34 now as well as trying new players at DM, which has now become my second worst position after CB. Even with his inconsistent attribute, my 6'5" GK is developing well and should do the job till I get a surprise stellar GK intake. I'll save most of this for the stats-update post that I'll follow up with. Slow and stead Lower League Progress!
  12. That's not good, probably will be the same for any other team there. Guess you'll have to watch the inbox like a hawk to resign from WE United to save them some money. Gives you more time to score that FCCC Trophy.
  13. FC Elazig Spor Hamburg Season 7 2029-30 Oberliga Hamburg (Tier 5) Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6 | Competitions League: 6 of 19 [Preview – 13/19 (300-1)] We had a great league campaign and though we got the inbox message for a title-challenge we were very much that 2nd rung below the top pack. Works for me. We started 3 16 year-old players so while we had some inconsistency in the fall, we went on an amazing run undefeated From December to April when the team fully jelled. Cup: Runner Up! With us finding our footing in the league I was actually able to focus on the cup for the first time and my prioritizing paid off as we made it all the way to the Final! We lost 2-1 to a much better Altona 93 side so we didn't get the spoils, but we did get the gate receipts for a 9,775 attendance match which was in the range of $30k. The structure of the Verbandspokals make it so the Hamburg Cup is actually one of the easiest to win. This DB has it set up correct where all teams from that region are entered into the competition (excluding Reserve Teams). What makes Hamburg so easy is we have no 3rd Liga teams and just 2 Regional Division (T4) teams in the competition. The rest is the teams in my Oberliga (T5) & then the 2 Hamburg LandesLigas (T6), so its basically a league cup for us: Most other Verbandspokal have 3-7 Regional Division Teams and 1 3rd Liga team in addition to their specific Oberliga & the feeder LandesLigas. Quickly looking through the 21 different cups I think only the specific South Baden Cup is easier as that region doesn’t have a dedicated Oberliga, just a Verbandisliga as it’s the weaker half of the combined Baden-Wurtemberg Oberliga: Basically, this means as my team matures we will more and more focus on the cup competition as getting promoted out of our division is very difficult (and I don't want to have what happened in LUX occur where an early relegation gets me fired) Verbandspokal - Wikipedia & Hamburg Cup - Wikipedia Squad: I did a little formatting for my spreadsheet to showcase we have our first youth intake player who has breached 50 CA! Our very own Lower League Star Striker Mehmet Can who got 29 Goals in 40 games this season. He's slow but strong, smart and can finish, which is perfectly fine for a 19 year old striker. I also got him to agree to a 3+3 Year contract so I've locked down our most important player. I should probably add age into my spreadsheet but that will happen when I'm in the mood to rework it (as I forgot Age in my export-view). EDIT: Fiddled with the Excel some more to include Attribute categories and added Age height & weight into the dataset. Lots of Red shows we have a long way to go. Transfers: A perk of the club having Turkey youth players is I can send my 18 year olds to the Turkey amateur leagues for loans. Even though they can get some dire ratings over there, the players actually are improving by significant amounts (especially mental attributes) way more than being just a rotation player for us (or playing friendlies in the U19). I brough one back early as our AMR. Yekta Ozuduz will be our playmaker next season and I'll be looking forward to sending more 18 year olds out and testing out my new batch of 16 year olds. Youth Academy Youth Intake Preview: Youth Intake: I’d say this was a pretty great intake. Certainly, I can tell this new HOYD favors finding quicker players while both my previous HOYD went for mental ability. For my counter-attack style I think this is a better attribute skew. I decided to take 9, which is a lot at this point. YI Player Highlights: Academy Data: Right at the end of the last season my HOYD got poached for the head coach position of a recently promoted side (ASV Hamburg). They made a good choice as he was able to keep them up against the odds, but it left us searching again for a HOYD. No natural HOYDs with remotely good personalities were available, but I found a U19 Head Coach who has a very solid spread of attributes. Considering the intake we got, have to say he did just fine. Head Coach Started my final coaching badge: Club Even though we are still broke I got the board to agree to a Junior coaching upgrade early in the season. At the end of the season when I renegotiated the season objectivies the board decided that we are a Youth-First club maxing out the requirement to develop youth players! I've capitalized on this with an additional JR Coaching upgrade as well as a Youth Recruitment Upgrade. Also our performance in the Cup has bumped the Club Reputation up to 1.0*, which will be good to hold onto my developing youngsters. Manager Thoughts This was a great season. We really need to find more defensive players to bring through the academy as we have 1-2 more seasons till I will need to replace the final 2 legacy players in my backline. My goal is to get us a cup win before that happens to hopefully balance the budget to get more JR Coaching and YR Upgrades.
