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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. i believe the graphics is this one sitoolkit\skins\fm-widgets\graphics\buttons\custom\transfer value check the FM settings to see if there is a colour for it there, i havnt checked
  2. even tho the change thats needed i 4 letters, you still need to download the base skin and copy it into your skins folder Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\skins Then inside the skin you just downloaded, panels/match drop this file in start game, go to preferences and pick the base skin you just added - reload the skin and you should have the odds fixture details.xml
  3. You would have to download the base skin here then extract the default files "Panels" this way then after extracting the "panels" file, you find the match folder and the file called fixture details.xml find the code similar to this <!--odds--> <widget id="test" class="fixture_odds_text"> <record id="object_property" get_property="FxOd" /> </widget> then replace the current code with the one i've posted save the file and copy it into the base skin in the match folder clear the cacse and reload the skin
  4. titlebar.xml the menu is found in client object browser.xml
  5. have you unticked "use cached files" in preferences ?
  6. The stuff you and Gimn keeps making amazes me, and this is no exception.. it's suits perfectly into your skin and how you've build it up. it's good learning for everyone else, but please don't burn yourself out. it would be ashame if you did.
  7. I would not be able to say yes or no. there is ALOT of work in it and trial and errors finding text, panels, pages, etc where things needs to be changed. @Olas Nick and @GIMN would be able to tell you exactly how many hours and the amount of headache's they have had making theres so if you have time, patience and the willingness. you might be able to make it.
  8. the black dots colour can be changed in the "skin colour" option, in preferences the "work rate" is buttons, you can customize them by clicking on the little dot next to it and "mentallity" is probably a oversight, i'll let @_Ben_ answer that
  9. There is not a base light skin, but maybe one of these can be of use
  10. ahh yes ofc, was just the 1st thought i had. But it's never been in the skin in the first place. File size might be a possibility, but i have no clue
  11. maybe, no clue. But maybe thats why they removed it in the first place or disabled it until a solution was found. all i can say is, try and move the file to a place outside of the skin and see if the speed comes back
  12. it's not just a few files, it's all tangled into the Scoutcards in the mails and scoutcentre. and making them usable for others will take too forever and as said above, my paths is a mess
  13. you need to extract it it's not a folder you see in skins
  14. simatchviewer-pc\art\shared_textures and you'll find match_background.dds
  15. Ahh okay, thanks for sharing. @JustHowie @dino88 if you feel like giving it a try
  16. I've just checked and true it does look alittle bare But i've no idea if you can change it or not. for the left side you can always click the scoreboard and have the left panel down, but as i never play 2d i don't know
  17. I never play 2d and tbh, i can't even remember how it's supposed to look But i doubt they have removed stands if they used to be there, then it's down to your graphics settings of the game
  18. you can try this, but it might not sit the correct place make a copy of your working one before replacing tactics icon info panel overview.xml
  19. in player scout reports analysis subpanel i call a file that contains this <panel save_session_state='true'> <layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="795,-1" /> <boolean id="should_force_refresh" value="true"/> <!-- LEFT SIDE CONTAINER --> <container> <layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="205, -1" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> <!-- PIC AND PERSONAL DETAILS --> <widget class="player_positions_indicator_panel" file="player/player positions"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> </widget> <widget class="player_attributes_panel" id="patt" late_loading="true" dont_allow_custom_attribute_change_ranges="true" file="player/player attributes"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> </widget> </container> </panel> File path simplyfied as mine is a mess currently
  20. it needs to be in the same container as the attributes 57bfd22f90b8c0af5fa8ad4b00e40b81.mp4
  21. Nothing is easy when it comes to skin making / changing sorry. i could point you to this maybe thats easier, but i doubt it. it will all take time and an effort.
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