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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. https://www.fmscout.com/a-fmXML-for-windows.html
  2. I like your progress.. tho i'm not a fan of your titlebar, but thats all a matter of taste. as i've said before, it nice to follow your progress both on the graphocs side and panel side.. keep it up
  3. when looking through the files, make sure you also look for classes as it can make a thing work. it's hard to help when we don't know what your page is doing and not doing. Edit: My guess would be that you're missing team training person table info panel.xml
  4. https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/563560-scouting-update-screen/#comment-13685983
  5. top one is player reports overview summary vertical scouting card 2nd is youth development youth candidate squad list panel
  6. probably in the icon container, but not sure about that
  7. settings file, normaly they follow the colour yo give positions
  8. Noted. need to look abit more into that, as i'm not using background pictures, it works for me.
  9. please keep it in english, it will be alot easier to help you that way.
  10. if you go into the file, you can find the picture widget and put transparency="put a number you want"
  11. in club info ? if it's not on a tab or dropdown menu, it's probably not in the skin
  12. @JustHowie the creator gave you the answer or solution CoB is the client objest browser in line 52 just replace file="backgrounds/club colours" with File=""
  13. change flags to record and put a width at the end <record id="Pnms" width="130"/>
  14. You will have to extract it from the gamefiles
  15. have you checked the default fm settings file if it's there ? it's just a guess that it might be on option
  16. JustFM0.02\graphics\boxes\Just\background fade paper.png
  17. there is no list per say, but there is all the properties files not everything is in the person properties. so take a look there for a start
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