  14. A tough CCC group there, nice work advancing! Hope the board sees reason and hires you on for Latinos, always enjoy seeing a foreign regen team.
  15. Guess you'll just have to go win the Carribean Club Championship while you wait for a coach to grow old and retire
  16. FC Elazig Spor Hamburg Season 6 2028-29 Oberliga Hamburg (Tier 5) Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Competitions League: 8 of 17 [Preview – 19./19 (1000-1)] If you look at the league position we had a strong start with our slide in games 6-12 and then we climbed back to mid-table by match 18 and just held that for the rest of the season. Cup: 2nd Round Same story here Squad: Showing by gametime while you can see we have some real stars in the club there are also some pretty low CA rated players getting massive gametime and only 5 of our players have over a 7.00 AVG Rating. One positive is my Striker who took 23 Hours to score did not have that problem this year managing 25 goals in 37 matches. Not the most unbelievable performance, but not too shabby for a 17 year-old. Even better, I signed him onto a new 2+2 year contract so we can depend on him for a while as he slowly improves as a DLF. Performance More statistical underperformance by the team, but it's not nearly as bad as in previous seasons. The big point is on Attacking we are actually almost completely above the league average with a ton of shots that leading to more xG which we are converting with 1.75 Goals for 1.78 xG. I'm still shocked that statistically we should have made it to 3rd, I really didn't see us as that strong this season. Reason being is we are terrible at defense. Sadly this won't change next season as I'll be using a new CB and GK. Tactic: Nothing exciting here just figure its worth showing. My players are so bad really just pushing numbers into the box has been the way to get points as our defensive players will just miss marks and tackles anyways to give up break-aways and gifting penalties Best XI Transfers: Will update if I sell anyone this summer Youth Academy Youth Intake Preview: Youth Intake: YI Player Highlights: Academy Data: Head Coach No badges, but I hit 200 games! Club Same broke story Manager Thoughts Long season is over and our offense is finally clicking, but defense has just peaked and it was still one of the worst in the league. 4 of our 5 starts (Def+GK) are over 30. Only 1 Dominik Erhorn is from our youth academy and he's actually developed well and should hold his position for a long time. The rest will all need to be replaced in the next 3 seasons and I'll be testing 2 next year. Should make for a high-scoring season ahead, just question is if we will score more than we let in...
  17. FC Elazig Spor Hamburg Season 5 2027-28 Oberliga Hamburg (Tier 5) Competitions League: 8 of 17 [Preview – 17/17 (1000-1)] We had an awful start to the season with a 14-game winless streak and I was forced to abandon the 5-3-3 for the classic aggressive 4-2-3-1 Geggenpress. It took a while, but slowly we turned the season around and worked our way back to our regular mid-table finish. Part of the issue was rushing my new striker into the frontline before he was ready. Took him 23 Hours to score his first Goal....yikes! But really, with 1000-1 odds getting Mid-table is really all you can ask for as the grind continues to build-up the squad. Cup: 1st Round Lost the screenshot and can't be bothered, I run all backups for this as we just don't have the depth for extra games and there is no monetary value to the Verbandspokals until you get to the QFs. When we are challenging for the title in our league then I'll start focusing on these as winning this cup is what gets you entered into the DFB-Pokal. Squad: Lots of low ratings around the team so we have a long way to go to get a squad that's evaluated as competitive at this level. Performance: You can see from our xG table that we under-performed this year but it really wasn't that dreadful there are just some wild outperformances by some of these teams. What I should have done is taken the xG before and after we switched to a 4-2-3-1 as I'm pretty sure we significantly over-performed in the back half of the season once my Striker figured out how to shoot and the team began working in the new formation. Transfers: Youth Academy Youth Intake Preview: Youth Intake: The only positive about this intake is the personalities: 4 Fair Professionals, 1 Resolute, 1 Driven & 1 Light-Hearted. I guess also we got some interesting nationalities considering this is an alt-nation save. YI Player Highlights: Academy Data: I've played the next season, so the summary will wait till the second post, but here are the specifics for this intake. Again, lots of data for awful players, but hopefully it will pay off later when there are actual useful players coming through. Generating this table is now just a copy-paste of the exported player-list, so now I'll start thinking about what next I want to automate. Thinking Personality + Media Handling to then have a better grasp of mentoring groups later. Head Coach No change for me, but I am getting my HOYD started on coaching badges Club We were still losing money so of course no improvements and everything is so bad it shouldn't ever go down. I really don't think there is any way to be profitable down here with a Youth Only save due to needing to keep everyone on contracts to stop poaching and paying all the youth Manager Thoughts I'll be updating with a second season after this tonight as I'll actually have some time to chug through the final matches. The league expanded to 19 teams due to 2 Relegations appearing, so it's like I'm playing in English Lower-Leagues with a 38-game season. My slowdown is that I'm busy right now so am not playing FM as much as I'm still enjoying this truly difficult challenge down here in the depths of Germany.
  18. Yes, just prepare for the long haul. That will have promotion and relegation for choosing a team.
  19. From my understanding, the reason it's allowed for a lower-league database is that they are attempting to include most if not all of the pyramid so very often the lowest league won't have relegation. It's been the case for me in Luxembourg, Slovenia and Malta which were all 5-6 tier databases so wasn't sure if it would be the same for Scotland. That low the teams are fully amateur with only YI players and almost uniformly minimal facilities and stadiums so there's basically no difference between the teams. I get your frustration, which is why that other thread was started though no one has really done a save over there. Opens up other nations like Ireland and USA without relegation.
  20. FC Elazig Spor Hamburg Season 4 2025-26 Oberliga Hamburg (Tier 5) Competitions League: 9 of 17 [Preview – 17/17 (900-1)] We were hot & and then cold this season. We started with a 10 game unbeaten streak putting us at the top of the league. We then proceeded to go winless for almost 3 months winning the final game before winter break bringing us down to 9th place. It was a repeat when we returned from the holiday just shorter stretches ending with us only scoring 1 goal in our final 7 games so we ended up in 9th place with our 10 draws in 32 matches. Cup: 2nd Round We drew the recently relegated side in our division early and they beat us. Fine. Squad: Performance: Across the whole season it was our defense that failed us, though that end of season goal-drought was worriesome. Not sure how much any tweaks to the position roles or marking will help, we just need better CBs and a good GK. Once that happens things should improve dramatically. Transfers: This summer will be a clear-out of the non-developing and just extra players. An amateur Turkish club came in for some youth players in the winter, so hopefully I can send them to clubs. I'll update this if more happen over the summer. Youth Academy Youth Intake Preview: Same as last year. Youth Intake: I'm pretty happy with this intake as it delivered 2 of the positions where we need serious help: CB & STC. The additional CAM is just icing on the cake. YI Player Highlights: Academy Data: My rough data fits with my impression that this was our best intake so far, which is great. Looking at my HOYD he is slowly getting better at the role, which hopefully will continue to help us find better players. Head Coach Got my Cont. A! Club No upgrades, we're still broke Manager Thoughts We got our striker!! Like seriously this is what I've been waiting for these past few intakes. Hopefully this is a sign of increasing quality of players coming through so we can finally have the depth to make it through the whole season and challenge for the title. If you look at the matches we rarely got blown out with most games being decided by a single goal. If our striker can deliver more than the abysmal 5 & 6 goals our current strikers gave us I can see the deciding goal shifting into our favor.
  21. If any player deserves legend status, it's that man. I don't blame him wanting to retire on a high (as I assume you couldn't get him to reconsider). Maybe now that he's retired they can name the stadium after him?
  22. yes I'm pretty sure the Scotland 10-tier is fine. Not sure if that has relegation in the bottom playable division. If it doesn't you just choose any team that finished last in its league. GL!
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